white males had a monopoly in disposable income. and it was socially unacceptable for females to participate in male actives. That’s all you’re saying. Whenever a game isn’t directly being marketed to fragile males they bitch and moan on forums. You would think now that there’s a more diverse gaming demographic, most games are not going to be aimed at a sexually frustrated keyboard warriors.
I'm going to interrogate this in a slightly more level headed manner than some of the responses you're getting.
The issue is not, and never has been, about games being made that are targeted at a different demographic to the white male. I have not read a single post or comment from anyone sensible that objects to new games being made that aren't for them. You can try to search for angry posts about games that do this - but you'll likely come up empty handed.
So, there's no fragility from white dudes about some games being made for other types of people.
What there is, is a backlash against games that were previously targeted at white males, now being targeted at a different demographic. If you are a fan of a product that has been aimed at you that you have thoroughly enjoyed and invested your time and money in... and now you are being either ignored or considered 'less important' to those creating that product, it's reasonable to feel quite aggrieved about that, wouldn't you say?
Now, at this point you may scream 'white fragility!' ...but do try to picture the reaction if the next Barbie movie starred a man, or a sequel to The Color Purple starred white people.
At this stage, you're probably rolling your eyes and thinking 'yeah, well, white dudes have had it good for so long, it's about time they got marginalised!' which I would reply that you're doing and thinking exactly what the games publishers, movie studios and consultancy firms want you to do: which is to lambast the audience for their fragility, instead of criticising the companies for their laziness, lack of creativity and cyncial exploitation of tensions around identity.
This isn't about white male fragility, it's about the cynicism, stupidity, greed and just plain old bigotry of the people who are producing these products - and I'm afraid your singing the exact tune they want you to.