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Covid 19 Thread: [no bitching about masks of Fauci edition]


R in England is between 1.2 to 1.4, if the trend stands as is, you'll cross 80k a day in two weeks.



Yes, it’s gone up. I didn’t deny that. Delta is a strong variant… but it’s still low when compared to pre-vaccinated U.K, before delta came along.

It’s also flattening, because more and more people are getting double vaxxed every day. So where exactly is the problem?

We won’t get anywhere near 80k again. We were at that level in full lockdown in January. We’re now pretty much completely unlocked, and cases are not sky rocketing the same way.

Quit your doom mongering. The stats don’t back it up.
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I don't quite understand why people are worried about Delta. It doesn't seem to do much if you got the xeen. So what if it spreads?


So where exactly is the problem?
That this statement is wrong:

cases are not sky rocketing the same way.

Cases are skyrocketing for a number of days and quite the same way.

Number of hospitalizations not going up is simply wrong, they did go up.
Number of deaths lag by number of hospitalizations by about 6 weeks.

For this not to become a much bigger problem (with inevitable vaccine tolerant mutant) the wave needs to be broken, just shrugging it off with "but deaths are low (yet)" won't work.
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Nah, I’ll keep calling people who are against the vaccine anti-vaxxers if it’s all the same to you.

And it’s because I and my friends have had the vaccine that we had a very lovely get together on Saturday - secure in the knowledge that they are very effective, and allow us to get back to normal life 👍
What about me? I’m not anti-vaccine. I want people to get the vaccine if they so choose. I think the vaccines work and yet I refuse to get one. I also got together with my friends last week, last month, 4 months ago, totally maskless and several still without the vaccine.

Secure in the knowledge that I am not fat, not over 60, not a diabetic and therefore not at the risk of COVID being no more than a bad cold for me.

So what about me?


That is patently wrong:

Admissions Analysis by Age Group June 2021 (XLSX, 24KB)

Most of the hospitalized are between 18-54.
1. I don’t care.
2. I don’t live in the UK.
3. Of course NOW the average age of hospitalizations is in that bracket when most of the elderly are now protected.
4. The number of new cases in my state is 220 out of a pop of 10 million which is the lowest it has ever been since they started recording cases and that number has been in decline for 4 straight months.
5. I really don’t care. The risk FOR ME was never worth social distancing, mask wearing, or vaccines.


Yet this shit spreads at increasing speed, DESPITE bouncing off from a number of vaccinated people?
Does it take a genius to see that we will get "doesn't give a fuck about vaccination status" variant soon... (and then what... :messenger_pouting:
You really are going into fear porn aren’t you? Your perspective on this while disease is distorted.

You have to let this go learn to stop worrying and love covid.
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In addition to its ongoing COVID-19 crisis, India is now dealing with Mucormycosis, a fungal infection that can be deadly, especially when a patient's immune system is weakened by the coronavirus. More than 28,000 Indians have contracted the infection, officials say. Chris Livesay has more. (6/20/21)



I don’t care.
That's OK (and good for you).
I know ladies who won't do it because they are scared to shit (and their assessment of risks is way off).
Of course NOW the average age of hospitalizations is in that bracket when most of the elderly are now protected.
Oh, is it? I mean "of course" right?
Remind me of number of hospitalized by "bad cold" in the same age group say, back in 2019.

risk FOR ME was never worth
That is fine and up to you to decide.
But you've stated it was just "strong cold" which is bovine feces, it's way way way more deadly than.

The rest is essentially saying "but pandemic is over" it might be, if delta is tackled.


Citation needed.
As in "you've stated X, but in reality it is Y", preferably numeric.

And not "what you say hurts my partisan take on things".
It’s been pointed out to you time and time again in this thread. Among higher vaxxed countries, delta is not sending folks to the hospital and death rate is low.

It has nothing to do with partisan anything at this point. (And ny times reports that “left” folks drastically overestimate the severity of this disease). Just look at it man.

it’s fucking over (in the US). You are showing way more about yourself than any point you are trying to make.
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That's OK (and good for you).
I know ladies who won't do it because they are scared to shit (and their assessment of risks is way off).

Oh, is it? I mean "of course" right?
Remind me of number of hospitalized by "bad cold" in the same age group say, back in 2019.

That is fine and up to you to decide.
But you've stated it was just "strong cold" which is bovine feces, it's way way way more deadly than.

The rest is essentially saying "but pandemic is over" it might be, if delta is tackled.
Actually, I said for ME it was not worth it. Big reveal time: I’ve had COVID. It was a nasty cold. Lingering cough that was it. So for me and tens of millions of people that’s what this virus was. If it wasn’t so highly transmittable we wouldn’t be talking about it any more than we did the bird flu, swine flu, etc.

I’m not scared of a fucking vaccine. Had many. Took some to travel to 3rd world countries. I don’t believe the side effects are really even worth discussing. I just refuse to get one.

We’ve been lied to by people of all political stripes so many times about this virus, it’s treatments, the lockdowns I’m fucking done with all of it. Have been for months. So other people can get the stupid vaccine. I don’t care. I’ll get one when I’m physically restrained and you inject it into my cold dead body. And that’s after I take a few people out along the way.
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Nearly two since I had my second Pfizer dose. I will wait another could of weeks before considering myself fully vaccinated


What about me? I’m not anti-vaccine. I want people to get the vaccine if they so choose. I think the vaccines work and yet I refuse to get one. I also got together with my friends last week, last month, 4 months ago, totally maskless and several still without the vaccine.

Secure in the knowledge that I am not fat, not over 60, not a diabetic and therefore not at the risk of COVID being no more than a bad cold for me.

So what about me?

If you think this means you are completely safe from getting a very serious case of Covid then there's nothing I can do to stop you thinking that.

Luckily for you and others like you, there are enough people who will do the right (and safe) thing, and get the vaccine to make sure you don't get it.
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it was just "strong cold" which is bovine feces, it's way way way more deadly than.

The rest is essentially saying "but pandemic is over" it might be, if delta is tackled.
For the vast amount of people, its just not a big deal. Its a low mortality rate compared to many other diseases.

Delta is tackled. The vaccine is effective against it. (In countries with high vaccine rates...but that is no different than any other variant). I can't wait that this also ends up being an nothing burger and you will have to find something else to worry about.

I'm starting to think you are bot and not someone who is actually concerned.


If you think this means you are completely safe from getting a very serious case of Covid then there's nothing I can do to stop you thinking that.

Luckily for you and others like you, there are enough people who will do the right (and safe) thing, and get the vaccine to make sure you don't get it.
He did have it and science is showing he is immune. He doesn't necessarily need the vaccine.


He did have it and science is showing he is immune. He doesn't necessarily need the vaccine.

Full immunity forever after having covid has not been established. They have established that getting covid more than once is unlikely, and that if you do it is likely to be a mild case - but you are still able to transmit it to others, and they might not be so lucky. Having covid does not offer the same levels of protection that the vaccines do.

However, and thankfully, there is indeed some covid immunity for those that have already had it, so those that refuse to get a vaccine shouldn't cause too many issues if they have already had the disease. Personally I think it's selfish to not just go and get the jab, because it can help others as well, but I'm not going to argue with people who think differently. I'm not going to change their minds, so what's the point?


Full immunity forever after having covid has not been established. They have established that getting covid more than once is unlikely, and that if you do it is likely to be a mild case - but you are still able to transmit it to others, and they might not be so lucky. Having covid does not offer the same levels of protection that the vaccines do.

However, and thankfully, there is indeed some covid immunity for those that have already had it, so those that refuse to get a vaccine shouldn't cause too many issues if they have already had the disease. Personally I think it's selfish to not just go and get the jab, because it can help others as well, but I'm not going to argue with people who think differently. I'm not going to change their minds, so what's the point?
I know that. I also think its selfish as well. I also think it is everyones prerogative to be selfish if they want to especially in the face of a vaccine that has yet to pass the full vetting of the FDA (or equivalent). For me, I love to travel, especially internationally, and its going to be a requirement for that, like it or not. So I got the vaccine.

For Hulk, him having had Covid, and not wanting to take the vaccine is presently inline with what science is telling us at the time and is likely a very low risk of both getting it and transmitting it...that is just the science...its infinitely small risk of transmission to others...people are banging on this because if successfully argued, it makes the decision about everyone else and not a personal choice....Lots of people hate that people can make personal choices that do not align with theirs).
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If you think this means you are completely safe from getting a very serious case of Covid then there's nothing I can do to stop you thinking that.

Luckily for you and others like you, there are enough people who will do the right (and safe) thing, and get the vaccine to make sure you don't get it.
If you think that I think that’s what that means, then there’s nothing I can do to stop you thinking that.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
It is a well tested drug with substantial risk.

And what are they, exactly?

In a paper from 2010 co-authored by Professor Christopher Witty, Chief Medical Officer (CMO) for England, the UK government’s Chief Medical Adviser and head of the public health profession (the man leading the UK's efforts against COVID), the drug was described as follows:

Ivermectin has a wide antiparasitic activity with long veterinary use [4]. When ivermectin's activity against Onchocerca volvulus was discovered, it was licensed for human use and was used in mass drug administration programs to control river blindness; it was administered to >80 million adults and children. The drug has proven to be safe. Doses up to 10 times the approved limit are well tolerated by healthy volunteers [5]. Adverse reactions are few and usually mild [6, 7].

Those are strong and definitive words. Over 3.7 billion doses of the drug have been administered to humans. In the study above, they were using it as an oral insecticide to kill mosquitoes and control Malaria spread. It wasn't even to treat a disease.

Again, what kind of risks are we talking about?
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Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
the US has herd immunity in most places because there is also a high level of natural immunity now. There are almost 35 million documented cases. But if you assume (I think comfortably) that the number of actual cases is higher due to people not being tested, that number is probably half what it should be. I’m well aware that’s in assumption, but I don’t believe it to be unrealistic. So that’s 70 million or so people with natural immunity. There are 150 million people fully vaccinated in the US. That puts the number (accounting for over lap between the two groups) around 200 million. There are another 26 million people who already have the first dose. All together, we are probably close to having 2/3 of the US population with some for of immunity.

According to the CDC, who has been doing seroprevalence surveys of blood donors for antibodies against SARS-CoV-2, they estimated that 49.1% of the population had them as of March 21st.

At that point in time, again according to the CDC, 13.7% of 16 or older aged population in the country had at least one dose of the vaccines.

Basically, naturally generated antibodies were extremely widespread and have likely only grown since then.
And what are they, exactly?

In a paper from 2010 co-authored by Professor Christopher Witty, Chief Medical Officer (CMO) for England, the UK government’s Chief Medical Adviser and head of the public health profession (the man leading the UK's efforts against COVID), the drug was described as follows:

Those are strong and definitive words. Over 3.7 billion doses of the drug have been administered to humans. In the study above, they were using it as an oral insecticide to kill mosquitoes and control Malaria spread. It wasn't even to treat a disease.

Again, what kind of risks are we talking about?
According to the wikipedia they linked seems like dead parasites clogging up your blood is a risk, and nerotoxicity?

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Full immunity forever after having covid has not been established. They have established that getting covid more than once is unlikely, and that if you do it is likely to be a mild case - but you are still able to transmit it to others, and they might not be so lucky. Having covid does not offer the same levels of protection that the vaccines do.

You have no evidence to make that statement about the "level of protection" natural immunity infers. Vaccinated people can also get COVID, and also spread it to others just the same.


I’ve had COVID. It was a nasty cold.
This reminds me dialogs I had with my 6 y.o. son.
"Don't balance on chair like that, you can harm yourself".
"But I did that yesterday and I didn't".

It is specifically "it's just a bad cold" part of your comment I had referred to.
Of course some have it like "just bad cold" (in fact, many).
Some even have it without noticing anything at all (in fact, also many)

But it is overall way way more dangerous than "bad cold", even for people much younger than 60.


I don’t believe the side effects are really even worth discussing. I just refuse to get one.
If you had C19 it probably doesn't make sense to take it to begin with.
"I just refuse" is a weird argument.

Over 3.7 billion doses of the drug have been administered to humans.
Countless (certainly in billions are) of Viagra have been administered to humans.
Guess what, it kills people.
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This reminds me dialogs I had with my 6 y.o. son.
"Don't balance on chair like that, you can harm yourself".
"But I did that yesterday and I didn't".

It is specifically "it's just a bad cold" part of your comment I had referred to.
Of course some have it like "just bad cold" (in fact, many).
Some even have it without noticing anything at all (in fact, also many)

But it is overall way way more dangerous than "bad cold", even for people much younger than 60.
It’s also so rare for healthy people under 60 to die that at this point, those people are at greater risk in the US driving their car this summer than they are from covid.
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Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Countless (certainly in billions are) of Viagra have been administered to humans.
Guess what, it kills people.

Nothing is absolutely guaranteed to be safe in all scenarios. Literally nothing.


This reminds me dialogs I had with my 6 y.o. son.
"Don't balance on chair like that, you can harm yourself".
"But I did that yesterday and I didn't".

It is specifically "it's just a bad cold" part of your comment I had referred to.
Of course some have it like "just bad cold" (in fact, many).
Some even have it without noticing anything at all (in fact, also many)

But it is overall way way more dangerous than "bad cold", even for people much younger than 60.
Your last two paragraphs contradict each other.

The only reason why it appears to be way more dangerous is because of how transmittable it is. Way more people have had it so yeah way more deadly cases are going to show up. Yet, 10s OF MILLIONS of people have had it and recovered with no problems.

It was never worth destroying economies, losing 1 1/2 years of education, ending businesses, the fist fights over masks and all the other bullshit the “protective measures” have given us.


If you had C19 it probably doesn't make sense to take it to begin with.
"I just refuse" is a weird argument.
It’s not a weird argument. I refuse to get one even if I didn’t get COVID. In fact I don’t like telling people I’ve had covid because there are many (in this thread even) people who think I’m selfish if I don’t get one anyway. I mean what the fuck? How is it selfish to let other people have my vax knowing there’s about a 1 in 20 million chance of me contracting covid twice?

The looming threat of mandatory vaccines combined with governments, media outlets, and “experts” that have all contributed to damaging lockdowns, lies about COVID, lies about prevention, lies about treatment, sensorship of dissenting opinions, and ever-shifting advice- why would I ever give them the satisfaction. Fuck em. I don’t need the vaccine. So I won’t get one.
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Compared to which common, widely spread diseases?

Please be more specific.
How about things we have mandatory vaccines for? Like measles. https://www.google.com/search?q=mea.....69i57j0l9.3591j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

Here is why it is tackled in the U.S.

(Vaccine is highly effective against Delta).

Due to the way you are posting, I think you are a paid shill or some sort of bot. Nobody can look at this data and take it as a death sentence like you do.

IT.IS.OVER. I'm sorry your virus lost.

Presently, we are at our lowest case since March 2020....Guess you better lockdown...Just you though...The rest of us are going to go on about living our awesome lives filled with friends, family, travel greeting each other with firm handshakes, and warm hugs, and big smiles. You can wear your mask in your house by yourself....Its the only way to make sure you don't get the Delta variant.
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00:00 Intro
00:45 Does the Delta Variant Cause more Severe Disease?
01:05 How Contagious is the Covid Delta Variant?
03:31 Are Covid Vaccines Effective against the Covid Delta Variant?
04:26 Delta Variant COVID and Different Symptoms


I moved to Florida from NY back in September. Florida's basically been open since I've been down here. Completely boggles my mind how states had the nerve to stay shut down as long as they did. We wore masks in stores, etc, but for the most part everything else was normal. Wouldn't know about the pandemic unless you turned on the news.
For the most part, same in Texas. But yeah...its insane what they did in New York and California.


The only reason why it appears to be way more dangerous is because of how transmittable it is.

It kills about 2% of infected in countries like Germany, a country with one hell of a healthcare system, a country of 82 million which matches USA, a country o f350 million on the number of ICUs.

Try to find "bad flu" that can do one tenth of that.

people who think I’m selfish
It is indeed reasonable not to get vaccinated for people who did have C19, based on what we know at the moment.


How about things we have mandatory vaccines for?
How about measles not being a "widely spread disease"?

Here is why it is tackled in the U.S.
I've missed the plot, could you elaborate.
As to "why is it spreading in UK, which has much higher number of vaccinated people than US".

I think you are a paid shill or some sort of bot.
Wrap up with that echo chamber shit.

Presently, we are at our lowest case since March 2020..
So was UK several weeks ago.

In fact, if you check Europe as a whole, only UK and Portugal have bad stats at this point (Russia and Moldova have very low % of vaccinated).
Whether that would change once delta spreads further, is the question.

Cases in the last 7 daysCases in the preceding 7 daysWeekly Case % ChangeCases in the last 7 days/1M popDeaths in the last 7 daysDeaths in the preceding 7 daysWeekly Death % ChangeDeaths in the last 7 days/1M popPopulation
29Bosnia and Herzegovina192258-26%5914884+76%453,260,958
32North Macedonia87122-29%42514-64%22,083,291


Findings there are worth repeating (given how many times misleading "but number of hospitalized" was pushed):

The study found that, for the period from 5 April to 16 May:

  • the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine was 88% effective against symptomatic disease from the B.1.617.2 variant 2 weeks after the second dose, compared to 93% effectiveness against the B.1.1.7 variant
  • 2 doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine were 60% effective against symptomatic disease from the B.1.617.2 variant compared to 66% effectiveness against the B.1.1.7 variant
  • both vaccines were 33% effective against symptomatic disease from B.1.617.2, 3 weeks after the first dose compared to around 50% effectiveness against the B.1.1.7 variant
1) Good to see that UK stats confirm Israel's findings that BioNTech jabs effectiveness is as high as claimed in 3rd phase
2) Note 93/88% vs 66/60% between jabs (it is 12 out of 100 contracting vs 40 out of 100 in case of AZ, major difference)
3) Only 33% after first jab is puzzling. Israel claimed BioNTech gave 80%+ protection two weeks after the first jab, why would it drop so drastically just for the first jab

All in all, it would look sunny and "but we can tackle it with effective mRNA jabs", if not Portugal.
As AZ barely delivered one third of the promised jabs, most people there would be vaccinated by mRNAs.

That weird 33% figure does explain it though.


Cases in the last 7 daysCases in the preceding 7 daysWeekly Case % ChangeCases in the last 7 days/1M popDeaths in the last 7 daysDeaths in the preceding 7 daysWeekly Death % ChangeDeaths in the last 7 days/1M popPopulation
29Bosnia and Herzegovina192258-26%5914884+76%453,260,958
32North Macedonia87122-29%42514-64%22,083,291
Sweden finally beat covid, all that was required was some security threats to a database bringing the servers down for a week :)



The flare-up of infections prompted Prime Minister Boris Johnson to postpone lifting the remaining restrictions in England — planned for June 21 — by another four weeks.
Johnson suggested last week that he would be open to moving key matches of the EURO 2020 out of the country, saying that prioritises "public health" over the championship.
Sources have confirmed to AFP that UEFA — Europe's governing body for football — is considering moving the semi-finals and final out of Wembley to Budapest, the only capital city that has not imposed any capacity in its stadium for this Euro. The British government is currently planning a 50% capacity for those matches.
Merkel and French President Emmanuel Macron had called Friday for vigilance in the organisation of matches in the face of the outbreak of the highly contagious variant Delta.
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