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Covid 19 Thread: [no bitching about masks of Fauci edition]


Neighbours from Hell
I thought remdesivir was proven to be useless.
None of the regularly used treatments have proven to have a high success rate. If you get COVID really bad, there's not much one can do, just hope you fight it off. Same with moderate symptoms.

That's why the people going apeshit over trying random stuff is moronic. The problem with Ivermectin has always been that people are self-dosing or using it as a replacement for the vaccine. Not using it in general under a doctor's care. If you get a prescribed regular doses for people, it's virtually harmless. And at worst it does nothing, so you're no worse off. Can't hurt to try it if you've already contracted COVID. But you shouldn't be using it as a preventative.
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One thing this thread has emphasized for me (both within and in reference to many of the provided external links) is just how angry so many people are. I'm generalizing, to be fair, but I see it as a broad problem that really plagues our modern world and poisons the overall tone of human interaction. So many people are obsessed with the idea of a fair and equitable life, which is, and has always been, fantasy. Nevertheless in the absence of the realization of this fantasy, many are continually seeking someone to blame for life's (and/or their personal) ills. "My life is bad because of you!" is the common refrain and tone, explicit or implied in so much of the communication that we share amongst one another. This bitterness permeates modern culture and really saps the potential for joy...for those who embrace such a position, and as collateral damage to those who don't. Life has always been unfair, and you may even die because of the stupidity or willful harm inflicted upon you by others. No amount of lamenting the unfairness of life will do anything to change it. Before anyone blames me of pointing a finger at them personally, I'm not thinking of anyone in specific. It's just something I've come to see as a general issue within society, and something that seems to be growing in intensity. No amount of hand-wringing or crying will make life just.


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
One thing this thread has emphasized for me (both within and in reference to many of the provided external links) is just how angry so many people are. I'm generalizing, to be fair, but I see it as a broad problem that really plagues our modern world and poisons the overall tone of human interaction. So many people are obsessed with the idea of a fair and equitable life, which is, and has always been, fantasy. Nevertheless in the absence of the realization of this fantasy, many are continually seeking someone to blame for life's (and/or their personal) ills. "My life is bad because of you!" is the common refrain and tone, explicit or implied in so much of the communication that we share amongst one another. This bitterness permeates modern culture and really saps the potential for joy...for those who embrace such a position, and as collateral damage to those who don't. Life has always been unfair, and you may even die because of the stupidity or willful harm inflicted upon you by others. No amount of lamenting the unfairness of life will do anything to change it. Before anyone blames me of pointing a finger at them personally, I'm not thinking of anyone in specific. It's just something I've come to see as a general issue within society, and something that seems to be growing in intensity. No amount of hand-wringing or crying will make life just.
I agree, if people would just accept this we could get everyone vaccinated and move on from this.


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
Like I said, everyone wants things *their* way, no matter where they stand on any issue.
Not really. Like you said people indulge in the fantasy that everything will go back to normal if we just will it to, even though throughout this thing the reality has been more government intervention and restrictions as cases go up, more mandates and pressure to get vaccinated as cases go up and vaccination rates slow. You are right, crying and wringing your hands about unfair mandates and unfair restricted access to things without a vaccine isn't going to make this change. Blaming everyone else "I'm being restricted because of you" is indeed a negative mindset that takes the joy out if things.
Like I said I totally agree with you, once people give up their fantasies and accept the reality that has been clear since the beginning and reinforced over and over again throughout this pandemic - more cases, more deaths, more hospitalized = increased restrictions and increased government overreach - then we will be close to 100% eligible vaccination in no time.
I see more restrictions in winter where vaccine rates in places aren't at a satisfactory level
I wouldn't be surprised.

Not really. Like you said people indulge in the fantasy that everything will go back to normal if we just will it to, even though throughout this thing the reality has been more government intervention and restrictions as cases go up, more mandates and pressure to get vaccinated as cases go up and vaccination rates slow. You are right, crying and wringing your hands about unfair mandates and unfair restricted access to things without a vaccine isn't going to make this change. Blaming everyone else "I'm being restricted because of you" is indeed a negative mindset that takes the joy out if things.
Like I said I totally agree with you, once people give up their fantasies and accept the reality that has been clear since the beginning and reinforced over and over again throughout this pandemic - more cases, more deaths, more hospitalized = increased restrictions and increased government overreach - then we will be close to 100% eligible vaccination in no time.
I realize you're being snarky, and you're not really replying to the content of my post. The fantasy I was referring to is the expectation that things if life will/ought to be fair and/or as personally desired. but things may play out the way you imagine. I guess time will tell. You're sarcastic tone carries the bitterness I'm referring to though.


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
I wouldn't be surprised.

I realize you're being snarky, and you're not really replying to the content of my post. The fantasy I was referring to is the expectation that things if life will/ought to be fair and/or as personally desired. but things may play out the way you imagine. I guess time will tell. You're sarcastic tone carries the bitterness I'm referring to though.
Bitterness? I had a lot of fun taking your post at it's word but ignoring your intent
But here let me summarize your post in a happier manner:


Rodent Whores
So many people are obsessed with the idea of a fair and equitable life, which is, and has always been, fantasy.

Life has always been unfair, and you may even die because of the stupidity or willful harm inflicted upon you by others. No amount of lamenting the unfairness of life will do anything to change it.

No amount of hand-wringing or crying will make life just.

So we shouldn't bother trying? What point or philosophical wisdom are you trying to convey?

Life is unfair, we can't do anything about it....therefore....what, exactly?
So we shouldn't bother trying? What point or philosophical wisdom are you trying to convey?

Life is unfair, we can't do anything about it....therefore....what, exactly?
I'm not talking about covid and/or measures to deal with it directly in my post above. Covid and the angst surrounding it was a launching point for my thoughts on, what I perceive to be, an escalating problem with how people/society seem bitter about the injustices of life. Covid is just a singular example of how there is a tendency to frame anything negative that arises in life (which wall always occur) in a personal manner (for many), creating enemies where there need be none. I understand how people can feel anger at those that they feel are compromising their safety and well-being, but for me it serves no purpose in the bigger picture. People are going to be who they are, and attaching a label of "enemy" to others isn't going to change the differences that people have in their perception of things. If anything it's only going to enhance the enmity...in my view anyway.


Rodent Whores
I'm not talking about covid and/or measures to deal with it directly in my post above. Covid and the angst surrounding it was a launching point for my thoughts on, what I perceive to be, an escalating problem with how people/society seem bitter about the injustices of life. Covid is just a singular example of how there is a tendency to frame anything negative that arises in life (which wall always occur) in a personal manner (for many), creating enemies where there need be none. I understand how people can feel anger at those that they feel are compromising their safety and well-being, but for me it serves no purpose in the bigger picture. People are going to be who they are, and attaching a label of "enemy" to others isn't going to change the differences that people have in their perception of things. If anything it's only going to enhance the enmity...in my view anyway.
I know you're not talking about COVID and neither am I.

Life is unfair, we can't do anything about it....therefore....what, exactly? Just ignore it? Go with the flow? I understand your sentiment, but what I don't understand is your solution.
I know you're not talking about COVID and neither am I.

Life is unfair, we can't do anything about it....therefore....what, exactly? Just ignore it? Go with the flow? I understand your sentiment, but what I don't understand is your solution.
My solution is acceptance rather than bitterness/anger or fabricating enemies where there may be none. Life will always be unfair, and I think it's better to accept that than rage against the inevitable. I'm not suggesting inaction, but a relinquishing of victimhood (edit: and blaming) associated with the negatives that arise in life - whether they arise via deliberate and malicious intent or simply how the dice happen to land.
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Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
My solution is acceptance rather than bitterness/anger or fabricating enemies where there may be none. Life will always be unfair, and I think it's better to accept that than rage against the inevitable. I'm not suggesting inaction, but a relinquishing of victimhood (edit: and blaming) associated with the negatives that arise in life - whether they arise via deliberate and malicious intent or simply how the dice happen to land.
But are you willing to relinquish your victimhood? Just accept that life is unfair and sometimes people are forced to do something they don't want to do? Just accept that governments will abuse their power?
But are you willing to relinquish your victimhood? Just accept that life is unfair and sometimes people are forced to do something they don't want to do? Just accept that governments will abuse their power?
That's a very fair and relevant question. And, to be fair (and honest), I do struggle with that sometimes, but I'm ultimately on a quest towards surrender, and life has been teaching me to let go repeatedly. There is, however, a part of me in dissonance with accepting some things, no doubt. I appreciate the help at self-reflection.


That's a very fair and relevant question. And, to be fair (and honest), I do struggle with that sometimes, but I'm ultimately on a quest towards surrender, and life has been teaching me to let go repeatedly. There is, however, a part of me in dissonance with accepting some things, no doubt. I appreciate the help at self-reflection.

If you stand for nothing you will fall for anything.


Who's ready for booster #4? People are going to need a subscription at this rate.



Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
Who's ready for booster #4? People are going to need a subscription at this rate.

If that's what it takes. If I have to pop by the local pharmacy for ten minutes once every three or four months to get a booster until this thing is over I'll cheerfully do it. I just wish the large amount of those eligible for the shots would take it, and approval for children 11 and younger could get approved, so we could finally move past this.

People bitching about the vaccines (not saying you are) aren't helping, and those who refuse it are actively retarding progress. At the rate the unvaccinated are dying or being hospitalized now maybe they'll either wake up to reality or just fucking all die and get out of the way. Harsh, but the time to coddle idiots is long gone.


If that's what it takes. If I have to pop by the local pharmacy for ten minutes once every three or four months to get a booster until this thing is over I'll cheerfully do it. I just wish the large amount of those eligible for the shots would take it, and approval for children 11 and younger could get approved, so we could finally move past this.

People bitching about the vaccines (not saying you are) aren't helping, and those who refuse it are actively retarding progress. At the rate the unvaccinated are dying or being hospitalized now maybe they'll either wake up to reality or just fucking all die and get out of the way. Harsh, but the time to coddle idiots is long gone.
Saw it coming miles away .. and a 5th, 6th and so on .. good times shooting drugs in your veins every 6 months , instead changing how we life a little .


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
Saw it coming miles away .. and a 5th, 6th and so on .. good times shooting drugs in your veins every 6 months , instead changing how we life a little .

I mean the pandemic has already radically altered how we all live. Especially us white collar folks who had to transition to working from home (and bonus for those of us in healthcare, who now look forward to a month of 60 hour work weeks every time a new wave of unvaccinated people clog up the healthcare system). Edit: Like me, right now, having just clocked hour 61 while on-call tonight because emergency changes needed to be input into the interface engine for HL7 changes and client updates for our digital records apps. Yes I am technically working right now while responding to you because all of our pediatric wards are overloaded and we're seeing unvaccinated people checking into ER's like it was March 2020

Wouldn't it be nice if everyone got vaccinated so we could go back to normal? Put COVID-19 in the annuls of history like the Spanish Influenza?
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I mean the pandemic has already radically altered how we all live. Especially us white collar folks who had to transition to working from home (and bonus for those of us in healthcare, who now look forward to a month of 60 hour work weeks every time a new wave of unvaccinated people clog up the healthcare system). Edit: Like me, right now, having just clocked hour 61 while on-call tonight because emergency changes needed to be input into the interface engine for HL7 changes and client updates for our digital records apps. Yes I am technically working right now while responding to you because all of our pediatric wards are overloaded and we're seeing unvaccinated people checking into ER's like it was March 2020

Wouldn't it be nice if everyone got vaccinated so we could go back to normal? Put COVID-19 in the annuls of history like the Spanish Influenza?
Who says this can be like Spanish flu ? And what’s wrong with adjusting your life style ? Do you think the way how we use this world is sustainable? What’s wrong with working more from home , less commuting, less toxic gasses ,no festivals with 100k people , but less. Less crowded places in general .
Starting at different hours working ? Be more healthy, less fast food, back to less sugars . Taking more time for things , less 24/7.

I think this needs to be a wake up call to start a more radical change ..
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Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
Who says this can be like Spanish flu ? And what’s wrong with adjusting your life style ? Do you think the way how we use this world is sustainable? What’s wrong with working more from home , less commuting, less toxic gasses ,no festivals with 100k people , but less. Less crowded places in general .
Starting at different hours working ? Be more healthy, less fast food, back to less sugars . Taking more time for things , less 24/7.

I think this needs to be a wake up call to start a more radical change ..

No one said anything was wrong with those things. Hell I like working from home. Was just saying I wish everyone would get vaxxed so we could return to normal.

Edit: also regarding the Spanish Flu: the world has been locked down dozens of times thanks to plagues going back to the Roman empire. We're better off now thanks to modern science and better hygiene, but it's just history repeating itself overall.
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No one said anything was wrong with those things. Hell I like working from home. Was just saying I wish everyone would get vaxxed so we could return to normal.

Edit: also regarding the Spanish Flu: the world has been locked down dozens of times thanks to plagues going back to the Roman empire. We're better off now thanks to modern science and better hygiene, but it's just history repeating itself overall.
True !!


Gold Member
People bitching about the vaccines (not saying you are) aren't helping, and those who refuse it are actively retarding progress. At the rate the unvaccinated are dying or being hospitalized now maybe they'll either wake up to reality or just fucking all die and get out of the way. Harsh, but the time to coddle idiots is long gone.

If only something could be done about the Flat Earthers now.


Who's ready for booster #4? People are going to need a subscription at this rate.

Why would anyone get the free booster when you can just buy a horse instead and steal its medical paste?


No, ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine are useless. Remdesivir works if you get it early, but it's not like a miracle cure or anything, it improves outcomes like 30%>
Oh so kind of like Dexamethasone which can do something like instead of 10 people in the ICU dying from covid now you get 9 people dying. (IE If your choice is to take the vaccine now or try dexamethsone to save your ass take the vaccine.)

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
Who's ready for booster #4? People are going to need a subscription at this rate.

Even if its only annual, you would be smart to prepare for the next one. Thats literally all its saying. "Good idea to look ahead a tiny bit "
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SF Kosmo

Al Jazeera Special Reporter
Oh so kind of like Dexamethasone which can do something like instead of 10 people in the ICU dying from covid now you get 9 people dying. (IE If your choice is to take the vaccine now or try dexamethsone to save your ass take the vaccine.)
Yeah, like a drug being clinically "effective" is a lower bar than I think people realize. It just means it does more good than harm.

SF Kosmo

Al Jazeera Special Reporter
While infertility is a bitch, when people find out it might also be a potent anticancer drug we will all be fighting for horse paste

If I'm betting on revolutionary cancer treatments, my money is on viral vectors and mRNA over ivermectin.


Oh so kind of like Dexamethasone which can do something like instead of 10 people in the ICU dying from covid now you get 9 people dying. (IE If your choice is to take the vaccine now or try dexamethsone to save your ass take the vaccine.)

That user information about remdesivir is completely false. The drug is useless. You can see here pretty much all the info about every drug treatment against covid (also showing how Ivermectin rigorous protocols lag behind). There was one relevant study about Remdesivir showing lower tract infection that has never been replicated.
Remdisivir is a complete sham.

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Lil’ Gobbie
No, ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine are useless. Remdesivir works if you get it early, but it's not like a miracle cure or anything, it improves outcomes like 30%>
-hydroxychloroquine we know does not work, for reasons laid out very plainly by Vincent Racianello in the excellent video posted by DragoonKain DragoonKain recently. for this reason it is no longer given in hospitals

-ivermectin we don't know, but if it does help it's probably not very significant. once you are hospitalized it probably won't help you. if it has any benefit at all it probably needs to be taken at the first onset of symptoms. however, it is still given in hospitals hospitals until we know for sure it doesn't work since it is generally very safe drug

-remdesivir we know it helps to shorten hospital stays by 5-7 days. wether it helps with mortality is still being disputed. the drug can be very hard on your liver so routine blood work must be monitored while given. expensive drug and reduces length of stay, so hospitals probably love it. still given in hospitals.
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