This study has is meaningless because it has many flaws.
Here are some of them:
- Median age: 46
- Comorbidities: 137 out of 312 (44%)
- "Hospitalized patients were older than home-isolated patients, had higher body mass index (BMI) and had more comorbidities, including chronic lung disease, chronic heart disease, hypertension and diabetes."
- Symptoms were asked via interview;
no clinical examinations
- Important in such studies: The participants were not randomly selected, but could decide for themselves whether to participate ->
strong bias of the results, since people are more likely to participate if they are anxious and/or have psychosomatic problems
- One main sympton is fatigue -> "Data from Norway have previously shown slightly lower chronic fatigue prevalence (11%) in the general population
24 than in the present household controls (14%)" ->
according to a study fatigue without covid is already at 11% in the population
TL;DR: If you compare the symptoms of "Long Covid" with those of the population (without "Long Covid"), the numbers dwindle sharply and are largely normal statistical fluctuations.
This constant mixing of all people (fat, pre-existing conditions, age, young & fat, young & fit etc.), although there are clearly EXTREME differences, distorts the results enormously.