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Compulsion Games Community Manager Katie Robinson recently claimed, “I hate gamers.” , "White Male Gamers Were A Mistake"


white males had a monopoly in disposable income. and it was socially unacceptable for females to participate in male actives. That’s all you’re saying. Whenever a game isn’t directly being marketed to fragile males they bitch and moan on forums. You would think now that there’s a more diverse gaming demographic, most games are not going to be aimed at a sexually frustrated keyboard warriors.

I'm going to interrogate this in a slightly more level headed manner than some of the responses you're getting.

The issue is not, and never has been, about games being made that are targeted at a different demographic to the white male. I have not read a single post or comment from anyone sensible that objects to new games being made that aren't for them. You can try to search for angry posts about games that do this - but you'll likely come up empty handed.

So, there's no fragility from white dudes about some games being made for other types of people.

What there is, is a backlash against games that were previously targeted at white males, now being targeted at a different demographic. If you are a fan of a product that has been aimed at you that you have thoroughly enjoyed and invested your time and money in... and now you are being either ignored or considered 'less important' to those creating that product, it's reasonable to feel quite aggrieved about that, wouldn't you say?

Now, at this point you may scream 'white fragility!' ...but do try to picture the reaction if the next Barbie movie starred a man, or a sequel to The Color Purple starred white people.

At this stage, you're probably rolling your eyes and thinking 'yeah, well, white dudes have had it good for so long, it's about time they got marginalised!' ...to which I would reply that you're doing and thinking exactly what the games publishers, movie studios and consultancy firms want you to do: which is to lambast the audience for their fragility, instead of criticising the companies for their laziness, lack of creativity and cyncial exploitation of tensions around identity.

This isn't about white male fragility, it's about the cynicism, stupidity, greed and just plain old bigotry of the people who are producing these products - and I'm afraid your singing the exact tune they want you to.
You’re okay being hated and called a mistake just for being white and a gamer and a man?

I’m not. I think it’s absurd that this political movement of plain hatred toward regular people has been normalized and accepted to the point that someone can say like she says without consequences, often for political positive points.

If someone want to progress the industry toward better diversity then how about doing it without hate?
It's poisonous on a societal level and I worry about it being turned on white children in their future but on a personal level it doesn't get to me. I'm happy and they obviously aren't. I win and I will always be winning.
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I love all these people saying that gaming has been dominated by white males.

Sega, Nintendo, Sony, Square, Namco, SNK, Capcom and Konami are all Asian companies who have had a massive influence on gaming and continue to dominate it today. Western companies like Atari, Commodore, Sinclair, Amstrad and Philips have all fallen away and Microsoft is considereing exiting the console market. So much for white dominance.

As a male I was never encouraged to play games. Most adults thought games were a waste of time and many tried to ban or heavily censor them. There were constant media campaigns against gaming for the first couple of decades.

Women and girls almost universally laughed at men and boys who played games. We were considered overgrown man-babies who needed to get a life. Suddenly games become cool (just after the PS1 came out) and women all started pretending that they had been excluded by the gaming industry. This is revisionist nonsense.

Most male gamers desperately wanted women and girls to get into gaming. I've encouraged every girlfriend I've had to play games. Some did, some didn't but the idea that we conspired to keep women out is laughable.

No one cares if there is a black woman in their game. What they don't like is a someone being racist and sexist towards them.


CliffyB's Cock Holster
Bottom line: Community Managers are supposed to prevent and resolve conflicts, keep things pleasant. Not pick fights, even if its on their own social media because its inevitably (and rightfully*) going to reflect on their employer.

* I say rightfully because it either demonstrates incompetence or a planned intent to create controversy in placing an activist front and centre. Shame on them either way.


People never learned to listen to their teachers and not post every thing on social media.

Just so much undirected hate at your main customer base. A couple of weeks ago I rolled my eyes at the whole thing but since these consulation companies apparently hate white male gamers and keep yelling at me they can fuck themselves.

Cause this is some childish bullshit. If you can't distinguish from real bigots and just regular white male gamers then you're racist. I'm tired of getting blamed for all of societies ills. I'm just as poor and fed up as any other American citizen so kindly fuck off with blanket statements
I love all these people saying that gaming has been dominated by white males.

Sega, Nintendo, Sony, Square, Namco, SNK, Capcom and Konami are all Asian companies who have had a massive influence on gaming and continue to dominate it today. Western companies like Atari, Commodore, Sinclair, Amstrad and Philips have all fallen away and Microsoft is considereing exiting the console market. So much for white dominance.

As a male I was never encouraged to play games. Most adults thought games were a waste of time and many tried to ban or heavily censor them. There were constant media campaigns against gaming for the first couple of decades.

Women and girls almost universally laughed at men and boys who played games. We were considered overgrown man-babies who needed to get a life. Suddenly games become cool (just after the PS1 came out) and women all started pretending that they had been excluded by the gaming industry. This is revisionist nonsense.

Most male gamers desperately wanted women and girls to get into gaming. I've encouraged every girlfriend I've had to play games. Some did, some didn't but the idea that we conspired to keep women out is laughable.

No one cares if there is a black woman in their game. What they don't like is a someone being racist and sexist towards them.
Well said mate. Except that I would say gamers a whole were laughed at a bit longer. They medium didn’t go mainstream until 360/PS3.
People who says things like that just want some attention. Ignore the bitch
It's the double standards that get me. if a white male had said that he'd be out of the Job. It makes me sick when people openly are racist toward white males and can get away with it.
In the UK we've had BBC and ITV members of staff get away with it. ITV don't want to employ any more white male staff apparently

Buggy Loop

Gold Member
She is. But she also sounds really annoying to talk to.

There’s a solution




I wanted to share this, I find it very relevant for anyone interested in arguing such absurd bigotry as this. Also, she couldn't be more original in that statement, wowee what are we going to do now?
Really interesting article. Times have changed, though, and now it's all intersectional:

Straight white men < Gay white men < Black men < Gay black men

The rejection of colorblindness has created this new white identity we really didn't fucking need. And now a Brazilian, a Swede, and a Bulgarian are all technically part of the same group identity we can constantly bash because white is a thing. But kids, don't forget both gender and race are social constructs.


This is getting out of proportion, no one's opinion on the internet is gonna harm or make me not play any game, anything beyond that is overthinking and overreacting, the best way to tackle this kind of attitude is giving them no attention, because that's what those opinions are seeking to generate, traction and conversation about: nothing in the end.
This is getting out of proportion, no one's opinion on the internet is gonna harm or make me not play any game, anything beyond that is overthinking and overreacting, the best way to tackle this kind of attitude is giving them no attention, because that's what those opinions are seeking to generate, traction and conversation about: nothing in the end.

It's horrible to think that MS employs a open racist and sexist. You can bet had a white male said that black female gamers were a mistake, he wouldn't be working for MS anymore.
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I love all these people saying that gaming has been dominated by white males.

We're predominantly a bunch of white dudes in the west, on an English language gaming forum, run out of the US.

I doubt the Korean version of NeoGAF is talking much about us, either :messenger_tears_of_joy:
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are these micro or macro agressions?

See, what happened was Asians, on average, became very successful in the US despite a rather rough time about 70 to 80 years ago. Which ruins the narrative that the US, and by extension the West in general, is designed to only allow White men to succeed. So in order to continue the narrative that the US inherently prevents non-Whites from achieving great success overall, you have to lump Whites and Asians together. Fortunately, a growing number of racial and ethnic minorities are taking notice that things aren't adding up anymore. That the narrative holds less and less water the more you look at it instead of just accepting it as truth. Honestly, Asian success was the worst thing that happened to these people. I've seen more and more Black and Latino people saying enough is enough and to knock off the constant race-baiting.

Actually, black African immigrants (particularly west African) to the US are succeeding well beyond the level of African Americans and are even doing better than White Americans on average.

So not only is Asian success a real problem for these race baiting self-victimizers, African immigrants' success is taking a steaming creamy stinking shit all over their claims of racism holding back progress for blacks in the US that these tards might parrot.

African immigrants look the same as African Americans. So why are they seemingly living the American dream while African Americans sit and wallow in the mire of their own self-pity crying for reparations because they think the world is against them.

America was way more racist in the 1950s and yet social mobility for African Americans was leagues ahead then than it is today. What changed was that liberal politics persuaded their black and other minority voter base that they're all victims, instead of empowering them to face life's hardships and strive for success.
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As a male I was never encouraged to play games. Most adults thought games were a waste of time and many tried to ban or heavily censor them. There were constant media campaigns against gaming for the first couple of decades.

Women and girls almost universally laughed at men and boys who played games. We were considered overgrown man-babies who needed to get a life. Suddenly games become cool (just after the PS1 came out) and women all started pretending that they had been excluded by the gaming industry. This is revisionist nonsense.
Spot on Bravo 👏 I started gaming over 40 years ago, can relate to everything you say here. It’s been a roller-coaster. Feels like gaming has become too big so it can now be used for politics. The stories, character backgrounds, designs often feel like they’re created through a political checklist. Check the boxes; a black person, a non-binary person, a lesbian/gay/trans, muscle lady, etc. Takes me 5 seconds to see through it all. So boring. And as result it feels like the hobby just gets worse every year.


When these turds that say this shit, they forget they grew up in a generation where Zelda, Mario, halo, final fantasy and so forth were the pinnacle of gaming. Why not make good games like that than worrying about who you want to fuck?

Because they aren’t creative enough to make something that’s actually culturally impactful. Who they want to fuck is literally their entire personality.


It's horrible to think that MS employs a open racist and sexist. You can bet had a white male said that black female gamers were a mistake, he wouldn't be working for MS anymore.

Yes I would have expected a quick dismissal. Whilst I had been considering dropping Gamepass anyway, handing over any portion of my earnings to this racist, sexist troll and those who shy away from addressing that behaviour was the final straw for me - I cancelled.
It is hilarious how some american clowns are trying to project their beliefs to a bigger world and it does not work. Hiring external companies for "diversity", alienating worldwide community...No wonder western development has become so expensive if you waste your money on stuff like that. And these ideas don't resonate with a bigger world - granted a lot of leftists even in countries like Poland started to believe in oppression by "white people" but overall good luck selling the ideas of hating white and asians to eastern europe, asia, middle east etc.
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She just got emotional, don't take her words seriously, destroying peoples reputations after all what did is a lot worse and way dumper than that.


Another one on the blacklist of companies I won't give money to in the future.

Oh blacklist is probably racist to these people too.

Im not changing it. No fucks given.


Perpetually Tired
Remember the Good Old Games and Limited Run Games community Managers? How one posted a light hearted joke about how trash Gaming Journalists are using a Postal 2 Screencap and the other said she was excited fro Hogwarts Legacy and made a singular post 7 years prior about trans people that was, at worst, a non issue?

Both were immediately fired and excommunicated from the industry.

Now we have actual racists stating racist things and they still have their jobs. Whiat the hell.


Exposing the sinister cartel of retailers who allow companies to pay for advertising space.
We're predominantly a bunch of white dudes in the west, on an English language gaming forum, run out of the US.

I doubt the Korean version of NeoGAF is talking much about us, either :messenger_tears_of_joy:

I wouldn't be surprised if Korean gamers are increasingly mocking us westerners for "our" crazy gender and race politics. Anyone living in a traditional society (ie almost every human being except the US, Canada and western Europe) will not be able to understand the madness that's currently sweeping through western society. How the hell have we ended up in a society where it's impossible to define what a woman is, where outright racism against whites is applauded and where the progressive intelligentsia thinks we're all going to die unless we stop using fossil fuels immediately?


Perpetually Tired
I wouldn't be surprised if Korean gamers are increasingly mocking us westerners for "our" crazy gender and race politics. Anyone living in a traditional society (ie almost every human being except the US, Canada and western Europe) will not be able to understand the madness that's currently sweeping through western society. How the hell have we ended up in a society where it's impossible to define what a woman is, where outright racism against whites is applauded and where the progressive intelligentsia thinks we're all going to die unless we stop using fossil fuels immediately?

It happens across the globe. Japan alone has tons of forums that you can readily see the disdain and vitriol they show toward American’s with their regressive views and focus on immutable characteristics. How Americans think they are better than others and demand changes to games and media to fit their world view and demonize Asian countries.

Everyone is sick of it, but the mentally deranged individuals remain in power and keep getting hired in these companies.

That certainly is a bountiful harvest of bullshit you're farming over there girl.
The statement about lack of empathy and imagination is ironic considering that all that their imagination could create was race swap, trying to make well known character weak and pathetic, rename characters etc.. Basically proving once again that "evil can only corrupt, but cannot create".
I wouldn't be surprised if Korean gamers are increasingly mocking us westerners for "our" crazy gender and race politics. Anyone living in a traditional society (ie almost every human being except the US, Canada and western Europe) will not be able to understand the madness that's currently sweeping through western society. How the hell have we ended up in a society where it's impossible to define what a woman is, where outright racism against whites is applauded and where the progressive intelligentsia thinks we're all going to die unless we stop using fossil fuels immediately?

FYI, it was published 5 years ago.


do not tempt fate do not contrain Wonder Woman's thighs do not do not

man i dont understand how can you create a product for the masses and talk like that , does this bitch really expect someone to buy their game after this , are white male gamers really that dumb to buy it ?

Katie joined the company in Sept 2023. Basically 2024.
As a community manager, what makes you think she had any input on We Happy Few or South of Midnight?

P.S if you know any Community Managers you'll totally understand where she is coming from.

She should have just kept it to herself.

MQ was so on point with how Community Manager life is like.


hemo memo

Gold Member
I wouldn't be surprised if Korean gamers are increasingly mocking us westerners for "our" crazy gender and race politics. Anyone living in a traditional society (ie almost every human being except the US, Canada and western Europe) will not be able to understand the madness that's currently sweeping through western society. How the hell have we ended up in a society where it's impossible to define what a woman is, where outright racism against whites is applauded and where the progressive intelligentsia thinks we're all going to die unless we stop using fossil fuels immediately?
The entire world does.
I guess it's pointless to explain how not all white men participate or even believe in pushing PoC and/or women from gaming when the people making these comments are so lost in their own bigoted view points on groups that they can't make any distinctions between them. And that they throw in Asians just because...Well, I don't know exactly. The lighter you get, the more racist your are?


Katie joined the company in Sept 2023. Basically 2024.
As a community manager, what makes you think she had any input on We Happy Few or South of Midnight?

And you think that her being hired along with them contracting sweet baby Inc isn't indicative of the ethos and culture at the company because...?

P.S if you know any Community Managers you'll totally understand where she is coming from.

Please, tell us more.


Perpetually Tired
Katie joined the company in Sept 2023. Basically 2024.
As a community manager, what makes you think she had any input on We Happy Few or South of Midnight?

P.S if you know any Community Managers you'll totally understand where she is coming from.

She should have just kept it to herself.

MQ was so on point with how Community Manager life is like.

It doesn’t matter what she has experienced on the job. Racism is bad, period.
I wouldn't be surprised if Korean gamers are increasingly mocking us westerners for "our" crazy gender and race politics. Anyone living in a traditional society (ie almost every human being except the US, Canada and western Europe) will not be able to understand the madness that's currently sweeping through western society. How the hell have we ended up in a society where it's impossible to define what a woman is, where outright racism against whites is applauded and where the progressive intelligentsia thinks we're all going to die unless we stop using fossil fuels immediately?
Dunno about Korea but the Japanese certainly are and the Chinese have a special term for it.
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