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COMICS |OT| September 2016. Comics Should Be Good.

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
i'm putting Uncanny Avengers #1 into the basket of deplorables, seems like another book that exists to get between relaunches. Started on issue #2 but it's sluggish.

It's probably my favorite Avengers book despite the art. I don't really disagree with your assessment of it feeling like a placeholder at all though.



Awww yeaaaah


Alright, time for me to get caught up on Green Arrow. Then The Flash after that.

Also I think I might prefer Alvaro Martinez art than Eddy Barrows on Detective. Although both are absolutely killing it.


So I finally got around to reading ROM's 2016 (thus far two issue) run. It's surprisingly good. The story has a lot of intrigue with the paranoia as to how deep the Dire Wraiths have penetrated human society and the human characters serve as great foils to the once-human space knight whose about as emotional as a toaster while having plenty of potential meat to munch on as they develop over the course of the series run. That said, ROM's dialogue ion its own is a bit stilted and dated in the first issue. Some might argue it's meant to invoke how he talked in his beloved late 70s/early 80s, but that doesn't change the fact that it's 2016 and comics are no longer written with that sort of bombast and grandeur like they were during that period, though this does improve in the second issue (ROM even tries to make a joke at one point). I'm also not a fan of how ROM is rendered in the first issue, but that's a nitpick at best since the art has some generally strong pencils and the overall design has some neat touches like ROM's analyzer being eyes. Overall, it's definitely worth checking out, especially given the twist in the second issue, for lack of a better expression, flipping the table for those familiar with ROM's original series. I'll definitely be seeing where it goes from here.
ok so how old is spider-gwen?

Shel's like 18-19. MJ mentioned in the Annual that the band were a bunch of 19-year olds, but it was also while she was telling off Uatu the Watcher so that segment was definitely non-canon. lol

Miles is 16-17ish. He was 15 when Secret Wars started and like a year and half has past since then. (8 months on the raft and 8 months with the start of ANAD Relaunch.)


Well this has less tie-ins than I expected.

So it's an event book type crossover then instead of a comic to comic one? Good. I prefer that to having my characters hijacked a la Spider-Women or Battle for the Cowl.
Man, I wish I could get some of these variants as prints:

I do wonder how they're going to handle the White Ranger stuff, since we know it happens in this continuity because it's brought up in Kim's miniseries. Book has been great so far though.

So I should read the Pink Ranger comic? Unfun Fact: Trina is dead. She was killed in a car accident in like 2000.
Shel's like 18-19. MJ mentioned in the Annual that the band were a bunch of 19-year olds, but it was also while she was telling off Uatu the Watcher so that segment was definitely non-canon. lol

I just bashed out the first age that popped out into my head but this sounds more right. She has her own place she shares with Betty, she has (had) a part time job , she refers to school in past tense with the harry stuff, 18-19 sounds more right.
So I should read the Pink Ranger comic?

I don't know if I'd go that far. We've had a change of writer mid-series, which isn't a good sign, but it was going to interesting places. These books are quickly turning into Ultimate MMPR, with all the good and bad that entails.

I still want a Tales of the Power Rangers anthology comic with all the different teams over the years.
About that...

You mean by the end of that Uncanny X-Men run?

Pretty sure Bendis just basically wrote her out like that so no other writers could use her. He did the same with Victoria Hand at the end of his Avengers run and admitted he just killed her off for that reason.
I'm pretty sure Lemire said she was gonna show up in the IvX stuff, and since Beast is also supposed to play a pivotal role, I'm guaranteeing there's about to be a reckoning. She deserves a comeuppance for that bullshit.
Bought Fearless Defenders Vol 1 and 2 today for $5. Fear Agent 1-5 for $5 each. Hopefully I'm not disappointed. Never read them.

I think that is Misty on the cover.
I only read Fearless Defenders Vol. 1 and have yet to read Vol. 2. It was pretty average overall but it had some cool moments.

Here's my review of it, but I'll only link rather than quote since it's spoiler heavy.
So it's an event book type crossover then instead of a comic to comic one? Good. I prefer that to having my characters hijacked a la Spider-Women or Battle for the Cowl.

So I should read the Pink Ranger comic? Unfun Fact: Trina is dead. She was killed in a car accident in like 2000.
Pink Ranger is fucking dope. Seriously. BOOM! has been firing on all cylinders lately and the Power Ranger books are fully representative of that


I'm pretty sure Lemire said she was gonna show up in the IvX stuff, and since Beast is also supposed to play a pivotal role, I'm guaranteeing there's about to be a reckoning. She deserves a comeuppance for that bullshit.

I only read Fearless Defenders Vol. 1 and have yet to read Vol. 2. It was pretty average overall but it had some cool moments.

Here's my review of it, but I'll only link rather than quote since it's spoiler heavy.

Pink Ranger is fucking dope. Seriously. BOOM! has been firing on all cylinders lately and the Power Ranger books are fully representative of that

I will be so hurt if they bring back Eva just to shit on her :(
I only read Fearless Defenders Vol. 1 and have yet to read Vol. 2. It was pretty average overall but it had some cool moments.

While I like the series, I do think the story was a bit on the middling side. It wasn't bad. It at least kept me interested enough to see the story through. But I think that the best part of the series by far was how creative they got with the covers. Those covers were amazing.

I will be so hurt if they bring back Eva just to shit on her :(
She deserves it for pulling what is effectively a high level crime in the MU, and then having the audacity of riding her high horse at Scott for something that wasn't even his fault. Her and Beast are made for each other
While I like the series, I do think the story was a bit on the middling side. It wasn't bad. It at least kept me interested enough to see the story through. But I think that the best part of the series by far was how creative they got with the covers. Those covers were amazing.
Pretty much. I do plan on finishing it out though.


gumball <3.

so how many issues of Cap:sam wilson are available to read atm on marvel unlimited.

same thing for mighty thor.
That one, not so much. Although I did buy Cartoon Network Punch Time Explosion XL, but that was mainly for the Ben 10 characters
and Captain Planet

An updated version would make more sense, with Adventure Time and Steven Universe characters at least. Although I would like to see Mordecai and Rigby in a fighting game.


She deserves it for pulling what is effectively a high level crime in the MU, and then having the audacity of riding her high horse at Scott for something that wasn't even his fault. Her and Beast are made for each other

Pretty much. I do plan on finishing it out though.

What is the better solution?
What is the better solution?

There were literally hundreds of different time periods that she could have stopped at. She chose the single most dangerous option: completely erasing him from existence. Ultimately, it was for the better, yes, but that's not really the thing that upsets me regarding it: it's how she attacked Scott for it. Scott: they guy who was calming him down and getting him under control. The guy who only died because Maria Hill got trigger happy. The entire chain reaction of events is Maria Hill's fault.

Besides, we've seen what happens when people time travel to kill: it doesn't end well. Look how well Age of Ultron worked out.

Honestly though, the Omega Mutant/Last Will and Testament arc was just plain bad writing


I just got caught up with Rebirth Superman. What the fuck?! DC needs to do a better job explaining just what the hell happened in the beginning, because it made no sense to me at all. Without any context, the story with the
barely made any sense either.

New Superman started out well. Good to see someone who has some ego in him.


I just got caught up with Rebirth Superman. What the fuck?! DC needs to do a better job explaining just what the hell happened in the beginning, because it made no sense to me at all. Without any context, the story with the
barely made any sense either.

New Superman started out well. Good to see someone who has some ego in him.
What exactly were you confused about?
I've just started reading Morning Glories and my mind is blown. It's one of the best things I've ever read. I have no idea why I put it off for so long. I guess I didn't realize there was a mystery/weird aspect to it and just thought it was about teenagers at school!

It's seriously like a spiritual successor to Lost. I can't wait I'll I'm off work so I can read more.

I started off really liking Morning Glories. I binge-read the trades, and was in the 30s when I just lost interest. It felt like the story was going nowhere. It was like the writer had no idea where the story was going, so he just kept introducing new mysteries and characters so that he never had to revisit the ones that were there from the beginning. Very frustrating.
I just got caught up with Rebirth Superman. What the fuck?! DC needs to do a better job explaining just what the hell happened in the beginning, because it made no sense to me at all. Without any context, the story with the
barely made any sense either.

New Superman started out well. Good to see someone who has some ego in him.
Jon's powers started to awaken, so Clark and Lois took him the Fortress of Solitude to study and help him. Eradicator shows up claiming that Jon is an abomination and needs to be purified. The Kents object and proceed to beat the fuck out of him.

What's confusing? And how would you read it without context? All relevant knowledge is included.
Do I need to read the main Avengers title for Standoff?
No. SamCap is the main book for it, but all you need to know is "supervillain prison riot."


What exactly were you confused about?

Two Supermans, especially with at the beginning the Superman who seemed to belong to that world died. But yet, the living Superman seems like an outsider and yet... takes over with the same costume? Maybe I'm not reading it right.

And what I didn't understand about the Eradicator was that it seemed to be out to consume Kryptonians, yet its focus was purely on Jon and not his father.

And it seemed like Eradicator and Superman had met before, but I had no reference to what their last meeting was really about. It sort of felt like they kept referencing things in the past, but as someone who is totally new to comics in general, it felt like I barely had any context.

I don't know... it's probably just me...
Two Supermans, especially with at the beginning the Superman who seemed to belong to that world died. But yet, the living Superman seems like an outsider and yet... takes over with the same costume? Maybe I'm not reading it right.

And what I didn't understand about the Eradicator was that it seemed to be out to consume Kryptonians, yet its focus was purely on Jon and not his father.

And it seemed like Eradicator and Superman had met before, but I had no reference to what their last meeting was really about. It sort of felt like they kept referencing things in the past, but as someone who is totally new to comics in general, it felt like I barely had any context.

I don't know... it's probably just me...

Superman: Lois & Clark from last year covers a lot of that. There's also Convergence, but that's far too much for a new reader.

It's all collected in one trade, it's a good read IMO.

The story of what happened to the New 52 Superman goes back quite a bit, across multiple books through Truth and JLA's Power & Glory arc, but it ends with The Final Days of Superman, which I think is all being collected into one book very soon. That was also great stuff.
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