Vertigo ? Awesome ! Siege (with APC !), Prodigy and Assault next please.
So uuuuhhhh about that patch today?? Valve time in full force?
-Replaced Competitive mode "Join in Progress" matchmaking system with "Queued" matchmaking.
- Searching for a Competitive game, either from "Find a Game" or "Play with Friends," will enter the player/s ( between 1 and 5 ) into a waiting queue. Once 10 compatible players are found then the game will begin.
- Players that disconnect from a match can reconnect to it from the main menu or abandon it. Abandoning a game will result in a cooldown period during which no new competitive match can be joined.
- Note: Elo will be recalibrated for the new matchmaking system over the coming weeks.
-New maps:
-de_vertigo is now available for Classic Casual and Classic Competitive.
-ar_monastery is now available for Arms Race.
-Weapon changes:
. Reduced p90 kill award from 300% of default to 200%.
. Reduced other SMG kill awards from 300% of default to 200%.
. Increased Bizon kill award from default to 200%.
. Reduced all shotguns' price by 300.
-Guns are now considered "reloaded" at the point during the reload animation in which they visually appear to be reloaded - this allows you to switch away from a gun after the new magazine has been entered without having to wait until the whole reload animation has finished * the weapon refire delay after starting a reload is not affected.
-Fixed HUD not showing during demo playback.
-Changes to Matchmaking Lobby
. -Removed global Join Button and added Join Buttons for individual friends in the Invite Friends section.
. -Join state is now visible when you browse the friends list.
. -Removed global Steam Profile button and added ability to click on any avatar image to see Steam Profile.
. -Removed global Invite Button and added Invite Buttons for individual friends in the Invite Friends section.
-Added new feature section to the main menu
-Fixed issue that caused doors and other "pusher" entities to move at the wrong speed when the tick rate was > 64 Hz.
-Fixed post-process blur effect getting enabled (and left on) during demo playback if the player invoked the buy menu.
-Fixed MOTD on OSX.
-Fixed scoreboard getting stuck in toggle mode after halftime sometimes.
-Fixed ability to connect to community servers using server browser from in*game pause menu.
-Fixed exploit where models could be subsituted via a hardware performance setting.
-Fixed memory corruption related to bots cleaning up their occupied nav areas.
-Fixed spectator glow materials not being precached.
-Resolved several minor bugs to clean up console spew on launch and map load.
-Fixed a crash associated with targetIDs and the sv_competitive_official_5v5 convar.
-Votes that match or exceed the number needed to succeed now end the vote early instead of waiting for the timer to expire.
-The radar now displays when a player or bomb is above and below you.
-Reduced the aim punch that happens when shot in arms and legs as well as in the chest/stomach when wearing chest armor.
-Slightly increased the velocity boost grenades get when thrown by moving players.
-Fixed in-game voice chat not working with some microphones on OSX.
-Added convars mp_teamname_t and mp_teamname_ct that allow overriding team names on the scoreboard.
-Fixed grenade bounce being significantly reduced when tossed at the ground at most angles.
-Fixed not being able to vote when spectating/observing or when the scoreboard was up.
-Changes to warmup period:
. -Players now respawn in the warmup period.
. -Warmup periods now only end when the warmup time expires.
. -Warmup period no longer allows friendly fire.
-The community server browser warning pop*up can now be dismissed and told to never show again.
-There is now a visual and audible change in place of the silence on planted c4 when its about to explode.
-Fixed the medals on the main menu showing the wrong categories.
-The Buy Previous hotkey in the buy menu now only buys things that you purchased in the previous round.
-Fixed an exploit that let players infinitely spawn golden knives.
-Fixed a case where if all players on both teams had the same clan team name the were considered on the same team.
-Fixed a crash on startup when launching a game by joining a game server from Steam.
patch list apparently:-de_vertigo is now available for Classic Casual and Classic Competitive.
-ar_monastery is now available for Arms Race.
. Increased Bizon kill award from default to 200%.
. Reduced all shotguns' price by 300.
-Guns are now considered "reloaded" at the point during the reload animation in which they visually appear to be reloaded - this allows you to switch away from a gun after the new magazine has been entered without having to wait until the whole reload animation has finished * the weapon refire delay after starting a reload is not affected.
-Fixed scoreboard getting stuck in toggle mode after halftime sometimes.
-The radar now displays when a player or bomb is above and below you.
-Slightly increased the velocity boost grenades get when thrown by moving players.
-Fixed grenade bounce being significantly reduced when tossed at the ground at most angles.
-The Buy Previous hotkey in the buy menu now only buys things that you purchased in the previous round.
. Reduced p90 kill award from 300% of default to 200%.
-Guns are now considered "reloaded" at the point during the reload animation in which they visually appear to be reloaded - this allows you to switch away from a gun after the new magazine has been entered without having to wait until the whole reload animation has finished * the weapon refire delay after starting a reload is not affected.
-Fixed HUD not showing during demo playback.
P90 nerf, lulz.
- Searching for a Competitive game, either from "Find a Game" or "Play with Friends," will enter the player/s ( between 1 and 5 ) into a waiting queue. Once 10 compatible players are found then the game will begin.
- Players that disconnect from a match can reconnect to it from the main menu or abandon it. Abandoning a game will result in a cooldown period during which no new competitive match can be joined.
- Note: Elo will be recalibrated for the new matchmaking system over the coming weeks.
Wait, drop in and drop out is now only available in Casual mode?. Dammit that sucks for me and my friends who like playing on the Competitive one and we like jumping into each others games if someone arrives later than the others or if his game just crashed.
I totally get that, but they should've created a new/separate playlist for this update instead of screwing over people playing everyday for the past months in a certain way.Thank god. The game should had launched like this.
Now it needs a proper ranking/laddering system, not the ambiguous system it currently has.
You can still play on community servers.
The whole point of Competitive is to have full 5v5 scrims with a ranking system. Drop-in, drop-out was completely contrary to this. It's like allowing people to take over computer players in in-progress Starcraft 2 matches.
I mainly play CSS for zombie escape servers. About five or so maps were converted over to GO and they were fun to play. But all the best players and map variety are still with CSS so I mainly skip GO.
When I play GO public servers, there are a lot of bots. Seems like the game is running at half capacity. I have no idea if there is a GAF server.
The whole point of Competitive is to have full 5v5 scrims with a ranking system. Drop-in, drop-out was completely contrary to this. It's like allowing people to take over computer players in in-progress Starcraft 2 matches.
I'm going to guess there is no PS3 patch yet?if there is one coming.
really not liking these changes to classic competitive. They need to separate matchmaking casual/compet into separate options.
For me it's more about the options. I don't like the 'Casual' settings of no FF and the like. Also good luck finding a 5v5 with any community server.
New patch is terrible...
Have 2 good rounds? Congratulations, the entire enemy team has left and gone to play casuals for 30 minutes, you are now stuck playing bots unless you are lucky enough to convince your teammates to vote kick you from the game.
Wow Valve completely fucked the game up for me with this playlist change, what a shame...
For me it's more about the options. I don't like the 'Casual' settings of no FF and the like. Also good luck finding a 5v5 with any community server.
Sounds like they need Casual Competitive, and Ranked Competitive.
Casual Competitive would allow drop-in drop-out.
Ranked Competitive would only be for a set group of 5, you would only do it if you knew you had time to play an entire match, and had people you knew would not be leavers.
New patch is terrible...
Have 2 good rounds? Congratulations, the entire enemy team has left and gone to play casuals for 30 minutes, you are now stuck playing bots unless you are lucky enough to convince your teammates to vote kick you from the game.
Yeah it's a joke. I don't understand how they didn't think this through at all: people can only join a new match -> if someone quits, team is stuck with useless bot. And the worst part is that it's not even guaranteed to start a game with 10 real players
Sounds like they need Casual Competitive, and Ranked Competitive.
Casual Competitive would allow drop-in drop-out.
Ranked Competitive would only be for a set group of 5, you would only do it if you knew you had time to play an entire match, and had people you knew would not be leavers.
What's the point of Casual Competitive? Just play on Community's the exact same thing, just a different interface for joining.
Looking through community servers is annoying.What's the point of Casual Competitive? Just play on Community's the exact same thing, just a different interface for joining.
What's the point of Casual Competitive? Just play on Community's the exact same thing, just a different interface for joining.
100% this. Can't believe they just went and fucked over people used to the way things were instead of introducing the new (and needed) queue playlist separately.I agree. I want a "casual" drop in/out game with competitive settings. Kind of like how competitive was. But I really like the new competitive queuing system as well.
100% this. Can't believe they just went and fucked over people used to the way things were instead of introducing the new (and needed) queue playlist separately.
That was the whole point of separating the game into casual and competitive modes.
Wow Valve completely fucked the game up for me with this playlist change, what a shame...
Not having to do server browsing is key for me.Lucky for you, there's 2 more practically identical CS games for you to play.
Not having to do server browsing is key for me.
Is ELO working? I'm not seeing any rank. And I keep getting stomped![]()