As someone from Wisconsin I never in a million years imagined Trump would win Wisconsin
I didn't volunteer or donate. I figured I didn't have the time or money, being a person going to a add STEM college. If I knew that 100% Trump would be elected, I probably would have made time.
I found Trump hilarious during the primary season. I even asked people if they would be voting for him as a troll candidate because he would surely lose the election.
In retrospect it was nothing to laugh about.
Are the people in this areas truly racist? Or there is a greater divide that is being oversimplified and dismissed with accusation of racism/etc?
But I guess people will not learn their lesson, they will call the people in those areas inbreeds, red necks, racist, etc etc and move on ignoring them and their problems and then republicans will win their support with platitudes and a platform of lower taxes or worse economic populism like Trump did to win the Rust Bell.
In this thread: a lot of variants on "I overestimated America" "didn't think there would be so many racists", etc.
As someone from Wisconsin I never in a million years imagined Trump would win Wisconsin
I found Trump hilarious during the primary season. I even asked people if they would be voting for him as a troll candidate because he would surely lose the election.
In retrospect it was nothing to laugh about.
As someone from Wisconsin I never in a million years imagined Trump would win Wisconsin
People need to look at this map and truly evaluate that statement.
Are the people in this areas truly racist? Or there is a greater divide that is being oversimplified and dismissed with accusation of racism/etc?
But I guess people will not learn their lesson, they will call the people in those areas inbreeds, red necks, racist, etc etc and move on ignoring them and their problems and then republicans will win their support with platitudes and a platform of lower taxes or worse economic populism like Trump did to win the Rust Bell.
As someone from Wisconsin I never in a million years imagined Trump would win Wisconsin
I thought people were smarter and more sympathetic.
I will never make that mistake again.
In this thread: a lot of variants on "I overestimated America" "didn't think there would be so many racists", etc.
Even if it hadn't made a difference in the presidency, it would've made a difference in the house and Senate races. Shit, if more people, particularly from the swing states had volunteered, it's possible she would have won. Anyhow, all we can do is work towards the future anyways. I'll try not to make the same mistake again.If it's any consolation, I don't think any additional amount of time or volunteering would've helped. The campaign made strategic errors in neglecting Rust Belt working-class whites, but even then I'm not sure that could be overcome given the enthusiasm gap among just enough people.
You're not wrong.
But it's also still an example of white supremacy in action.
I bet on a 10 point win too. Trump had no GOTV. Hillary had Obama's GOTV.I believed in my gut that the shy white woman Hillary voter combined with an increased latino turnout would've delivered a near 10-point Hillary win.
I hope there are some Clinton primary voters in here.
I dont mean to be a snob about anything. What I can't stand is going back to the primaries and seeing the bullshit posted about Sanders being too old or too pie in the sky or this or that and it makes my fucking head spin with outrage. We had a chance.A lot of the people pegged for hardcore Hillary supporters voted for Bernie in the primaries. In my case, I'm an NPA in Florida, so I wasn't allowed to vote in the primaries. But sure, be a snob about it.
I suppose I regret giving up on trying to have a conversation in PoliGAF.
I dont mean to be a snob about anything. What I can't stand is going back to the primaries and seeing the bullshit posted about Sanders being too old or too pie in the sky or this or that and it makes my fucking head spin with outrage. We had a chance.
You were right. Have you seen them right now? They refuse to admit they were wrong. To them, everybody is a racist and not worth their time. They are holed up in their Community subforum echo chamber.
Our naivety and shortsightedness got the best of us and we really need to evaluate what we are going to do going into 2018 and 2020.