Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
Its not political, its corporate. Ever since peer reviews were used on things other than medicine it has research has become a rent seeking industry catering to the whims of science journals. Peer review was created so that medical research wouldnt become unethical but it has been put on everything and now has become corporate. hence why it is taking so long to create a decent vaccine.
Hence why research into ivermectin is silenced. The whole thing is a sham. And masks haven been shown to prevent the spread of the disease either. If you want to be safe, stay quite a distance from people as much as you can. And stay away from obese and sweaty people. They are the main spreaders of the disease(super spreaders).
1. These are the first mRNA vaccines, they are effective, and scientists were able to rapidly produce them thanks to all of the peer review studies of the past looking into possible mRNA vaccines. And while I am not a fan of pay walled peer review science journals I think this is the first time I have ever come across someone who suggests the peer review process is somehow flawed for science. Like, have you not been paying attention for the past two hundred or so years? I mean typically vaccines take years to produce. The scientists knocked this one out of the park
2. They're not "silencing" claims that random antiparasites might somehow be a treatment. There's just no solid proof, so scientists don't want to be flooded with or amplify false claims. That's just the way the world works. For any trade.
3. Masks help to reduce how much matter an individual spreads. This is like the opposite of rocket science, it's obvious. Go ahead and cough. Now put on a mask and cough. A whole lot less spit and mucous or whatever else just entered the air right? Even people in the middle ages figured that out
4. I work in healthcare IT, been around this a lot in the past year and some months, and obese people aren't "super spreaders". Any human being can be infected and die because it's a corona virus and we know well how COVID-19 can harm a person. Why do I have to keep repeating the obvious to people?
Look, not trying to be combative, but you really should just read up on modern medicine and perhaps subscribe to a few science journals for a month or two and actually read them to see how the process works.
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