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Counter-Strike: Global Offensive |OT2| Gambling, VACations, Giveaways & DDoS


Huge post incoming.

After a ton of bad hitreg in games lately, (since they introduced the serverside spraypattern/hitdetection) I decided to check out how the problem looks like in the game.

This is in perfect 0 ping conditions, so this is even worse on MM servers - especially for ppl in the 100+ ping area.

#1 Tap shooting with the AK47 medium range

Check this out. So I'm standing here, just took a random medium range spot.


Imagine there'a a guy standing right where I'm aiming at - and I'm aiming at his head right now. Want to tap him down, shouldnt be a problem right? AK first shot is very accurate and on medium range like that it shouldnt be a problem.. well.

Red is what my game thinks, as you can see by the bullet impact. Perfectly accurate shot - would've killed the guy before the patch (happened around the time the new Train got introduced)..

Blue is what the server outputs, so - even though I'm seeing a perfectly accurate shot in my game (including seeing bullet impact and even blood if there was a real enemy standing there) it wouldnt have hit his head - at all.

#2 Tap shooting with the AK47 long range

Same thing on long range, aiming at this spot. It's not really a good spot - but just imagine I'm right on the head of an enemy.

I shoot. Should kill the guy, after all the first shot of an AK is almost as accurate as a sniper rifle.. uhm..

Yeah. So I would've heard a headshot noise, seen blood etc. but no damage would've been done because the server decided to think my shot went miles above where I aimed - for some reason.

#3 Close to Medium range burstfire with the AK47

Here, I did a 4 shot burst. As you can see - all 4 red boxes (and the bullet impacts) are fairly close together and what you'd expect if you do a burst like that on medium-short range.

And now look at the blue boxes, which is what the server registers. They're so broken - if I was shooting at an enemy there - NOT A SINGLE SHOT would've hit where I actually intended them to go (and the game tells me they hit). Not even the goddamn first shot.

This is a giant problem - and I'm not sure why Valve is actively ignoring it. They basically ruined the hit registration in the game with their attempt to break spraypattern hacks etc.

A video showing some examples https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LsVma1CLzyk

#4 Ping

People like myself are affected even more, I play on US servers very often and usually end up having a ping above 100. Shit is unplayable since the patch, my bullets go everywhere but not where I want them to go. I can choose to play on US servers with bad ping, or on EU servers with good ping. Some ppl arent that fortunate though and get bad ping regardless of what they do - so that pretty much breaks the game for them.

A simple example for the ping influencing it would be peeking with an AWP.
Imagine I have.. lets be extreme. 200 ping. I run to a corner and want to peek a spot. So I peek, release my move key and stop. After I completely stopped - my shot should be accurate right? Before the patch, yes. After the patch? NOPE. The server still thinks I'm moving for 0.2 more seconds (which is alot of time in CS, and it might be even longer thanks to interpolation). So I take a shot, no hit. It's bullshit.. sigh. So that happens in addition to the already bad hitreg - which means if you have above like.. 100 ping your shots just stop hitting people.


Mayhem's post shows exactly why I'm bad at CS. My aim is fucking fantastic. My shots just don't register where they should.

I suck :(
Nice write up mayhem though some of us are also getting servers with ping roulette

In 3 games yesterday on what i assume were french servers my normal ping was 40-50 however everyone in the game would hit like 20-30 seconds of ping going from 600 - 1200 lol

Even if im ingame and this shit happens i can ping the server and get like 40 ping while i have 600 ingame lol


Nice write up mayhem though some of us are also getting servers with ping roulette

In 3 games yesterday on what i assume were french servers my normal ping was 40-50 however everyone in the game would hit like 20-30 seconds of ping going from 600 - 1200 lol

Even if im ingame and this shit happens i can ping the server and get like 40 ping while i have 600 ingame lol

Yeah, the big server problems in CSGO lately really aren't helping lol
Yeah, the big server problems in CSGO lately really aren't helping lol

I love this game so much i dont even care but when your about to shoot a guy then your sent warping across the level... its only funny so many times

Even shot a guy stuck in a wall yesterday at mirage lol
I love this game so much i dont even care but when your about to shoot a guy then your sent warping across the level... its only funny so many times

Even shot a guy stuck in a wall yesterday at mirage lol
That's actually a glitch, you can go into a wall near the CT spawn and see a bunch of the map.

And soultron, that gun looks pretty cool.


I thought someone made a post debunking the whole serverside/clientside hit reg stuff

I don't know about that, but whatever he debunked - it's not what I'm talking about because the issue is very clearly apparent and everyone can check it out with the showimpacts command lol

Recorded a video, and some shit that happened in it is just unbelievable.. So I want to see someone debunk that lol. Uploading in a bit.


I don't know about that, but whatever he debunked - it's not what I'm talking about because the issue is very clearly apparent and everyone can check it out with the showimpacts command lol

Recorded a video, and some shit that happened in it is just unbelievable.. So I want to see someone debunk that lol. Uploading in a bit.

I don't know man, I haven't had any hit reg issues at all since the patch.


Cont. of my big post:

Killed alot of bots, this is the three first examples (got more) because I didnt want to do a long video (shit upload speed).


Make out of that what you will, but it should be obvious that something is broken - because that happens constantly. Either no hits, or wrong hits etc.

And that is with 0 ping, so shit is even worse in a normal MM setting (I imagine)


I don't know about that, but whatever he debunked - it's not what I'm talking about because the issue is very clearly apparent and everyone can check it out with the showimpacts command lol

Recorded a video, and some shit that happened in it is just unbelievable.. So I want to see someone debunk that lol. Uploading in a bit.

Cont. of my big post:

Killed alot of bots, this is the three first examples (got more) because I didnt want to do a long video (shit upload speed).


Make out of that what you will, but it should be obvious that something is broken - because that happens constantly. Either no hits, or wrong hits etc.

And that is with 0 ping, so shit is even worse in a normal MM setting.

The problem with your argument is that while server and client hits are different now, the same way the random pattern can work against you it can also happen in your favour. So in the end it should balance out.

I agree that it is strange that bullets which shouldnt hit actually hit though. Lets wait if they do something about this when the patches start again. Reddit has talked about this in multiple page before and your tests and their results have been discussed at length as well.


The problem with your argument is that while server and client hits are different now, the same way the random pattern can work against you it can also happen in your favour. So in the end it should balance out.

I agree that it is strange that bullets which shouldnt hit actually hit though. Lets wait if they do something about this when the patches start again. Reddit has talked about this in multiple page before and your tests and their results have been discussed at length as well.

I don't really care if Reddit talked about that already, lol. I wanted to see for myself and just felt like posting the stuff on Gaf. Could've just kept it to myself.

It doesn't matter if it can happen in my favor or not, that shit should not happen - at all. Period. It's broken and ruins the game, as I said it's even more apparent and way worse for people that play with high ping. Like, it can't happen that you constantly get false tells and bad hitreg in a game like Counter-Strike lol.


Apparently this is how it worked in 1.6 as well but I can't find the source right now since I'm on my tablet. I'll look into it myself once I'm back home.


It probably does, server side hit detection is pretty much the norm in games anyways.

It's just that there's something about the way it works in CSGO which is fucked up for some reason, imo. Either that, or people in 1.6 just never noticed bad registration.

Like, to start all of that shouldnt happen to begin with in an offline game. Because I'm the server, so my hits and the servers hits should perfectly align. Nope.
Since the train patch bullet holes and tracers aren't anything more than a mere "well I guess somewhere around here your shot might've landed" guidance, can't rely on them anymore.

Anyways, I'm not trying to start something here. Just wanted to find out why I'm unable to hit anything when playing with the NA peeps. Because as I said, it's not as noticable with very low ping. It is very damn noticable if you have something above like.. 80 though.


Not a fan of the colors, but doesn't look bad at all. The video really does it more justice than the screenshots. I liked and faved it.
Don't forget to trickle that skin money down our way. :D

If it gets picked for use, which I doubt, this will be us:

It probably does, server side hit detection is pretty much the norm in games anyways.

It's just that there's something about the way it works in CSGO which is fucked up for some reason, imo. Either that, or people in 1.6 just never noticed bad registration.

Like, to start all of that shouldnt happen to begin with in an offline game. Because I'm the server, so my hits and the servers hits should perfectly align. Nope.
Since the train patch bullet holes and tracers aren't anything more than a mere "well I guess somewhere around here your shot might've landed" guidance, can't rely on them anymore.

Anyways, I'm not trying to start something here. Just wanted to find out why I'm unable to hit anything when playing with the NA peeps. Because as I said, it's not as noticable with very low ping. It is very damn noticable if you have something above like.. 80 though.
Us with normally high ping.

1.6 hit registration is much better from what I remember, but then again I actually get 20 ping in 1.6 community servers and that's on 32 man servers.


It doesn't matter if it can happen in my favor or not, that shit should not happen - at all. Period. It's broken and ruins the game

The only thing the server does is choose a random spread variance of each shot. You're probably aware that for each shot a random offset is added to the regular spread to prevent the spread from being 'perfect' each time. All the train patch did was take that calculation from client to server.

Think of it as a dice roll, instead of the dice being rolled on the client and the value sent to the server, the dice is now rolled on the server itself. The roll still needs to happen on the client in order to display the location of the bullet hole though, which won't coincide with the server, but that's purely cosmetic.

So it's not broken at all, it's pretty much the same pre patch as it is post patch.

EzioCroft said:
Like, to start all of that shouldnt happen to begin with in an offline game. Because I'm the server, so my hits and the servers hits should perfectly align. Nope.

Even in an offline game you're still a client connecting to your own "virtual" server.


The only thing the server does is choose a random spread variance of each shot. You're probably aware that for each shot a random offset is added to the regular spread to prevent the spread from being 'perfect' each time. All the train patch did was take that calculation from client to server.

Think of it as a dice roll, instead of the dice being rolled on the client and the value sent to the server, the dice is now rolled on the server itself. The roll still needs to happen on the client in order to display the location of the bullet hole though, which won't coincide with the server, but that's purely cosmetic.

So it's not broken at all, it's pretty much the same pre patch as it is post patch.

Even in an offline game you're still a client connecting to your own "virtual" server.

I'm aware of those things, yeah - but there's still problems because 1) sure, the bulletholes, tracers, blood or whatever is all purely cosmetic but it gives you false tells now - which can be deadly in some circumstances. The game simply displays you wrong stuff all the time.

and 2) is the more important one (and my pain point of complaint):

It breaks the game if you have high-ish ping. And that is indeed a problem for some people. And I think alot of people from the core CSGAF group can confirm this, because over the last few days/weeks shit has been crazy in our games. We play with ppl in quite a big ping range, so someone from the west coast might play on an east coast server with 80+ ping etc.
It's server based registration. Wouldn't people with terrible ping be at a disadvantage because of latency?

I'm not a fan of rng bullets anyways. Yes there was rng in 1.6, but it feels like a much lesser extent.


It's server based registration. Wouldn't people with terrible ping be at a disadvantage because of latency?

I'm not a fan of rng bullets anyways. Yes there was rng in 1.6, but it feels like a much lesser extent.

Yes, people with terrible ping are at a huge disadvantage now. It's not been as bad before. I have a good example for that..

I was playing train with a couple of CSGAF ppl and had pretty high ping. I was watching a corner, a guy came around and I unloaded at least 3 AK bullets into his head on close range. I died, and my teammates asked me why I didnt take a shot at that guy even though I did. (They just never saw that) And all that because of the serverside registration. With clientside registration I would've had that guy.


I guess everything below 100 is still alright, but from there on out it starts growing exponentially - so on something like 120 it's already way worse. 150 or above is unplayable.
Been a linear growth before all this serverside stuff, because your ping at least did not matter for the bullet registration. If you hit someone on your screen, you hit them - (if they did not kill you during the few ms of latency). While now, after you shoot - you have to wait for the latency and then wait the same time again until the diceroll of the server arrived at your client. Which, with 120 ping is already 240ms of "did I hit him, is he dead, what is going on" because you can't rely on what the game tells you anymore.

Anyways, Id rather stop talking about it because it looks like not many people are able to understand what I'm getting at. lol

So in other news, Pasha is streaming MM with n0thing and it's hilarious as always so go watch that.


It breaks the game if you have high-ish ping. And that is indeed a problem for some people. And I think alot of people from the core CSGAF group can confirm this, because over the last few days/weeks shit has been crazy in our games. We play with ppl in quite a big ping range, so someone from the west coast might play on an east coast server with 80+ ping etc.

I don't play with high ping so I can't really speak on this. In theory server bullet offset calculation alone shouldn't really have anything to do with ping, at least as far as I understand it. Though in practice everything is a lot more nuanced.

Are you sure it's the train patch that kicked off your aiming woes? The example you provided in the next post didn't sound like it had anything to do with the changes made in the train patch. Sounds like by the time the server got info of your shots to the head you were already dead.

EzioCroft said:
While now, after you shoot, you have to wait for the latency - then wait the same time again until the diceroll of the server arrived at your client.

That doesn't sound right ... pretty sure pre patch you still had to wait for the server to confirm your kill.


Meh, I don't know. It feels that way. I mean I dont have any problems if I play on my local servers, but on NA servers all of that stuff started happening after the train patch with the changes on how spraypatterns are calculated. Maybe it would've happened before, I can't say that.

Other people I play with started noticing the same things as well. My example might've been a bit shit tbh lol

That doesn't sound right ... pretty sure pre patch you still had to wait for the server to confirm your kill.

Oh yeah, I just meant that you got proper feedback back then. While now everything the game tells you is basically full of shit and you have to wait for the server until you know if a guy is dead, or if you even hit him. lol But maybe I'm just making all this up, I'm just trying to make sense of some things that happened to me in the last few days lol.


I'm aware of those things, yeah - but there's still problems because 1) sure, the bulletholes, tracers, blood or whatever is all purely cosmetic but it gives you false tells now - which can be deadly in some circumstances. The game simply displays you wrong stuff all the time.

and 2) is the more important one (and my pain point of complaint):

It breaks the game if you have high-ish ping. And that is indeed a problem for some people. And I think alot of people from the core CSGAF group can confirm this, because over the last few days/weeks shit has been crazy in our games. We play with ppl in quite a big ping range, so someone from the west coast might play on an east coast server with 80+ ping etc.

Hm funny Blood splatters should now be serverside, before the Train patch they were client side so even if the server didn't register a hit you got blood splatter on the client. But I'^m not entirely sure.

Yeah with higher Ping it's a bit iffy, but I feel like there is more to it, lately even with low ping, the feedback comes extremely late from time to time.


Yea, I'm not sure about the blood anymore - so that's a maybe. But I'm sure about tracers and impacts. I think it's only blood on bodies that is serverside, at least that's what the patchnotes said?

And yes, it might just be Valves shitty 64 tick broken servers that die every second match and give everyone 999 ping lol. I'm just trying to figure out wtf is happening in this game lately, for me and some other people I talked to. haha


Yea, I'm not sure about the blood anymore - so that's a maybe. But I'm sure about tracers and impacts. I think it's only blood on bodies that is serverside, at least that's what the patchnotes said?

And yes, it might just be Valves shitty 64 tick broken servers that die every second match and give everyone 999 ping lol.

Yeah tracers and impacts are clientside, but bloodsplatter should be Serverside, which is helpful.

I'm not even sure if it's just 64 ticks, it feels more like the performance of the server has issues and produces spikes because of that... but I also could be me just sucking bad :O


Maybe the stuff I notice doesnt even have anything to do with all that, but it's the thing I feel that causes it. For some reason. Because it only started recently..

But you are right, the performance of the servers has been so shit lately - it might be just that.. Like sometimes I feel like my shots just go through someone (with an AWP) instead of hitting them. It's weird. I mean, if you stand still your AWP should be 99% accurate so if you go for a body shot there should be no way of that shot not hitting lol

Edit: The above is with bad ping, btw. As I said I don't really have any issues if I play with my usual 15-20 ping on EU servers. Still.. I mainly play on US ones thanks to Gaf lol.


And all that because of the serverside registration. With clientside registration I would've had that guy.

You don't know that. The other guy still might have already killed you you just didn't know.
Also wouldn't client side mean 2 people can kill each other? Cos that would be really stupid.

If you're not happy with playing with a high ping stop playing on US servers (it's choke as well as ping but I don't really know how that works).


If you're not happy with playing with a high ping stop playing on US servers.

Anyways, Id rather stop talking about it because it looks like not many people are able to understand what I'm getting at. lol


I'm not complaining about bad ping. I'm complaining about the game being significantly worse at bad ping now compared to weeks ago.

And as I said before in one of my many previous posts, I have a choice to play with bad ping. Some people do not though and get bad ping regardless. What about them, they're fucked because something (and I still don't really know what it is) is being weird in the game now lol

Sorry for the hashtag btw, but I felt like that just totally fits my avatar :p


Does anyone else keep getting kicked out of games with "pak01_42.vpk does not match the server's version" type messages? That's twice I've had to remove it and verify game intergrity to redownload it in the few weeks I've been playing the game.


Happens to me once a month, no idea what causes it. Sucks if it happens in a comp game and you end up getting a timeout for that.. lol


So yeah I just noticed that it doesn't take a year to load up a map offline with bots. Was that part of the small update or just something I was experiencing?


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Hah! Thanks!

This was more of a learning process. It's not perfect and not to the full extent of the work I want to put into a skin (this is maybe 50% of what I feel I'm capable of), but it feels great just to get everything done. I now know lots about my own workflows, how to set up my Workshop previews, learned beginners skills in 2 new programs (3D-Coat and Marmoset Toolbag 2), and am set up for any future Workshop items I want to make within CSGO.

Thanks for being supportive along the way!

What all did you use for this?

Like, do you need Maya or something to make skins? I thought it was a simple photoshop some textures and then use Workshop to edit or whatever process. Unlike actually making items a la Team Fortress 2.
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