Is this US? Literally 10 000 people die to Covid every 3-4 days?
Yes. That’s the current seven day average for the USA.
Here’s the whole thing:

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Is this US? Literally 10 000 people die to Covid every 3-4 days?
Well, I enterpreted it to mean over the next election cycle, since the topic was whether COVID could effect the results. Obviously if COVID doesn't go away, eventually deaths will catch up.
LOL. SoMen_in_Boxes posts on September 30th that the majority of COVID deaths are behind us.
Your oh so smart response is to show a graph showing not only the deaths from the day before but also that the number of daily deaths has been declining from what looks like early to mid-September.
"The majority of COVID deaths are behind us".
This recent wave of deaths in the US seems to have peaked on September 15th and looks to be significantly smaller than the previous wave at the end of 2020, beginning of 2021 and a little smaller than the initial wave in early 2020.
"The majority of COVID deaths are behind us".
The total number of deaths in the US so far is at 713,953.
Are you saying that there will be more than a further 713,953 additional COVID deaths in the USA from today onwards?
Or do you think the majority of covid deaths are behind them in the USA?
Remember, we don't want to spread misinformation here.
Are you saying that there will be more than a further 713,953 additional COVID deaths in the USA from today onwards?
Or do you think the majority of covid deaths are behind them in the USA?
Remember, we don't want to spread misinformation here.
I'm not saying that the majority are or are not behind us.please provide evidence that majority of covid deaths are behind us, showing clearly deaths over a specific timeline
I'm not saying that the majority are or are not behind us.
Men_in_Boxes reckons that this is the case for the USA.
The current death toll in the US is 713,953 and with the large numbers of people getting vaccinated it seems like less than this number will die in the future.
A feature of the vaccination program pretty much everywhere at this point is that as more people get vaccinated the number of COVID related deaths goes down.
So it's pretty easy to make the prediction that the majority of covid deaths are in the past for a country like the US.
Unless you've got some other information on this?
I reckon at the current 7 day average you would need 360 continuous days of the same daily average deaths before you would get to 1,427,906 deaths which would be the point where a statement on the 30th of September 2021 that "the majority of covid deaths are behind us" would be false.
I thinkMen_in_Boxes is probably about right.
With so many people vaccinated now and many more to follow (I think the US plans to vaccinate kids too?) it is very likely that the USA has gotten over the worst of this. At least it would probably take a few years for the death toll to rise to 1,427,907 at which point the statement would indeed be false.
I thinkFunkMiller probably just was a bit quick to rush in with the mockery and didn't really engage their brain first.
We've all been there.
So, if there are tens of million anti-vaxxers in the US (and that’s a pretty good estimate I think, given the political and social make up of the country) then yes… there could well be more than 714,000 Covid deaths in the USA in the coming years and decades. Covid is not going anywhere, just like other coronaviruses. A few vaccinated people with severe comorbidities will continue to die, but the vast majority over time will be unvaccinated. That’s how these things work.
I'm not saying that the majority are or are not behind us.
Men_in_Boxes reckons that this is the case for the USA.
The current death toll in the US is 713,953 and with the large numbers of people getting vaccinated it seems like less than this number will die in the future.
A feature of the vaccination program pretty much everywhere at this point is that as more people get vaccinated the number of COVID related deaths goes down.
So it's pretty easy to make the prediction that the majority of covid deaths are in the past for a country like the US.
Unless you've got some other information on this?
I reckon at the current 7 day average you would need 360 continuous days of the same daily average deaths before you would get to 1,427,906 deaths which would be the point where a statement on the 30th of September 2021 that "the majority of covid deaths are behind us" would be false.
I thinkMen_in_Boxes is probably about right.
With so many people vaccinated now and many more to follow (I think the US plans to vaccinate kids too?) it is very likely that the USA has gotten over the worst of this. At least it would probably take a few years for the death toll to rise to 1,427,907 at which point the statement would indeed be false.
I thinkFunkMiller probably just was a bit quick to rush in with the mockery and didn't really engage their brain first.
We've all been there.
Stop thinking so short term. Start thinking in terms of decades. It’s not going anywhere. And there are a lot of anti-vaxxers.
Dude. Think before you post.
Right now the US has 44,199,496 cases.
That's "tens of million" right there.
713,953 deaths in total from those 44,199,496 cases.
So even if there are tens of millions of anti-vaxxers they won't all catch covid.
Even if they do then they won't all die.
Your prediction also assumes that nobody will develop and effective treatment in the mean time.
So it's not likely there will be a further 713,953 deaths.
Hence "the majority of covid deaths are behind us".
I think you could at least concede that the worst is behind us then?
If it takes decades to have another 700k deaths from this then I think we would all breath one huge sigh of relief.
I'd say that decades from now even the most vaccine hesitant person would be on board so you'd only have a small number of true anti-vax people left.
More than likely treatments would be pretty advanced by then too.
I think you could at least concede that the worst is behind us then?
well you're the one bringing up misinformation
well you're the one bringing up misinformation, and it's telling that you didn't go after the source but rather a response to it..."probably about right" doesn't cut it when you want to bring up misinformation, you have no proof and plucked a prediction out of the air to run with
oh and nice try with the 7-day average though, that wasn't the initial claim...but you want to defend it, you provide your workings so I'll ask in December 2025 how many deaths in the USA are there from covid? This is information you need if you're going to stand by such spurious claims
JumpMan1981 you've been accused of spreading misinformation. You are now an enemy of the state. Please stay inside your house while authorities are dispatched to transport you to reeducation center. Citizens who alerted us of your crime will be given the true Patriot star.
And you couldn't have just said it like that from the beginning?The worst of the pandemic, yes. But that wasn’t what this discussion was about. The claim was that less Americans will die moving forward. Given probable long term levels of severe vaccine hesitancy and political stupidity, I don’t concur.
Think they were just talking about the USA. Happy to correct myself if that's not the case. I think some countries still have a long ways to go. Hopefully they can get vaccinated a bit more quickly though.The worst of the pandemic is not over. Some areas that are vaccinated are getting less cases and those areas that are not up to par on vaccinations are still fucked up.
I didn't accuse anyone, but since you're here can you provide the evidence for your claim that majority of covid deaths are behind us?
The source was Worldometer same source asFunkMiller used.
Listen, if you are willing to go THIS hard on someone essentially saying "we're already through the worst of this" then is anything I say really going to help you out?
Please continue fear mongering. Many, many, people are getting vaccinated now and the vaccines work so why would anybody assume that the situation will somehow be worse in the future?
Vaccines improving, people becoming less-hesitant, kids getting the vaccine, better treatments being devleoped.
You really want to jump on someone for saying "the majority of COVID deaths are behind us".
Fuckin behave yourself.
And you couldn't have just said it like that from the beginning?
What's with the snidey attitude towards people who are maybe not as pessimistic or as negative as you are?
Nooooooooo! I was just trying to be positive and was using the data to back up my positive point of view!JumpMan1981 you've been accused of spreading misinformation. You are now an enemy of the state. Please stay inside your house while authorities are dispatched to transport you to reeducation center. Citizens who alerted us of your crime will be given the true Patriot star.
Nooooooooo! I was just trying to be positive and was using the data to back up my positive point of view!
Ahem. Sorry. What I meant to say was...
"Do you really believe we're really all that upset about anti-vaxxers dying?"What's funny about this point of view is that you think those of us who disagree with you are pessimistic or negative about what's currently happening.
Do you really believe we're really all that upset about anti-vaxxers dying?
Because I an incredibly optimistic about how the rest of this pandemic plays out among the vaccinated. I'm in a country with over 82% of the adult population vaccinated, where the death rate is now back within the annual average. It's fantastic. Life has returned to normal for me.
The only people continuing to suffer are those that choose to because of their unwillingness to get a simple jab in the arm, and those that are still having to shield thanks to the anti-vaxxers, because they can't take the vaccine even if they want to.
You're fighting a fight that ended months ago, pal.
"Do you really believe we're really all that upset about anti-vaxxers dying?"
I don't know what to say. Yes?
I kind of did believe that. Or at least assumed it.
Jeez. Dark.
Don't think there's much more to really say after a statement like that.
Ah. here we go. I knew my little bait would get a hook.
Tell you what... how about you tell me how you feel about the thousands and thousands of poor immunocompromised people who are forced to shield in their houses still because of the anti-vaxxers? Any sympathy for them at all? Or are you just going to get all up on your high moral horse over the nasty pro-vaxxer not having many feels for your anti-vax friends?
I've asked several of you this question already, and yet none seem to want to provide an answer. You going to be any different?
Sympathy? Yes, of course.
The conundrum is that I also believe strongly in the concept of consent and the idea that people should be fully autonomous with choosing what they do or do not put into their bodies.
It's an impasse.
Person X says to Person Y "please take this drug so I might live".
For me, while this is not too much to ask, it is certainly too much to demand.
I am not comfortable with the idea that we could or should circumvent consent by coercion. There has to be another solution and if there isn't then it's right back to square one.
How could I, if put in such a situation, demand that another person inject a substance into their body, possibly against their will for my sake? I wouldn't do it. I couldn't do it.
I think we have 3 basic positions.
1. Force people to get vaccinated. Legitimately drag them out and force it into their arm.
2. Encourage people to get vaccinated.
3. Let people do what they want.
Guessing on here that the vast majority are in position number 2 or 3. Nobody is in favor of 1.
For me encouragement would be to incentivize people. Maybe you get a tax break or some other financial reward. Fine by me.
If someone doesn't want to do it then fine, nothing can be done. Maybe keep asking. Maybe offer more in future.
Where I'd start drawing the line is when encouragement starts to transform into coercion and where I'd draw a firm line in the sand is when coercion starts to look like force.
There's you answer. It's an unsolvable problem. I wouldn't force anyone to inject something into their body if they didn't want to.
I understand the usual analogies. Drinking and driving. Seatbelts. All the rest.
At the end of the day if I am saying to someone "would you please allow this needle to be inserted into your arm so that the substance inside may be injected into you" and they say "no". Well that's that. I could try to convince them, sure. On the basis of some kind of reward.
To convince them under a threat? Losing their job? Losing their freedom? Nah, that's not for me.
That's about it.
That’s a long ass way to say you’re more worried about abstract freedoms than you are actual lives.
Of course no one should be forced… but what are we to make of people who refuse to take a safe vaccine to help those less fortunate than themselves?
You’ll forgive me if I have zero sympathy for those people. And you’ll do better to stop trying to take a moral high ground against me, because you’re actually standing on very loose sand, aren’t you?
Also… none of this sounds very Christian to me.
Help thy neighbour?
Fuck thy neighbour, because all I care about is myself and my beliefs, more like.
You describe it as an impasse.
Its an impasse created by selfish, ignorant children.
Unsolvable problem? Ridiculous.
Unless what you want is your painful, non-covid affliction to be fixed. Then you will just have to accept waiting a few more months in pain until we run out of unvaccinated who need weeks of ventilator time and intensive care.Sympathy? Yes, of course.
The conundrum is that I also believe strongly in the concept of consent and the idea that people should be fully autonomous with choosing what they do or do not put into their bodies.
It's an impasse.
Person X says to Person Y "please take this drug so I might live".
For me, while this is not too much to ask, it is certainly too much to demand.
I am not comfortable with the idea that we could or should circumvent consent by coercion. There has to be another solution and if there isn't then it's right back to square one.
How could I, if put in such a situation, demand that another person inject a substance into their body, possibly against their will for my sake? I wouldn't do it. I couldn't do it.
I think we have 3 basic positions.
1. Force people to get vaccinated. Legitimately drag them out and force it into their arm.
2. Encourage people to get vaccinated.
3. Let people do what they want.
What can you do about that though?Unless what you want is your painful, non-covid affliction to be fixed. Then you will just have to accept waiting a few more months in pain until we run out of unvaccinated who need weeks of ventilator time and intensive care.
screech about "selfish ignorant children" in some impotent attempt to shame or guilt people into getting vaccinated then that's not really for me. You do you though.
So we've sunk to this level now. Think that's the end of the conversation then.You just come across as defender of anti-vaxxers, which makes you sound like you are one yourself. Are you deepbreath under an alt?
So we've sunk to this level now. Think that's the end of the conversation then.
’Sunk to this level’ translates to ‘I don’t want to talk about this anymore because I’m uncomfortable with what you’re saying about anti vaxxers’.
You clearly have more sympathy with their ‘plight’ than those they are deeply affecting. I’ll leave you do decide how that affects your conscience.
No, I don't want to talk about this anymore because it's just the same points over and over with you cranking up the hyperbole and aggression each time round.
You know damn well people get permanently banned for being anti-vax so now that you can't win the argument you think you'll take a run at getting the other person banned? I am vaccinated. Not anti-vax at all. End of conversation.
Same point with implying that I am an alt. Can't handle the debate, let's see if you can get the other person banned? Transparent, petty, bullshit.
And you constantly avoid the actual point, because you know it paints you into a corner.
You spend your posts talking about how we can’t force anti vaxxers to get the shot, and how difficult you find it to think that they could be made to have one…
…while not caring one bit about the damage the anti vaxxers are doing to thousands of people, who are having their freedoms and rights destroyed because they have to keep shielding - directly because the anti vaxxers are acting the way they are.
I’m thoroughly sick of hearing it.
Paranoid much? No one's trying to get you banned. Drop the persecution complex, hyperbole, and strawman arguments, and you might actually be able to have a constructive conversation.Trying to get me banned isn't going to change that.
One of the reasons the same ground is tread on over and over again is because you avoid answering questions, and you don't respond to specific points. When people offer you a rebuttal to something you said, you don't acknowledge it and just move on to something else.We are just going over the same ground again and again now. It's a waste of both our time.
A nurse friend was telling me about the crying nurses getting laid off yesterday. And I want to feel bad for people who get mind fucked by misinformation, but a nurse? It's literally their job to understand medicine.![]()
Nurse Carefully Weighs Whether She Better Off Getting Vaccine Or Losing Job And Dying
UTICA, NY—Blasting state officials for putting her into such an “impossible position,” local nurse Sophia Wood confirmed Wednesday that she was carefully weighing whether she was better off getting the vaccine or losing her job and dying. “On the plus side, if get vaccinated, I could get
That’s what I was thinking - how the fuck is everyone ok with 15 000 people dying in a week? How is that acceptable in any way?
Haha. Are you guys working in shifts?Paranoid much? No one's trying to get you banned. Drop the persecution complex, hyperbole, and strawman arguments, and you might actually be able to have a constructive conversation.
One of the reasons the same ground is tread on over and over again is because you avoid answering questions, and you don't respond to specific points. When people offer you a rebuttal to something you said, you don't acknowledge it and just move on to something else.
But hey, if you never acknowledge any rebuttals that chip away at your beliefs, you won't have to change your mind about anything. You always retreat to the "I just believe in freedom that's about it" defense, which is a very general, nonspecific, philosophy which is a good thing in general, but absolutely useless in policy when specificity is needed. I and others have told you many times how we as a society might maximize freedom without compromising the health of that society, and you never offer up a cogent response that is useful other than slippery slope arguments and strawmen. For example, this post:
Still haven't answered it, and when you come to the end of a conversation you don't like, you end it with "well let's just agree to disagree" which is a platitude that people say usually when they don't like how a discussion is going because the facts don't support their beliefs and they don't want to face that.
Actually, I don't think I'm chipping away, if you read what I wrote, because in order to do that you'd have to acknowledge and respond to any points that I make instead of ignoring them and deflecting.Listen, I've pretty clearly set out my beliefs in the previous posts so everything you need to know is there. The fact that you honestly think that you are "chipping away" shows that you just don't understand.
"People who are a demonstrable public health hazard to themselves and to others should not be allowed to endanger their coworkers and thus should be separated. Non-compliance with this work safety issue is reasonable grounds for termination".I'm not going to, for example, change my mind and say "yes people who aren't vaccinated should lose their jobs". Not ever.
Yeah that's why us liberals are trying to get as many people vaccinated as possible. Because we want them all to "fuck off and die".I like how all of liberals these days are red pilling themselves into thinking that all of these poor uneducated people should just fuck off and die. This bodes well for when this is over, there should be less people asking me to pay more taxes to support the druggies and homeless people.
nobody wants it to be like this... also let's not forget who are the ones making a mockery of the pandemic...I like how all of liberals these days are red pilling themselves into thinking that all of these poor uneducated people should just fuck off and die. This bodes well for when this is over, there should be less people asking me to pay more taxes to support the druggies and homeless people.
I read about some subreddit that was basically glorifying unnvacinated people dying and it was disgusting and triggered me. If we are going down the road of having zero empathy for other human beings then why bother with any social programs at all?Yeah that's why us liberals are trying to get as many people vaccinated as possible. Because we want them all to "fuck off and die".
Flawless logic there.![]()