Maybe I should just p90 my way through being a terrorist.
Ilúvatar;120750691 said:
Nope, it seems to be totally random. Which also why, no matter how much an idiot your teammate might be, in most cases its better not to votekick him since he'll be comparatively more effective than an bot.Round starts
To BOT: "Hold position!"
To BOT: "Hold position!"
To BOT: "Hold position!"
To BOT: "Hold position!"
BOT: "Go go go!"
Had this happen on Nuke today during a comp match. Is there a secret in getting these damned things to listen?
I have the weirdest bug (?!) atm:
Every other match, my keyboard stops working. It just begins lagging 5 seconds behind. The mouse still works and the keyboard also works in windows just fine, but as soon as I spawn, I can't do shit. Alt-Tab is the only thing that still works without delay.
Anybody has a similar problem? Or a workaround?
Edit: Ok it gets weirder: When I play in wireless mode it works, with cable it won't
Seems like people are having a lot of performance issues, myself included. Hope they figure it out soon... I only get around 50 fps and now it's 30-40 fps average
CSGO has been buggy as shit with the new operation. The other day, my numbers just stopped working so I couldn't select specific weapons, but if I typed them in chat, they worked just fine. I had to scroll through the weapons and my mouse wheel is overly sensitive so I have to fight that too.
Can't handle anything below 100. Haven't noticed anything wrong with my FPS though.
Yea, I used to get 300fps constant but ever since the Operation Terrible Maps patch I get 220-300. Was hoping Valve would fix it but nope.
But they did a good job with TF2!Valve? Optimize one of their multiplayer games?
(audience laughs uproariously)
Boy castle sucks.
So are mission drops just as random as crates? I've only gotten two out of like 10 games played.
Silver is suffering.
I love the M4A1-S it just feels like a headshot machine. I do hate the smaller clip but it's a good trade off.
I seem to constantly get matched up against 4 or 5 man teams of guys who play together all the time. The people I end up with on my team are lone wolf types who aren't very good and don't communicate at all or don't work as a team resulting in getting my face pushed in. Last night, I had some ass hole who wouldn't listen and kept pushing banana on Inferno leaving me alone to fend off the entire T team because he would typically die without taking anyone down. Then, they all starting bickering on T side about where they were and calling each other names. Next thing I know, they start TKing and trying to kick one another. We easier had the victory in our midst, but by TKing and then kicking our 5th guy, we ended up with a tie.
Please someone save me from this misery and party up? I am still at a Distinguished Master Guardian, but I am probably not at that level anymore. Still can hang as long as I am not getting constantly shot in the face.
I'll team up if you'd like, I'm only Master Guardian II though.
Getting my new mouse and mousepad todayI've been using a shitty mouse with horrible tracking, with an extremely old and worn down QcK heavy. I'll be receiving a steelseries Kana v2 and QcK+ today. That should help me out a lot, considering that when I do a fast movement now my mouse goes bonkers
I'll team up if you'd like, I'm only Master Guardian II though.
Getting my new mouse and mousepad todayI've been using a shitty mouse with horrible tracking, with an extremely old and worn down QcK heavy. I'll be receiving a steelseries Kana v2 and QcK+ today. That should help me out a lot, considering that when I do a fast movement now my mouse goes bonkers
Nice. I have the huge QcK+ mouse pad and love it. Can't manage with anything smaller. Go ahead and shoot me a friend req. I am looking for all types of NA players to team up with.
Anybody else just feel free to add me as well:
I love the M4A1-S it just feels like a headshot machine. I do hate the smaller clip but it's a good trade off.
Round starts
To BOT: "Hold position!"
To BOT: "Hold position!"
To BOT: "Hold position!"
To BOT: "Hold position!"
BOT: "Go go go!"
Had this happen on Nuke today during a comp match. Is there a secret in getting these damned things to listen?
So that multi 1v1 arena map/mode is pretty cool. It's a lot more fun than Aim maps.
Ilúvatar;121073599 said:Can you post the IPs of servers that run this? - Chicago - Chicago - Seattle - Texas
Bigger list
Round starts
To BOT: "Hold position!"
To BOT: "Hold position!"
To BOT: "Hold position!"
To BOT: "Hold position!"
BOT: "Go go go!"
Had this happen on Nuke today during a comp match. Is there a secret in getting these damned things to listen?
been playing this again in the last week or so, man, it's so fun when people are on the mic. is there a gaf group for this?
I played a lot back in the 1.5 days and then strangely enough I played a LOT more of the original XBox version when xbox live was new. IDK why i played so much of that version. Didn't have a PC at the time.
CS_Italy is one of my favorite maps but it doesn't seem to be played anymore.
I love Italy! That map is a blast.CS_Italy is one of my favorite maps but it doesn't seem to be played anymore.