How many "real" veterans of cs do we have here anyway? I'm talking WON and pre 1.0 cs here

. I started properly playing around beta 5.2 . I even have the retail 1.0 version somewhere on disc.
I remember when guns stayed on the ground between rounds in the early versions (like pre-beta 5 or so) of the mod. Also, APC's and other vehicles and later on the riot/bulletproof shield (that didn't stay for long lol). People were pissed when Valve forced them to go over to steam if they wanted to play CS.
I had a steam account made on the day steam released but it got stolen at some point when my e-mail was hacked

I first started playing CS in the early betas — maybe 5, maybe earlier, don't remember. Funnily enough, at the time, I already felt like I was late to the game. CS had recently been featured in PC Gamer and everyone was talking about it, so I figured I might as well give it a shot.
Anyone remember the old escape maps? They were a little dumb, but I still have fond memories of breaking out of that prison with the entire CT team chasing me. The assassination maps were even better. Sneaking around as the VIP in Oilrig and somehow getting to the heli? Or rushing the CT spawn as T and shooting the VIP in the back? Exhilarating!
It was a great nostalgic few months when the remake of Siege was featured a few operations ago. Even though it's been years, every room and hallway in those old maps is still somehow baked into my muscle memory. It's like getting back in touch with an old friend.
I really wish Valve would release more maps for Arms Race. The gameplay is already super polished, but it sucks to have to play the same tiny four maps over and over again. Half the fun in CS is discovering all the crazy game modes like gg, surf, kz, jb, etc. Arms Race already feels so good, so why isn't it getting more attention?
Oh, and they need to bring 747 back. OMG, that map was tense.
(With that said, I'm a shitty "veteran" because I don't follow the competitive scene and I'm not amazing at the game, though I can still top the scoreboard on occasion. To me, it's always been just a really fun, old school shooter that harkens back to the Cambrian Explosion of mods in the early Half-Life days.)