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Covid 19 Thread: [no bitching about masks of Fauci edition]


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
Its not political, its corporate. Ever since peer reviews were used on things other than medicine it has research has become a rent seeking industry catering to the whims of science journals. Peer review was created so that medical research wouldnt become unethical but it has been put on everything and now has become corporate. hence why it is taking so long to create a decent vaccine.

Hence why research into ivermectin is silenced. The whole thing is a sham. And masks haven been shown to prevent the spread of the disease either. If you want to be safe, stay quite a distance from people as much as you can. And stay away from obese and sweaty people. They are the main spreaders of the disease(super spreaders).

1. These are the first mRNA vaccines, they are effective, and scientists were able to rapidly produce them thanks to all of the peer review studies of the past looking into possible mRNA vaccines. And while I am not a fan of pay walled peer review science journals I think this is the first time I have ever come across someone who suggests the peer review process is somehow flawed for science. Like, have you not been paying attention for the past two hundred or so years? I mean typically vaccines take years to produce. The scientists knocked this one out of the park

2. They're not "silencing" claims that random antiparasites might somehow be a treatment. There's just no solid proof, so scientists don't want to be flooded with or amplify false claims. That's just the way the world works. For any trade.

3. Masks help to reduce how much matter an individual spreads. This is like the opposite of rocket science, it's obvious. Go ahead and cough. Now put on a mask and cough. A whole lot less spit and mucous or whatever else just entered the air right? Even people in the middle ages figured that out

4. I work in healthcare IT, been around this a lot in the past year and some months, and obese people aren't "super spreaders". Any human being can be infected and die because it's a corona virus and we know well how COVID-19 can harm a person. Why do I have to keep repeating the obvious to people?

Look, not trying to be combative, but you really should just read up on modern medicine and perhaps subscribe to a few science journals for a month or two and actually read them to see how the process works.
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These seem like good news. These kids are not vaccinated and not really in danger.

I feel safe living in Sweden knowing we kept schools open and knowing government probably wont overreact to things.
Your point? It's like the whole world woke up to the concept of risk vs. benefits overnight, whereas the concept is present in all aspects of our daily lives.

What is the alternative? Not to vaccinate? Then you will have endless lockdowns unless you say 'fuck it' and just let people die - not politically feasible.

I was looking at the number of daily cases here https://coronavirus.data.gov.uk/ and then it hit me - there are as of today 1 508 patients in hospital in the WHOLE of UK, 250 patients in ICU. Compare that to France https://dashboard.covid19.data.gouv.fr/vue-d-ensemble?location=FRA - 9 771 patients hospitalized, 1 509 in reanimation. What sort of fear porn is this?

Isn't AZ vaccine much weaker against the Delta variant than the mRNA one?
This point? Don’t force college students to get it. Don’t vaccinated 12 year olds. Certainly don’t vaccinate younger children, like they are pushing to do. These young age groups are at about as much risk from covid as they are to get heart inflammation from the vaccine.


This point? Don’t force college students to get it. Don’t vaccinated 12 year olds. Certainly don’t vaccinate younger children, like they are pushing to do. These young age groups are at about as much risk from covid as they are to get heart inflammation from the vaccine.
They transmit the virus to groups that have much higher chance of getting hospitalized. So yes - college students and young people (let's say 15+) - get your ass to the vaccination center.

Kev Kev

Fair enough. Have fun when the thread gets all shitted up and locked and ruined for everyone.
How about you just contribute something useful to the thread? The more good posts in this thread, the less likely it will be locked. You average half a post a week on GAF and you use it thread police with a snippy drive by post? That doesn’t help, maybe you should be locked as well.
They transmit the virus to groups that have much higher chance of getting hospitalized. So yes - college students and young people (let's say 15+) - get your ass to the vaccination center.
We don’t even know how common this is. We are literally still learning about the risks of this vaccine right now. And you strike this holier than thou tone? How about we find out just how much risk there is, first? Or would you rather find out you hurt a bunch of kids so you could increase the odds that grandma won’t get sick…
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We don’t even know how common this is. We are literally still learning about the risks of this vaccine right now. And you strike this holier than thou tone? How about we find out just how much risk there is, first? Or would you rather find out you hurt a bunch of kids so you could increase the odds that grandma won’t get sick…
When do you plan to have the amount information you deem satisfactory to proceed? After 1 more lockdown? 2 more? In 3 years? You understand countries cannot function with stop-and-go pattern as we did for the past year?

I'm actually of the opinion old people should have STFU and stayed at home so the rest of the country can live, and not to sacrifice young people because of grandma and grandpa, but in the democratic society where your vote matters as much as the other people it is difficult to push for it. Plus old people by nature are whiny egoistic fucks, so it's not like they would even consider it.
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Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
Interesting perspective from the critic and writer A.N. Wilson: Covid has warped our collective attitude to death

Many of us have beguiled our enforced idleness by turning to the poets. Whether you wish to soar on George Herbert’s ‘Easter Wings’ or stare bleakly at the dawn that pricked Philip Larkin’s Hull bedroom curtains with its miserable flicker of light as he contemplated the inevitable, the poets all seemed sure of one thing: that we are going to snuff it, sooner or later — a fact of nature that the government’s scientific advisers have taken upon themselves to circumvent, allowing the ‘vulnerable’ to die of whatever they were dying of anyway — cancer, old age — rather than be a Covid statistic.

Non-believers often used to sound more heroic than Christians. Why, they could ask, do you need the fiction of a future life to console you for the inevitable? Religion, Larkin scornfully felt, as he watched the dawn return to Hull, was ‘a vast moth-eaten musical brocade / Created to pretend we never die’. Although in that poem (‘Aubade’), he said ‘Courage is no good’, it surely is. Courage is the foundation of all other virtues. The inability to face death is essentially ignoble, and the present culture, which encourages us to suppose that we can postpone it indefinitely, is a non-culture. A nothing. As a result of being made to skulk indoors for months, we might have avoided catching an unpleasant disease which (for the huge proportion of its sufferers) makes you feel ill for about a week.

Instead, as well as watching the economy collapse and being bored out of our skulls, we have been irreparably demeaned. ‘The whole of our life,’ wrote Chateaubriand in his memoirs, ‘is spent wandering around our grave; our various illnesses are so many puffs of wind which bring us a little or a great deal nearer port’. The failure by those who govern us to recognise the simplicity of this truth has led to the present crisis: our homes a prison, our economy a ruin, our lives at a standstill — all to ‘save’ the lives of people who will die anyway of other causes, before very long.


We don’t even know how common this is. We are literally still learning about the risks of this vaccine right now. And you strike this holier than thou tone? How about we find out just how much risk there is, first? Or would you rather find out you hurt a bunch of kids so you could increase the odds that grandma won’t get sick…

I think it's important to remember that by now we have had 2.8 billion covid vaccine doses put in people's arms across the globe. This has been going on for months. If there were any kind of real, widespread danger in the side effects of them, we'd know by now. There simply isn't an organisation large enough to cover something like that up, especially in the west, with our rapacious media. Short term, the vaccines are clearly very safe, with very, very few incidents of serious side effects. If anything, the covid vaccines appear markedly more safe than many other vaccines, medications and treatments on the market.

We don't know if there are more long term serious side effects, but given the incredibly low frequency of any short term ones, logic (and precedent from other vaccines) suggests that there won't be much of a problem there, either.

Given all of this, and given that the more people who receive a vaccine, the less able the virus is to spread, it really is incumbent on everyone to get the jab.
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When do you plan to have the amount information you deem satisfactory to proceed? After 1 more lockdown? 2 more? In 3 years? You understand countries cannot function with stop-and-go pattern as we did for the past year?

I'm actually of the opinion old people should have STFU and stayed at home so the rest of the country can live, and not to sacrifice young people because of grandma and grandpa, but in the democratic society where your vote matters as much as the other people it is difficult to push for it. Plus old people by nature are whiny egoistic fucks, so it's not like they would even consider it.
The point is 15 year olds are at exceedingly low risk from covid. To the point where, for young people, the unknown risk of heart inflammation actually is of comparable concern to risk of actually having the disease. That isn’t true for higher age groups. I’m not about to demand people sacrifice their own health to save some incalculable number of other people.

I think we need to find out more about these vaccines. I’m not implying they aren’t generally safe. But getting covid is generally safe if your a 15 year old. Since we are clearly still learning about the consequences of the vaccines, I don’t think it’s wrong to recommend that very young people not get them until we learn more.


And I guarantee the universe was sneezed out by a giant space aardvark.

Jesus lads… at least try to keep this based around actual evidence, eh?

Space aardvark with Covid19 you mean! This delta variant can cleary traverse the void of space!

Lock it all down! Even the outer planets! :messenger_winking:
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I FINALLY know someone badly effected by the pandemic.......and it was from the vaccine......


He had his foot amputated from multiple blood clots a few weeks after taking the jab (I don't know which one he had. We mostly get Pfizer here).



Sky News host Alan Jones says “what was a conspiracy to damage Trump is now the truth” following reports Chinese military members were enlisted on the oversight committee for the Wuhan Institute of Virology. (6/23/21)

One year ago today:

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The point is 15 year olds are at exceedingly low risk from covid. To the point where, for young people, the unknown risk of heart inflammation actually is of comparable concern to risk of actually having the disease. That isn’t true for higher age groups. I’m not about to demand people sacrifice their own health to save some incalculable number of other people.

I think we need to find out more about these vaccines. I’m not implying they aren’t generally safe. But getting covid is generally safe if your a 15 year old. Since we are clearly still learning about the consequences of the vaccines, I don’t think it’s wrong to recommend that very young people not get them until we learn more.
Getting Covid is safe, but to my understanding vaccine also cuts down on transmission rate since you do not get infected as easily. And if you are not infected you cannot give it to others, including more at risk groups.

Now of the argument is - TF are children supposed to pay the price for adults (a valid question) a counter question would be: TF we’re all the lockdowns for if not for the society paying to keep elderly safe?
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I think it's important to remember that by now we have had 2.8 billion covid vaccine doses put in people's arms across the globe. This has been going on for months. If there were any kind of real, widespread danger in the side effects of them, we'd know by now. There simply isn't an organisation large enough to cover something like that up, especially in the west, with our rapacious media. Short term, the vaccines are clearly very safe, with very, very few incidents of serious side effects. If anything, the covid vaccines appear markedly more safe than many other vaccines, medications and treatments on the market.

We don't know if there are more long term serious side effects, but given the incredibly low frequency of any short term ones, logic (and precedent from other vaccines) suggests that there won't be much of a problem there, either.

Given all of this, and given that the more people who receive a vaccine, the less able the virus is to spread, it really is incumbent on everyone to get the jab.
Except none has test vaccines more than 1 year, when vaccines normally are tested for 5 - 10 years.. so there could be side effects that pop up much later is very much a real possibility. Not something to not take into account. It could also be there are no dangerous long term side effects .. who knows. Long term side effects have popped up in the past even after 20+. years.
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How about you just contribute something useful to the thread? The more good posts in this thread, the less likely it will be locked. You average half a post a week on GAF and you use it thread police with a snippy drive by post? That doesn’t help, maybe you should be locked as well.
So you took the time to read my post history and how i’ve contributed to this thread but you’re dead set on policing my policing of an actual driveby bullshit post? Are you a mod or something? Do you realize you’re doing exactly what you’re complaining about?
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Except none has test vaccines more than 1 year, when vaccines normally are tested for 5 - 10 years.. so there could be side effects that pop up much later is very much a real possibility. Not something to not take into account. It could also be there are no dangerous long term side effects .. who knows. Long term side effects have popped up in the past even after 20+. years.

No one can know what long term side effects there may or may not be, but fear of them is pointless, because there’s nothing to indicate they may exist, from current data. You might as well never go out of your house again, if you’re going to worry about things happening with no prior indication.

I find it baffling that so many people have decided that this is the risk they’re not willing to take, when they take far greater risks every day of their lives.
No one can know what long term side effects there may or may not be, but fear of them is pointless, because there’s nothing to indicate they may exist, from current data. You might as well never go out of your house again, if you’re going to worry about things happening with no prior indication.

I find it baffling that so many people have decided that this is the risk they’re not willing to take, when they take far greater risks every day of their lives.
What about the data that indicates there are free spike proteins congregating in the ovaries? I think there has to be a little bias in people's opinion on the safety of the vaccine once they've already got it.


What about the data that indicates there are free spike proteins congregating in the ovaries? I think there has to be a little bias in people's opinion on the safety of the vaccine once they've already got it.

How many people are we talking? And is there a confirmed link to the vaccine?

Like so many of these reports, no firm confirmation is happening. And even if there is a confirmed link, a few dozen, or maybe even a few hundred people is nothing among 2.8 billion doses and counting.

All medications result in serious side effects for a very few people.
How many people are we talking? And is there a confirmed link to the vaccine?

Like so many of these reports, no firm confirmation is happening. And even if there is a confirmed link, a few dozen, or maybe even a few hundred people is nothing among 2.8 billion doses and counting.

All medications result in serious side effects for a very few people.
I wasn't referring to a specific side effect, this is data that was presented on Bret Weinstein's podcast that indicates the vaccine doesn't stay in the arm muscle but rather circulates through your whole body and for some reason concentrates in the ovaries. I don't believe it has been linked to any negative outcomes but it certainly seems like that would have potential for long term consequences.

Kev Kev

So you took the time to read my post history and how i’ve contributed to this thread but you’re dead set on policing my policing of an actual driveby bullshit post? Are you a mod or something? Do you realize you’re doing exactly what you’re complaining about?
no, all i did was hover over your name where it shows post count and join date. drive by thread policing deserves to be called out, mostly bc its annoying af, especially if that person is a neo who doesnt post often. but yes, for me to keep dragging it on would be hypocritical, so ill just leave it at that...


I wasn't referring to a specific side effect, this is data that was presented on Bret Weinstein's podcast that indicates the vaccine doesn't stay in the arm muscle but rather circulates through your whole body and for some reason concentrates in the ovaries. I don't believe it has been linked to any negative outcomes but it certainly seems like that would have potential for long term consequences.

Okay, how many people have had this happen? What’s been the monitoring regime? At what stage after having the vaccine are these results being reported? Did the podcast mention any of this?

Why do you say it would have the potential for long term consequences? Are you trained in gynaecology? Was anyone on the podcast?
Okay, how many people have had this happen? What’s been the monitoring regime? At what stage after having the vaccine are these results being reported? Did the podcast mention any of this?

Why do you say it would have the potential for long term consequences? Are you trained in gynaecology? Was anyone on the podcast?
All fine questions. I don't know all the answers, except no they're not trained in gynecology.

The assertion they were making is that this spike protein which is a component of the vaccine is supposed to stay stuck where it is to do its job but it doesn't and circulates freely throughout the body. Measuring concentrations of the lipid component of the vaccine in different areas of the body such as whole blood, plasma, bone marrow etc shows an anomalous concentration spike in the ovaries.

If this data is correct, the point is that we don't know the effects this could have. It could be absolutely nothing, or it could have problems down the road. We don't have the data to show that the vaccine is safe long term because it's never been tested long term.

For me that is where the hesitancy comes in. Not just because of that one report which may have flaws, but because we just don't have long term data.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member

It appears to be discussing this recent study:

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There was also a study last week, which discovered exactly that. It may even have been from this guy. The immune system may react weaker to other pathogens. But how and whether that is really the case must still be researched.

A well-known virologist from Germany (Prof. Stöhr) has also commented today on a study or evaluation of the figures from the UK on the Delta variant. Delta seems to be more infectious, but probably up to four times less dangerous (milder courses, fewer deaths, etc.) than Alpha. Everybody can check UK numbers for this.
This mutation process is also the most expected and was already predicted by some 1.5 years ago. It is quite realistic that the virus will mutate to a (even more) regular common cold virus, which everyone will have regularly in the future, but without or with only extremely mild symptoms.


I think it's important to remember that by now we have had 2.8 billion covid vaccine doses put in people's arms across the globe. This has been going on for months. If there were any kind of real, widespread danger in the side effects of them, we'd know by now. There simply isn't an organisation large enough to cover something like that up, especially in the west, with our rapacious media. Short term, the vaccines are clearly very safe, with very, very few incidents of serious side effects. If anything, the covid vaccines appear markedly more safe than many other vaccines, medications and treatments on the market.

We don't know if there are more long term serious side effects, but given the incredibly low frequency of any short term ones, logic (and precedent from other vaccines) suggests that there won't be much of a problem there, either.

Given all of this, and given that the more people who receive a vaccine, the less able the virus is to spread, it really is incumbent on everyone to get the jab.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member

Really wish articles would provide the clear source data for their editorializations.

Like, this part:

In Seattle’s King County, the public health department found only three deaths during a recent 60-day period in people who were fully vaccinated. The rest, some 95% of 62 deaths, had had no vaccine or just one shot.

Why are they grouping "no vaccine" with "just one shot" together (without providing a breakdown) in a report that is clearly framing vaccine hesitancy as the only reason anyone is dying in the country still?


Count of Concision
No one can know what long term side effects there may or may not be, but fear of them is pointless, because there’s nothing to indicate they may exist, from current data. You might as well never go out of your house again, if you’re going to worry about things happening with no prior indication.

I find it baffling that so many people have decided that this is the risk they’re not willing to take, when they take far greater risks every day of their lives.

This doesn't hold water, because for the other situations you cite (going outside your house etc.) we do not have protocols in place like we do for vaccines - or DID, prior to these vaccines. Thus it stands to reason that there were/are good reasons for those protocols which are still valid. If there were longstanding protocols that stated that we should analyze conditions outside our houses for one month before venturing outside, your argument would hold more water. Because in that case one would assume that there were good reasons for those rules in the first place.


This doesn't hold water, because for the other situations you cite (going outside your house etc.) we do not have protocols in place like we do for vaccines - or DID, prior to these vaccines.

Fuck me, pal. They didn’t just throw the vaccine together and start jabbing it into people without running extensive tests on its safety. They did that for months.

So many of you have got caught up in the fact they received emergency approval, as if that meant they didn’t have rigorous trials.

Again, 2.8 billion vaccines distributed. Very few incidents of serious side effects. Nothing to worry about.
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Fuck me, pal. They didn’t just throw the vaccine together and start jabbing it into people without running extensive tests on its safety. They did that for months.

So many of you have got caught up in the fact they received emergency approval, as if that meant they didn’t have rigorous trials.

Again, 2.8 billion vaccines distributed. Very few incidents of serious side effects. Nothing to worry about.
Up above Birdo mentioned their friend had to have their foot amputated and they think it was caused from the vaccine. Blood clots are a known issue. Issues from the vaccines could show up 10 years from now and we would have no clue at this point. Issues could be showing up right now and it would still be difficult to link to the vaccines. We simply cannot know the long term effects at this point. There have been many, many tragic unintended consequences in the history of medicine, and so even if everyone is acting in good faith when they tell you it's 100% safe you can't simply take their word because our understanding continues to change over time. And let me be clear, I really hope there are no short or long term health effects from the vaccines, but I remain skeptical that the benefit is worth the risk to me personally.


There have been many, many tragic unintended consequences in the history of medicine, and so even if everyone is acting in good faith when they tell you it's 100% safe you can't simply take their word because our understanding continues to change over time. And let me be clear, I really hope there are no short or long term health effects from the vaccines, but I remain skeptical that the benefit is worth the risk to me personally.

No one has ever claimed the vaccines were 100% safe. Not a single medicine on earth is 100% safe. Nothing you ever do, ever have done, or ever will do is 100% safe. The odds of say, dying while you lie still in bed for ten minutes are stupendously small, but it’s not impossible.

Yeah, a very, very small amount of people will suffer serious effects of the Covid vaccine… but why worry about that? The chances of it happening to you are tiny.

And taking the vaccine isn’t just about you as an individual. Your immunity contributes to herd immunity, which kills off a viruses chance to multiply, making everybody safer, including the poor bastards who can’t take the vaccine.

Being part of the effort to do that is surely worth the incredibly small risk of taking the vaccine, don’t you think?
No one has ever claimed the vaccines were 100% safe. Not a single medicine on earth is 100% safe. Nothing you ever do, ever have done, or ever will do is 100% safe. The odds of say, dying while you lie still in bed for ten minutes are stupendously small, but it’s not impossible.

Yeah, a very, very small amount of people will suffer serious effects of the Covid vaccine… but why worry about that? The chances of it happening to you are tiny.

And taking the vaccine isn’t just about you as an individual. Your immunity contributes to herd immunity, which kills off a viruses chance to multiply, making everybody safer, including the poor bastards who can’t take the vaccine.

Being part of the effort to do that is surely worth the incredibly small risk of taking the vaccine, don’t you think?
I'm pretty sure I already had Covid and I got through it fine and I don't need a vaccine. You're telling me I needn't worry about the vaccine risks (which are unknown) but according to you are miniscule. Well there have been 5000 vaccine deaths reported in the US alone, and that's a conservative estimate. We have no idea about the longer term risks, there's just no way to know at this point. I do feel a responsibility to do my part for my fellow man but not to accept a vaccine that hasn't been tested long term. There is an alternative possibility in ivermectin which could render the vaccines obsolete and actually is known to be safe. I would take ivermectin if i was sick knowing there's no real risk. The vaccines however, you are simply not in a position to say they are safe because we don't even have the data.
Being part of the effort to do that is surely worth the incredibly small risk of taking the vaccine, don’t you think?
It is not your job to injest anything or undertake any medical procedure for my protection. I don't want you to do that and have not asked you to and will never ask you or anyone else to do that. Undergoing any medical procedure or taking any medication or prescription is for my health and my health alone and to some extent for my family.

If I had an autoimmune disease I would not go out and guilt or badger other people or make them feel guilty for not doing things to make me safer. I would take the necessary precautions for myself and some time not that long ago that was ok, but I guess that time has passed and it is all about "the greater good" now.


Count of Concision
Fuck me, pal. They didn’t just throw the vaccine together and start jabbing it into people without running extensive tests on its safety. They did that for months.

So many of you have got caught up in the fact they received emergency approval, as if that meant they didn’t have rigorous trials.

Again, 2.8 billion vaccines distributed. Very few incidents of serious side effects. Nothing to worry about.

Are you suggesting that these vaccines were tested as rigorously, widely (sample size), and for the same duration as other vaccines? Because clearly they weren't. Obviously there was SOME testing/trials done - the question is whether they were sufficient. As more real-world data from the live experiment we're running with these vaccines comes in, we will have a more solid base of evidence upon which to make decisions. For myself, as of now, the jury is still out and I will take my chances remaining unvaccinated for the time being. Mind you, about 40-50% of the country feels the same.
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Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Dr. Campbell put out a video going over the latest Ivermectin meta analysis.

This was also discussed on Joe Rogan's podcast from the other day.


I'm pretty sure I already had Covid and I got through it fine and I don't need a vaccine.

Large scale Cleveland Clinic study agrees with you

Now that we unequivocally know there are viable and safe therapeutics for covid, like IVM, or fluvoxamine, or corticosteroids, in combination with vitamin D, C zinc, etc, that will greatly reduce the risk and duration of it, there's very little incentive and upside to taking these vaccines. Well, apart from all the lotteries, weed, and ice cream.
I don't want to throw shade at anyone in particular in this thread but I think there is a real problem in this discussion in general where vaccinated people have a huge inherent motivation to believe it's safe. The only people in my life that have actively pressured me to get vaccinated are people that have been vaccinated themselves. It would be exceedingly difficult to admit you had taken a vaccine that may not be as safe as you thought it was, and had gotten your children vaccinated too, and convinced your reluctant spouse to get vaccinated.

And maybe none of your family experienced any negative side effects from the vaccine, that's great for you hypothetical person. But hypothetical person, it would take a whole lot to convince you that you had put your whole family in danger because you trusted the official information which seemed totally reasonable at the time.

I don't see any solution for this conundrum, it's just especially insidious because unlike a bad idea you can't just drop your support for a vaccine you already have taken. :messenger_pensive:
I received a threat yesterday at my clinic with the caller, we don't think it's a patient, saying I am killing people with the covid-19 vaccine, and that I need to leave town. Kind of amusing, people are crazy.


All fine questions. I don't know all the answers, except no they're not trained in gynecology.

The assertion they were making is that this spike protein which is a component of the vaccine is supposed to stay stuck where it is to do its job but it doesn't and circulates freely throughout the body. Measuring concentrations of the lipid component of the vaccine in different areas of the body such as whole blood, plasma, bone marrow etc shows an anomalous concentration spike in the ovaries.

If this data is correct, the point is that we don't know the effects this could have. It could be absolutely nothing, or it could have problems down the road. We don't have the data to show that the vaccine is safe long term because it's never been tested long term.

For me that is where the hesitancy comes in. Not just because of that one report which may have flaws, but because we just don't have long term data.
This post is everything that I hate about social media and modern society - suddenly everyone is an expert on everything.
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