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Compulsion Games Community Manager Katie Robinson recently claimed, “I hate gamers.” , "White Male Gamers Were A Mistake"

first time GIF

Because it pays the bills.

I guess maybe if they live in a small town with no alternatives? Even that I question. I would never work for a company that makes a product I hate.
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Yea the main point of this is her racial and gender prejudices... Why would anyone want that person to manage their community... Says alot about Compulsion.
Also I feel like a community manager is a job where you can get away with a lot... With your wife and the Vegetarian, there are hard tasks and goals, with a community manager it's hard to quantify or qualify their effectiveness on the job, community feedback is the only way I can think of.

I'm with you on Compulsion and I'll not play anything from them, while she's still in her roll.

I don't think because you don't like games or gamers doesn't mean you can't work in the Games industry and also do a very good Job

I don't think the late Hiroshi Yamauchi hardly played a video game in his life and yet he made Nintendo a giant of the videogaming industry.
If you think coming to work at Anfield in a Man Utd shirt would be ok because it shows you have passion for football then I have no words.
I doubt all staff at Liverpool support the club. Just because you like and support another club doesn't mean you can't do your job.
Jamie Carragher a Liverpool legend whose boyhood club and the team he supports is Everton. Still did it for Liverpool mind
I doubt all staff at Liverpool support the club. Just because you like and support another club doesn't mean you can't do your job.
Jamie Carragher a Liverpool legend whose boyhood club and the team he supports is Everton. Still did it for Liverpool mind
That's not the point I'm making though, is it.
I'm with you on Compulsion and I'll not play anything from them, while she's still in her roll.

I don't think because you don't like games or gamers doesn't mean you can't work in the Games industry and also do a very good Job

I don't think the late Hiroshi Yamauchi hardly played a video game in his life and yet he made Nintendo a giant of the videogaming industry.
I think the point his her specific role. Her job is to communicate with gamers.

Yamauchi didn't need to play all the games to make Nintendo big. His job was to run a successful business. I'm not arguing the fact that you can be successful in a role in an industry you don't particularly care for. I'm saying you can't be an effective community manager, when you have an open bias against a majority of your community. The point is her specific role.
I think the point his her specific role. Her job is to communicate with gamers.

Yamauchi didn't need to play all the games to make Nintendo big. His job was to run a successful business. I'm not arguing the fact that you can be successful in a role in an industry you don't particularly care for. I'm saying you can't be an effective community manager, when you have an open bias against a majority of your community. The point is her specific role.
So you can turn a company into a giant in the video games industry and it didn't matter that you barely played a game in your life, but if you work in PR, you must be a gamer ....
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I gotta say, I am getting really fucking tired of being vilified by these assholes. Again, a lot of us grew up in a time where our hobby was seen as "for losers" and made fun of cuz we weren't into other things that were more mainstream....now we got people like this telling me I don't belong in the hobby that was targeted to me for decades. Fuck off already.
You hit the nail on the head. This industry has genuinely been infiltrated by people who don't even fucking care about gaming. All they care about is getting "us" out, so they can continue spreading their ridiculous messages. Get fucked.
So you can turn a company into a giant in the video games industry and it didn't matter that you barely played a game in your life, but if you work in PR, you must be a gamer ....
You keep changing up my words, that's clearly not what I said.. Nobody said she has to be a gamer, nobody said for you to do your job in PR you need to be a gamer. So let's stop twisting words please....

I said to be a COMMUNITY MANAGER and overtly hate a majority of your own COMMUNITY, there is no way you're going to be unbiased when doing your job, and since you're putting your racism/sexism out on social media, there is no way your COMMUNITY is going to be receptive or welcoming to you.

Also your Nintendo example is weak. Yamauchi took over the business after his father died, their big thing was playing cards at the time, while trying to diversify the company he jumped into making toys, which led to the game&watch, which led to NES. No business owner has a passion for all of their products. Comparing a COMMUNITY MANAGER at Compulsion to the President of Nintendo is extremely disingenuous
You keep changing up my words, that's clearly not what I said.. Nobody said she has to be a gamer, nobody said for you to do your job in PR you need to be a gamer. So let's stop twisting words please....

I said to be a COMMUNITY MANAGER and overtly hate a majority of your own COMMUNITY, there is no way you're going to be unbiased when doing your job, and since you're putting your racism/sexism out on social media, there is no way your COMMUNITY is going to be receptive or welcoming to you.

No she doesn't need to be a gamer and you don't need to be a gamer to understand a community. You can be very good at PR or building a community with no interest in product that the company you work for is selling .

I couldn't give a toss what she does in her private life if she games or hates gaming . I care more about her nasty racist comments and the double standards with how people like her are still in her role.
When did it be socially acceptable to be racist against white people?
Seems to be mostly an American thing I have noticed.

Perhaps its because some random jerks had slaves hundreds of years ago. So other random guys, who have no connection to them other than skin colour, makes it now specially acceptable to be racist towards them? At least according to those who's dogs are fully barking.


So you can turn a company into a giant in the video games industry and it didn't matter that you barely played a game in your life, but if you work in PR, you must be a gamer ....

You don't have to like gaming to be effective in PR for a computer game company, though having at least some interest absolutely helps.

What doesn't help is being a racist arsehole. Fuck her and all those who employ, and think employing her and her like is a good idea.
No she doesn't need to be a gamer and you don't need to be a gamer to understand a community. You can be very good at PR or building a community with no interest in product that the company you work for is selling .

I couldn't give a toss what she does in her private life if she games or hates gaming . I care more about her nasty racist comments and the double standards with how people like her are still in her role.
Dude what is wrong with you????
Do you read before you start typing??

You keep bringing up she doesn't have to be a gamer. I did not say she has to be a gamer.

There are different roles in PR, if your is a community manager, and you are publicly going on about how you hate the majority of the community you are managing, it's not a good position for you.

How is that hard to understand? I feel like I'm talking to a pre recorded mesage
Today videogames are mainstream so there is no reason for a CM not to be a gamer. Of fucking course she should be. How good may a CM be if she's not part of the gaming community, let alone hate it?

The same applies to videogame journos, who are mostly outsiders. Many gamers would do the job gladly, there is no need to pick up somebody who doesn't belong.
Dude what is wrong with you????
Do you read before you start typing??

You keep bringing up she doesn't have to be a gamer. I did not say she has to be a gamer.

There are different roles in PR, if your is a community manager, and you are publicly going on about how you hate the majority of the community you are managing, it's not a good position for you.

How is that hard to understand? I feel like I'm talking to a pre recorded mesage
I wouldn't waste your time trying to discuss anything with him. I've seen him on other forums and he's one of the most pedantic people you'll ever come across. He'll just misrepresent what you say until you give up in sheer frustration.


You can be very good at PR or building a community with no interest in product that the company you work for is selling .
Yes but there is a difference between "having no interest" and "hating it". The later will eventually cause you to inject your hate in the product/community, which can translate to racism/sexism, just like this particular individual the topic is about.

Having no interest means you don't care, which means you also don't care to spend time and energy to antagonize everyone and just do your damn job, like you said.


Gold Member

i dunno how real impact these "boycotts" have in the pockets of companies.

the comments are filled with people canceling game pass.

it seems Xbox is infested with this culture, tho. so i doubt we are going to see a material change in the short term.

but now xbox is the frontline of the "anti woke" content creators...and these people looooove to make and milk content about it.

is going to be interesting how the shills deal with this criticism / controversy.



man i dont understand how can you create a product for the masses and talk like that , does this bitch really expect someone to buy their game after this , are white male gamers really that dumb to buy it ?

I wonder if some game director would say "black gamers were a mistake " what would happen to that company ?

"This post resurfaced after Kern shared information he allegedly received from a former Compulsion Games developer that the company had changed the race of its main character for their upcoming South of Midnight game after it hired Sweet Baby Inc as a consultant."

Kern noted on X, “After SBI was brought on board Compulsion Game’s South of Midnight the main character was race swapped from white to black.”
She sounds like she needs some dick in her life. All work no play turns to bitterness
Remember the Good Old Games and Limited Run Games community Managers? How one posted a light hearted joke about how trash Gaming Journalists are using a Postal 2 Screencap and the other said she was excited fro Hogwarts Legacy and made a singular post 7 years prior about trans people that was, at worst, a non issue?

Both were immediately fired and excommunicated from the industry.

Now we have actual racists stating racist things and they still have their jobs. Whiat the hell.
It's deliberate gaslighting and manipulation. They don't view themselves as racist or sexist because they have changed the definition to make political and cultural power at the center of the definition of racism. Hence the "you can't be racist to white people because they hold all the institutional power." They changed the definition to protect their own racist beliefs.
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i dunno how real impact these "boycotts" have in the pockets of companies.

the comments are filled with people canceling game pass.

it seems Xbox is infested with this culture, tho. so i doubt we are going to see a material change in the short term.

but now xbox is the frontline of the "anti woke" content creators...and these people looooove to make and milk content about it.

is going to be interesting how the shills deal with this criticism / controversy.

I'm a long-time Xbox fan but not a shill, and the wokeness currently infesting Xbox makes me ill. I hate it. I hope they wake up and purify Xbox before it's too late. If not, Xbox will die. I know a lot of people here will cheer that, but I think less competitors is bad for gaming. And let's face it, PlayStation has gone even woker with their puke-worthy woke first-party games. These are dark days.
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Gold Member
I'm a long-time Xbox fan but not a shill, and the wokeness now currently infesting Xbox makes me ill. I hate it. I hope they wake up and purify Xbox before it's too late. If not, Xbox will die. I know a lot of people here will cheer that, but I think less competitors is bad for gaming. And let's face it, PlayStation has gone even woker with their puke-worthy woke first-party games. These are dark days.
Is weird that PlayStation was/is even 'woker' but MS/Xbox is getting all the heat outside the gaming media.

well, yeah, is because of that article of 'MS against curvy women' and these community managers saying stupid shit.

The ex blizzard dev said the change is going to take like one or two cycles. (between 4-8 years).

This is why is so interesting (almost shocking) that Stellar Blade is being supported so heavily by Play Station.
I'm a long-time Xbox fan but not a shill, and the wokeness now currently infesting Xbox makes me ill. I hate it. I hope they wake up and purify Xbox before it's too late. If not, Xbox will die. I know a lot of people here will cheer that, but I think less competitors is bad for gaming. And let's face it, PlayStation has gone even woker with their puke-worthy woke first-party games. These are dark days.

Sony is also tainted but not as much as MS because it's a Japanese company. MS is rotten at the core, it's not an XBOX thing. All the American big techs are the ones leading the way. Playstation will have a bend-or-break moment when the new CEO takes over and sets up the new strategy.


I'll never understand why Microsoft bought this studio
They were at a point when they would have bought anything...

I don't understand those openly racists comments against white people those past months/years. Because yes racism against white people obviously exist, it is just another proof that we have right here. Just that if you live in the USA or Europe (France like I do) the repercussions of that racism will not be the same, I won't be refused when I rent an apartment or when I get a job because of my family name or skin color (I'm very white). But yes racism against white people exist and it is as disgusting as any other type of racism, and because us "white people" are supposed to be "so privileged" (I grew up in a very poor family where we could barely eat but ok) it is ok to shit on us all day long.

When those people will understand that shitting on a community (whatever community it is) is what will in fact turn this community against you, and therefore generate more racism, it'll be a great day... And maybe then we have a chance to actually end racism. Just respect people as they are with the choices they make even if those choices are not yours, as long as those people don't try to turn you into them.

I've seen racism of every kind all my life, I've lived in Korea where I was a couple of times attacked in streets because I was walking in streets with my ex wife (who was Korean) and they thought I was an US army guy (I'm French...). In France my ex was also victim of racism of silly people making racist "asian sounds"... My actual wife is black/Cuban, our daughter is brown, I won't tolerate any racist comment against her, didn't happen yet but with shitty people like this "Katie something" I'm not that optimistic about it.
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