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Conservatives defend Mike Pence not interacting with women cause they might have sex

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I recognize I'm giving pence the benefit of the doubt here, but this scenario reminds me of a friend of mine who was more easily tempted by sex than others. He was in a committed relationship, loved his girlfriend, but constantly struggled with lust.

So whenever I'd invite him out for drinks, or to a party, he'd say no unless his girlfriend came with. It wasn't because he assumed all women wanted to bang him, but rather because he knew his own weakness and didn't want to introduce even a 1% risk into the equation.

Putting your spouse first, to the point where you don't want tempting thoughts about others to even enter your head, is something I have a great deal of respect for.

How many cheaters end up looking back on the chain of events that led them to infidelity, and wonder how they could've possibly ended up making such a family-ruining mistake?

Most people don't guard against temptations this way, and temptations are probably much easier to come by when you're a heartbeat away from being the most powerful man on the planet.

I still think pence is a terrible person for his gay conversion therapy stuff, but I have a lot of respect for this particular choice of his.

I care way more about giving women a seat at the table, LITERALLY, when it comes to discussions about possible policy with the Vice President than I care about Mike Pence preserving his marriage!

If he can't fucking control himself long enough to listen to 50% of the country's population then he needs to get the hell out of government.

He needs to get the hell out of government anyway, but boy. So tired of these apologists.


Quick question, does anyone have a link to the original article that the Washington Post quoted? I'm probably just missing something obvious, and I am a bit distracted with other things going on, but I can't find it to read the original statements.
Pence knows that if he spent more time around women, he might accidentally discover that they're people too and shouldn't be subjected to legislation that treats them like third-class citizens.

Can't have that.
Quick question, does anyone have a link to the original article that the Washington Post quoted? I'm probably just missing something obvious, and I am a bit distracted with other things going on, but I can't find it to read the original statements.


During his 12 years in Congress, Pence had rules to avoid any infidelity temptations, or even rumors of impropriety. Those included requiring that any aide who had to work late to assist him be male, never dining alone with a woman other than his wife, and not attending an event where alcohol is served unless Karen was there.

In a 2002 interview with The Hill, Pence called it, ”building a zone around your marriage."

”If there's alcohol being served and people are being loose, I want to have the best-looking brunette in the room standing next to me," Pence said.

It's sexist garbage because Pence literally can't control his own dick. He needs his fucking wife to babysit him.


I don't see a problem with Pence's stance on this topic. Besides, it's between him and his wife. Who cares?
I believe he likes being in the company of men instead and this is a win win situation.



So the shared small office that my married female co-worker and I work in is just wrong and I should request a separate space cause of possible uncontrollable sexual urges that I don't have?

Sounds like he doesn't want to be tempted to cheat on his wife.

Sounds like he WANTS to cheat on his wife, honestly. "I swear honey, it was that woman's ungodly urges that led me astray!"


Junior Member
why did we vote in a giant cadre of manbabies

Because a lot of the people who voted for them are manbabies, and their repressed spouses.

Like doesn't Pence's wife see how fucked up this is?

Mother I can't meet with any women 1:1 or even have any female staffers working late because I'm afraid I'll fuck them.

If it really is his wife pushing this then I'm willing to bet he's cheated before. Or they are just weird evangelicals with weird ideas I guess. Problem is these ideas are disprectful to women in general, and prevent him from doing his fucking job without being a sexist asshole.
I don't see a problem with Pence's stance on this topic. Besides, it's between him and his wife. Who cares?

It's not!! Between!!! Him!! And!! His wife!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Holy good god. He's not just some private citizen that we're ragging on for being "weird." He's the VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. He needs to be available to other people in power around him -- ALL other people in power around him, including women! They need to be able to speak with him in confidence if they have to! And if he refuses to be alone in a room with a woman, THAT IS A PROBLEM.


I don't see a problem with Pence's stance on this topic. Besides, it's between him and his wife. Who cares?
It's between him, his wife, and all the women he could potentially have to interact with as the vice president of the United States.
"Sorry Ma'am, gotta wait for the babysitter to be here or we might end up doggy style on this restaurant's table"


yeah i just have a problem with anyone thinking it is commendable for the next-in-line for commander in chief to intentionally cut off half of the population for something relatively common

like im so happy that it coincides with your salt of the earth family values

but this dude isnt your friend or uncle. he does not give a shit about any of us as citizens on an individual basis. we collectively hired him for a job and if this is how he goes about it then i think he is shitty at his job and i reserve the right to judge him for it


It's between him, his wife, and all the women he could potentially have to interact with as the vice president of the United States.
"Sorry Ma'am, gotta wait for the babysitter to be here or we might end up doggy style on this restaurant's table"

I think you're over reacting but it's cool, we'll just have to agree to disagree. I just really see the problem. *shrug*
Eh, nothing to get worked up over. I know a few people like this, they won't go anywhere alone with a woman who isn't their wife. Strange, but not something I usually think about more than a passing "That's odd... whatever"

Except that Republicans have a long history of trying to make their repressed worldview the law if the land.


Junior Member
So something like this doesn't count as discrimination in the work place?

I would say it does, but I suppose you'd have to have a staffer make it an issue by bringing a civil suit.

I'm not sure if a DA could just make it an issue if they wanted to.


As a woman, I would not mind if a coworker does what Pence does and I would not feel insulted. Why does such behaviour have to translate into viewing women as potential infidelity?

Because as a straight man, it makes no sense to me to specifically single out women as your cause for being anti-social during dinners as a rule if it doesn't have anything to do with the possibility of infidelity.

The excuse that a tabloid is going to write something of it is weak because regardless of what you do its Tabloids job to make shit up about you in exchange for sales.

It'd be a whole different story if say you chose to not disclose parts of your day to day life to your spouse because, having a simple luncheon, or other social encounters with collegues & friends/acquaintances of the opposite sex is exactly that benign, that omitting it makes it suspect.

However, this is not that, this is an elected official, the United States Vice President treating other women as possible sexual encounters. Pence needs fucking help because that's some repressed shit right there.


Junior Member
Because as a straight man, it makes no sense to me to specifically single out women as your cause for being anti-social during dinners as a rule if it doesn't have anything to do with the possibility of infidelity.

The excuse that a tabloid is going to write something of it is weak because regardless of what you do its Tabloids job to make shit up about you in exchange for sales.

It'd be a whole different story if say you chose to disclose parts of your day to day life to your spouse because having a simple luncheon, or other social encounters with collegues & friends/acquaintances of the opposite sex is exactly that benign that omitting it makes it suspect.

However, this is not that, this is an elected official, the United States Vice President treating other women as possible sexual encounters, that's something he needs to seriously get help with.

Right, I'm surprised it hasn't blown up more than it has. Especially him not allowing female staffers to work late.


I go out to lunch with female coworkers all the time, but I wouldn't make a habit of going out to dinner with just one of them. Not a matter of her trust, but perception. If a colleague/friend saw me and another woman out at dinner alone, it might not give the best impression. I've had that happen to other friends before.
Are you the vice president or do you have an important job that requires you to meet alone with people pretty regularly?

Or like, even do you not have friends of the opposite sex that you'd like to see every so often?


Neo Member
I'm not a fan of Mike Pence but i don't see how avoiding situations that might lead to an affair is a bad or weird thing.



Thank you for the link, but I was looking for one directly to The Hill article that all these other articles from today keep referencing. I could just be missing it though, since I am a bit distracted as I mentioned. Will give it a second check here in a bit when I can!
Thank you for the link, but I was looking for one directly to The Hill article that all these other articles from today keep referencing. I could just be missing it though, since I am a bit distracted as I mentioned. Will give it a second check here in a bit when I can!

It's actually in the article I gave you, along with a few other links to places like the Indiana Star, which have more info. Apparently this has been reported on several times, but people were so gobsmacked at Trump's misogyny that they completely overlooked Pence's for a long time.


Junior Member
I'm not a fan of Mike Pence but i don't see how avoiding situations that might lead to an affair is a bad or weird thing.

1:1 business meetings with a woman or having a female staffer work late =/ situations that might lead to an affair for a reasonable adult human, much less the Vice President of the United States.


I'm not a fan of Mike Pence but i don't see how avoiding situations that might lead to an affair is a bad or weird thing.
Because for normal people having dinner is just having dinner, and not an opportunity to cheat.
And as it's been mentioned, you kind of expect business lunch/dinners when you're the fucking vice-president.


My wife hangs out with her ex girlfriend all the time what do you think of that Mike Pence?

I still hang out with my ex too. She's married now and thinking of kids. Neither of us have thought about sex or anything.

Pence would be frightened at the thought.
I'm not a fan of Mike Pence but i don't see how avoiding situations that might lead to an affair is a bad or weird thing.

How does letting female staffers work late lead to an affair?

How does a business meeting that involves food lead to an affair?

No one's ever explained this. They just driveby defend this and leave.


this entire administration is allowed to have any flaw that ignorant white males in this country have and get it handwaved because lol they are just like us right


Right, I'm surprised it hasn't blown up more than it has. Especially him not allowing female staffers to work late.

Yeah, this is the type of behaviour and character people voted for. It's just insane to imagine.

I'm not a fan of Mike Pence but i don't see how avoiding situations that might lead to an affair is a bad or weird thing.

The question needing asking is the "why" not the end result.

Why is it a situation that might lead to an affair? Does Pence have no self control to deal with any situation that could lead to infidelity? Does he not trust himself so much?

He needs a psychiatrist before running for VP of a god damn nation.


Cheating does start with a person but what may start out with an innocent meal can lead to more. [...] Why does such behaviour have to translate into viewing women as potential infidelity?

Do you even read your own posts?

People outing their toxic attitudes towards women/relationships in this thread.


Donald: I want to grab her by the pussy.
Mike: No Easy D, you need to be the master of your zone.
Donald: You mean American interests?
Mike: No, let Russia deal with that. I'm talking about your wife.


If these people weren't such imbeciles they'd realize how close to sharia law they sound.

It really baffles me how you can find such similarities between the religions yet such animosity over what you call your God.


Can you imagine if Hillary became president and she said something like this, that she won't let men work late around her or have dinners with them alone. People would lose their minds. As they should just as they should here.

He may not be president but he is the vice president. He's not an insurance office worker, things like this are expected to happen.


Neo Member
How does letting female staffers work late lead to an affair?

How does a business meeting that involves food lead to an affair?

No one's ever explained this. They just driveby defend this and leave.

Your right. I just read the Washington Post article. His goal is admirable but the way he goes about it is too much. It's rather demeaning that his female staffers needs to be accompanied by a male in order to work late.


Maybe it's just me and maybe it's unfair, but I can't not read any of these source arguments and not parse: "I don't trust myself to be around a woman who is in my immediately family."

That's a real fucking problem.
Sounds like a socially inept gaffer.

"Better watch out with these women, I MIGHT get dated and end up in a bed or something!"

If you really need your wife there, that says a lot about your state of mind and inability to stop thinking about sex with the opposite sex.
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