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Cosmic Star Heroine |OT| Alyssa's Chrono Phantasy


Damn. Just bought the game. Wanted to look at some inpressions from you guys,while it downloads. Then sees the "don't play EU PS4 version"...

Now... now im sad...

Oh well, will wait (have waited for so long already). Any game with Suikoden "somthing somthing" in it, will be ok.


Ok now i can replicate the freaking regen Song Bug even on path 1.02 on Ps4. Got it twice in a row :

Lose a fight with regen Song active with certain circonstance: Lauren must die with minus HP, the regen icon will replace one of the characther portrait for the next round, die at the fight , press retry, and first move you do is use the Regen Song. At next turn of regen song the game will freeze on battle animation. Can replicate each time.


Soooooo... still wait on the EU version longer than this week-long wait already? Luckily I have lots to do tomorrow so I'm not actively counting the seconds until I can play this. Still... :/


Just finished it. Really, really great game. Fun characters, simple yet engaging story that doesn't try to take itself too seriously, incredible battle system and great. The soundtrack is also fucking amazing.

Congrats, Zeboyd. :)
okay so I'm at the point of no return I think, and I have a bunch of questions I was hoping people could answer:

1st planet:

1. Guy who is getting arrested in Gehenna said something about a warehouse, don't know what he meant, but I thought for some reason he was talking about the door in the southwest corner of the town, but it still isn't open, anyone know anything about this?

2. Girl I gave a bunch of money to in Gehenna, she was supposed to open a shop or something? When/where does this happen?

3. Is there anything to do at skybreaker systems?

4. Can you ever go into Volt?

2nd planet:

5. In the scary place you do early in the game, when you go back later there is an elevator Dave says he can't hack. Also, there seems to be some kind of ghost thing at the beginning when you walk in. Anything on these?

6. How do you get that Ron guy out of the jail in the sheriffs office?


7. What does "burst" mean?

8. Is there anything you are supposed to do with bagmen?

9. Also, how/where do I do Dave and Psybe's sidequests? They aren't really telling me anything on the ship...


Rob & Bill, I don't want you to take this the wrong way but watching you post your thoughts/complaints/worries/etc. about the launch here is fascinating to me. I have programming history but nothing to do with the games industry - I mean it when I say fascinating. I wish things in the current landscape looked better, but you guys seriously have some hardcore RPG nerds (I'm one, don't worry nerds) saying this is in their top 10 RPGs. Keep your heads up and I am certain this will pick up some steam through at least word of mouth. I'm already telling random friends who are looking for new things to play to check it out. Also - on top of being so open about everything it's impressive to me at the hustle you guys have to get things patched. Seriously, keep at it and thank you for all you've done.


Zeboyd Games
Whatever that server code error is, it's not specific to this game. Google it and you'll see that various users get the code at various times for various games.

There's nothing different about the patch that went up earlier and any other patch, and nothing was removed. Just an fyi.

Rob & Bill, I don't want you to take this the wrong way but watching you post your thoughts/complaints/worries/etc. about the launch here is fascinating to me. I have programming history but nothing to do with the games industry - I mean it when I say fascinating. I wish things in the current landscape looked better, but you guys seriously have some hardcore RPG nerds (I'm one, don't worry nerds) saying this is in their top 10 RPGs. Keep your heads up and I am certain this will pick up some steam through at least word of mouth. I'm already telling random friends who are looking for new things to play to check it out. Also - on top of being so open about everything it's impressive to me at the hustle you guys have to get things patched. Seriously, keep at it and thank you for all you've done.

Not taken the wrong way at all, and thanks for the kind words!
I just had to come in this thread and say how much I'm enjoying this game. The retro style, the many references and the great audiovisual presentation make for such a pleasant and comforting experience. It feels good to play a new game that can give you that sense of nostalgia at the same time.

I've been following Zeboyd since Breath of Death VII and I'll always be there and glad to support. Congrats on a great game and I'm sure the sales will follow.


As am I. Has anyone who's encountered this error managed to retry and successfully update? Should I keep retrying or just wait. Only other time I have had a similar issue was with Overwatch's patch for Uprising. Encountered that error because they had removed the patch and were doing an emergency fix to counter the 'loot box after ever Arcade match'. So has this also been removed for some reason?

See which patch is downloading. I kept getting that error when it was trying to download 1.01. I cancelled and deleted the update file, then went to the game and did Check for Update. It found 1.02 and downloaded fine.

Adam Prime

hates soccer, is Mexican
Just hit the first "over world" map and town. SO GREAT.

I'm only at Ch.4 but I can already say this game is cracking my personal Top 5 of JRPGs (I know its not Japanese, but I think you know what I mean, that style) of all time.

Everything about it exceeds my expectations. The battle system is so great that even if everything else about the game completely sucked, this game would still be incredible. But everything else about the combat system doesn't suck. It's GREAT. For any game of any budget or team size.

... I'm trying to take my time through this. I'm giving myself until May before the new Fire Emblem hits to finish it.


Whatever that server code error is, it's not specific to this game. Google it and you'll see that various users get the code at various times for various games.

See which patch is downloading. I kept getting that error when it was trying to download 1.01. I cancelled and deleted the update file, then went to the game and did Check for Update. It found 1.02 and downloaded fine.

Just retried and it failed once again, but a second retry was successful. Thanks all! Edited my previous post, so hopefully anyone that has the issue just keeps at it. It'll get there eventually.


Neo Member
Well, I finally managed to replicate that poison freeze bug that people have been reporting. It appears to be connected to Chahn's Focus attacks. Not sure what exactly is messed up there, but at least now I know what to look at.
Are you sure that's all of it? I've caused a bunch of soft locks without her in my party -- the last was with no poisons -- only a vuln up. Party was Alyssa/Dave/Lauren/Arete. See this for the result


Zeboyd Games
We should probably wait an hour or two before telling people when a patch goes live because it seems to take a while for the PSN back end to kind of get fully equipped to send those out. And when it fails we get a lot, like, a *lot* of complaints that our patch is "broken" because it's not downloading / throwing errors via PSN. When it's really just, the system apparently needs some amount of time.
Really loving this game. Its hitting all the right notes for my RPG fix.

I would say to save and save often. I lost about an hour of playtime when the game crashed once I beat
the kaiju boss you fight while controlling the mech
. This happened post-patch as well.


Just ran into an interesting text bug.

Halfway through Chapter 5, after the
Millennial Fair...erm...Freedom Day portion, when you get ambushed
, I had the song text from Lauren's intro start playing on the screen. It overlaid the entire cutscene, which played normally otherwise, and into the boss fight afterwards. No music, just the song text. It finished on its own and went away, and the game continued.


Would love to join you guys playing this game. It's pretty shitty that they've still been silent about EU PSN codes for ks backers.
Would love to join you guys playing this game. It's pretty shitty that they've still been silent about EU PSN codes for ks backers.

We haven't been silent on EU PSN codes for Kickstarter backers. One, Sony Europe hasn't given us any codes yet. Two, we didn't get all of the stuff to Sony Europe in time so the EU release is currently a broken mess.


We should probably wait an hour or two before telling people when a patch goes live because it seems to take a while for the PSN back end to kind of get fully equipped to send those out. And when it fails we get a lot, like, a *lot* of complaints that our patch is "broken" because it's not downloading / throwing errors via PSN. When it's really just, the system apparently needs some amount of time.

In your defense, my PS4 automatically popped a notification for patch 1.02 and tried downloading it while I was in the middle of another review assignment. I wouldn't have even known it was live if it wasn't for getting the Cannot Download notification right afterwards and trying to investigate the issue.


It's not really your fault Robert but PSN EU, I hope it'll be resolved soon. Anyway, do you know if you'll put the game on GoG? If not, I'll buy on Humble, no problem!


I suggest everyone who played the game on Steam and finished it to write a good review on Steam store, I will even wrote my first ever review once I will finish it just to get the game a bit more recognition it deserved.


Getting freezes now(PS4) right after the Nightshade concert,the soldier hit me and I think if they are poisoned and die after the hit,the menu/commands disappears and I cant do anything else except cancel the application and restart...first fight after the show once and a little further in...


Getting freezes now(PS4) right after the Nightshade concert,the soldier hit me and I think if they are poisoned and die after the hit,the menu/commands disappears and I cant do anything else except cancel the application and restart...first fight after the show once and a little further in...

the last patch suppose to prevent that bug, are you on the 1.02 ?


I doubled dipped and bought the PS4 version to show you guys some love. One weird thing I noticed is when I compared the PC and PS4 version the PC version looks zoomed in more and maybe a little blurry. On the PS4 version it looks zoomed out a little more and much crisper/brighter. I don't know if it has anything to do with anything but at the title screen on PC the system option is at the very bottom of the screen is almost cut off a little bit. I can still see it and select it but it looks off. This is running at fullscreen on a geforce 1080 with scaling done by my TV.

All settings on the TV are identical and both are upscaling 4k according to my TV.

These aren't my screenshots but they are a good of example of what I'm talking about



We haven't been silent on EU PSN codes for Kickstarter backers. One, Sony Europe hasn't given us any codes yet. Two, Sony Europe hasn't apply any of our patches to the game so the EU release is currently a broken mess.

Sorry I should rephrase

It's pretty shitty that Sony Europe have been silent about EU PSN codes for KS backers!

Big love, Zeboyd


Didn't get to play last night and feeling withdrawl. Will def right a good review after I'm finished. Might even run a giveaway or two.


I doubled dipped and bought the PS4 version to show you guys some love. One weird thing I noticed is when I compared the PC and PS4 version the PC version looks zoomed in more and maybe a little blurry. On the PS4 version it looks zoomed out a little more and much crisper/brighter. I don't know if it has anything to do with anything but at the title screen on PC the system option is at the very bottom of the screen is almost cut off a little bit. I can still see it and select it but it looks off. This is running at fullscreen on a geforce 1080 with scaling done by my TV.

All settings on the TV are identical and both are upscaling 4k according to my TV.

These aren't my screenshots but they are a good of example of what I'm talking about


Wow! Yeah you are right, huge difference with the blur!!


is a freaking incredible party member. Element buff + Inspire + Self Dmg Buff + Psybe's Hyper Buff + Vulnerable = crazy, crazy, crazy damage. I need to figure out how to work some extra style in there first and I'm sure the numbers would get insane.

It's also awesome most of his elemental attacks are AOE, too.
is a freaking incredible party member. Element buff + Inspire + Self Dmg Buff + Psybe's Hyper Buff + Vulnerable = crazy, crazy, crazy damage. I need to figure out how to work some extra style in there first and I'm sure the numbers would get insane.

It's also awesome most of his elemental attacks are AOE, too.

Yup, I was doing this yesterday and I hit about 58k


I doubled dipped and bought the PS4 version to show you guys some love. One weird thing I noticed is when I compared the PC and PS4 version the PC version looks zoomed in more and maybe a little blurry. On the PS4 version it looks zoomed out a little more and much crisper/brighter. I don't know if it has anything to do with anything but at the title screen on PC the system option is at the very bottom of the screen is almost cut off a little bit. I can still see it and select it but it looks off. This is running at fullscreen on a geforce 1080 with scaling done by my TV.

All settings on the TV are identical and both are upscaling 4k according to my TV.

These aren't my screenshots but they are a good of example of what I'm talking about


Shot in the dark, but have you tried looking at the overscan settings on your TV? My friend had this problem with the Witcher 3 (my PS4 copy worked just fine on his TV but his PC version had similar issues to you) and messing with overscan fixed it. No idea about the blurriness though. Also I could be completely wrong.


Shot in the dark, but have you tried looking at the overscan settings on your TV? My friend had this problem with the Witcher 3 (my PS4 copy worked just fine on his TV but his PC version had similar issues to you) and messing with overscan fixed it. No idea about the blurriness though. Also I could be completely wrong.

Hmm...good question. I'll definitely check that when I get home. Thank you :)
What!! I JUST heard of this game and saw some screenshots and it looks super cool and apparently has great turn based combat?

Can anyone compare it to anything else out there? Is this a future cult classic or anything like that?


What!! I JUST heard of this game and saw some screenshots and it looks super cool and apparently has great turn based combat?

Can anyone compare it to anything else out there? Is this a future cult classic or anything like that?

This is what is listed in the OP. I have only had the chance to play for an hour so I don't have anything else to add. Impressions here certainly make it seem like this could be a cult classic, but I'm hoping that word of mouth spreads and it sells well!

OP said:
Game inspirations:
Phantasy Star - Setting. Inspiration to make the game in the first place (I wish there was a Phantasy Star V... let's make the next best thing!)
Chrono Trigger - Late 16-bit style. Battles on map. Dual techs.
Lunar: Eternal Blue - Tone. Cutscenes. Music.
Suikoden - Intrigue. Base building.
This is what is listed in the OP. I have only had the chance to play for an hour so I don't have anything else to add. Impressions here certainly make it seem like this could be a cult classic, but I'm hoping that word of mouth spreads and it sells well!

Ive truthfully never played any of those games, though I did intend to start Chrono Trigger.

Wait a minute, where are the reviews? Seems it was released a week ago


Zeboyd Games
We got the game out late, review codes out late, so reviewers got the review codes late; if they are reviewing the game, they are either just now getting around to playing it / finishing it and presumably still writing the reviews.

Lack of reviews published out there is really on us, not on reviewers or the press, honestly.

I wish we could have done more sooner. We *want* people to talk openly about the game, there was never any intention to have an embargo or delay review codes or whatever. It's just how the chips fell, and again, it's on us.

I just hope some reviewers/press don't take it as an intentional delay on sending codes or something.

Anyway still have other various issues on the plate so.. hope to see more reviews (hopefully positive) over the next copule weeks, we'll see.


We got the game out late, review codes out late, so reviewers got the review codes late; if they are reviewing the game, they are either just now getting around to playing it / finishing it and presumably still writing the reviews.

Lack of reviews published out there is really on us, not on reviewers or the press, honestly.

I wish we could have done more sooner. We *want* people to talk openly about the game, there was never any intention to have an embargo or delay review codes or whatever. It's just how the chips fell, and again, it's on us.

I just hope some reviewers/press don't take it as an intentional delay on sending codes or something.

Anyway still have other various issues on the plate so.. hope to see more reviews (hopefully positive) over the next copule weeks, we'll see.

I certainly hope not considering how frank and open you're being here, I presume you would be saying the same thing to anyone if they reached out. Owning the issues in this way is commendable, I fail to see how reasonable people could hold it against you.


Neo Member
A patch is up for the EU version, it's version 1.01 but I take it it's the equivalent of the most up to date patch available? Can't wait to start playing!
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