So still no new operation?
The new Desert Eagle skin has flames. This is better than an operation.
So still no new operation?
The new Desert Eagle skin has flames. This is better than an operation.
Really now
Wow... this is why playtesting is important.
Another vid showing the pixel walk:
But we are the playtesters. 🙃
Like Baby said, this is gonna look and play completely differently by the year's end.
Valve, it takes two minutes to just put a clip over the entire map so the roofs aren't accessible.
It's going to make it into the map pool eventually. They wouldn't have gone through the effort of making a new map and releasing it as a standalone if they didn't have long-term plans for it.
no de_overgrown?
crime against humanity.
if people actually played 10mans maybeso two weeks is my guess? I could add these maps to the server if you fucks want to 10 man on them before it is officially released?
Another Overgrown fan. 👌Facade and Overgrown played really well in matchmaking. I'd love for both of them to return.
Love me some Cache de_overgrown?
crime against humanity.
There's like 10 other companies putting out CS, don't give ESL viewsESL is a fucking joke, I have been staying up to watch C9 play and the server fucking crashes at 24-23. It's been down for over an hour now with no updates about when it'll go live. Go to check on Liquid v RNG while waiting and turns out that game is also in need of a medic and has been down for over an hour too. FML
Despite pros helping update season the ones I talked to said it had little variety in strats and didn't like it overall.Hey remember Season that map is the best.
Despite pros helping update season the ones I talked to said it had little variety in strats and didn't like it overall.