Counter-Strike: Global Offensive |OT| The bomb has been planted

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Nori Chan

Haha, this sounds like the opposite of my experience on PC.
Turn a corner to an enemy, both have AKs and spray point blank, missing almost every shot. One player awkwardly fumbles to pistol, the other switches to knife. 10 second shootout involving lots of bunny hopping commences before someone gets lucky.

I swear this happened to me but it ended up in a knife fight after both of us empty our pistol.

It such a satisfying thing to win in knife fights


New patch --

Release notes for 8/23 Update

[ Gameplay ]
- Exposed a classic dynamic crosshair style in the options that represents the weapons spread accurately.
- Implemented first person client flinching. Now a player gets aim punched a bit when shot. The amount is based on the damage.
- Increased amount of tagging that results from hits.

[ Bugs ]
- Fixed the scoreboard turning toggleable in the end match state.
- fixed not being able to bring up the pause menu without dismissing the scoreboard in the end match state.
- Parallelized matchmaking results analysis process and reduced time game takes to perform matchmaking.
- Improved matchmaking algorithm giving more weight to dedicated servers ping during matchmaking results analysis.

[ Community ]
- Removed the implicit dependency on round-limited matches so servers that want to use mp_timelimit instead can. Mp_timelimit is used only if mp_maxrounds is set to 0.
- Exposed mp_forcecamera convar.
- Exposed set of server hibernate convars.
- Fixed code that was preventing mapper-placed weapons.


I do have one major complaint against the gameplay: it's very difficult to see where your shots are going when spraying. In 1.6, it's very obvious. Difficult to control spray as a result.

I was just thinking why I can't spray at all anymore.


Online Ho Champ
Haha, this sounds like the opposite of my experience on PC.
Turn a corner to an enemy, both have AKs and spray point blank, missing almost every shot. One player awkwardly fumbles to pistol, the other switches to knife. 10 second shootout involving lots of bunny hopping commences before someone gets lucky.

haha time to change servers. I remember those days when people couldnt shoot .


I'd be in the dick
There was a patch on PS3 this morning but the patch notes were just "LOL CS:GO 1.01 LOL" with no real info included before patching. :/
That made me so mad. It tried to connect to Steam at one point after that so I think it may have laid the groundwork for Steam Integration.


I hope that patch comes to consoles. Needs more ping detection in matchmaking. Just tried another game and it was unplayably laggy.

Why make an amazing game that I just physically can't play.
had the most amazing round on PS3 this morning on Nuke. I was the only one alive and I managed to take down four players at bomb site B. I was such a fuck yea moment, felt awesome!!!


New patch -- - Exposed a classic dynamic crosshair style in the options that represents the weapons spread accurately.

Wait wait wiatiwtiawititawti! So this means like in 1.6? Gonna try that now!

Edit: still gonna hope for r_drawviewmodel 0 !


niiiice, flinching and classic dynamic crosshair

i have a feeling that if they add more model shake and hit indicators, this game will feel a lot better



Do the maps colors look more vibrant on consoles or is it just me? Is it just his stream?

It's really awkward watching console CoD players talk about and play the game. This dude just said crouching was a last resort. It's weird to see someone new to the game emulating PC play on a console (places that he's walling, spot he plays, rotations etc) ...haha

He walks up to walls and taps fire at them
I just realised today that you can play as one of the bots after you die in Demolition. I'm not sure if you can do it in other game modes as well but it was new to me.


I just realised today that you can play as one of the bots after you die in Demolition. I'm not sure if you can do it in other game modes as well but it was new to me.
Yep, works for the Hostage Rescue mode as well. Pretty fun thing to do but can also be frustrating when you take control of a bot standing out in the open under fire using the most random weapon. Cool feature though, love that it's included.
Yep, works for the Hostage Rescue mode as well. Pretty fun thing to do but can also be frustrating when you take control of a bot standing out in the open under fire using the most random weapon. Cool feature though, love that it's included.

You can do it all the modes i believe. Press x (Xbox) To control the bot when your dead. All kills, Money, Deaths go to the bot though.

That's great to know, I love that feature. It gives me something to do whilst waiting for the next round.
Just tried both console demos...why are these versions of CS running at 30FPS? Ugh, it's a game that is well over a decade old and only very mildly improved by updated visual detail. Valve really doesn't try very hard with the consoles.
Ok, so I initially despised this game since I`m used to source, but it's definitely growing on me. Can be loads of fun once you get used to it. No reason you can't play and enjoy both.


I am loving cs:go.

I was big on the original CS throughout its life but dropped it all when source came out.

Now I am back baby.


Ok, so I initially despised this game since I`m used to source, but it's definitely growing on me. Can be loads of fun once you get used to it. No reason you can't play and enjoy both.

I've been in the beta for months and when I go back to CSS, it just feels cheaper and way easier to play. I've mostly gone back to play on custom maps and mods but now that CS:GO is out for real and is getting the same stuff, there's no point

still keeping 1.6 installed for func_vehicle maps and american football mod :D
What difficulty of bots are used to fill in mp matches?

I'd like to know this too.
It's almost like it varies, depending on how well you're doing.
Some matches I crush the enemy bots, others the enemies shut me and my team down like nothing. L4D Director AI in CSGO?

Also, I swear there is some tagging/flinching whatever in this game.
Xbox version, I can feel my character "stall" when I'm hit and trying to get back behind a corner.

I also wonder how Valve will dole out CSGO updates to the Xbox version.
One big update every so often? Hopefully they won't make us wait until the first DLC (if there even is DLC...which could take a year, anyway.)
Just tried both console demos...why are these versions of CS running at 30FPS? Ugh, it's a game that is well over a decade old and only very mildly improved by updated visual detail. Valve really doesn't try very hard with the consoles.
They really don't, they basically put in the bare minimum of effort and it shows.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
This no deaths during Gun Game/Gun Master/Arms Race/whatever you want to call it is totally bullshit. >:|
Just tried both console demos...why are these versions of CS running at 30FPS? Ugh, it's a game that is well over a decade old and only very mildly improved by updated visual detail. Valve really doesn't try very hard with the consoles.

Think about it dude. Does a game running at 30FPS really ruin your day? Or make you want to not play a game altogether?

If the answer to those questions are "yes", you might want to re-evaluate your priorities.

Picked this up on Xbox to play with some friends. It feels like 2004 all over again. Just hope they fix the matchmaking soon. (Right now I've just been jumping into games using the Custom Game Mode screen and inviting friends that way)


Think about it dude. Does a game running at 30FPS really ruin your day? Or make you want to not play a game altogether?

If the answer to those questions are "yes", you might want to re-evaluate your priorities.

Picked this up on Xbox to play with some friends. It feels like 2004 all over again. Just hope they fix the matchmaking soon. (Right now I've just been jumping into games using the Custom Game Mode screen and inviting friends that way)

He's making a valid complaint.
He's making a valid complaint.

And I'm making a valid point. Don't let something as silly as 30/60FPS stop you from having fun in a game. Unless you get some sort of real-life motion sickness, it's really not that big of a deal.

Playing this on 360 is pretty hilarious. There are very clearly two types of people on 360: those who have played CS for years and know exactly what to do, and those who have no idea what the fuck is going on. Usually there's 2-3 people in the former in each game, and the rest are complete scrubs. The idea that there are no unlockable weapons or artificial "carrot on a stick" gameplay limitations (you have to reach level 30 to unlock the FAMAS!) seems to blow some peoples minds.

It's awesome.
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