Zombie escape is one of my most played games of all time.. So awesome. Think I might have played it more than regular CS:S even.
Yeah, I'm blown away by how detrimental this queuing system is compared to the old "join in progress" method previously used. Previously, if one side was getting slaughtered those players would slowly leave, and new ones would trickle in. Sure, team members would change throughout the match, but at least there was a chance for a more even playing field to develop with new players joining. With 100 hours of CS: GO under my belt, I can say classic competitive was a generally consistent experience despite the changing players mid-match.
Now, when players leave they can't be easily replaced. If there's an impatient/poor player on a team and he leaves, it's like a domino effect. Everyone knows that bot won't be replaced, so another guy leaves, and then another guy. The 30 minute "ban" is meaningless, because people still play with their old habits of dropping in and out of games, looking for more even competition. My friends and I played a few games last night and every match ended with a ridiculous score like 10 - 0, and the match would just stop because there weren't enough actual players on the other team.
Right now, we're waiting 4-5 minutes to play a game that will end prematurely with all bots on the opposing team. I expect once the ELO matchmaking system kicks in, games will start at a more even skill level and fewer people will leave, but right now it's really bad. When a player leaves it affects everyone else more than the person who left, and it didn't used to be that way.
still no word of this on EU PS3 PSN![]()
They had their chance, they've lost a sale. Unless there's a discount.
Release Notes for 10/3/2012
[ Minor Fixes ]
-Added a vote to continue playing competitive match with bots after a human player abandons the match, unanimous agreement of remaining human players is required to continue playing with bots.
-Reduced time required for confirming match when searching for competitive players and servers.
-Improved overall search times in competitive queue mode.
-Added a client message when the wamup period ends.
-Extended competitive match warmup period to 90 seconds.
-Message of the day will automatically dismiss itself when competitive match starts.
-Added an explanation to competitive cooldown timer for clients.
-Added a condition to apply competitive cooldown to players who have disconnected from the match.
-Implemented scaling cooldown periods for repeat incidences.
-Rearranged props below the boost-up ladder to prevent players jumping onto the ladder without boosting
-Clipped off various tiny ledges
-Made small props protruding from walls non-solid
-Fixed visible nodraw in ceiling hole
-Fixed a long standing bug where you could lose mouse input when you got to the team select screen.
-Fixed a bug where the color correction during freeze time did not account for the players also being invulnerable during the new warmup - this fixed the CC gap at the start.
-Fixed some bugs relating to the warmup notification not reliably showing for late joiners.
-The chat now displays when the warmup has ended, just like when it is in progress.
still no word of this on EU PS3 PSN![]()
got a error 55 going on right now for pc version.
The thing people want is not there, try again Valve.Day after update, update.
The thing people want is not there, try again Valve.
The cool downs are 5 min for first abandon, then 30 min, 2hr, 24hr, one week.
Don't know about the vote though. Haven't actually tried the new system.
If someone leaves the game and doesn't reconnect within 2 minutes then there's a vote to end the game. If *one* person votes to stop the game then it ends the game.
It's completely ridiculous.
That's kind of insane.
I'm not sure what the best solution is, but it should probably resemble Dota 2's setup as best as possible. Continue with bots even if someone leaves. Don't give players the option to abandon the game.
Brings match statistics and ranking to the forefront of competitive. Make it clear that leaving a competitive game is a huge no-no, and impose large penalties for doing so.
On a positive note: despite competitive being basically broken, the matchmaking is really, really good for finding a good server now. Prior to the patch, I was getting put on servers with 100-150 ping. Tonight? 35 ping or less.
Well I hope Valve is working on something good because the playerbase is dropping fast
So sadly true.Way back on page 3 I said that the thread title should be "Go Go Go". It's 2 months later now and I think the OP thread title was accurate.
sweetWell I hope Valve is working on something good because the playerbase is dropping fast
Still waiting on the 150MS delay aiming to be fixed on the 360 version :/
Still waiting on the 150MS delay aiming to be fixed on the 360 version :/