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Covid 19 Thread: [no bitching about masks of Fauci edition]


Lil’ Gobbie
another cautionary tale




I don't know what's worse, his friend telling him that while on his deathbed, or him having to read that drivel while being asphyxiated by the virus
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Yeah, there's no logical consistency. I think the largely untold story of vaccine hesitancy will be religious fundamentalism. We've all discussed youtube, and bad articles, but not as much focus on people that literally think its the mark of the beast.

Absolutely. And it’ll never get talked about because of America’s unhealthy obsession with religious belief. Too many uncomfortable questions.
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Seems like the infection rate and hospitalisation have flatlined in France. Thanks to pass sanitaire in one month and a half we overtook Italy and Germany in vaccination rate.
I think a decent chunk of people out there, 15-20% are going to ultimately be unreachable, no matter what approach people try to take. The damage is done. Trump just recently was at a rally in Alabama and tried to tell the attendees to get vaccinated because it's a good thing, and they booed Trump. Many people leaving the rally were interviewed and said they believe Trump never got the vaccine and just has to say that.

I sat in on some nursing meetings for a national health care company a few weeks back, and we had nurses from a few different states (including Florida) on there discussing policy changes regarding vaccine mandates at work, etc. It was honestly stunning to see how many nurses in a science-driven, medical profession were aggressively saying they weren't going to get vaccinated. Their primary reason appeared to be religious, with people openly saying in the meeting they think God is going to protect them from the virus (I guess all the dead people so far just weren't worthy), and then listing a dozen different conspiratorial concerns about the vaccine. Nurses, in a meeting at work (why even be a nurse if you think God takes care of all diseases?).

My point is that for a lot of people it's not really a rational discussion anymore. It's part of their religious conviction, or part of their political identity, and they're just as likely now to be persuaded to get vaccinated as they are likely to be persuaded to switch political parties. People have tried waiting 9 months, tried giving them money, tried paying for the vaccine and offering it for free, tried appeals from celebrities, republicans and democrats. Tried appeals from physicians. Tried appeals from ex-vaccine skeptics that ended up in the ICU and tell their story on the news about how they wish they got it.

The reality is that this last chunk of hardline anti-vaxers are fundamentalists in their beliefs, and ultimately I don't think we'll have a choice but to ban them from places of high risk; like, airports, public schools, certain jobs (including teachers, police, military, health care, and more).

Hopefully some of the people on the fence that were casually hesitant will decide to do the right thing, but a decent chunk of the people left probably never will. I don't really want to waste time thinking about how people feel about it, or what specific psychological tactic might finally convince people to get a free vaccine. At this point, they are free to not get it, but we should just limit the amount of damage they can do to others. I think 1 unvaccinated teacher recently just spread to 50 kids, and we'll continue to see stories like that going forward. Do I care about what might have finally convinced that teacher? At this point, not really. I think they just need to mandate it for teachers and just be done with it, and she can decide what she wants to do.

I'd rather that businesses didn't have to step in with this kind of measure, but we have proven as a society that nothing else is going to work at this point. The damage is done. Our health officials destroyed a lot of their credibility with flip-flopping mask statements, or media has destroyed their credibility on nearly everything for years, our previous president instilled a base sentiment of mask and vaccine skepticism that was embraced by his most hardcore fans, then that was fused with religious elements and churches and pastors have run with it. COVID's initial skepticism also happened at the same time as stop the steal movements, and BLM protests and got further politicized. I don't think that can all be undone. Even with all those huge mistakes, the government and businesses are not going to just sit around and watch people die and be put at risk and not do anything. They're going to keep slowly increasing the mandates, because that's really all that's left. And the sad thing is, ultimately the mandates will work. People will cave and go get their shot, and go to work, and life will go on.
I have to disagree on vaccine skepticism on Trump. He WAS the one who approve operation Warp speed to fast track the vaccine. It was people on the left who tell people not to trust Trump vaccine


Count of Concision
The reality is that this last chunk of hardline anti-vaxers are fundamentalists in their beliefs, and ultimately I don't think we'll have a choice but to ban them from places of high risk; like, airports, public schools, certain jobs (including teachers, police, military, health care, and more).

Spoken like a true fascist authoritarian. Note that, according to certain governments, "places of high risk" include restaurants, museums, bars, gyms - they're even considering grocery stores. News flash: it is a lot more than 15-20% of the population who do not approve of these heavy-handed vaccine mandates. It's probably more like 40-50% (the 35-40% of unvaxxed people obviously don't approve, and then there is a sizeable contingent of vaccinated folks who also object on ethical grounds). Your hope, like that of all authoritarians, is that the more stringent the measures, the more people will submit and comply. But it will actually end up having the opposite effect: increasing polarization, protests, and escalating responses up to and including physical violence. Be mindful of the ends of what you espouse.

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
I have to disagree on vaccine skepticism on Trump. He WAS the one who approve operation Warp speed to fast track the vaccine. It was people on the left who tell people not to trust Trump vaccine
That's true about a few people on the left briefly sowing distrust about the vaccine because of Trump. But ultimately, it doesn't appear it was that huge of a deal - as vaccine skepticism on the left is not that prevalent in regards to COVID. Some minority groups have lower rates of vaccination but it doesn't appear to be a huge political phenomenon like it is on the right.

Trump does get some credit for his role in the vaccine, and I mentioned he was trying to encourage vaccination just recently too. But he also had a ton of mixed messaging on the severity of the virus, masks, alternative treatments, and so on that seems to have had a lasting effect on people's opinions on the right.

Spoken like a true fascist authoritarian. Note that, according to certain governments, "places of high risk" include restaurants, museums, bars, gyms - they're even considering grocery stores. News flash: it is a lot more than 15-20% of the population who do not approve of these heavy-handed vaccine mandates. It's probably more like 40-50% (the 35-40% of unvaxxed people obviously don't approve, and then there is a sizeable contingent of vaccinated folks who also object on ethical grounds). Your hope, like that of all authoritarians, is that the more stringent the measures, the more people will submit and comply. But it will actually end up having the opposite effect: increasing polarization, protests, and escalating responses up to and including physical violence. Be mindful of the ends of what you espouse.
People already get violent and freak out whenever they enter a private business and are asked to wear a mask. It's true that we may see a few psycho domestic terrorists pop up because their kid can't infect everyone at school. But ultimately that is the only path forward for us. Sacrificing the safety of everyone to submit to domestic terrorists is not how the US works typically. They'll be shut down fast. I'm losing no sleep in you calling me an authoritarian. Vaccine mandates have been around for quite some time, and it's clearly time to add another FDA approved vaccine to the list for the good of everyone.

People that have to resort to threats of violence because of basic vaccine mandates that have been around in our society for decades will be dealt with by law enforcement.
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Gold Member
With the way covid has affected us and so many people still not vaxxing so that covid cases can drop to tiny numbers and beds freed up in hospitals, it will get to a point government will mandate masks or vax passports. Just like No Smoking got phased into buildings probably in the 90s and spread and it's basically like that everywhere now.

If smokers just smoked outside with the occasional ass doing it indoors, nobody would mandate blanket policies 24/7.

If anti-vaxxers got the vaccine and covid cases dropped and didnt eat up hospital beds, governments will loosen up lockdowns and mandatory vaccines in various situations.

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
With the way covid has affected us and so many people still not vaxxing so that covid cases can drop to tiny numbers and beds freed up in hospitals, it will get to a point government will mandate masks or vax passports. Just like No Smoking got phased into buildings probably in the 90s and spread and it's basically like that everywhere now.

If smokers just smoked outside with the occasional ass doing it indoors, nobody would mandate blanket policies 24/7.

If anti-vaxxers got the vaccine and covid cases dropped and didnt eat up hospital beds, governments will loosen up lockdowns and mandatory vaccines in various situations.
Exactly. Part of being free is showing that you're intelligent enough to do the right thing when basic health and security threats pop up. If you can't be trusted to not steer us off a cliff, it results in the erosion of freedom.


Count of Concision
People already get violent and freak out whenever they enter a private business and are asked to wear a mask. It's true that we may see a few psycho domestic terrorists pop up because their kid can't infect everyone at school. But ultimately that is the only path forward for us. Sacrificing the safety of everyone to submit to domestic terrorists is not how the US works typically. They'll be shut down fast. I'm losing no sleep in you calling me an authoritarian. Vaccine mandates have been around for quite some time, and it's clearly time to add another FDA approved vaccine to the list for the good of everyone.

People that have to resort to threats of violence because of that will be dealt with by law enforcement.

The difference is that people have never had to show proof of their measles, smallpox, or flu shots to simply live a normal life. And there is a big difference between someone objecting to an essentially forced injection of a vaccine and objecting to being asked to wear a mask. One ask is reasonable, the other is not.

And whether you lose sleep or not is irrelevant - I call a spade a spade. The fervor and rapidity with which these mandates have been rolled out and pushed by governments, private companies, and the media is startling, and betrays an authoritarian streak and a desire for control which I vehemently oppose. Note that in none of these articles or stories is the opposing viewpoint ever even discussed or examined in a serious manner - as if there is no legitimate anti-mandate case to be made. That should tell you something, but it won't.
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Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
The difference is that people have never had to show proof of their measles, smallpox, or flu shots to simply live a normal life. And there is a big difference between someone objecting to an essentially forced injection of a vaccine and objecting to being asked to wear a mask. One ask is reasonable, the other is not.

And whether you lose sleep or not is irrelevant - I call a spade a spade. The fervor and rapidity with which these mandates have been rolled out and pushed by governments, private companies, and the media is startling, and betrays an authoritarian streak and a desire for control which I vehemently oppose. Note that in none of these articles or stories is the opposing viewpoint ever even discussed or examined in a serious manner - as if there is no legitimate anti-mandate case to be made. That should tell you something, but it won't.
You can call stop signs authoritarian if you really want. It's meaningless at the end of the day to act like you live in a libertarian fantasy-land where you have infinite freedom to do whatever you want. In reality, we have more laws than anyone can even memorize if they were a lawyer. In reality, vaccine mandates literally already exist at every public school and hospital in the country. In reality, you have to submit to invasive searches to get on an airplane. Your right to be free from a democratically approved vaccine mandate is non-existent if people feel that it's necessary. Go live in a libertarian cabin in the forest then, and spread COVID back and forth between you and the wild animals out there.

Again, people have coddled this libertarian fantasy of infinite freedom for too long. When basic security and health is threatened, no one will give a damn about your fantasy. And the fact that people couldn't course correct on their own is going to lead to the government overreach you're so afraid of. If people could follow basic advice from a doctor, they wouldn't be part of their own self-fulfilling big brother nightmare. But they can't be trusted to do anything, and so here we are. If people decided to drive the wrong way on the highway, you'd see a lot of authoritarianism as well. "But I have freedom of movement wherever I want to go!"

It's called laws. They exist. They're made by elected legislators.

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Gold Member
You can call stop signs authoritarian if you really want. It's meaningless at the end of the day to act like you live in a libertarian fantasy-land where you have infinite freedom to do whatever you want. In reality, we have more laws than anyone can even memorize if they were a lawyer. In reality, vaccine mandates literally already exist at every public school and hospital in the country. In reality, you have to submit to invasive searches to get on an airplane. Your right to be free from a democratically approved vaccine mandate is non-existent if people feel that it's necessary. Go live in a libertarian cabin in the forest then, and spread COVID back and forth between you and the wild animals out there.

Again, people have coddled this libertarian fantasy of infinite freedom for too long. When basic security and health is threatened, no one will give a damn about your fantasy. And the fact that people couldn't course correct on their own is going to lead to the government overreach you're so afraid of. If people could follow basic advice from a doctor, they wouldn't be part of their own self-fulfilling big brother nightmare. But they can't be trusted to do anything, and so here we are. If people decided to drive the wrong way on the highway, you'd see a lot of authoritarianism as well.

It's called laws. They exist. They're made by elected legislators.

The funny thing about authoritarian and spying doesn't even come from government.

Everyone says they demand privacy and corporations can get lost about snooping around, but anything related to finance/loans are all centralized. Go for a loan and that bank will simply access Equifax or whatever and will see every credit card debt, student loan debt, mortgage, car loan etc.... Makes no difference if you got 5 debts across 5 different companies. They all see your pocket books and judge you based on your other interactions with other businesses. And then you get a rolled up credit score based on all of them working together sharing your info and calculating a score.

Yet not one person ever says that's ultra spying.

You don't even get hospitals or drug stores working together to help centralize your medical records due to confidentiality. Yet everyone's wallet is known by every financial institution even though they compete against one another.
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Rodent Whores
Forget it. Finding information is harder than ever these days and i am getting frustrated at getting data points. I am finding it harder and harder to find relevant information. I was lucky to find that ivmmeta site through a youtube vid otherwise there is no way to find information like that using a search.

I mean can you find the data point for covid deaths from people who recovered from covid? All i got it zero deaths from vaccinations and zero deaths from people who recovered from covid. Not useful for either of us since it is so low scale.
Yes. There's a report recently out of Israel that showed people who recovered from the virus were less likely to get reinfected than people who had the vaccine. People who recovered from the virus were also less likely to be hospitalized. That doesn't necessarily paint the whole picture, however. And per the context of this conversation, the people who were infected the first time had to risk death as well as long COVID, which is not worth it.

That last post you made isnt useful. You dont know if any of those people recovered from covid.
Yes we do. About 15% of the population of SD has had COVID, and in a recent test of blood donor antibodies, about 30% of the population has "natural" antibodies.

I'll just bow out and do whatever. If i die, i die, Whatever.
No, do not die. There is a safe, proven prophylaxis - the vaccine. I strongly urge you to get the shot. It's free and easy. The odds are much more in your favor if you get a vaccine.


I have to disagree on vaccine skepticism on Trump. He WAS the one who approve operation Warp speed to fast track the vaccine. It was people on the left who tell people not to trust Trump vaccine
Source of these people of the left? I am looking to find any mainstream politicians/journalists on the left under ming the vaccines

And also its probably easier to find people on the right undermining the effectiveness of the vaccine than the left.

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
Source of these people of the left? I am looking to find any mainstream politicians/journalists on the left under ming the vaccines

And also its probably easier to find people on the right undermining the effectiveness of the vaccine than the left.
Kamala Harris and a few others said like 1 comment about it. It was stupid of them. But it was vastly less than what's come from the right, and we see that it's not really turned into any kind of widespread political issue on the left.



Kamala Harris and a few others said like 1 comment about it. It was stupid of them. But it was vastly less than what's come from the right, and we see that it's not really turned into any kind of widespread political issue on the left.

Cheers for that, stupidity from Kamala Harris and the others that they hopefully have been called out for.

I am interested to see what happens to the anti-mandate court cases how the US have a couple of FDA approved vaccines.



The last news conference AB CMOH held was Friday the 13th of Aug.
when she delayed the province's plans to lift testing, tracing and isolation measures until at least Sept. 27.
Nothing to address Delta and rising cases since then. Nothing to address back to school. No new restrictions or guidance.
No sign of Hinshaw's Lore that was the source of the plan for lifting testing, tracing and isolation back in July.

Comparing cases with BC in the coming weeks should be a good comparison at different covid management strategy provincially.

Things were pretty even last week. BC started targeted restrictions with the Interior last month. Might have a bit of a jump. Already started provincial restrictions. And BC CMOH and Premier, Health Minister and Education Minister have already made several announcements together for strategy with stakeholders. Including Vaccine passport.

Where will things be in a couple weeks?

Today's weekend numbers should be out soon.

Not looking good Alberta...

Alberta's weekend numbers are now available

Edit 2:
BC's weekend numbers
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I wasn’t planning on getting the vaccine and wanted to give it more time. Then my office called me back in. No more teleworking. Being that I work in an office that has poor ventilation and the staff are in very close quarters, I got the Phizer in May, with the second dose June 8th. The first one locked up my shoulder muscles within 2 hours. I was not a fan. When I got the second one though, it went away. It does creep back in from time to time when I am under high stress and will last a while. Do I regret getting it? No. The virus would walk right by my poor immune system and I want to protect myself and my family from it as much as I can. I take vitamins every day and another Vitamin D supplement as well. I drop Colloidal Silver in my eyes as well every few days. I was a huge Trump supporter and did pretty well financially under him. His protege, DeSantis, has wrecked my state due to his mishandling of the virus situation. I’m pretty much set on never voting again. The government for all intents and purposes has failed and we are on our own here. I learned that human lives are cheap abroad and even cheaper at home. I wear a mask and take the smirks and jeers. I forgive them because they don’t know what they do. I’m sure they feel lost too and express it that way to feel better about themselves.


“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
Welp. Test came back positive like I knew it would. I am off for the rest of the week and until Thursday of next week pending a negative test. According to my boss I am not the only one in our department. 3 others have tested positive. All 4 of us are vaccinated. The guy who tested positive first was not apparently and has apologized to his boss and the various other powers at be. Which is kind of a big deal because vaccinations were "strongly encouraged" from the higher ups as soon as they were readily available. So I do not envy the position that guy is in now. Because now our department is down 4 people and there may be more. 5 other people are still waiting on their test results on my floor.

Status Report (before anyone asks)

I am short of breath even when sitting still, I have a cough I can feel in my spine, my nose is running like a faucet, and more than anything else I am fucking tired. Like the usual tired you get with the flu, but it is a deeper kind of exhaustion. I can't describe it. It's that tired you feel after a day working outside or helping a friend move. You take your shower and then you lay in bed and then immediately fall asleep even though you wanna read your book or watch your show kind of tired. I feel useless. Even just going to the mailbox this morning had me feeling like I had climbed several flights of stairs. It is just a bizarre feeling. So I have just sat on the couch or in bed all day messing with my phone and watching shit on Roku.

Would not wish this on my worst enemy though.



Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
There is credible, wide-scale evidence of natural immunity offering a broader range of immune markers as well as minimized risk of infection, hospitalization and serious disease—I have linked those cohorts in previous replies. HOWEVER, the only people who seem to have a chance of shirking, naturally, the worst of Covid are highly athletic individuals, with almost no midsection visceral fat, which discounts 99% of the population, antivaxxers included. “Highly athletic” being scientifically measured (as per the study) as 90 minutes of vigourous exercise—cardio, weights, mobility—a minimum of 5 days per week.

As someone who has a network spanning 20 years in health and fitness, I’d say that’s maybe 1/5 of my friends and associates, aside from myself (I’m 7 days/ week with active rest cycles). So while it is statistically irrelevant in the immediate talking points, a focus on wellness versus this or future pandemics is of paramount importance moving forward. We (collectively) are long overdue for a discussion with our governments, our neighbours and our families on the role of personal health and accountability.

I agree, as a society we could be healthier.

Welp. Test came back positive like I knew it would. I am off for the rest of the week and until Thursday of next week pending a negative test. According to my boss I am not the only one in our department. 3 others have tested positive. All 4 of us are vaccinated. The guy who tested positive first was not apparently and has apologized to his boss and the various other powers at be. Which is kind of a big deal because vaccinations were "strongly encouraged" from the higher ups as soon as they were readily available. So I do not envy the position that guy is in now. Because now our department is down 4 people and there may be more. 5 other people are still waiting on their test results on my floor.

Status Report (before anyone asks)

I am short of breath even when sitting still, I have a cough I can feel in my spine, my nose is running like a faucet, and more than anything else I am fucking tired. Like the usual tired you get with the flu, but it is a deeper kind of exhaustion. I can't describe it. It's that tired you feel after a day working outside or helping a friend move. You take your shower and then you lay in bed and then immediately fall asleep even though you wanna read your book or watch your show kind of tired. I feel useless. Even just going to the mailbox this morning had me feeling like I had climbed several flights of stairs. It is just a bizarre feeling. So I have just sat on the couch or in bed all day messing with my phone and watching shit on Roku.

Would not wish this on my worst enemy though.


Get well homie, I'll say a silent prayer over my Buddha statue for you. Thank goodness you're vaxxed at least.

Speaking of, my work finally pulled the trigger and said everyone needs to be vaccinated by October. I suppose they were just waiting on the FDA approval.
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Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
Welp. Test came back positive like I knew it would. I am off for the rest of the week and until Thursday of next week pending a negative test. According to my boss I am not the only one in our department. 3 others have tested positive. All 4 of us are vaccinated. The guy who tested positive first was not apparently and has apologized to his boss and the various other powers at be. Which is kind of a big deal because vaccinations were "strongly encouraged" from the higher ups as soon as they were readily available. So I do not envy the position that guy is in now. Because now our department is down 4 people and there may be more. 5 other people are still waiting on their test results on my floor.

Status Report (before anyone asks)

I am short of breath even when sitting still, I have a cough I can feel in my spine, my nose is running like a faucet, and more than anything else I am fucking tired. Like the usual tired you get with the flu, but it is a deeper kind of exhaustion. I can't describe it. It's that tired you feel after a day working outside or helping a friend move. You take your shower and then you lay in bed and then immediately fall asleep even though you wanna read your book or watch your show kind of tired. I feel useless. Even just going to the mailbox this morning had me feeling like I had climbed several flights of stairs. It is just a bizarre feeling. So I have just sat on the couch or in bed all day messing with my phone and watching shit on Roku.

Would not wish this on my worst enemy though.

Dang. Well be careful and rest up. Don't wait too long to seek help if its actually needed. But if you're vaccinated I'm sure you'll be fine. We had a few breakthrough cases at work as well. They're all back to work now.


Welp. Test came back positive like I knew it would. I am off for the rest of the week and until Thursday of next week pending a negative test. According to my boss I am not the only one in our department. 3 others have tested positive. All 4 of us are vaccinated. The guy who tested positive first was not apparently and has apologized to his boss and the various other powers at be. Which is kind of a big deal because vaccinations were "strongly encouraged" from the higher ups as soon as they were readily available. So I do not envy the position that guy is in now. Because now our department is down 4 people and there may be more. 5 other people are still waiting on their test results on my floor.

Status Report (before anyone asks)

I am short of breath even when sitting still, I have a cough I can feel in my spine, my nose is running like a faucet, and more than anything else I am fucking tired. Like the usual tired you get with the flu, but it is a deeper kind of exhaustion. I can't describe it. It's that tired you feel after a day working outside or helping a friend move. You take your shower and then you lay in bed and then immediately fall asleep even though you wanna read your book or watch your show kind of tired. I feel useless. Even just going to the mailbox this morning had me feeling like I had climbed several flights of stairs. It is just a bizarre feeling. So I have just sat on the couch or in bed all day messing with my phone and watching shit on Roku.

Would not wish this on my worst enemy though.

Sincerely hope you have a quick recovery.


Welp. Test came back positive like I knew it would. I am off for the rest of the week and until Thursday of next week pending a negative test. According to my boss I am not the only one in our department. 3 others have tested positive. All 4 of us are vaccinated. The guy who tested positive first was not apparently and has apologized to his boss and the various other powers at be. Which is kind of a big deal because vaccinations were "strongly encouraged" from the higher ups as soon as they were readily available. So I do not envy the position that guy is in now. Because now our department is down 4 people and there may be more. 5 other people are still waiting on their test results on my floor.

Status Report (before anyone asks)

I am short of breath even when sitting still, I have a cough I can feel in my spine, my nose is running like a faucet, and more than anything else I am fucking tired. Like the usual tired you get with the flu, but it is a deeper kind of exhaustion. I can't describe it. It's that tired you feel after a day working outside or helping a friend move. You take your shower and then you lay in bed and then immediately fall asleep even though you wanna read your book or watch your show kind of tired. I feel useless. Even just going to the mailbox this morning had me feeling like I had climbed several flights of stairs. It is just a bizarre feeling. So I have just sat on the couch or in bed all day messing with my phone and watching shit on Roku.

Would not wish this on my worst enemy though.


Do you have any Regeneron sites in your area? They put one in Tallahassee last week. Just an idea. I hope that you get to feeling better soon.
I am short of breath even when sitting still, I have a cough I can feel in my spine, my nose is running like a faucet, and more than anything else I am fucking tired. Like the usual tired you get with the flu, but it is a deeper kind of exhaustion. I can't describe it. It's that tired you feel after a day working outside or helping a friend move. You take your shower and then you lay in bed and then immediately fall asleep even though you wanna read your book or watch your show kind of tired. I feel useless. Even just going to the mailbox this morning had me feeling like I had climbed several flights of stairs. It is just a bizarre feeling. So I have just sat on the couch or in bed all day messing with my phone and watching shit on Roku.
When I got covid back in late December/early Jan, I had loss of smell and taste that lasted a week or so. But the scariest part was when I had the sensation of being out of breath while sitting still. It only happened a few times, but it was surely startling to feel like I was struggling for air while not even moving. I also had a very strange sensation of burning at the base of my skull in the back along with a sense of "unreality" that lasted a bit. Definitely never had another illness that brought about similar sensations. Take care. Hope it doesn't last too long for you.

Edit: And I just had an overall sense of pretty intense lethargy that came and went for a little over a month.
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Rodent Whores
By the way, T Thesuffering79 , when you asked me what kind of data on ivermectin I'm waiting for, this is the kind of data I'm looking for:

I trust they can do a good and thorough job. They have already evaluated a number of drugs in a fair manner.

Following a screening questionnaire to confirm eligibility, participants enrolled in the study will be randomly assigned to receive a three-day course of oral ivermectin treatment. They will be followed-up for 28 days and will be compared with participants who have been assigned to receive the usual standard of NHS care only. People aged 18 to 64 with certain underlying health conditions or shortness of breath from COVID-19, or aged over 65, are eligible to join the trial within the first 14 days of experiencing COVID-19 symptoms or receiving a positive test.

People with severe liver disease, who are on the blood-thinning medication warfarin, or taking other treatments known to interact with ivermectin, will be excluded.

The trial can be joined easily from anywhere in the UK either online, over the telephone or via a GP practice, and without the need for face-to-face visits with the trial team in Oxford.

Ivermectin is the seventh treatment to be investigated in the PRINCIPLE trial, and is currently being evaluated alongside the influenza antiviral favipiravir.

In April 2021, PRINCIPLE reported interim evidence of the UK’s first effective drug to treat COVID-19 in patients at home, inhaled budesonide, showing the treatment can reduce recovery time by a median of three days. The treatment has since been included in clinical guidelines for treating early-stage COVID-19 across the UK, Canada and India.

The trial is still ongoing actually, if anyone in the UK wants to sign up.

This would be a professionally medically directed dose of ivermectin, and thus probably safe. Unlike self-medicating with the animal version, which is dangerous.


Absolutely. And it’ll never get talked about because of America’s unhealthy obsession with religious belief. Too many uncomfortable questions.

Im religious and have been most of my life. I'm in full support of this vaccine and encourage anyone and everyone to get it. Strongly against these idiots anti vaxxers too. My immediately family is all vaccinated as well.

I dont think this is purely religious. Theres almost no religious that advises against health measures vaccination or not. I think this is another symptom of rhe increase in tribalism this country as seen, and political extremism, which religion is being used to validate.

Believing God is going to protect you from a virus is not logical from any standpoint. Its flippant, destructive behavior that a lot of these fundamentalists would supposedly know if they'd actually read their texts. But most using God as a scapegoat do not anyway.

Folks just need to swallow their pride and get the shot.
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Gold Member
Im religious and have been most of my life. I'm in full support of this vaccine and encourage anyone and everyone to get it. Strongly against these idiots anti vaxxers too. My immediately family is all vaccinated as well.

I dont think this is purely religious. Theres almost no religious that advises against health measures vaccination or not. I think this is another symptom of rhe increase in tribalism this country as seen, and political extremism, which religion is being used to validate.

Believing God is going to protect you from a virus is not logical from any standpoint. Its flippant, destructive behavior that a lot of these fundamentalists would supposedly know if they'd actually read their texts. But most using God as a scapegoat do not anyway.

Folks just need to swallow their pride and get the shot.
Personally, I think many antivaxxers are just lazy and afraid of a needle.

If vaccines could be wi-fied into your bloodstream for free, without pain, and done in 2 seconds, I bet any money many antivaxxers would end up doing it.

But with vaccines, you get a needle (unless it's an oral vaccine) and spend some time at a doctors office and filling out a form, which they dont want to do.


Rodent Whores
Personally, I think many antivaxxers are just lazy and afraid of a needle.

If vaccines could be wi-fied into your bloodstream for free, without pain, and done in 2 seconds, I bet any money many antivaxxers would end up doing it.

But with vaccines, you get a needle (unless it's an oral vaccine) and spend some time at a doctors office and filling out a form, which they dont want to do.
It seems a lot of them are opting for the antibody treatment, which is a needle 🤷‍♀️


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
Why is it that all these antivaxxer dying stories are always fat or old or a combination of both I wonder.

It's not. Browse some of the subreddits dedicated to tracking them on social media. A lot more young and healthy people are dying, and there were always plenty being hospitalized during waves. Besides, does it matter? A life is a life. Everyone should still be vaccinated.


Gold Member
It's not. Browse some of the subreddits dedicated to tracking them on social media. A lot more young and healthy people are dying, and there were always plenty being hospitalized during waves. Besides, does it matter? A life is a life. Everyone should still be vaccinated.
It's one of those things people just dont want to do it too due to bravado and "it'll never happen to me".

It's like car insurance. Most people get it. Some don't. Now if the drivers that dont ever get into an accident then hurray! You're banking money every year because you got lucky with another year of no accidents.

But the second you get caught by a cop without insurance or get into a car wreck, don't come begging for sympathy, family members for money or gofundme donations hoping everyone else bails you out. You know deep down what the right thing to do is but are stubborn. Dont be an asshole and just get car insurance to cover yourself and liability claims.
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Count of Concision
Welp. Test came back positive like I knew it would. I am off for the rest of the week and until Thursday of next week pending a negative test. According to my boss I am not the only one in our department. 3 others have tested positive. All 4 of us are vaccinated. The guy who tested positive first was not apparently and has apologized to his boss and the various other powers at be. Which is kind of a big deal because vaccinations were "strongly encouraged" from the higher ups as soon as they were readily available. So I do not envy the position that guy is in now. Because now our department is down 4 people and there may be more. 5 other people are still waiting on their test results on my floor.

Status Report (before anyone asks)

I am short of breath even when sitting still, I have a cough I can feel in my spine, my nose is running like a faucet, and more than anything else I am fucking tired. Like the usual tired you get with the flu, but it is a deeper kind of exhaustion. I can't describe it. It's that tired you feel after a day working outside or helping a friend move. You take your shower and then you lay in bed and then immediately fall asleep even though you wanna read your book or watch your show kind of tired. I feel useless. Even just going to the mailbox this morning had me feeling like I had climbed several flights of stairs. It is just a bizarre feeling. So I have just sat on the couch or in bed all day messing with my phone and watching shit on Roku.

Would not wish this on my worst enemy though.


Feel better. Would you say this is the same or worse than the first time you had COVID? Very strange that there would be 4 breakthrough infections in one office, unless you were all cramped in a small conference room or something.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
Feel better. Would you say this is the same or worse than the first time you had COVID? Very strange that there would be 4 breakthrough infections in one office, unless you were all cramped in a small conference room or something.

Tiny viruses ride the AC'd air currents of an office around like they're in a theme park. Also people touching many of the same surfaces, etc.
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