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Covid 19 Thread: [no bitching about masks of Fauci edition]


Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Just imagine hospitals that aren’t over run 🤣 don’t know where you have been the past 1,5 years .. but hospitals where overrun even with restrictions.. nothing to do with PCR. Tests, those tests aren’t putting people in the hospital.

What percentage of hospitals were overrun with COVID patients?



SPI-M (the “Scientific Pandemic Influenza Group on Modelling) is the government committee in charge of producing forecasts for the future direction of the pandemic in different circumstances. It was their report in early June, combining mathematical models from Imperial, Warwick and LSHTM, than persuaded Boris Johnson to delay the planned re-opening of society on 21st June to its current scheduled date of 19th July. In the weeks since that report, two things have become clear: the raw case numbers have been rising very rapidly, but the hospital admissions have been much lower than predicted when the PM made his decision. As of today, 1st July, just over 250 people per day are being admitted into hospital with Covid, compared to over 600 by now as forecast by SPI-M. Freddie Sayers spoke to Dr Mike Tildesley, an infectious disease modeller from the University of Warwick who sits on the committee and works on the models himself, about how his forecasts have performed against reality, and whether, knowing what we know now, the PM made the right decision.

These studies are deeply flawed. Their underlying data are incomplete and inconsistent. Their results are implausible. The size of the effect is wildly disproportionate to other public health interventions. The researchers also claim an absurd amount of certainty in their results despite the large uncertainties in the data they use, and they assert a causal effect based solely on correlation. If the authors were correct, they would have arrived at one of the greatest public health discoveries in history. It took over a year and perhaps $100 billion to reduce COVID-19 rates by 40 percent with vaccinations; the Duke researchers claim that if a universal eviction moratorium had been implemented six months earlier, it could have reduced death rates by over 40 percent. Researchers have struggled to demonstrate the benefits of masks, social distancing, and lockdowns with high levels of certainty. Yet these eviction moratorium researchers find high confidence for a gigantic immediate effect from a legal change affecting a tiny subset of the population. Finally, the authors of the Duke study declined to share their dataset with Reason for scrutiny on the grounds that it hasn't yet been published in a peer-reviewed journal, which not only raises additional red flags but is a violation of basic research ethics—particularly in the case of a study that's been widely reported on in the media and is cited by a government agency as justification for federal policies.

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Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
Damn good article that summarizes a lot of the insanity of the COVID response with plenty of links to sources.

I can only hope a proper reckoning is coming.
"and the U.S.’s excess mortality in 2017 was greater than its excess mortality in 2020."
This doozy was in the first one or two paragraphs, which anyone with half a brain knows isn't true, and lo and behold of you follow the link it is a complete distortion of the actual paper.


Haha. Do you think this is some kind of moral position? Because it’s actually quite disgusting. Should type 2 diabetics who don’t take their insulin be left out to dry too? What about asthmatics who don’t take their inhalers? Fat people who continue to gain weight? Or are you just cherry-picking the illnesses you think should ruin people who actually paid for insurance?
He obviously doesn’t know how insurance works. He thinks the premiums are paid for with magic fairy dust and not money out of their own pocket. You know, kinda like what he’s advocating.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
"and the U.S.’s excess mortality in 2017 was greater than its excess mortality in 2020."
This doozy was in the first one or two paragraphs, which anyone with half a brain knows isn't true, and lo and behold of you follow the link it is a complete distortion of the actual paper.

Think you for diligently deboonking what was arguably the least relevant part of that article.
He obviously doesn’t know how insurance works. He thinks the premiums are paid for with magic fairy dust and not money out of their own pocket. You know, kinda like what he’s advocating.
Oh I know how insurance works. And just like auto insurance bad drivers pay more for the privilege of being covered than good drivers do. If you are being irrisponsible and get sick because you choose not to get the shots then that was your choice and others paying into the plan should not have their premiums increased to cover your expenses of a hospital visit.


Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Oh I know how insurance works. And just like auto insurance bad drivers pay more for the privilege of being covered than good drivers do. If you are being irrisponsible and get sick because you choose not to get the shots then that was your choice and others paying into the plan should not have their premiums increased to cover your expenses of a hospital visit.

You really want to shove another wedge into our already highly fractured society?

You aren't going to like the results of that policy, I would imagine.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
I believe making people responsible for their actions is a good policy.

I'm sure you apply that belief very selectively, but I'll leave it that, since this is getting off the topic of COVID.


Just imagine if they weren't using PCR tests to inflate the case numbers.
The absolute case numbers aren't important, but rather whether they are doubling at regular intervals, which indicates exponential growth of the virus. All the criticism I have seen of PCR testing has come from people not understanding how exponential growth works.
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So it seems like after a year of doing nothing and locking the population three times there are people that want to get this shit over with by making vaccination obligatory in France - let’s see if the government will drag their feet and be shocked in two months…

Who I kidding, of course they will.

For a country of liberté it sure didn’t take a lot to lock us three times over the past 15 months…


Gold Member
LA County back in full COVID fear porn mode due to the Delta. Although it's only affecting unvaccinated people and it's only about 250 cases, Los Angeles media is in full fear porn mode trying to scare people back into masks and lockdown over 250 cases among unvaccinated people.


LA County back in full COVID fear porn mode due to the Delta. Although it's only affecting unvaccinated people and it's only about 250 cases, Los Angeles media is in full fear porn mode trying to scare people back into masks and lockdown over 250 cases among unvaccinated people.
Is this serious? I usualy have to scroll way down to find the covid news in swedish papers now.

Of course the government falling helped with that :)


Gold Member
Is this serious? I usualy have to scroll way down to find the covid news in swedish papers now.

The LA Times (or El Segundo Times as some people call them since they're not even in LA anymore) has been running daily fear porn stories about Delta cases in the county that local news is turning into fear porn reporting, and it's all over 250 cases among unvaccinated people.

One county in CA is actually splitting the case numbers between vaccinated and unvaccinated, but others like LA won't do that because they want to scare people into compliance.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
The LA Times (or El Segundo Times as some people call them since they're not even in LA anymore) has been running daily fear porn stories about Delta cases in the county that local news is turning into fear porn reporting, and it's all over 250 cases among unvaccinated people.

One county in CA is actually splitting the case numbers between vaccinated and unvaccinated, but others like LA won't do that because they want to scare people into compliance.

People freaking out about the Delta variant must really not be looking at the UK's numbers...


France dragging its feet as usual, instead of general mandate to vaccinate we are talking about maybe vaccinating healthcare workers by September. FFS, 4th wave is coming for sure.

for people saying we are a country of liberté - where was that when we agreed to be locked up three times I. The past 15 months?
France dragging its feet as usual, instead of general mandate to vaccinate we are talking about maybe vaccinating healthcare workers by September. FFS, 4th wave is coming for sure.

for people saying we are a country of liberté - where was that when we agreed to be locked up three times I. The past 15 months?
So it seems like after a year of doing nothing and locking the population three times there are people that want to get this shit over with by making vaccination obligatory in France - let’s see if the government will drag their feet and be shocked in two months…

Who I kidding, of course they will.

For a country of liberté it sure didn’t take a lot to lock us three times over the past 15 months…

I'm curious why you posted essentially the same thing twice, and genuinely confused if you're trying to make the argument that French citizens who were scared into accepting lockdowns by the media would now reveal themselves to be hypocrites because they won't accept forced vaccinations? Are you for real my man?

Karmic Raze

I’ve been MIA the last couple of days because ever since I got my J&J COVID vaccination, I have been fucking exhausted like a bitch. I’ve just been sleeping constantly for the most part. That’s really the only symptom I’ve had, so that’s pretty good. My arm is sore, though. :messenger_tears_of_joy:


LA County back in full COVID fear porn mode due to the Delta. Although it's only affecting unvaccinated people and it's only about 250 cases, Los Angeles media is in full fear porn mode trying to scare people back into masks and lockdown over 250 cases among unvaccinated people.

250. Pfft. Rookie numbers.

Here in Aus the media and politicians freak out over a single case. A few days ago, one state here of 2 million people were threatening to lockdown, with zero cases, because there were a few popping up in other parts of the country. Another state of 5 million or so just ended a 4 day lockdown because they had 16 cases in the week prior. If our media could accept 250 as some kind of freak out threshold, it would be a godsend tbh.

Meanwhile, no ones died here from this thing since dec 28 last year, despite constantly being warned about how deadly the UK and Delta variants are everyday...


France dragging its feet as usual, instead of general mandate to vaccinate we are talking about maybe vaccinating healthcare workers by September. FFS, 4th wave is coming for sure.

for people saying we are a country of liberté - where was that when we agreed to be locked up three times I. The past 15 months?
Let’s be fair, French restrictions were pretty tame, except for the first lockdown and shops having to close. For everybody else it was « stay at home… unless you need to get out to work. Or buy stuff. Or do sport. Or walk the dog. Anyway please don’t move around too much.». That’s not exactly being locked up.


I’ve been MIA the last couple of days because ever since I got my J&J COVID vaccination, I have been fucking exhausted like a bitch. I’ve just been sleeping constantly for the most part. That’s really the only symptom I’ve had, so that’s pretty good. My arm is sore, though. :messenger_tears_of_joy:

I'm glad you decided to get the vaccine.


Gold Member
250. Pfft. Rookie numbers.

Here in Aus the media and politicians freak out over a single case. A few days ago, one state here of 2 million people were threatening to lockdown, with zero cases, because there were a few popping up in other parts of the country. Another state of 5 million or so just ended a 4 day lockdown because they had 16 cases in the week prior. If our media could accept 250 as some kind of freak out threshold, it would be a godsend tbh.

Meanwhile, no ones died here from this thing since dec 28 last year, despite constantly being warned about how deadly the UK and Delta variants are everyday...

Daily articles:

Every single day is the same thing. Delta variant is bad. We must mask up and lockdown again, even with vaccinations.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Daily articles:

Every single day is the same thing. Delta variant is bad. We must mask up and lockdown again, even with vaccinations.

Yeah, the media is full on fear porn now with the Delta variant.

Completely ignoring that the only data we have thus far indicate that it may be quite a bit less deadly than other variants.

That's why you get quotes in articles like this that try to shift the focus to fears about "long COVID"

"Not only is it spreading fast, Judy, but what we have also learned in recent weeks and recent months is that it is not only hospitalizations and deaths that we worry about with COVID-19. But, increasingly, we are seeing people with what's called long-haul symptoms, with shortness of breath, chest pain, fatigue, brain fog that lasts for months beyond their infection," Murthy added.

They never want this shit to end.
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Reposting for those who didn’t click on the pic to see the most important part at the bottom:


I get shot #2 on Monday. When I got my first shot June 2nd, they said I would get my 2nd in mid September. Things are flying in Canada now.

Reposting for those who didn’t click on the pic to see the most important part at the bottom:

It is almost like the vaccines are working to reduce hospitalizations and deaths. Crazy.
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I get shot #2 on Monday. When I got my first shot June 2nd, they said I would get my 2nd in mid September. Things are flying in Canada now.

It is almost like the vaccines are working to reduce hospitalizations and deaths. Crazy.



We have one of the lowest vax rates for 1st world countries in the world. No deaths this year from Covid (the April death was a man who acquired it in the Philippines and was a return traveler)


But that's not all. Astrazeneca 2, Covid 0 for 2021...

And yeah, I get its a bit different elsewhere in the world (at least according to raw numbers) but what we're being sold locally here by the msm and politicians does not add up at all. It's like they're LARPing a pandemic at this point.

Anyone know how I can go live in Singapore?

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
It is almost like the vaccines are working to reduce hospitalizations and deaths. Crazy.

Except the bizarre fact that more people with the vaccine (particularly with two doses) are dying to the Delta variant than those who are completely unvaccinated.

You might say that it's because older and more vulnerable people are more likely to be fully vaccinated, and I think you would be right, but that still indicates that there isn't much danger for younger (under age 50) people.


We have one of the lowest vax rates for 1st world countries in the world. No deaths this year from Covid (the April death was a man who acquired it in the Philippines and was a return traveler)
That's interesting, but I count 2258 cases so far. If the majority of people being infected were younger and without existing health conditions, that might not be too far from the expected figure.



about the information wars around the pandemic (ivermectin, lab leak, vaccine safety and the rapidly shifting opinions around these)
it's less about the actual facts and more about the phenomenology of different factions fighting each other, the importance of charisma and persuasive ability in the talking heads, the perception of certainty when there is none, and personal biases. In short, a lot of stuff that's there to see in this very thread, so I thought it would be interesting.
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Interesting words spoken by the spokesperson for the French government - need to vaccinate to prevent the rift between vaccinated and non-vaccinated when the 4th wave comes and people like me (vaccinated) would have to pay for life choices of others. Right now we are talking approx. 22mln fully vaccinated in France, so not insignificant number.

Wxpecting vaccination to be obligatory for multiple social groups come September or at least vaccinated people not subject to restrictions that will come due to Delta variant.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Interesting words spoken by the spokesperson for the French government - need to vaccinate to prevent the rift between vaccinated and non-vaccinated when the 4th wave comes and people like me (vaccinated) would have to pay for life choices of others. Right now we are talking approx. 22mln fully vaccinated in France, so not insignificant number.

Wxpecting vaccination to be obligatory for multiple social groups come September or at least vaccinated people not subject to restrictions that will come due to Delta variant.

Your posts are becomingly increasingly disturbing.


Your posts are becomingly increasingly disturbing.
It’s ok, you have a right not to vaccinate and be subject to a lockdown. Your choice.

We are not talking when the vaccine doesn’t exist or is difficult to get. Make a choice and face the consequences, that’s what being an adult is about.
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It’s ok, you have a right not to vaccinate and be subject to a lockdown. Your choice.

We are not talking when the vaccine doesn’t exist or is difficult to get. Make a choice and face the consequences, that’s what being an adult is about.
No offense, but you "EVERYONE GET VACCINATED NOW OR YOURE EVIL" people have officially overtaken the anti vax crowd as the real weirdos in the room

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
It’s ok, you have a right not to vaccinate and be subject to a lockdown. Your choice.

We are not talking when the vaccine doesn’t exist or is difficult to get. Make a choice and face the consequences, that’s what being an adult is about.

Awful moral implications aside, you're not thinking through the practicalities of "checking people's papers" and enforcing such societal segregation. And it's France. If the government cracks down like that you will get a violent response.
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