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COMICS!!! |OT| September 2017 | 25 Years of wearing a smile to work!


I watched a young kid come into my local shop recently and said he wanted to read some Avengers. He liked the movies, and wanted to read a comic. The store led the kid to the singles area and wasn't really able to point out a good comic for him to jump on at. There are currently six titles for Avengers, and that is probably too many. It wasn't a matter of confusion between a few new characters. It was a more systemic problem of too many books, and too much garbage in those books. They really need to pare down their line and focus on releasing quality content again.

I haven't read any Marvel in over a year that wasn't old (been reading Ultimate Spider-Man and original FF). I have Marvel Unlimited, but even with the six month delay, I'm not interested in anything that has been coming out.

It was so simple years ago with the Marvel Adventures line but can't bring that back, gotta pimp out a fucking cartoon that you likely saw 5 months ago.

And yeah, Marvel is trimming the line down but I fear it's only for event shit.
I know that your future victories will be bigger and bigger. Really. I'm giving you the same advice I'd give myself. I don't want to give up just because my last few situations haven't worked out. I don't even know of someone I'm interested right now, but I keep going to new places and meeting new people. It all works out. I think your latest date was an important step in the right direction.

This is good.

Before I went to uni (where I am now) I was pretty low on confidence...but then at enrolment a really pretty girl started talking to me...and she was on the same course and some part of my brain thought "Fuck it, maybe it's not so bad".

Anyway then I met loads of other people on my course, now it's a roughly 50/50 split...and everyone gets on. I think that helped because rather than thinking "why would anyone talk to me...suddenly I was being the "me" people wanted to talk to. It's that confidence thing.

Now we all semi regularly go to an eSports bar in London that one of us works at and meet new people and just socialize and hang out. Also met other people playing DnD for the first time...so yeah.

GameProff, you will meet someone. Just work on the confidence, try new things and meet new people. Maybe try internet dating too. I have never touched it but my friend just told me he got a date via Tinder this week and he's the last person you'd expect to use it :/


Internet Dating is all I ever did. I messaged with a bunch of women from Jodel, some kind of anonym Twitter for students that works with locations (here I first meet my date) and am using Cadidate and Tindern... and I am on my 5th or 6th Tinder Account but using tinder is a great waste of time anyway unless you look like a topmodel.

The meeting in person stuff is the most difficult part for me anyway.


Internet Dating is all I ever did. I messaged with a bunch of women from Jodel, some kind of anonym Twitter for students that works with locations (here I first meet my date) and am using Cadidate and Tindern... and I am on my 5th or 6th Tinder Account but using tinder is a great waste of time anyway unless you look like a topmodel.

The meeting in person stuff is the most difficult part for me anyway.

There's no speed dating or hobby meet ups where you are?
Finished up vol. 3 of Simone's Batgirl. The weakest one, due to dealing with Joker. The James Gordon Jr. Stuff also didn't hit the way it should have, probably because of getting sidelined due to Death of the Family (which also burned Higgins' Nightwing a bit).

Still a strong book though.
He's working on a new project with one of the Avengers editors, but we don't know what's going to happen with Uncanny Avengers. I wouldn't be surprised if it got replaced or something when the main Avengers team changes.
I want UA, just not Zub. He ruined all of Rogue's progress as a character.
People noticed that Batman's whole "tough on crime" thing leads in some uncomfortable directions IRL. SGM talked about it briefly before he got stupid, but in a world with BLM drawing attention strongly to issues of overincarceration and overcriminalization, Batman... doesn't look so great, in the abstract.

So you're getting a bunch of stories that explore the subject.
I suppose. It's just that when I see all this, I just go, "Kingdom Come already did this."


I'm giving Zub one more issue for UA, it seems stupid to bring back her beef with Wanda post Remender.

Someone actually asked Zub about that lol:
So, a lot of people were really upset with today's issue. The Rogue/Wanda rivalry really puts Rogue on a bad place, feels awful to have her acting bitchy towards Wanda for no good reason and everyone pointing out how she's wrong. Rogue has been the leader throughout this entire thing and to have that stripped away from her now with the other members acting like that didn't matter when just bringing back Wanda gives a really bad taste. Remender's run had enough of that and no one liked it.

It’s true that Rogue has been acting as a de facto leader for a while, but that’s never been formalized and she’s doubting herself after recent troubles. That’s the way drama goes sometimes.

Wanda left Rogue in the lurch (with Simon’s ionic form still trapped within her) and left the whole team after Uncanny Avengers volume 2. As far as Rogue is concerned, during Secret Empire Wanda went evil _again_ and attacked her friends _again_. Yes, it was Chthon possessing Wanda’s body, but Rogue is understandably gun shy about all this. I wouldn’t call that “no good reason”. That’s why the discussion happened at the start of the issue. It needs to be dealt with and it will be.

I hope you keep reading to see where things go from here.


Finished up vol. 3 of Simone's Batgirl. The weakest one, due to dealing with Joker. The James Gordon Jr. Stuff also didn't hit the way it should have, probably because of getting sidelined due to Death of the Family (which also burned Higgins' Nightwing a bit).

Still a strong book though.

Curse of the tie-in. Shame publishers love to do them so much, considering they pretty much always kill the pacing and plotting of a book.
Someone actually asked Zub about that lol:
Not a good answer. How about, "I'm a bad writer and I don't understand the characters I'm writing?"
Curse of the tie-in. Shame publishers love to do them so much, considering they pretty much always kill the pacing and plotting of a book.
It sucks because he just comes off as Joker-lite, when there is clearly something far more interesting involved.


100 pages into New Teen Titans Omnibus Vol. 1 Loving this. Perez's art is just too good man. Really feels like a slightly more...innocent Uncanny X-Men. I can see why they were the top two team books at the time.

Also about 800 pages into Fantastic Four by Byrne Omnibus Vol. 1. I feel like taking on writing AND art has made Byrne's art suffer some, as a lot of the panels look pretty darn lazy. But some of it looks great, and the stories are always awesome. Definitely holds up far better than FF by Lee/Kirby.


WOOOWW. Wonder Woman Rebirth Deluxe Vol. 1 under the dust jacket is sooo beautiful.


Nicola Scott posted it on Twitter.
So I have something that's been bugging me about the most recent issue of Detective Comics:

You would think that after everything that happened in this issue, that Steph would back out. Anarky clearly killed people in front of her, as well as outside of that. Since everything Pre-Flashpoint is fair game now, he almost destroyed all of Gotham using Eclipso. He can't be trusted and she has to know that. She even mentions that everything she's been doing has been exactly what Batman would've had her do.

So what's the game at this point? Anarky shows her a "paradise" and all of a sudden it's fair game? He's the good guy and Batman's still bad? I have to believe she's working with Bats at this point, because there's no damned way that this makes any sense. Unless they decide to play up the whole "being a villain is in your blood" thing. Which I suppose would fit in with the flow of the books arcs. All dealing with a villainous/morally ambiguous upbringing/life. Save for Kate and Tim, but Kate's relationship with her dad and her history is still pretty fucked. Clayface has had his arc as a long-form one throughout. Digressing side and even with all that, it seems way too big of a 180 for Steph.
What's the timeline on Daredevil comics?

I want to work my way through the various runs up to the present day.

I just finished up the 3 volumes of Miller's stuff, what comes next? Born Again? Bendis? More Miller stuff?


I love the rebirth design for Ares' armor so much.

Rebirth WW question.
I read all of Rucka's run. Ares is still not a bad guy, or is he planning something devious? Seemed like he was legitimately different.

Also, about rebirth WW potential retcons...?
Since home was all a lie before, that means she's never actually been there since New 52 or since... when exactly? Stuff from Rucka's run earlier, for example, never happened at all in any way?
What's the timeline on Daredevil comics?

I want to work my way through the various runs up to the present day.

I just finished up the 3 volumes of Miller's stuff, what comes next? Born Again? Bendis? More Miller stuff?

I think don't worry about a timeline too much but...iirc, it'd be Born Again > Bendis > Brubaker > Waid and Souls if you're not burnt out by then :p


Curse of the tie-in. Shame publishers love to do them so much, considering they pretty much always kill the pacing and plotting of a book.

There's got to be a point at which "We fucked up the trade which might sell for years and bring in new readers" becomes a bigger deal than the minor tie-in sales boost. I'm surprised we're not there yet tbh.

I think it's notable when new people come in and ask for recommendations on what to read the recommendations are always around creator runs that don't feature any (or very minimal) crossovers - Wheldon's X-men, Hawkeye etc.


Why does he wear the mask!?
My pull list for tomorrow:

Batman #30
Deathstroke #23
Green Arrow #30
Nightwing #28
Superman #30

Walking Dead #171

All-New Guardians Of The Galaxy #9
Daredevil #26
Generations Iron Man And Ironheart #1
Spider-Man #20
Star Wars Darth Vader #5
You will be surprise what rich people have in their libraries also, we don't know where this journal came from.

Ha yeah I'm guessing its not going to be from under the floorboards I just thought it was funny finding another journal after the ending of Metal 1. People keep conveniently handing him these books full of story exposition. Though I suppose maybe hes the only guy rich enough to keep buying them.

Edit - I know people were talking about if from a few posts back but try not to feel too bad Gameproff, I didn't really start dating myself until I hit my twenties. Still plenty of time for you yet, I know you see recent events as going badly and knocking your confidence but every experience even your date you had is experience and will help you keep moving forward and learn for next time. As someones whos pretty anti social and can't even imagine really picking up anyone at a bar and club I can only suggest just keep cracking on with the online dating, maybe try sites that give a bit more detail and where people are more likely to read your profile and match interests. My last long term gf was from plenty of fish, though don't know if thats more a uk thing. Don't sweat the sex thing, if you meet someone and have a few dates with them theyll be more invested in you and it wont be that big a deal, things will just happen naturally. Though I'm probably not the best person to be giving dating advice after splitting up with my long term girl recently :(


This stuff you guys talked yesterday with the facist Batmen sounds super exciting to read.
To bad its spread over the whole line.
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