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Covid 19 Thread: [no bitching about masks of Fauci edition]


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
Are there tests that show just how many and how strong the antibodies an individual has?
It should be possible to titer the antibodies, but that wouldn't really tell you that much. The immune system is at the 'ready' so to speak, it doesn't produce vast quantities of an antibody unless it is needed. Plus antibodies are only a fraction of the story anyway.
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Gold Member

what is happening
I hope that guy didnt think getting rabies shots was the old way through the stomach. Its like a normal vax now.

But reading the article, I'm not surprised. The article said his home had a colony living there. He probably didnt give a shit to take care of his house, so I'm not surprised he didnt care about health.
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Considering how razor thin the margins can be…it does seem going anti vax could be a huge self own purely in terms of eliminating your own voting base
I predict many of these dead people will still vote in the 2024 election!
(especially if they organize it around halloween time again)


Gold Member

Thought this was a funny take on NBA Players "researching" the vaccine

How anyone can take 20-30 year old athletes or celebs as gods gift to worldly advice is a laugh.

These same worshipped numbnuts who probably barely scraped by high school, and can make $100 million in salaries and go bankrupt by 35. The last people who should give advice. Especially medical advice.
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(Not from USA) but I saw news saying that one republican lose X amount of people in his place to COVID, that amount of people is more than the winning margin he had the last time. So it could happen if those people are the ones who voted for him.

Jaysen Jaysen , seriously man...have some couth. You're exactly one of the people I'm talking about. Is lauding the deaths of those you disagree with a character trait of yours? Because you're setting the example and giving the impression of such.


Jaysen Jaysen , seriously man...have some couth. You're exactly one of the people I'm talking about. Is lauding the deaths of those you disagree with a character trait of yours? Because you're setting the example and giving the impression of such.
I don’t give a fuck about people willfully and selfishly endangering the lives of everyone around them. I feel the same way about assholes who drink and drive.

This shit is pretty sad. Directly documented how Weinstein killed this guy with his misinformation. Of course there are many more than that have died that haven't documented it.

SF Kosmo

Al Jazeera Special Reporter

serious question here- are so many old republicans going to die that it will be impact elections? Has anyone done the math on this?

I mean even 1% death on one side but not the other is going to tilt some states. Look how many states went into recounts on razor thin margins. That said, two party systems always seem to find their balance even if it means a realignment.


Snake Oil Salesman
I mean even 1% death on one side but not the other is going to tilt some states. Look how many states went into recounts on razor thin margins. That said, two party systems always seem to find their balance even if it means a realignment.

The majority of Covid deaths are behind us. At this point, pollsters seem to be expecting big R gains in the 2022 elections.


I don’t give a fuck about people willfully and selfishly endangering the lives of everyone around them. I feel the same way about assholes who drink and drive.
I'm the eqivalent of a drunk driver because I've already had covid and just rather have my body take care of it for now and get the shot a few years down the line if I want. Lol. Crazy.

It's like some crazy anti vaccine person hoping someone who takes the shot has a vaxident. Just weird. oh well.

SF Kosmo

Al Jazeera Special Reporter
The majority of Covid deaths are behind us. At this point, pollsters seem to be expecting big R gains in the 2022 elections.
As one would during any midterm after a democrat was elected.

But the last two elections in this country could have been differently with 100,000 votes or so in the right places. So when we're talking about those contests with razor thin margins, sure, stuff like that can make a difference.


Lil’ Gobbie


Multimillionaire public servants are regular people just like me and you.

You do understand most government workers are working-class people in city, county, state, federal government positions right? The "government" is not just the highest echelon of rich congressmen dude.
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Gold Member
Government workers willingly being fired from their jobs can be a blessing in disguise. That's one way to cut down on government costs (assuming gov doesn't just top back up).

For those of you who have only worked in government roles and are willing to change tune and try the private sector, I hope you understand the corporate world is a lot more demanding, easier to get fired, you'll be bossed around more and the typical non-government job has less holidays, a shittier pension plan and the majority of white collar workers arent unionized.

It's a hell of a lot harder to hide behind a union leader for job protection. And have fun doing twice a year employee review evaluations in an office job with your boss with goal setting, progress chat and explaining why you didn't hit some targets (all documented and submitted to HR or in Workday systems). And some places do the hit and miss "peer evaluations" where unknown people who work with you are asked to rate you. It's something you've probably never even done.

And just to get your foot in the door, a lot of companies will purposely avoid you because they know gov workers have pay and perk entitlements they learned from government which isn't standard in private sector.
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Gold Member
UTICA, NY—Blasting state officials for putting her into such an “impossible position,” local nurse Sophia Wood confirmed Wednesday that she was carefully weighing whether she was better off getting the vaccine or losing her job and dying. “On the plus side, if get vaccinated, I could get to continue to live my life healthy and happy with no drawbacks, but is that really worth giving up the right to die while out of work?” said the healthcare worker, who had spent the past weeks agonizing over a long list of pros and cons of getting vaccinated that she had written up for each side of the issue. “On one hand, I have way more items listed under the pros column, like ‘keep job,’ ‘protect others,’ and ‘protect myself,’ but on the other, I have ‘freedom’ written in big red letters, circled, and underlined multiple times. I’m pretty torn between the two. Who would issue such a cruel ultimatum?” At press time, Wood assured herself that regardless of the choice she ultimately made, she would wind up back in the hospital.
Sound like a no brainer to me.

I wonder if people in these situations think about why government sets laws for drinking age, driver's license + insurance, needing to hire a lawyer to sell a house costing you an extra $2000, and why as a taxpayer you cant get to choose where the money goes (but it goes into a mystery pot only gov decides).

IMO, it would be great if I can drink at any age, dont need formal driving credentials (I'm a good driver), can sell a house on a handshake, and I get to choose my money goes to roads around my house, and less taxes should be paid because more people should man up and be self sufficient.

But in life, there's rules to follow where gov is trying to set some standards for safety, financial and medical assistance and even ensuring sewers dont overflow.

Problem is rebels don't listen or man up. So the fall back plan (as funny as it seems) then goes back to gov to bail their asses out (at taxpayer costs).

Edit: LOL. Oh shit. It's an Onion article.
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I'm the eqivalent of a drunk driver because I've already had covid and just rather have my body take care of it for now and get the shot a few years down the line if I want. Lol. Crazy.

It's like some crazy anti vaccine person hoping someone who takes the shot has a vaxident. Just weird. oh well.
Correct. You’re a dangerous idiot. Just like the drunk driver who can make the simple decision to not drink and drive, yet does it anyway despite knowing better.
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For those of you who have only worked in government roles and are willing to change tune and try the private sector, I hope you understand the corporate world is a lot more demanding, easier to get fired, you'll be bossed around more and the typical non-government job has less holidays, a shittier pension plan and the majority of white collar workers arent unionized.

I really don't know what your point is here. Yes, if you can get into a job in local government you can have a livable wage and benefits for life, so yeah most people won't give that up for the shitshow of private employment.


Gold Member
I really don't know what your point is here. Yes, if you can get into a job in local government you can have a livable wage and benefits for life, so yeah most people won't give that up for the shitshow of private employment.
But some people will balk at mandatory vaccines for gov employment. Which means their next route for a job is private sector.

Working in private sector is actually great. But it's not for everyone. Anyone wanting giant job protection, tons of holidays, and loves threatening to strike every 5 years should stick to a public sector role.

I love chatting with my sis in law whose a nurse and she thinks she's entitled to banking sick day pay even though she's not even sick and on salary. So if she's stays home sick, she gets paid anyway. But she thinks sick day pay should be treated like bonus pay. I told her the purpose of sick day pay is really for hourly paid people, so they dont get pressured to come to work while ill. People on salary like her and me get paid no matter what even if were sick all week at home. She some reason doesn't understand that because it's entitlement drilled into her brain from a government job.

Or the times I ask her when was the last time her boss and her had a chat about performance and goals. She said last time it was done was over 10 years ago. Then when I asked her how does she even know she's on track doing a good job if your own boss doesn't even talk to you about it. Her reply was she doesn't know and just goes to work and does what she does and assumes it's right.
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But some people will balk at mandatory vaccines for gov employment. Which means their next route for a job is private sector.

Some people are idiots. Who cares what their "next route" is. In my experience as a government employee I know exactly zero people who haven't got the vaccine, and it isn't even mandatory for us yet. So these things are all anecdotal. And your babbling is just reinforcing how great government jobs actually are, with union protection, guaranteed sick and holiday pay etc. Unless you are making 100K plus a year private sector jobs are for fucking chumps.

And dude your posts are rambling and hard to follow, slow down and think about what you are really trying to say because you are shitting out a lot of gibberish.
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The average person really isn’t well equipped to navigate the Information Age.
Makes sense to me honestly. It's like going into an ice cream shop and seeing every flavor you could imagine. A lot of people wouldn’t know what to pick or do. They would feel overwhelmed. It's also so easy to spread with apps and social platforms that encourage shorter attention spans. We are living in the age of information and disinformation. The internet is like propaganda's biggest wet dream.


Gold Member
Makes sense to me honestly. It's like going into an ice cream shop and seeing every flavor you could imagine. A lot of people wouldn’t know what to pick or do. They would feel overwhelmed. It's also so easy to spread with apps and social platforms that encourage shorter attention spans. We are living in the age of information and disinformation. The internet is like propaganda's biggest wet dream.
It doesnt even have to be the information age in terms of content. But combine loose screws hit with influxes of internet content with the below and it's a disaster.

Some people still dont even know how to use email properly. And that includes not knowing the difference between Reply and Replay All, and knowing basic email etiquette at work. I love at work when HR sends some memo asking for a response, the same people do Reply All telling the world personal information. Or the same people on conference calls having trouble going on Mute until someone makes a comment for the person eating or blowing their nose to go on Mute.

Just imagine what they are like on the net on social media talking topics.
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So, basically another selfish twat who thinks that getting the vaccine or not is just about him, and that he thinks his decision doesn’t effect others…when it clearly fucking does.

Jennifer Lawrence Reaction GIF

Have no idea who this muppet is thank god, but I’d be willing to bet vital parts of my anatomy he’s very religious - given how common that is among the anti-vaxxers.
How is he selfish when there is no significant difference in viral load between vaccinated and unvaccinated?


How is he selfish when there is no significant difference in viral load between vaccinated and unvaccinated?
We are still doing it? Fine, let me try it one more time.

You don’t get vaccinated, you get Covid, your chances for it to develop and require you to go to hospital are way higher than those of vaccinated.

You go to hospital, so do thousands of others since hey - muh rights!

Healthcare system cannot handle the extra load, government needs to confine people at home, economy suffers, people lose jobs.

How is this so fucking difficult to comprehend? Vaccination was never about eradicating Covid, it’s a lousy disease anyway. It was always about making the healthcare system cope with admissions.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
Projections are that another 100k will die in the US alone this winter from COVID-19. Because some people keep adhering to invented reasons to not take 10 minutes out of their day and get a shot.
I mean a little over 0.2% of the US population has died of COVID already, and so far only Peru is significantly beyond 0.3% registered deaths. Brazil is at 0.284% and cases seem to be on a long term downward trend.

majority of Covid deaths being behind us implies that from this point in time there have been more deaths in the last two years than there ever will be in the future of mankind, that is a bold claim


majority of Covid deaths being behind us implies that from this point in time there have been more deaths in the last two years than there ever will be in the future of mankind, that is a bold claim
Well, I enterpreted it to mean over the next election cycle, since the topic was whether COVID could effect the results. Obviously if COVID doesn't go away, eventually deaths will catch up.

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
I don’t know if you’re aware of the herman cain award thing… essentially a subreddit where they post social media from people who were antivaxxers and then caught and died from COVID… god that’s depressing to read.
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