I haven't seen anyone in competive hacking in a while, but my friends in the lower ranks said that they run into them all the time.
Many people I've seen don't even try to hide it. One guy I played against last night was blatantly running and shooting heads.
Sometimes a guy on the other team is hacking so one of the random players on my team decides to turn on his aimbot to make it 'even'.
Most of the people I play against are master guardian or higher.
* Deagle: increased effective range.
* P250: reduced effective range.
* Glock: increased recoil on burst.
* Added a community dedicated server convar "sv_workshop_allow_other_maps". When this option is enabled and the server is idling empty, it will allow players to reserve it on another workshop map. Server will then download the other workshop map and let players play it, after the map ends the players will mapcycle into workshop collection hosted by the server.
* Added a game setting 'Max Acceptable Matchmaking Ping' to allow users in geographic locations far from official datacenters to find games via matchmaking without using developer's console.
* Servers starting to host a workshop collection will no longer show up as running de_dust.
* Added convar mp_death_drop_c4 that determines whether C4 is droppable.
* Fixed not being able to drop C4 in Demolition mode.
* Added display of public joinable games in maps workshop browser.
* Fixed dead players getting a network update that showed their dead icon position at the position of the player they jumped to spectate right after dying
* Fixed mapcycle problems when the server was playing a map outside of active mapgroup or collection.
* Workshop maps no longer show "workshop" prefix on master server and official maps show "official" instead of map id when played as part of hosted workshop collection.
* Fixed the post processing effects (like blur) persisting through a level change to the new map if the new map does not contain a postprocess_controller entity.
* Fixed some sv convars so they can be executed via map cfg files
* Fixed the regular radar images not showing on the loading screen for workshop/custom maps
* Fixed an interpolation exploit with bogus update rates.
* Fixed a regression where old protobuf demo files failed to play. All protobuf demos should be playable again.
* Maps that are newly subscribed are now highlighted as NEW in the UI.
The PP-Bizon is fucking OP!
haha contagious
I'm now also starting to see more and more cheatersmaybe they kids are just being more blatant about it, I dunno... but damn there's a good aimbot cheat out there lol
I'm now also starting to see more and more cheatersmaybe they kids are just being more blatant about it, I dunno... but damn there's a good aimbot cheat out there lol
I played one game on Dust2 and some kid was just running around with a Famas and headshotting people. He turns the corner bam. It was ridiculous and he was bragging about his hacks for the whole match.
I hope steam gets rid of these dumb fucks.
I played one game on Dust2 and some kid was just running around with a Famas and headshotting people. He turns the corner bam. It was ridiculous and he was bragging about his hacks for the whole match.
I hope steam gets rid of these dumb fucks.
I'm ready for a new map!!
Really awesome vids, especially the first one, nice job in explaining the why and how of what's happening
Definitely the best map in the game. It's timeless.No. Dust 2 For Life...and Only Dust 2
cs:go ‏@csgo_dev
Just updated CS:GO - if you're a tournament organizer, you'll have a few new tools to handle overtime and broadcast.
Uh-oh, I think I'm playing too much. I had a dream last night where I was playing Nuke. I, of course, killed everyone except for one guy who was using some invincible hack.
Never played CS before. Would this be the one to start with?
Never played CS before. Would this be the one to start with?
A lot of the people who play casual/demolition/arms race/dm modes are new comers to the franchise, I can tell that from their play style. As said, as long as you stay away from competitive in the beginning you'll be fine. You can try competitive once you get the hangs of things but that won't happen quickly, at least for me. The game has a steep learning curve and is very skill-based but loads of fun at the same time. The better you'll get the more you'll enjoy it. I absolutely love it and it's my first cs game.Cool. This is the one popular FPS series that has evaded me from Valve, but I figured everybody playing Source must be godlike by now. This seems like a nice jumping on point
I wonder how the match making in competitive works, does top fragging and shit help you get higher skill even if you lose?
Why should you stay away from competitive when you're a beginner? That's what the matchmaking is for right? To make sure that even if you're green as grass you'll still have a (statistically) evenly matched game