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Covid 19 Thread: [no bitching about masks of Fauci edition]


Apply this logic to people who publicly protest the murduring ofppl in the ME for resources. Who also get a free pass.

If you happen to be against unnecessary foreign wars....you are literally who Zuby is describing
That lumping together of issues and simplistic dividing of the world into good guys vs bad guys, is exactly what I am talking about. What should matter is the evidence on a given topic, not what someone you follow on Twitter tells you to believe.


You know what would be funny, is that I would catch and die from new Delta covid because my heart is still feeling weak from the 1st and only Pfizer jab I got.
Like literally would've been better off not getting that shit vaccine. I feel like I got fucking played.



pretty alarming


185 . Enforcement of requirement to undergo medical observation or medical or other procedure

(1) If an emergency officer gives a direction to a person under section 184(1)(c) to undergo medical observation, medical examination or medical treatment or to be vaccinated, an emergency officer or police officer may use reasonable force to ensure that the direction is complied with, including, if necessary —

(a) to apprehend and detain the person to whom the direction applies (the relevant person ) and take the relevant person to a place where the person is required to undergo medical observation, medical examination or medical treatment or to be vaccinated in accordance with the direction; and

(b) to detain the relevant person at the place where he or she is required to undergo medical observation, medical examination or medical treatment or to be vaccinated in accordance with the direction; and

(c) to restrain the relevant person —

(i) to enable a medical observation, medical examination or medical treatment to be carried out; or

(ii) to enable the relevant person to be vaccinated;


(d) to remove anything (including underwear) that the relevant person is wearing, if —

(i) the removal of the thing is reasonably necessary to enable a medical examination or medical treatment to be carried out or, as the case requires, to enable the person to be vaccinated; and

(ii) the relevant person is given a reasonable opportunity to remove the thing himself or herself, and refuses or fails to do so.

(2) A direction under section 184(1)(c) to undergo medical examination or medical treatment or to be vaccinated authorises —

(a) in the case of a direction to undergo medical examination —

(i) the carrying out of that medical examination in accordance with the direction; and

(ii) the testing of any sample obtained or taken in connection with that medical examination;


(b) in the case of a direction to undergo medical treatment —

(i) the giving of medical treatment to the relevant person in accordance with the direction; and

(ii) the testing of any sample obtained or taken in connection with that medical treatment;


(c) in the case of a direction to be vaccinated, the vaccination of the relevant person.

(3) If any action taken under subsection (1) involves the removal of an item of clothing —

(a) it must be done with decency and sensitivity and in a manner that gives to the relevant person the degree of privacy and dignity that is consistent with ensuring compliance with the direction; and

(b) the emergency officer or police officer taking the action and any other person present while it is done (excluding any person who is carrying out any medical examination or medical treatment or vaccinating the relevant person) must, if practicable, be of the same gender as the relevant person; and

(c) the number of people present while it is done (excluding a person who is present under paragraph (d)) must be no more than is reasonably necessary to ensure that the direction is complied with effectively and to ensure the safety of all present; and

(d) if the relevant person is a child or an impaired person, it must, if practicable, be done in the presence of a responsible person or some other person who can provide the child or impaired person with support and represent his or her interests.

(4) This section does not limit section 199.
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Oh no! 30k people have a headache and sore throat from the Delta variant!

The only important numbers are the hospitalisations and deaths. I don't care if someone just feels unwell.

Ah the typical fiction of Covid is just like the Flu. Enjoying all the Government propaganda much? I guess you like to dig your head in the sand and pretend Long Covid isn't a thing then, right?


Ah the typical fiction of Covid is just like the Flu. Enjoying all the Government propaganda much? I guess you like to dig your head in the sand and pretend Long Covid isn't a thing then, right?
To a lot of people it is the flu or even more mild. No, it isn’t the flu though because the death rate is a click higher (but not much).

I’m not saying this isn’t serious and there are risks, but gotta have some perspective.
To a lot of people it is the flu or even more mild. No, it isn’t the flu though because the death rate is a click higher (but not much).

I’m not saying this isn’t serious and there are risks, but gotta have some perspective.

Its this selfish attitude that Covid is just like the Flu that leads to other people dying. If people want to live in fantasy magic land and pretend nothing is happening and thereby not social distance and wear a mask, that just speaks to the absolute selfishness of people.


Its this selfish attitude that Covid is just like the Flu that leads to other people dying. If people want to live in fantasy magic land and pretend nothing is happening and thereby not social distance and wear a mask, that just speaks to the absolute selfishness of people.
Did I say it was just like the flu? Pretty sure I didn’t.

And what is this post? Is this from April 2020?

The advice is to get the vaccine, and go on about your life. Not “wear a mask and social distance.”

The “selfishness” is not from people who want to live their life (especially if they are vaxxed). The “selfishness” is from those who cannot wrap their minds around the risk of this will never be zero and they want the world to bow to their fears. That’s what is selfish.

You are peddling fear porn. Nothing more.


Ah the typical fiction of Covid is just like the Flu. Enjoying all the Government propaganda much? I guess you like to dig your head in the sand and pretend Long Covid isn't a thing then, right?

There are tens of thousands of people with it, yet very few in hospital 🤷‍♂️

People like you act like it's an instant death sentence, which it really isn't for most healthy people who get it.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Its this selfish attitude that Covid is just like the Flu that leads to other people dying. If people want to live in fantasy magic land and pretend nothing is happening and thereby not social distance and wear a mask, that just speaks to the absolute selfishness of people.

Not even two masks and a face shield? You should also be wearing disposable gloves and spraying your surroundings with disinfectant every 30 seconds.

Wouldn't want to be selfish.


Lol right now we just hit over 30k daily infections. Try saying that when we get to 200k a day by August.

One of two things is going to happen over the coming few weeks in the UK:

1) Cases will continue to rise exponentially, to the point where both hospitalisations and deaths once again become too high to remain unlocked, and the UK is forced back into lockdown.

2) The vaccine rollout will arrest the rise in cases, with a lower peak, and therefore far less hospitalisations and deaths. If this occurs the UK will be hailed as the gold standard for dealing with the pandemic from now on.

Boris is betting on number 2 happening, and if it does, expect every other bastard to follow suit (although Singapore have already signalled the same approach), and the UK economy to sky rocket.
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Again though, who cares about cases? The vaccine's main goal is to reduce hospitalizations and deaths right? People are so fixated on cases, it's a meaningless number in countries with immediate access to vaccines. I know that there are plenty of countries where they don't have that vaccine access, in which maybe cases still matter.

When did the narrative shift to "there must not be a single active case for this to be over."? I feel as though that's still the only reasonable end to this for some, and that is literally NEVER going to happen.
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Again though, who cares about cases? The vaccine's main goal is to reduce hospitalizations and deaths right? People are so fixated on cases, it's a meaningless number in countries with immediate access to vaccines. I know that there are plenty of countries where they don't have that vaccine access, in which maybe cases still matter.

When did the narrative shift to "there must not be a single active case for this to be over."? I feel as though that's still the only reasonable end to this for some, and that is literally NEVER going to happen.
They don't want it to end. That's the point.

The original goal post was the right one...."Don't overwhelm the heathcare system." That, at least in countries with readily available vaccines has been met. Easily. Limit the hospitalizations and deaths, and move on with your life.

That is the ONLY way forward. That's it. People that think otherwise have different motives (either fear, power, or whatever). But, as we are seeing in the U.S., all these "variant" stories are falling on deaf ears. This thing is over in the U.S. and many other countries. Time to get on with it.




Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
It was always like the flu on an individual case by case basis except that it's much less serious than the flu for the young and healthy.

But it's different on a population wide basis because it was a novel disease and nobody had antibodies (except maybe some Asian countries that had SARS 1 antibodies that also affected SARS 2.)

But in countries with wide access to vaccines and over a year and half later with lots of natural immunity from prior infections, it's now like the flu on a population basis too. Again, except that it's less deadly than the flu for the young and healthy.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Report #18 from England is out that looks at COVID cases that received some level of attendance to emergency care.

I made a quick table to compare back to Report #16 for reference, but those with 2 shots continue to represent the largest group dying with the Delta variant and 64% of new deaths are from people with some level of vaccination. With that said, of the 26 total deaths with the Delta variant among those under the age of 50, an overwhelming majority of 21 (81%) come from those who are unvaccinated.

Report #Total Delta CasesVacc1 CasesVacc2 CasesUnvacc CasesTotal Delta DeathsVacc1 DeathsVacc2 DeathsUnvacc Deaths
Increase %34%33%50%34%136%150%136%142%

Still, this "news" about 99% of the deaths in American hospitals coming from the unvaccinated is likely complete hogwash, as are fears that the Delta variant is somehow more deadly than previous incarnations of the virus. Even just among this limited group who received emergency care, which is bound to be a small subsection of total infections, we're looking at a case fatality rate of 0.2%. Further narrow in on those under 50 years of age (26 deaths/111,008 emergency care cases) and you have a case fatality rate of 0.02% (0.01% for those with some level of vaccination).
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I've friends who lost people to Covid. Whoever says it's like a flu is either very stupid or very ill-intentioned.

I live in Brazil so no prospect of an end to the pandemic anytime soon :pie_invert:
Fuck BoIsonaro, that stupid fucking vermin. The minute he dies this country will be a carnival all over again.


*Tinfoil hat on* What if they make the vaccines weak on purpose, so they make money from constant top-ups :unsure:

You have this strange opinion that governments would be clever enough, well organised enough, and cunning enough to do this.

I often think conspiracy theory thinking actually extends from the terror of accepting that those in charge don’t really know what they’re doing most of the time - which is the unlovely truth.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
You have this strange opinion that governments would be clever enough, well organised enough, and cunning enough to do this.

I often think conspiracy theory thinking actually extends from the terror of accepting that those in charge don’t really know what they’re doing most of the time - which is the unlovely truth.

His post had nothing to do with governments. It's no secret that pharmaceutical companies are far more interested in developing lucrative treatments than one-off cures.
You have this strange opinion that governments would be clever enough, well organised enough, and cunning enough to do this.

I often think conspiracy theory thinking actually extends from the terror of accepting that those in charge don’t really know what they’re doing most of the time - which is the unlovely truth.
The theory, which I don’t subscribe to, would accuse pharmaceutical companies of doing this, rather than governments.


Lil’ Gobbie

  • Pfizer-BioNTech - 145 cases of myocarditis and 138 cases of pericarditis out of 177m doses given

  • Moderna - 19 case of myocarditis and 19 cases of pericarditis out of 20 million doses given

The link with heart inflammation was found only in the vaccines that rely on mRNA technology to train the immune system.
The was no link found for vaccines such as Oxford-AstraZeneca or Janssen, which use a genetically modified virus.
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I've friends who lost people to Covid. Whoever says it's like a flu is either very stupid or very ill-intentioned.

I live in Brazil so no prospect of an end to the pandemic anytime soon :pie_invert:
Fuck BoIsonaro, that stupid fucking vermin. The minute he dies this country will be a carnival all over again.

Sorry to hear that. Would you be willing to share their ages and weights?


The theory, which I don’t subscribe to, would accuse pharmaceutical companies of doing this, rather than governments.

Same thing still applies. Big corporations are as full of idiots as any other organisation 😊

Machiavellian scheming is infinitely preferable to good old fashioned human incompetence, greed and stupidity.

Much easier and safer to think someone secret is in control, rather than the truth: no one is really in control.
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Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member

  • Pfizer-BioNTech - 145 cases of myocarditis and 138 cases of pericarditis out of 177m doses given

  • Moderna - 19 case of myocarditis and 19 cases of pericarditis out of 20 million doses given

The link with heart inflammation was found only in the vaccines that rely on mRNA technology to train the immune system.
The was no link found for vaccines such as Oxford-AstraZeneca or Janssen, which use a genetically modified virus.

Wasn't the suspected issue with the the viral vector vaccines more thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome particularly among younger women?
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Sorry to hear that. Would you be willing to share their ages and weights?
A 19-year brother of a friend of mine had to go to an intensive care unit despite having no specific health conditions. I know friends of friends in their 20 who passed away due to this illness. Get fucked with your negationist shit.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
A 19-year brother of a friend of mine had to go to an intensive care unit despite having no specific health conditions. I know friends of friends in their 20 who passed away due to this illness. Get fucked with your negationist shit.

Very sorry for your and your friend's losses, but your anecdotes do not trump the overwhelming body of data we have that spans the entire planet. Brazil's situation is fucked and you're right to be mad about how it has been handled, but no one gains anything from emotional outbursts based on personal anecdotes when the discussion is about broad trends.
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Very sorry for your and your friend's losses, but your anecdotes do not trump the overwhelming body of data we have that spans the entire planet. Brazil's situation is fucked and you're right to be mad about how it has been handled, but no one gains anything from emotional outbursts based on personal anecdotes when the discussion is about broad trends.
Worldly data shows how the Delta variant can be a problem, so "but what their ages and weights?" is just asking to be stupid.

I interviewed a nurse the other day. She works in a hospital directly with the sick people. She almost burst to tears when talking about the present situations and the current risks people aren't worrying about. To have people behind their keyboards trying to undermine the reality just shows how ignorant (or naive) they are.
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Worldly data shows how the Delta variant can be a problem, so "but what their ages and weights?" is just asking to be stupid.

I interviewed a nurse the other day. She works in a hospital directly with the sick people. She almost burst to tears when talking about the present situations and the current risks people aren't worrying about. To have people behind their keyboards trying to undermine the reality just shows how ignorant (or naive) they are.
Your personal connection to this along with your country's handling of the situation is warping your interpretation of the data.

I'm sorry for your loss.
How can I misinterpret DATA when it is based in facts?
Because data doesn’t tell a story, it’s just facts and figures. You have to choose how to arrange the facts to create a narrative. It’s very easy as a human to pick out the data that suits the story you already wanted to tell.

That’s how one could misinterpret data based in facts.

Dr.Guru of Peru

played the long game
Your personal connection to this along with your country's handling of the situation is warping your interpretation of the data.

I'm sorry for your loss.

That's an amazing thing to say considering that the people downplaying the seriousness of COVID are incessantly complaining about their country's handling of the virus.

Either the pandemic response helped or it didn't.
Depending on your ego, a few million people you never met dying is small fry compared to BEING FORCED to follow rules set BY THE GOVERNMENT or take a vaccine made by BIG PHARMA
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Because data doesn’t tell a story, it’s just facts and figures. You have to choose how to arrange the facts to create a narrative. It’s very easy as a human to pick out the data that suits the story you already wanted to tell.

That’s how one could misinterpret data based in facts.
...and your point is...?


Depending on your ego, a few million people you never met dying is small fry compared to BEING FORCED to follow rules set BY THE GOVERNMENT or take a vaccine made by BIG PHARMA
You know, in Germany before the "pandemic" on average 2000-3000 people died here DAILY. For example 954 874 died in Germany in 2018. Makes a few million people WORLDWIDE not that much.

Edit: Just to compare it to "pandemic" times: 985 572 died in Germany in 2020. Thats less than in 2018.

Edit: It seems they "corrected some stats and it now is about 30k more in 2020, which is insignificant.

Source: https://www.destatis.de/DE/Themen/G...g/Tabellen/sonderauswertung-sterbefaelle.html
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You know, in Germany before the "pandemic" on average 2000-3000 people died here DAILY. For example 954 874 died in Germany in 2018. Makes a few million people WORLDWIDE not that much.

Edit: Just to compare it to "pandemic" times: 985 572 died in Germany in 2020. Thats less than in 2018.

Edit: It seems they "corrected some stats and it now is about 30k more in 2020, which is insignificant.
How can the EARTH be ROUND if all I see when I look at the horizon is a straight line???
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