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Counter-Strike: Global Offensive |OT| The bomb has been planted

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Biggest thing when you start playing bad is just to slow it down I find; the more patient you are, the better your game is overall at the end - usually. (unless it's 1on1; then i prefer to just charge in like a mad man)

Going through a slump myself though, down to single AK from DMG.

Deleted member 102362

Unconfirmed Member
Both Howl items have been removed from the workshop. The in-game items have seen no changes yet:


An error was encountered while processing your request:

This Steam Workshop item has been banned for either violating the Steam Terms of Service, the Steam Workshop Legal Agreement, or the Terms of Service for Counter-Strike: Global Offensive.

Here's a link to the Steam Community home page.

Very lame. What happens to the guy that stole it?

While Valve hasn't said what's going to happen to the items or the creators, you can read up on how they handled the Timebreaker situation in the link I posted in the post you quoted to get an idea of how this worked in Dota 2.

Basically, Valve reclaimed the earned funds from the thief, ceased distribution of the item, replaced the item's model with an original one for all owners of the item, and gave all of the Timebreakers the Vintage/Elder quality. Timebreakers are still tradable/sellable on Market.


So, I know the ranking system is kinda dumb, and no one really knows how it works (right?) because I just ranked down on a win. score was 16-11, and I had the highest points in the game. I was single AK, enemy team had a badge, mg2, and a few 3/4 stars.



that really sucks. I deranked after one loss and still haven't got back to eagle after countless wins against teams with multiple double eagles
Just snagged my final win for the gold Operation Phoenix badge, went from Nova Master to Master Guardian 2 in the process as well.

Comp is fun, but the time commitment for a single match is the only thing that makes it a pain to get me motivated to start. Matches taking the better part of an hour win or lose makes it hard to want to hop into another afterwards, especially coming from a loss. I'd prefer it if there was a way to condense match times somehow, but it would be a hard tightrope to walk considering the setup and economy balancing.

Shoutouts to animlboogy who I saw on the opposing team on an agency match during my adventures in solo queuing. My team lost that match. :<

The highlight of my MM experience was probably the match on motel where the opposing team was staunchly committed to occupying the diner and roleplaying as employees of the Krusty Krab.



Permanent Junior Member
Played some with Wooty earlier. Seems like a cool dude. He added me so we might play again later. The game feels different when 950 people are watching.

Deleted member 102362

Unconfirmed Member
Don't steal shit, yo:

Respecting Intellectual Property
June 11 - CS:GO Official
Recently we received a DMCA takedown notice regarding copyright infringement with respect to the the M4A4 | Howl, and a community sticker, Howling Dawn, claiming that the artwork was not originally created by the stated contributors. This matter is extremely serious, and we have taken appropriate action to resolve it.

When we launched the CS:GO Items Workshop, our goal was to provide artists with a space to share their creative ideas. By design, the Items Workshop has very low friction for artists to submit their work – new contributions do not require Valve review or approval. To ensure that these contributions represent original content, we require that all Workshop contributors sign a legal agreement confirming that their contributions are original. We also enable the community to monitor Workshop submissions and identify copies and plagiarism via the report flag.

All contributors share joint responsibility for the originality of their Workshop submission, and therefore share joint liability for claims of copyright infringement. That is, if two or more artists collaborate on a submission and the submission contains intellectual property that isn’t their own, all artists involved in the submission will share in the consequences.

For the items in question, the following steps have been taken:

Both contributors have received Steam Community bans. They receive no proceeds from either item, and both items have been removed from the game.
For owners of the M4A4 | Howl and Howling Dawn sticker, those items have been replaced by an alternative designed by the CS:GO team. These items will never be produced again, and have been assigned the ‘Contraband’ rarity.
All other in-game items that involve at least one of the contributors in their revenue share have been discontinued.
The Huntsman Case and Community Sticker Capsule have been revised to replace the copied and discontinued items.
Moving forward, we will no longer work with the contributors and we will not ship any existing Workshop submission that credits their involvement.

The cost for everyone involved in the resolution of this issue has been significant, including our players and community members. It takes considerable time and effort for the CS:GO team to resolve copyright infringement disputes, but fortunately copying is rare – the CS:GO community has submitted tens of thousands of unique entries to the Workshop, and we have shipped dozens of your designs without a problem.

To ensure that we don’t have issues in the future, we need your help. Please only contribute original work. If you see any items that appear to violate the Workshop copyright policy, please direct the copyright owner to tell us via Valve’s DMCA takedown page. Together we can keep the Workshop a safe place for artists and their hard work.


So even the new Howl is just limited to the ones currently owned? Great for skyrocketing the price for the owners but I don't get why it can't remain available.

Now I'm stuck with a bronze Phoenix medal forever.

Shoulda hustled! I do wish there was an alternate way to level them up after operations expire. Seems crummy to just have a bronze coin on your profile 'til the end of time.


So even the new Howl is just limited to the ones currently owned? Great for skyrocketing the price for the owners but I don't get why it can't remain available.

Shoulda hustled! I do wish there was an alternate way to level them up after operations expire. Seems crummy to just have a bronze coin on your profile 'til the end of time.

It will haunt me forever.


So disappointed, I was close to gold too. I was assuming the operation would last for another week. Oh well.

Deleted member 102362

Unconfirmed Member
Replaced weapons and skins:

Old Weapons
-USP-S | Orion
-M4A4 | Howl*
-CZ75-Auto | Poison Dart
-P90 | Desert Warfare
-MAC-10 | Curse
-Dual Berettas | Retribution

New Weapons
-USP-S | Caiman
-M4A4 | Desert Strike
-CZ75-Auto | Twist
-P90 | Module
-MAC-10 | Tatter
-P2000 | Pulse

Old Stickers
-Howling Dawn**
-King on the Field
-Winged Defuser
-Harp of War

New Stickers
-Death Comes
-Pocket BBQ

*Preexisting M4A4 Howls had their skin replaced with a new one and discontinued.
**Preexisting Howling Dawn stickers had their image replaced with a new one and discontinued.


Seems a little odd to me that the other discontinued weapons didn't get any special status. I have a Poison Dart and Curse, I want some Contraband items :(

Deleted member 102362

Unconfirmed Member
Ilúvatar;116188994 said:
Seems a little odd to me that the other discontinued weapons didn't get any special status. I have a Poison Dart and Curse, I want some Contraband items :(
The Howl items were the only ones that were infringing on someone else's work.


de_crown seems way too big with a lot of empty space

I gave Volcano the benefit of the doubt but I dunno how fun it'll be to play.

Deleted member 102362

Unconfirmed Member
BTW, here is a detailed breakdown of the June 11th patch.


This might be old news to some of you, but I just found out you can activate night vision in CS:GO. If you want to try out night vision for yourself, hop on an offline server and follow these steps:

1. Open the console
2. bind "n" "nightvision" (where "n" is whatever key you want to bind nightvision to)
3. sv_cheats 1
4. give item_nvgs
5. Activate it and enjoy lime Jell-O-Vision:


Got carried so hard just now. Some double eagle was lobbying with a couple of his lower ranked friends and I got matched with them. This dude dropped a 40 bomb and pissed the other team off, they all thought he was cheating.


Got carried so hard just now. Some double eagle was lobbying with a couple of his lower ranked friends and I got matched with them. This dude dropped a 40 bomb and pissed the other team off, they all thought he was cheating.

I often que with my SIlver 4-Silver Elite Master friends and I am a Gold Nova 2 and recently 40 happens quite often for me. The problem is, sometimes even that isn't enough ...
I often que with my SIlver 4-Silver Elite Master friends and I am a Gold Nova 2 and recently 40 happens quite often for me. The problem is, sometimes even that isn't enough ...

He was in a queue with a Silver 2 and a GN 3, the other person on our team was unranked. They weren't that bad actually, and we were up against a bunch of MG 1&2s.


Surprised it took this long to see DMCA stuff on CS's steam community. Stuff like this is why user-generated content hasn't taken off sooner, and can really throw a wet blanket on things. Hoping this stuff doesn't happen again.
Had a little discussion in the Steam thread with En Ex to dump here for the sake of relevance.

While we're on the subject of CS:GO, something that's been kind of on my mind lately was how they incorporated their F2P scheme into it a little under a year ago now. I'm fine with it as it's made me a profit in Steam funny money so it's worked in my favour, but I was always under the impression that it wasn't something that they always had in mind for the game but then added it after the fact.


It wasn't until I saw that video of pre-release footage from 2011 that my suspicions were raised. At 6:26 you can see a player on the Terrorist side bring out their knife, and shortly after you can see the Counter-Terrorist's knife in their view.


These differ pretty radically from the default knives of the released game.


Knives are the high-ticket items in CS:GO's fashion game, akin to the unusuals of TF2 or the... rare couriers of Dota 2? I don't know anything about Dota. Anyways, knives are some of the big bucks items you can get from their gambling system and here are a couple of the ones you can find:

http://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/★ Flip Knife
http://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/★ Bayonet

Pretty familiar huh? Now I don't know if the images get it across properly, but the default knives are just extremely dinky looking. The Terrorist one especially looks like it's a cheap plastic prop that couldn't so much as cut a loaf of bread. I can't help but feel that this was their idea all along and that they changed the standard ones to look as chintzy as possible to prey on people's desire for something, well, cooler.

Which would be fine I guess if CS:GO was a F2P game, but it's still a paid product. One that they coincidentally tend to put on sale after waves of VAC bans. So you have these items going for more than 4 times the base price of the game itself on the market, and the game itself doesn't have a standard item store like TF2 or Dota, you can only directly buy keys to gamble with cases and name tags.

They're just cosmetics so in the end it doesn't really matter a whole bunch and can be completely ignored, but I can't help but feel rubbed the wrong way just a bit.
Are you accusing them of replacing the alpha knives with different knives so they'd make more money through introducing cosmetic knives? Because, if so, I disagree. Here's my take on what happened.

During development, Valve made a design decision and decided to replace the flip and bayonet with the current knives. Then, when introducing the cosmetic system, they decided to add knives to the mix. Why not save time and reuse their old knife assets? So, in addition to the karambit, gut, and M9, they were able to add two more knives to the update without having to expend any additional resources.

If I may be frank, I think you're letting your personal dislike of the default knives color your perception as to what happened during the development of CS:GO's cosmetics.

What I want to know is why the default knives (and the Zeus) have no cosmetic skins, because the CT default knife would look pretty great with a few of the skins out there.
Haha, you might be right about my dislike of the defaults colouring perception. Let me ask you, do you think they look up to par with the others? I have a hard time believing anyone would prefer the default T knife to anything else, it just looks so intentionally unappealing to make the desire for the alternatives stronger. Even comparing to CS 1.6 and CS:S, the default knives of GO just have a sort of underdeveloped look to them.

They changed it for a reason, but I guess what brings me back to my suspicions is that they're fine with changing it back so long as you're willing to spend the money. I guess they're a special case, but it seems you should at least be willing to freely switch between vanilla knife variants. This isn't a F2P game afterall, even if they implemented their same F2P hooks.
The CT knife looks professional, the T knife looks rough, which I think is the look/personality Valve was going for. I like both knives, but my preference is with the CT knife, which as I noted earlier, I'd love to see some skins on.

If they made the flip and bayonet alternate vanilla knives, I think there'd be questions like 1) why are these two knives alternate vanilla knives, and not the other three (four now), and 2) why are these new alternate vanilla knives cosmetic, with no gameplay alterations, like the M4A1, USP, and CZ75?
By this point I meant more that all vanilla knives would simply be variants to swap between at will, but that's more being idealistic than realistic. They're a special case so even vanilla variants are just cosmetic swaps, it would just be a nice feature in the realm of this not being an actual F2P game. The assets were always there, and yeah clearly they could just make money hand over fist the way they're doing it now instead. It just makes me further wonder, were all the knives sans Huntsman already made? Were they going to be for the various map specific T and CT variants? The janky T knife fits in some of the map themes, but heavily contrast with others -- would the Ts in office really be using those? It just springs other questions to mind with how this all came about now that the seed's been planted from that older video.

It's not a big deal for me, but it's something I felt the need to post about after seeing the old footage.

Deleted member 102362

Unconfirmed Member
It just makes me further wonder, were all the knives sans Huntsman already made?

That's something I've wondered myself. They clearly had a bunch of weapon models that were created during GO's development, but were cut from the final game (MP5, Scout, SCAR-17), giving them a pool of model resources for future weapon updates, assuming they choose to reuse them.


While this is an interesting find, I never really had a problem with the standard knives. I'm sure Valve always had the idea if monetization with GO in the back of their minds and I actually have no problem with it.

CS GO is really popular and continues to grow and we've been getting constant updates ever since release. I'd argue without skins & knives and the constant stream of money it makes for Valve, these might become less frequent.

On the topic if f2p, I actually like that the game still costs 15$. If it went full f2p there would be even more cheaters. Like this, at leat there is somewhat of an entr barrier, though I admit the frequent sales after bannings don't help.
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