I think it's the most ct sided map by far. In my opinion it needs major changes.Yeah. Can't believe they kept going ramp, didn't play an AWPer outside, etc.
I think they need to practise Nuke.
Think I'm starting to see how CT-sided Nuke is though.
Alright problem here. Reformated my windows 8.1 pc and I can't get sound out of my headphones unless I make them the default device in my sound options. But then when I unplug them it won't automatically make my speakers the default until I go and manually set them as default in the options. And when I plug in my headphones I get no sound again unless I set is as default etc etc. Before my reformat both would get sound. Whats going on now?
Obvious question but do you have a pci-e sound card (e.g. SoundBlaster, Xonar, etc)? Or is your audio all done through the mobo?
lol C9. just woke up to see the results.
It's a damn shame, i love watching n0thing and Hiko but this team is just stupid. They rely way too much on raw skill. even at ESL they were force buying and yolo strats
If they had the chemistry of a team like NiP or Fnatic they would probably never lose a game.
anyone care to give some tips on the 2 ESWC matches?
Can anybody tell me how (if possible) I can play a regular ass game of Counter Strike in this god damned game? Every time I try to join a game I get put onto a server full of bots. If I try to use the server browser all I get are servers with ridiculous deathmatch modes with random spawn locations and guns and shit. I've owned this game for like a year and I can't figure it out and I end up just quitting after searching for a game for 5 minutes.
Can anybody tell me how (if possible) I can play a regular ass game of Counter Strike in this god damned game? Every time I try to join a game I get put onto a server full of bots. If I try to use the server browser all I get are servers with ridiculous deathmatch modes with random spawn locations and guns and shit. I've owned this game for like a year and I can't figure it out and I end up just quitting after searching for a game for 5 minutes.
Are you trying just through the server browser? I'd suggest using matchmaking.
Play Game -> Pick Casual and a map set and let the game find a server for you. Casual isn't the best rule set but it's decent for just having some fun. No teamkilling, no armor, 1 grenade per type, 50% bonus on money or something and it's like 10v10.
If you want to play competitive rules (tk'ing, more grenades, armor, 5v5) through matchmaking unfortunately the only way is to commit to the full game. No more drop in/out games with that rulesetFor that you'd have to hit the community servers.
I really really really wish they'd have a more competitive ruleset drop in/out with matchmaking like they used to.
I try casual matchmaking, bot matches. Me + 9 bots, or me vs. one other guy with bots in slots. Ridiculous. Is there any way to set it to just not put me in a server that's only bots?Competitive mode
I took out all my skins. Never betting again. Just going to enjoy the matches for fun now.
RIP skins
C9 need to cut seangares and get a real awper. Dude is so trash for a "pro"
Can anybody tell me how (if possible) I can play a regular ass game of Counter Strike in this god damned game? Every time I try to join a game I get put onto a server full of bots.
Same thing happens to me, but only occasionally. It's really weird and annoying. Sometimes I will join friends and they are in a server with 9 bots as well, so it must happen to more people.I try casual matchmaking, bot matches. Me + 9 bots, or me vs. one other guy with bots in slots. Ridiculous. Is there any way to set it to just not put me in a server that's only bots?
I put a token bet on Genk.CN. I have no idea what these teams are but I feel like it can go either way lol.
LOL that play