what the fuck? bish was here?
crazy how different my experience was playing at MG with GAF and playing at MG with an irl friend
similarly ranked but it seemed like i had free reign to do literally anything i wanted and still dominate with my work friend
luck of the draw probably
Don't worry guys he just wants some good old fashion gambling advice.
Bet SKDC tomorrow Bish
Mixed rank games are gonna be a lot of work.
Solo queue is pretty much me running around doing whatever and I tend to do well there, too... but they're all my rank (plus smurfs and other malcontents). Even if they don't communicate or whatever, they're generally better at shooting people than the novas and silvers we play with.
*looks around*
Hey man, wanna play CS:GO with us?
oh man that is ace
Anyone got a CSGO key for me? A freind wants to start playing, however, I don't wanna buy a key when it's not on sale.
I would give a key back as soon as it's on sale again
We don't discuss that.
Shouldn't Dig be a good underdoge bet against nV? nV didn't really play that well right?
"There's no way HR will have a chance so I will only bet a few cents" - Xizk earlier today.
1 dollar value if HR wins lol D:
I put $20 on Fnatic, I thought I put it on HR...
What a match right now even tho the 2nd map wasn't that entertaining if you ask me.
Rooting for Dignitas next, hopefully they'll show the dominance as they did against FlipSid3.
As far as I know, you only lose wins if you queued with a hacker.
VP vs NIP tomorrow on ESEA and the map is Train
They both were great on the old Train so will be a great match. A 50/50 matchup as it gets. Would slightly favor VP because they played and beat HR recently but who knows really. Will probably bet on underdog then unless it's 50/50 and then a small VP bet.
Oh, so it happened, new Train is going to be played. I've tried it, but it just doesn't feel right to be a tier one map.