Castle feels like it's twice as big as it needs to be
Yeah I can see that, haven't played it in competitive yet
since I'm banned
Castle feels like it's twice as big as it needs to be
Ivory P2000 is some hotness.
I know you have to wait till the end of the game....but my kills still aren't registering on my mission :\
That's fine then. Thanks for the answer. I rather play in servers, I"m tired of being called an aim botter by competitive match making players.
Eventually you will be matched with people around your own skill level. It takes a few matches, but it's well worth it if you can stomach the 64-tick servers.
Also, I noticed that when I join a match and look at the scoreboard, I'm the only one with my rank showing but at the end of the match, people have ranks. What's the deal with that? I'm Silver 3 btw.
Which is precisely what they were trying to avoid by nerfing the CZ. These guys are bad at balancing.Tec9 is way too good now. Like there's reason not to tec9 + head armor on round 2 win or lose round 1. I've pretty much been just using it and awp on T side now and completely wrecking people. Definitely getting nerfed soon.
I'm pretty new to CS: GO with only 4 hours on my account, but I'm not super clear on how drops are supposed to work.
I've read some things online about drop rates and such, but it's still confusing to me that I've played for 4 hours using quick matches (which I assume put me on official servers?) but I still haven't gotten a single drop. I stick around to the end of rounds and such, still nothing.
What am I missing?
when is crackhouse going to be a in one of these things
that map rocked
They should really bring back Miami. Miami was easily my favorite map in Counter Strike.
Had some fun playing tec-9: tec-9 offensive today.
Is it worse or better than the AUGpocalypse?
Really glad they added Cache to the official map pool. Love that map.
Is it worse or better than the AUGpocalypse?
Really glad they added Cache to the official map pool. Love that map.
I feel like the map maker was trying to do something interesting with Insertion but the result is just a confusing clusterfuck of a map that feels like a sniping fest.
Ivory P2000 is some hotness.
Which is precisely what they were trying to avoid by nerfing the CZ. These guys are bad at balancing.
Release Notes for 7/2/2014
- Missions will now properly reward progress on partnering dedicated servers.
- Fixed graphical glitch with water on cs_rush and de_overgrown when shader detail is set to medium or low.
- Fixed the Tec-9 weapon script.
- Fixed a rare crash when updating the scoreboard.
- Zooming out of a sniper scope on a map that doesn’t have a post processing entity will no longer cause a circular visual artifact.
I'd assume there is a cap just like with normal drop per weeks because you DO get weapon skins for doing missiona. And yay for the hotfixCan you only obtain a certain amount of assignments a day (or week)? I received four, did all four and now they aren't dropping at all. I haven't seen them drop for other players this evening, either.
I'd assume there is a cap just like with normal drop per weeks because you DO get weapon skins for doing missiona. And yay for the hotfix
Well it always was a bot more CT sided, but normally you'd need at leats 7 wins or so before going CT. So nice going!Was down 12 to 3 on Nuke. Switched to CTs, 13 game winning streak. What whaaattt.
Anyone know what's up with the drop limit for missions? I got four today until it kicked in while mates and random people on the Steam forums mostly got two until they stopped dropping.
I'd like to know this too, 1 of my friends thinks it's 2 missions per day. Is that true?
So can someone explain further how these tokens work?
I was able to load the Operation Breakout game without buying a token, but then I was placed in a game full of bots. Was that a fluke? Or is that how the custom games work when you don't buy a token for them?
I thought you could still play them without buying a token, you just wouldn't get drops / missions / etc. from them.
I'm still stuck on two missions (1 drop). Almost feels like I have to throw in 10 more hours just for one more.
I dont understand why we cant have some nice UMP skins and not babys first art project. Would it have been so hard to have made a tuxedo ump 45?
Bone pile UMP is pretty cool.I dont understand why we cant have some nice UMP skins and not babys first art project. Would it have been so hard to have made a tuxedo ump 45?
I wish they'd be clear about this. I bought the pass specifically for the missions thinking that they'd drop regularly.
Pretty much what Im still using. Got a skull sticker on it as well (because someone was selling the ump at the lowest market price for some reason).Still rocking caramel.
I sorta liked it for a bit but then stayed with Caramel.Bone pile UMP is pretty cool.
Corporal doesnt have the magazine skinned like in the photo. I was so disappointed when I found out.I like corporal and bone pile