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Covid 19 Thread: [no bitching about masks of Fauci edition]


No offense, but you "EVERYONE GET VACCINATED NOW OR YOURE EVIL" people have officially overtaken the anti vax crowd as the real weirdos in the room
You are not evil, you have a right to hold your views, you just need to be ok to face the consequences. In France I order to attend an event of more than 1000 people you need to be vaccinated or do a PCE test, which will become paid soon. Same for travelling - you can travel but if you are not vaccinated you can be obliged to undergo a quarantine.


Awful moral implications aside, you're not thinking through the practicalities of "checking people's papers" and enforcing such societal segregation. And it's France. If the government cracks down like that you will get a violent response.
We allowed the government to lock us down three time, jack shit will happen which is even more surprising why vaccination has not been rendered obligatory.

As for checking papers - we already had the need to fill out a form to justify being outside during the lockdown, this is no different.


Awful moral implications aside, you're not thinking through the practicalities of "checking people's papers" and enforcing such societal segregation. And it's France. If the government cracks down like that you will get a violent response.
There are significant amounts of anti-vax and ambi(valent)-vax people in most European countries. I mean look at that Neil Oliver (scottish guy) vid. Not the most radical person usually. But now he sounds like he's ready to don the tartans and go to war. Making vaccines obligatory might well result in violence almost everywhere in Europe as far as I can tell.

We allowed the government to lock us down three time, jack shit will happen which is even more surprising why vaccination has not been rendered obligatory.

As for checking papers - we already had the need to fill out a form to justify being outside during the lockdown, this is no different.
I think you underestimate the level of resistance people will have over losing the autonomy over their own body. It's still a significant difference from a lockdown.

BTW, are any of you following Bret Weinstein's trajectory in all of this? I really wonder where that is headed. Now he seems to have antagonized Claire Lehman (of Quilette fame). Maybe it's just more twitter beef, but wondering how others see this show developing?
You are not evil, you have a right to hold your views, you just need to be ok to face the consequences. In France I order to attend an event of more than 1000 people you need to be vaccinated or do a PCE test, which will become paid soon. Same for travelling - you can travel but if you are not vaccinated you can be obliged to undergo a quarantine.
That's the issue. I understand the travel stuff, don't get me wrong, no problem with paying and taking a test at all, but there is this prevailing thought that it's ok to segregate society based on vaccination status. I don't know much about French culture (typical American) but folks here are (understandably) gung ho about personal freedoms, especially when it comes to your own body.

We allowed the government to lock us down three time, jack shit will happen which is even more surprising why vaccination has not been rendered obligatory.
Do you think it should be mandated for everyone?


We allowed the government to lock us down three time, jack shit will happen which is even more surprising why vaccination has not been rendered obligatory..
I guess it’s mostly political, the far right has attracted most of the anti-vax crowd, and making vaccine obligatory will only strengthen the opposition. It needs to be sanctioned by most of the Parliament and not only the government to avoid politicization of the decision.
You are not evil, you have a right to hold your views, you just need to be ok to face the consequences. In France I order to attend an event of more than 1000 people you need to be vaccinated or do a PCE test, which will become paid soon. Same for travelling - you can travel but if you are not vaccinated you can be obliged to undergo a quarantine.
You think you have the right to impose consequences on people who don’t do what you what, under the assumption that them not doing what you want imposes consequences on you. What an interesting justification for forcing people to do something. I can see that being used in other contexts that would be very unpleasant. The idea that you can impose consequences on inaction as it relates to personal behavior seems like a bad one.
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Check out this fear porn article for a laugh (or cry?)

Slowly I've been able to convince my family that Delta isn't Ebola, but it's hard with articles and news segments like these pumped on radio and TV. Not sure I'll be able to make any further progress though.
We allowed the government to lock us down three time, jack shit will happen which is even more surprising why vaccination has not been rendered obligatory.

As for checking papers - we already had the need to fill out a form to justify being outside during the lockdown, this is no different.

Oh ok, so you were arguing that giving up any liberty is basically asking for and consenting to increasingly authoritarian measures far beyond the scope of the original "temporary" measures.

You make a good point, I wouldn't recommend anyone give an inch of their freedom away.


You are not evil, you have a right to hold your views, you just need to be ok to face the consequences. In France I order to attend an event of more than 1000 people you need to be vaccinated or do a PCE test, which will become paid soon. Same for travelling - you can travel but if you are not vaccinated you can be obliged to undergo a quarantine.

You might wanna look at travel vlogger videos. People are traveling all over with no issues. Colombia has no restrictions. No vaccine requirements and no quarantine, same for Brazil, Central America,and Mexico. There is no fear in these places. People are over it.


You might wanna look at travel vlogger videos. People are traveling all over with no issues. Colombia has no restrictions. No vaccine requirements and no quarantine, same for Brazil, Central America,and Mexico. There is no fear in these places. People are over it.
Brazil is in deep shit related to Covid-19. People might travel and the bodies will keep on pilling.


The power of media narrative right there.
LOL no man, it's Australia. Chances of dying on a day-to-day basis probably baseline around 33% from ultra poisonous wildlife, rodent plagues, uv radiation, occasional poorly thrown boomerangs. Infection with the delta variant barely registers.


LOL no man, it's Australia. Chances of dying on a day-to-day basis probably baseline around 33% from ultra poisonous wildlife, rodent plagues, uv radiation, occasional poorly thrown boomerangs. Infection with the delta variant barely registers.

Drop Bear killings were up 214% last year. Hideous.



If you're upping your vitamin D with supplements it takes about 3 months for it to show in your blood concentration levels.


Maybe it is time to stop testing people unless they need hospital care?
To bad most people in that category won’t be ending up in the hospital but their parents do .. that’s why you want to make infections visible .

This is the Asia method , testing is here to stay .. so is mini lock downs and yearly or 6 months booster shots.

This is the new normal .

Welcome .

After every pandemic the world changes btw, this is what history teaches us.
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To bad most people in that category won’t be ending up in the hospital but their parents do .. that’s why you want to make infections visible .

This is the Asia method , testing is here to stay .. so is mini lock downs and yearly or 6 months booster shots.

This is the new normal .

Welcome .

After every pandemic the world changes btw, this is what history teaches us.
I doubt their parents are unvaccinated 70+ year olds.


I doubt their parents are unvaccinated 70+ year olds.
After your 40s you are at more risk .. 40, 50, 60, not everyone is fully vaccinated yet .. we need to take care of each other .. not demand to party or other crap .. life’s are not easily replaced ..
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Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
To bad most people in that category won’t be ending up in the hospital but their parents do .. that’s why you want to make infections visible .

This is the Asia method , testing is here to stay .. so is mini lock downs and yearly or 6 months booster shots.

This is the new normal .

Welcome .

After every pandemic the world changes btw, this is what history teaches us.

Nah. Most countries will likely go back to normal within a couple of years. Most people’s tolerance for this shit is wearing thin. See the UK’s most recent announcement to remove legal restrictions on the 19th.

No one is going to accept a world where we are in constant terror of cold symptoms.
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I know people who have went to Guatemala, Panama, and Costa Rica recently with no problems. Costa Rica just requires a negative covid test that's it. No quarantine or vaccine required in these countries.

I'm from Panama my friend. We have a curfew that starts from 10pm to 4am.


I'm from Panama my friend. We have a curfew that starts from 10pm to 4am.

Yet they still let unvaccinated tourists in.

And lol at sinnergy's sarcastic "But the internet!" comment. The internet is the only reason I fled Cambodia in mid- March 2020. At the time I was beginning to worry that Cambodia would become the biggest covid hot spot and that I would be stranded there, unable to come home - all thanks to internet hysteria. Without the internet I wouldn't have even known there was a virus around back then. It was when I started seeing "Stay the fuck home!" memes from some FB friends that I started to pay attention.

Which reminds me:

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Authorized Fister
Quebec government announced that there will be no more lockdowns, vaccines are available, get it or mask up. That follows the BC, Alberta and NB way in Canada. Meanwhile in Ontario... gyms are not even allowed to open.
My in-laws still believe that COVID (and especially the Delta variant) is a death sentence. They are both retired and sit at home watching CNN all day.
They just need to go out and feel what it’s like to live normally again. All the apprehension just melts away. Get the shots, take the mask off, and feel better. It’s really that simple.


Quebec government announced that there will be no more lockdowns, vaccines are available, get it or mask up. That follows the BC, Alberta and NB way in Canada. Meanwhile in Ontario... gyms are not even allowed to open.

Still no indoor dining either.

Going to be very interesting to see how different countries and states react to covid/cold/flu/hay fever ramping up again in fall winter. Ontario will go to stage 3 again for sure.


UK hospitals reach capacity every winter, due to flu season. I have no doubt that we'll be in lockdown again in winter (The NHS counts Flu as Covid cases, as written on their own website).

Also, any culture war between masked people and non-masked people will be the creation of the media.


That buzzword fad phrasing isn't my new anything, sorry.

But it will be. D-9 is allready beating the vaccines, next major mutation will be a restart.

I don't think that the penny has dropped yet in the majority of people, unfortunately.

This is the new flu.


Viral thread by Zuby:

20 Things I've Learned (Or Had Confirmed) About Humanity During The 'Pandemic' (THREAD):

1/ Most people would rather be in the majority, than be right.
2/ At least 20% of the population has strong authoritarian tendencies, which will emerge under the right conditions.
3/ Fear of death is only rivalled by the fear of social disapproval. The latter could be stronger.
4/ Propaganda is just as effective in the modern day as it was 100 years ago. Access to limitless information has not made the average person any wiser.
5/ Anything and everything can and will be politicised by the media, government, and those who trust them.
6/ Many politicians and large corporations will gladly sacrifice human lives if it is conducive to their political and financial aspirations.
7/ Most people believe the government acts in the best interests of the people. Even many who are vocal critics of the government.
8/ Once they have made up their mind, most people would rather to commit to being wrong, than admit they were wrong.
9/ Humans can be trained and conditioned quickly and relatively easily to significantly alter their behaviours - for better or worse.
10/ When sufficiently frightened, most people will not only accept authoritarianism, but demand it.
11/ People who are dismissed as 'conspiracy theorists' are often well researched and simply ahead of the mainstream narrative.
12/ Most people value safety and security more than freedom and liberty, even if said 'safety' is merely an illusion.
13/ Hedonic adaptation occurs in both directions, and once inertia sets in, it is difficult to get people back to 'normal'.
14/ A significant % of people thoroughly enjoy being subjugated.
15/ 'The Science' has evolved into a secular pseudo-religion for millions of people in the West. This religion has little to do with science itself.
16/ Most people care more about looking like they are doing the right thing, rather than actually doing the right thing.
17/ Politics, the media, science, and the healthcare industries are all corrupt, to varying degrees. Scientists and doctors can be bought as easily as politicians.
18/ If you make people comfortable enough, they will not revolt. You can keep millions docile as you strip their rights, by giving them money, food, and entertainment.
19/ Modern people are overly complacent and lack vigilance when it comes to defending their own freedoms from government overreach.
20/ It's easier to fool a person than to convince them that they have been fooled.
Bonus thought:

21/ Most people are fairly compassionate and have good intentions (this is good)

As a result, most people deeply struggle to understand that some people, including our 'leaders', CAN have malicious or perverse intentions (this is bad).
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