The more I research it, the more I could possibly buy books for college this semester instantly with it. Kinda crazy, also attracting a bunch of dumb stuff and already set all my stuff to private![]()
The more I research it, the more I could possibly buy books for college this semester instantly with it. Kinda crazy, also attracting a bunch of dumb stuff and already set all my stuff to private![]()
Wow! Grats Sabot! How many cases did you open before hitting the knife?
That was the first in about a month.
I only opened like 5 cases before.
As someone who has wasted about £40 on cases, I hate you.
As someone who has wasted about £40 on cases, I hate you.
I lost count of how many crates I've opened. Most of my stattraks have just been bought from the market.
Just started using the CZ auto holy moly is this thing good. I am terrible with pistols so i may think of replaced my p250 with this. Which do you guys use?
I lost count of how many crates I've opened. Most of my stattraks have just been bought from the market.
Just started using the CZ auto holy moly is this thing good. I am terrible with pistols so I may replace my p250 with this. Which do you guys use?
Just started using the CZ auto holy moly is this thing good. I am terrible with pistols so I may replace my p250 with this. Which do you guys use?
TEACH ME YOUR WAYS.I was so sad to find they were nerfing the CZ, as I was one of the few in Nova games who regularly used it.
I never stopped using it. Even when the Tec-9 got stupidly buffed. As recently as a week ago when I solo-queued I was made fun of for sticking to the CZ "after the nerf."
I'm happy to let this ignorance lie in lower ranks.
The planted bomb now allows other players to defuse if the previous defusing player has disconnected.
Fixed the butterfly knife having a quickswitch advantage.
Fixed spectator view FOV being incorrect sometimes (like when leaving a player who was scoped).
Added a convar to let servers disable observer target interpolation (sv_disable_observer_interpolation).
Fixed a crash when bringing up the scoreboard.
Fixed some scoreboard entries sometimes showing 999.
Don't know why, but this picture from the new CS GO blog entry makes me really excited for ESL Cologne
Don't know why, but this picture from the new CS GO blog entry makes me really excited for ESL Cologne
It's a huge change to make competitive CS more appealing to the masses. I have my TV connected to my PC via HDMI so I'll be watching the games in crystal clear 1080p on a 40" Sony Bravia. No more crappy quality and buffering on Twitch is going to be lush.
except they won't cut to cameras and reactions of players right...
I'm up for some games some time. I'm usually on for a few hours after work. I'm in the CS-GAF group if you want to add me.Any EU gaffers here looking for more people to play with?
My friends play on inconsistent times so it'd be nice to have more options.
My rank is MG II.
If you don't mind playing with gold nova 3 you can hit me up on Steam as well. Name there is slooc, I'm also in the Steam Group I think.Any EU gaffers here looking for more people to play with?
My friends play on inconsistent times so it'd be nice to have more options.
My rank is MG II.
You lucky bastard. I should stop caring about ranks is both weird how fast ive ranked up and how i am still doing very well.
sidethought: i wish people who played games online would restrict themselves from making asinine opinions, for example, one of the people pictured in my party (not the dude you'd think it was) starting going on about how the st louis thing is all the fault of the teenager who was killed. i had a lot of fun playing a couple games with this dude, and then he came out of nowhere and made me feel guilty for having a good time. i dont even have a strong opinion about the situation, but i felt like the past few hours were soured completely.
People are weird. So on the subject of stupidity...
I once met a guy in comp, I friended him, and we lobbied a bit. A day or two later, I wanted to invite a friend of mine who is very good at the game to join us; however, he was one rank lower than me, so the first guy flat out refused to play with him, despite me having recently been the same rank as my friend.
The first guy is no longer on my friends list, and my old friend and I continue to enjoy the game together.
Could have told him he played for a pro team and this was his smurf account.
Got a mission for Comp (16 wins) on Rush. Golly!
I still have my second mission dropped, 1 win on Insertion. I refuse to play that map.
I still have my second mission dropped, 1 win on Insertion. I refuse to play that map.
For some reason I get horrendous amounts of input lag on that map, it's intolerable.I honestly love that Insertion tries to shake things up, but I just don't think the typical gameplay of CS or the engine really support the LD's intentions. It feels more like a Rainbow 6 map.
Sajjaja had the most amazing AWP clutch on Mirage tonight. The last kill was in the mid/A connector, close quarters AWPing.
Things went, uh, downhill after that match. I think we won five rounds on Dust2? *barf*
Added Slooc and Bagel (your main account I guess). I'm also on the CSGaf group now so feel free to add me!
Damn, who did you guys party with? Sorry I opted out last night.
Sajjaja had the most amazing AWP clutch on Mirage tonight. The last kill was in the mid/A connector, close quarters AWPing.
Things went, uh, downhill after that match. I think we won five rounds on Dust2? *barf*
I'm up for some games some time. I'm usually on for a few hours after work. I'm in the CS-GAF group if you want to add me.
Yup, me too. London, UK for me, usually playing on the East Coast but I'm willing to party up with some GAFers. DMG at the moment