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Covid 19 Thread: [no bitching about masks of Fauci edition]


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
Anecdotally… I haven’t heard of anyone having any real side effects from the third Pfizer booster jab, and I’ve spoken to quite a lot of people who’ve had it.
I got my ass handed to me for a day, same as for the second shot. My immune system just seems to hate the spike protein. I figure it bodes well for if I actually get infected even though everything I've read says it doesn't make a difference.


Random PSA:

Last thursday all (50-ish) residents at my work (assisted living home for psychiatric patients) got a pfizer booster after getting the moderna vaxx 2x in april. I just asked one of my colleagues whether there were any major adverse reactions or heavy side effects but so far everyone seems fine. These are generally people whose overall health isn't great (a lot of chain smokers, overweight people, use a lot of other medication, etc) which is why it's so surprising to me that so few of them report any side effects at all. The overall picture is pretty similar to the first round of vaccinations, where there were also very few side effects reported.

Older individuals tend not to have any side effects due to weakened immune systems. The stronger the immune system the higher probability of side effects.


where is the research on this?

From family members and co-workers (I work in a hospital) who have had the vaccine and boosters. The majority of individuals 60 and older had virtually no side effects with any of the shots or boosters (except my boss who has many preexisting medical conditions). All most everyone 50 or younger had significant side effects (myself included).

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Older individuals tend not to have any side effects due to weakened immune systems. The stronger the immune system the higher probability of side effects.
where is the research on this?

I don't know about research but I've definitely read this explanation a couple of times before. OTOH it seems counterintuitive that the most at-risk people from actual Covid-19 would be the least at-risk for vaccine side effects. But my own experience at my job seems to bear it out. On the first vaxx round a lot of perfectly healthy colleagues were feeling pretty under the weather for a day or two. But clients who would basically die if you sent them on a 50 metre run were fine, no complaints.

I don't know if all known vaxx side effects are actually caused by an overactive immune response though...?
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if we're just sharing anecdotes then I'm 30s and no side effects from either dose so 🤷‍♂️
You need to check your immune system stat there bro, basically you are already dead

I kid I kid

there is research into vaccine side effects that found for adverse reactions there's only a 10% point difference between under and over 55s

I'm probably gonna get called an antivaxxer again (getting my booster next week) but I do have some questions about how these reports of side effects are actually collected... this is pretty much anecdotal but myself and almost all of my colleagues had some kind of side effect (mostly sore arm + mild-moderate flu like symptoms) but everyone just kind of accepted it and went about their business, nobody really thought about reporting these effects as they were already more or less predicted. There is a (VAERS-like) system for reporting side effects in place here in The Netherlands, but if nobody reports feeling under the weather for a day or two, the appearance may be that there are far fewer cases of mild-moderate side effects than is actually the case.
You need to check your immune system stat there bro, basically you are already dead

I kid I kid

I'm probably gonna get called an antivaxxer again (getting my booster next week) but I do have some questions about how these reports of side effects are actually collected... this is pretty much anecdotal but myself and almost all of my colleagues had some kind of side effect (mostly sore arm + mild-moderate flu like symptoms) but everyone just kind of accepted it and went about their business, nobody really thought about reporting these effects as they were already more or less predicted. There is a (VAERS-like) system for reporting side effects in place here in The Netherlands, but if nobody reports feeling under the weather for a day or two, the appearance may be that there are far fewer cases of mild-moderate side effects than is actually the case.

that's why I asked for research, I thought it would be interesting to see different immune systems vs vaccine but if it's just anecdotal evidence I'm less interested because anything can be extrapolated

as for the CDC report, first line: "Among all study vaccine recipients asked to complete diaries of their symptoms during the 7 days after vaccination, 84.7% reported at least one local injection site reaction." - so a high number of people reporting symptoms of any kind but no idea what the sample size is, still I'd rather assume that the CDC knows how to present and collate statistics compared to a couple of people that work in hospitals/carehomes

obviously that's not meant to be offensive to anyone here btw
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CliffyB's Cock Holster
Just do the smart thing, and demand whoever administers your shot to aspirate first to ensure that its being delivered properly into intra-muscular tissue.
The research into adverse reactions is largely based on the presupposition that a larger than anticipated volume of vaccine is in the blood stream.


that's why I asked for research, I thought it would be interesting to see different immune systems vs vaccine but if it's just anecdotal evidence I'm less interested because anything can be extrapolated

as for the CDC report, first line: "Among all study vaccine recipients asked to complete diaries of their symptoms during the 7 days after vaccination, 84.7% reported at least one local injection site reaction." - so a high number of people reporting symptoms of any kind but no idea what the sample size is, still I'd rather assume that the CDC knows how to present and collate statistics compared to a couple of people that work in hospitals/carehomes

obviously that's not meant to be offensive to anyone here btw

Obviously I don't have the resources the CDC can bring to bear on this topic. The problem is I (and I believe many others like me) have a paranoid side to me that just doesn't fully trust the CDC. It's not so much that I don't trust their methods, it's just that I find it hard to fully trust that they wouldn't collate or present the results in a way that is desirable/convenient to the larger policy goals.

One of the reasons I post my own experiences/findings here is that I hope it helps inform others who have a similar slightly paranoid twist in their personality.
Obviously I don't have the resources the CDC can bring to bear on this topic. The problem is I (and I believe many others like me) have a paranoid side to me that just doesn't fully trust the CDC. It's not so much that I don't trust their methods, it's just that I find it hard to fully trust that they wouldn't collate or present the results in a way that is desirable/convenient to the larger policy goals.

One of the reasons I post my own experiences/findings here is that I hope it helps inform others who have a similar slightly paranoid twist in their personality.

simultaneously the CDC both have the resources and are lying on behalf of the government...why would they need any resources if they're just going to lie?

and rather than look at the sources presented on that page and actually trying to prove anything you'd rather just shrug it off as a paranoid feeling, is that because all the sources are manipulated too? I'm sure your own feelings vs institutions and organisations will find an audience here, don't think it's one to be too proud of though


simultaneously the CDC both have the resources and are lying on behalf of the government...why would they need any resources if they're just going to lie?

and rather than look at the sources presented on that page and actually trying to prove anything you'd rather just shrug it off as a paranoid feeling, is that because all the sources are manipulated too? I'm sure your own feelings vs institutions and organisations will find an audience here, don't think it's one to be too proud of though

I'm neither proud nor ashamed of it. It is what it is.


you're hoping that people who also do not trust institutions are helped by your anecdotes, do you not get pride out of helping people?
Funk bro, I said "help inform"
I don't write stuff here under the illusion that it's gonna save lives
I just contribute what information/experiences I have, and am likewise informed by what information other people from around the world post here. I consider it a valuable addition to just reading what the mainstream news sites print.

simultaneously the CDC both have the resources and are lying on behalf of the government...why would they need any resources if they're just going to lie?
The FDA also has massive resources devoted to it, and still it saw fit to approve highly addictive opiate-derived medication for general use, either actively lying about or at least being curiously silent about the dangers. We are still picking up the pieces from that one, a death toll exceeding 100.000 annually being one of the major legacies of that bit of institutional wisdom. Our institutions are prone to being corrupted by massive financial incentives that pharma can readily provide. *Some* level of paranoia towards that is perfectly warranted IMHO.
Funk bro, I said "help inform"
I don't write stuff here under the illusion that it's gonna save lives
I just contribute what information/experiences I have, and am likewise informed by what information other people from around the world post here. I consider it a valuable addition to just reading what the mainstream news sites print.

The FDA also has massive resources devoted to it, and still it saw fit to approve highly addictive opiate-derived medication for general use, either actively lying about or at least being curiously silent about the dangers. We are still picking up the pieces from that one, a death toll exceeding 100.000 annually being one of the major legacies of that bit of institutional wisdom. Our institutions are prone to being corrupted by massive financial incentives that pharma can readily provide. *Some* level of paranoia towards that is perfectly warranted IMHO.

the problem is thinking that anecdotes and experiences are in any way comparable or a counter to information from institutions, if you only see people's experiences as an addition rather than a response to official or published statistics and reports then I can agree, but if you see them as an equivalent response then we'll never be on the same page here

discussing the FDA and opiates further veers us off the original topic, which had already diverted to "you vs the CDC", this just looks like you retrospectively finding reasons to believe what you believe


the problem is thinking that anecdotes and experiences are in any way comparable or a counter to information from institutions, if you only see people's experiences as an addition rather than a response to official or published statistics and reports then I can agree, but if you see them as an equivalent response then we'll never be on the same page here
The underlying assumptions here being that the information from institutions is not compromised, and that said institutions have your best interest in mind. If I grant you these assumptions, then I agree, but as you've gathered I am not sure about that, given the track record.
discussing the FDA and opiates further veers us off the original topic, which had already diverted to "you vs the CDC", this just looks like you retrospectively finding reasons to believe what you believe
If you are interested you can find me waaay back at the start of this thread saying the same thing. Demanding that people trust institutions like the FDA and CDC when they've done such a stellar job of squandering the trust that was placed in them for a couple of extra pharma buxx is asinine.
The underlying assumptions here being that the information from institutions is not compromised, and that said institutions have your best interest in mind. If I grant you these assumptions, then I agree, but as you've gathered I am not sure about that, given the track record.

If you are interested you can find me waaay back at the start of this thread saying the same thing. Demanding that people trust institutions like the FDA and CDC when they've done such a stellar job of squandering the trust that was placed in them for a couple of extra pharma buxx is asinine.

the underlying assumption is that the institutions are structured to be held to a much higher standard with a higher level of accountability than you (or me), that's all it is

it means that if you (or I) do not have the best interests of the people who we hope to help inform in mind, or if we are compromised, the repercussions on us are non-existent...you cannot give your opinion equivalent weight to research from institutions and not to expect the same level of scrutiny and accountability as these institutions, there are a thousand eyes both within and outside looking at them, there's like ten looking at us

so I'll ask directly this time, do you see your anecdotal experience with patient side effects as a direct and equivalent response to the CDC's survey data? because we can dig into this, but it will mean you actually addressing what I write


Gold Member
How long do we need to wait before declaring Omicron safe. It’s incredible that several weeks in

On Dec. 10, the World Health Organization told us no omicron cases reported up to that date had resulted in death, but "it is still early in the clinical course of disease and this may change."

yet all the masking, WFH mandates and travel disruptions are ramping up, with UK media floating a figure of 75K people dying this winter because of Omicron.

I don’t think I have ever seen such a disconnect between evidence and policy.
How long do we need to wait before declaring Omicron safe. It’s incredible that several weeks in

On Dec. 10, the World Health Organization told us no omicron cases reported up to that date had resulted in death, but "it is still early in the clinical course of disease and this may change."

yet all the masking, WFH mandates and travel disruptions are ramping up, with UK media floating a figure of 75K people dying this winter because of Omicron.

I don’t think I have ever seen such a disconnect between evidence and policy.

because of the "this may change" line I'd say

UK is worried about reports coming out that AZ vaccine (the one given predominantly to olds and vulnerables) is next to useless against omicron, and even though a Pfizer booster raises immunity back up to 70% they're going to want all olds and vulnerables to be boosted before omicron becomes the dominant strain
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the underlying assumption is that the institutions are structured to be held to a much higher standard with a higher level of accountability than you (or me), that's all it is

it means that if you (or I) do not have the best interests of the people who we hope to help inform in mind, or if we are compromised, the repercussions on us are non-existent...you cannot give your opinion equivalent weight to research from institutions and not to expect the same level of scrutiny and accountability as these institutions, there are a thousand eyes both within and outside looking at them, there's like ten looking at us
Thousands of eyes and minds, and yet moral reasoning as simple as "maybe we shouldn't approve these highly addictive painkillers to be sold as harmless medication for profit" is apparently beyond all of them...?

so I'll ask directly this time, do you see your anecdotal experience with patient side effects as a direct and equivalent response to the CDC's survey data? because we can dig into this, but it will mean you actually addressing what I write
It's not a direct and equivalent response, it's just a response, an opinion. Dude I just posted an example from my professional life to exemplify that the boosters aren't dangerous, and still you want to fight me because I express some skepticism towards a bit part of the institutional narrative? Give it a rest funk hombre.
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Thousands of eyes and minds, and yet moral reasoning as simple as "maybe we shouldn't approve these highly addictive painkillers to be sold as harmless medication for profit" is apparently beyond all of them...?

It's not a direct and equivalent response, it's just a response, an opinion. Dude I just posted an example from my professional life to exemplify that the boosters aren't dangerous, and still you want to fight me because I express some skepticism towards a bit part of the institutional narrative? Give it a rest funk hombre.

you're still conflating the FDA and the CDC and really not getting back to how this started at all...but for the sake of this I'm not fighting you so no idea why you'd want to express it as that, and you're the one that brought up the distrust in the CDC statistics that you still haven't or cannot explain

so enough of the victim complex, you want to bring up some skepticism then you have to accept that people will bring up skepticism of their own to come back in your direction


you're still conflating the FDA and the CDC and really not getting back to how this started at all...
conflating? I'm simply pointing to the fact that an institution like the FDA, despite their '1000s of eyes' and massive accountability can be either grievously mistaken or massively corrupted. My assumption is the CDC will not be any different, given the unprecedented financial and political pressures they are undoubtedly under. Might be wrong, sure, but I'm not about to give them carte blanche on the trust front.
but for the sake of this I'm not fighting you so no idea why you'd want to express it as that, and you're the one that brought up the distrust in the CDC statistics that you still haven't or cannot explain
can't explain it any further than I just have
so enough of the victim complex, you want to bring up some skepticism then you have to accept that people will bring up skepticism of their own to come back in your direction
Yes I have brought some skepticism, yes I have received some skepticism, and now I'm just kind of done with this. 🤷‍♂️
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conflating? I'm simply pointing to the fact that an institution like the FDA, despite their '1000s of eyes' and massive accountability can be either grievously mistaken or massively corrupted. My assumption is the CDC will not be any different, given the unprecedented financial and political pressures they are undoubtedly under. Might be wrong, sure, but I'm not about to give them carte blanche on the trust front.

can't explain it any further than I just have

Yes I have brought some skepticism, yes I have received some skepticism, and now I'm just kind of done with this. 🤷‍♂️

You explanation for why you don't trust CDC stats on side effects is because the FDA approved Oxycontin. That's it.
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You explanation for why you don't trust CDC stats on side effects is because the FDA approved Oxycontin. That's it.
Even if that were the sole reason, that should still be sufficient given how atrociously bad that call was. Obviously though there are many other instances of institutional misguidedness/corruption I've encountered or read about in my life, that have likewise informed my view.


I've had covid for a few days now.

Had the J&J vaccine this spring and just got a Pfizer booster about three days before I came down with covid.

It hasn't been bad at all for me. Like a mild flu. I think I'm on the mend because yesterday and today I've felt mostly normal with no fever. Occasional dry cough and some nasal congestion. I suspect since I caught it so close to getting the booster, my body was already prepared to fight as soon as it was infected. As if covid had the misfortune of walking in on my immune system's live ammo training exercises.

Hoping I really am past the worst of it!


Lil’ Gobbie
Just do the smart thing, and demand whoever administers your shot to aspirate first to ensure that its being delivered properly into intra-muscular tissue.
The research into adverse reactions is largely based on the presupposition that a larger than anticipated volume of vaccine is in the blood stream.
do this if you want some peace of mind, but it's definitely not the "smart thing"

-its needlessly painful
-the chances of landing the bevel perfectly inside a vein (and not going through it) is like winning the lottery
-you would need to aspirate for 5-10 seconds to really confirm you are inside a vein, which noone does when they aspirate

this is why aspirating before intramuscular injections is currently not considered best practice


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
Anecdotally… I haven’t heard of anyone having any real side effects from the third Pfizer booster jab, and I’ve spoken to quite a lot of people who’ve had it.

My shoulder barely even became sore after my third shot.

How long do we need to wait before declaring Omicron safe. It’s incredible that several weeks in

On Dec. 10, the World Health Organization told us no omicron cases reported up to that date had resulted in death, but "it is still early in the clinical course of disease and this may change."

yet all the masking, WFH mandates and travel disruptions are ramping up, with UK media floating a figure of 75K people dying this winter because of Omicron.

I don’t think I have ever seen such a disconnect between evidence and policy.

Because we only recently discovered it, and it is still in progress of making its way around the world and infecting people of all kinds. Many experts caution it's far too early to draw any firm conclusions. It's good news that thus far we don't have any evidence that omicron is more severe. Everyone wants to believe it's milder, but the only country it has hit hard thus far is South Africa - a young nation (in regards to the average age of its citizens), and a country in which many people had already caught some strain of SARS-CoV-2 and recovered.

Furthermore, there's other concerns given how contagious it is. A small proportion of a large number of a population catching it all at once can still overwhelm health care systems. This is especially true in the US where many hospitals are already full or being pushed to the brink by the delta variant.

In short, people keep jumping the gun and not waiting for things to play out, for information to come in, and for scientists to truly get a grasp on a new variant. I suggest everyone doing so calm down and remember we're still in the midst of a pandemic, and that it is still emergent - obvious given the fact that we're still dealing with new variants and still aren't 100% sure of the total effectiveness of the vaccines against any advent one.
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Dr.Guru of Peru

played the long game
do this if you want some peace of mind, but it's definitely not the "smart thing"

-its needlessly painful
-the chances of landing the bevel perfectly inside a vein (and not going through it) is like winning the lottery
-you would need to aspirate for 5-10 seconds to really confirm you are inside a vein, which noone does when they aspirate

this is why aspirating before intramuscular injections is currently not considered best practice
Yeah I’d just laugh if someone demanded that and tell them to administer it themselves if they were so adamant. Well, I’d imagine myself doing that but in reality I would just politely explain why I won’t aspirate.
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I'm probably gonna get called an antivaxxer again (getting my booster next week) but I do have some questions about how these reports of side effects are actually collected... this is pretty much anecdotal but myself and almost all of my colleagues had some kind of side effect (mostly sore arm + mild-moderate flu like symptoms) but everyone just kind of accepted it and went about their business, nobody really thought about reporting these effects as they were already more or less predicted. There is a (VAERS-like) system for reporting side effects in place here in The Netherlands, but if nobody reports feeling under the weather for a day or two, the appearance may be that there are far fewer cases of mild-moderate side effects than is actually the case.

In Finland we also have a website where you can report side effects, but yeah, there really isn't any push or directions from any officials to report the side effects.
Along with having a sore arm for three days I got irregular heartbeats for a bit over one week and couldn't raise my left leg for the next day, but I only bothered to fill up the side effect form like 3-4 weeks after the shot as me being a lazy bastard just thought "nah, maybe later, maybe never".
This was from the first Pfizer shot. Haven't had the second shot yet.

I imagine there are lots of people who just can't be bothered to report anything.
And also I'm sure some don't want to report anything for some sort of denial reasons. Like, when I took the shot, there was this young woman, maybe 18-20, or a bit younger, who really was struggling against passing out because his father* was there claiming that there has been no problems with the vaccines for young people and told her to disregard whatever was happening. She was really struggling and even told she's losing her vision. Gladly a doctor/nurse eventually noticed it and she got help. I almost interfered too because it was so clear that she's about to faint soon. When we got the shot and had to wait for 15 minutes before leaving we were told we should raise our hand if we feel anything weird in our bodies, but there she was, fighting back while his father trying to psyche her to dismiss her problems. It's either that he didn't want to admit something can happen after taking the shot or didn't want her daughter to look weak, or both. Anyway, I wouldn't be surprised if people like that father there wouldn't want to report any side effects.

*I assume it was her father because of the age difference


Gold Member
My shoulder barely even became sore after my third shot.

Because we only recently discovered it, and it is still in progress of making its way around the world and infecting people of all kinds. Many experts caution it's far too early to draw any firm conclusions. It's good news that thus far we don't have any evidence that omicron is more severe. Everyone wants to believe it's milder, but the only country it has hit hard thus far is South Africa - a young nation (in regards to the average age of its citizens), and a country in which many people had already caught some strain of SARS-CoV-2 and recovered.

Furthermore, there's other concerns given how contagious it is. A small proportion of a large number of a population catching it all at once can still overwhelm health care systems. This is especially true in the US where many hospitals are already full or being pushed to the brink by the delta variant.

In short, people keep jumping the gun and not waiting for things to play out, for information to come in, and for scientists to truly get a grasp on a new variant. I suggest everyone doing so calm down and remember we're still in the midst of a pandemic, and that it is still emergent - obvious given the fact that we're still dealing with new variants and still aren't 100% sure of the total effectiveness of the vaccines against any advent one.

I guess I am looking back at Wuhan, Lombardy and Veneto. First detections of Covid in Italy were 21 Feb 2020, and first deaths were 22 Feb 2020, and it just escalated from there with ICUs filling up and a complete lockdown on 8 March 2020.

Contrast that to Omicron. Detected 24 Nov 2021. 2.5 weeks later, on 10 Dec 2021, WHO says they don’t know of anyone who has died of Omicron - on the planet.

I appreciate erring on the side of caution, but given how explosive the contagion of Omicron is, I think we would have seen some shocking footage by now.

A parallel - imagine a world where the first Covid detection was in Lombardy on 21 Feb 2020, and by 10 March 2020 there was no reported deaths.



I needed to go home early from work . 2nd shot Pfizer . With the first , had nothing .

For me:

1st Pfizer shot: hoarse voice, cold symptoms, and extreme fatigue for 2 to 3 days.
2nd Pfizer shot: Fever and flu-like symptoms 3 to 4 days.
Booster: Cold symptoms for 2-days


1st Pfizer shot: Flu-like symptoms for 3 to 4 days with blood clots (4 in 1 million people experience cerebral venous thrombosis after getting the Pfizer)
2nd Pfizer shot: No side effects
Booster: No side effects

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so what are the doctors treating you with?
Vitamin drips, librium for quell shakes. Nearly off those but now constant injections, also too many to describe. They are meant to but not all do and they blurr into each other. Was meant to be leaving yesterday, thought I was, nope moved to another ward as mine was contaminaed. I had to ask why, its so busy. Kept asking mee if I was tested. Told them with all the drips, blood taking etc I had assumed I Hadd been.

Then a Dr says I wasn't. Next doc today said I came back clear 3 times already and tested me again. Try having male nurses holding your cock into cardboard cups from the constant drips when you can barely sit.

***** would recommend.

Honestly though I should be out tomorrow but I've heard that numerous times after having to stay here several times this year. For every doc that says OK another says no and end up having to learn to walk again being in bed so much.

I have no idea what vaccine(s) I received. I was out of it most of the time. Damn sure I'll want it in writing.
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So sorry for what you are going through. Have you asked your nurse (s) to have a chaplain come and visit you? They offer spiritual care and emotional support to the religious and non-religious. I would recommend, if you are willing, to have one come and talk with you so that you can process many of the feelings you are experiencing (i.e., disconnectedness, isolation, fear, etc.). They are experts in listening and are prohibited from proselytizing.

That's not exactly a bad idea at all. I'm not aware of there being one but there must be with such a massive hospital, so big you can see anybody of any skill and they quickly get engulfed into the ether.

However you did remind me of my local parish church. I'm lapsed and they're likely inundated by the parish but you're certainly peaked my interest my good man.


That's not exactly a bad idea at all. I'm not aware of there being one but there must be with such a massive hospital, so big you can see anybody of any skill and they quickly get engulfed into the ether.

However you did remind me of my local parish church. I'm lapsed and they're likely inundated by the parish but you're certainly peaked my interest my good man.

Your welcome, bro. I would just ask your nurse. She/He will know if the hospital has a spiritual care team.

Most hospitals will allow pastors/priests from local parishes to visit (they are normally exempt from family visiting policies/rules). However, your nurse will have to speak with the charge nurse for the unit to give her blessing for him to visit you. If they are allowed to visit, they will have to sign a COVID waiver to enter a COVID patient's room.

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UK is going great , being a ostrich with the head in the sand really helped ! At least you could drink in the pub 🤡 and for letting it circulate and create awesome COVID variants for all of us to enjoy .
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