Haha, my aim only gets better.

Although my decision making gets worse and worse.
Yeah we need to work on being terrorist scum. At least I do. I need to start shooting before the guy comes around. Should of clutched that one round on mirage.
If you guys are playing together most of the time, I suggest making some default strats for yourselves such as a pistol strat, gun strat, and eco strat. Here's an example of a gun round strategy:
This will be a rushing during the gun round (AK's, M4's, AWP, etc) in the map called de_inferno. You have two guys go up alternative mid, and three guys up mid from T ramp. The three guys that are going up from T ramp grenade the left side of middle (the most common spot for a person who is attempting to awp there). As they go up, if there is an AWPer on the left side, the middle guys smoke right, and head towards the left. Now you have a couple of decisions to make here.
Do you want to go from CT spawn, and work on B? Do you want to hold that position, and wait for pushes from the CT's? Do you want to work on Speedway instead? Did you take out the guy that was watching Archway? As you can see, there are a lot of choices once you get a hold of a key point in the map. In this case, we will assume that you have taken out the guy that was covering Archway. You split up to three people on Speedway so that you can trade a kill, and two people going up from Archway. You kill the two remaining CT's (One of them is probably in apartments attempting to flank you, or in big pit, but these positions will change depending on your enemies play style), and plant the winner.
Once it has been planted, you guys take various positions to cover the entrances to the site. Use Mumble to communicate on what you're watching so that way everyone is covered. Such as watching Archway/Library from pit, and watching apartments from grave yard, etc... Once that's done, you just hold your positions and eliminate any enemies that come your way. Things like smokes, grenades, flashbangs, and molotovs can enhance these strategies even further.
I hope you found this post helpful, and I realize that it takes a lot of time to plan these things, but if you execute them properly, you will have a much easier time dealing with the CT's on T side.