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Covid 19 Thread: [no bitching about masks of Fauci edition]


Rodent Whores
And cases in the US are increasing(by a lot) as mandates increase. So it has not worked that way. Mandates have not helped at all.

They aren't doing anything.

No one can provide any data that has shown cases have dropped with mandates. I gave data that shows the opposite.
You are making a correlation fallacy. Mandates get implemented as a preventative measurement. You can just as easily assume that cases would have been even higher without mandates. Your data just shows associations, not causations, and doesn't have a baseline comparison.

Dr.Guru of Peru

played the long game
No. Omicron was an incidental finding after admission.
Eh, you don't know that. That's just wishful thinking. He/she could have contracted Omicron in the hospital as part of a nosocomial outbreak and died from it.

I had a patient that was admitted for social reasons, contract COVID and then die due to COVID. COVID was not "incidental" in their case either.
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Neighbours from Hell
You are making a correlation fallacy. Mandates get implemented as a preventative measurement. You can just as easily assume that cases would have been even higher without mandates. Your data just shows associations, not causations, and doesn't have a baseline comparison.
I disagree in this case. The point of mandates is to stop the spread of COVID and decrease cases. They haven't decreased. So they haven't worked. There's no data to suggest one way or the other cases would've been even higher without mandates, especially when a lot of the COVID spikes are in strong mandate areas like NYC. But even if it were true, it's still increasing, just increasing not as much. But the purpose of the mandates is to decrease the spread. "We can't get back to normal life until there's a downward trajectory" is all I keep hearing, yet there's an upward trajectory.

At some point we are going to have to realize this is endemic and just learn to live with it. I don't know when that is, but we can't have people getting boosters in 2024 to be able to be able to participate in normal public life for a virus that isn't smallpox or the plague. It isn't sustainable.


And I'll reiterate what I said before. I'm ok with private mandates because I think it's the right of any private institution or business to implement them. I'm against federal mandates because I think the cons outweigh the pros.

If there was data that showed that federal mandates cut COVID cases by like 80% across the country. I'd reconsider my stance. Because that would be a major pro.

But if cases are going to increase with mandates, sorry. Not nearly enough to sway me. The ramifications of government overreach, among other things, is way too slippery of a slope for me to get on board with a policy where at its best is "ok, COVID cases are increasing, but might increase more without them."

Gimme data that shows substantial game-changing impact or I won't be on board with federal mandates. Not now, not ever.
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Rodent Whores
I disagree in this case. The point of mandates is to stop the spread of COVID and decrease cases. They haven't decreased. So they haven't worked. There's no data to suggest one way or the other cases would've been even higher without mandates, especially when a lot of the COVID spikes are in strong mandate areas like NYC. But even if it were true, it's still increasing, just increasing not as much. But the purpose of the mandates is to decrease the spread. "We can't get back to normal life until there's a downward trajectory" is all I keep hearing, yet there's an upward trajectory.

At some point we are going to have to realize this is endemic and just learn to live with it. I don't know when that is, but we can't have people getting boosters in 2024 to be able to be able to participate in normal public life for a virus that isn't smallpox or the plague. It isn't sustainable.
This virus doesn't have to be smallpox or the plague to be dangerous. We have countless examples of society on the verge of collapse just because our healthcare system gets overwhelmed from an oversaturation of COVID19 patients. The minor inconvenience of being told to get a vaccine is vastly preferable than going back to overflowing hospitals.

There were zero smallpox and plague deaths last year in the USA, and 300K COVID19 deaths, so technically COVID19 is more dangerous than both of them combined. Pretty stark comparison, wouldn't you agree?


Neighbours from Hell
This virus doesn't have to be smallpox or the plague to be dangerous. We have countless examples of society on the verge of collapse just because our healthcare system gets overwhelmed from an oversaturation of COVID19 patients. The minor inconvenience of being told to get a vaccine is vastly preferable than going back to overflowing hospitals.

There were zero smallpox and plague deaths last year in the USA, and 300K COVID19 deaths, so technically COVID19 is more dangerous than both of them combined. Pretty stark comparison, wouldn't you agree?
"Society on the verge of collapse" is pretty hyperbolic. But that isn't going to happen with most people masking and vaccinated now. But that's part of the having to learn to live with it. If it ends up being endemic, and it still may not, but if it does, we can't do mandates and boosters forever. Nor are people going to tolerate it. People can readjust short term, but I'm telling you at some point, and that breaking point is different for everyone, but people are going to tire of the masks and monthly boosters, and people more and more are going to stop complying if they try these measures in perpetuity. At some point we're going to have to pivot to increasing hospital staff, capacities, and procedures. And just learning to deal. And then over time I think what you'll see is less deadly strains take over, as they typically do, and naturally through mutation COVID will kind of take care of itself on its own.

But I'm sorry, the stuff going on in the schools is really bothersome. Having kids sit outdoors in the freezing cold in December 6 feet apart just to have freaking lunch. I saw a school doing that the other day. There's reasonable measures and there's overreach. Even some of the most COVID sensitive people are changing their opinions on some of the mandates and procedures. Someone like Jamie Metzl who is one of the most respected voices on the subject admitted that some of the measures are going too far. Especially ones that impact kids. The NY Times put out an editorial the other day: https://www.nytimes.com/2021/12/11/...ron-booster.html?smtyp=cur&smid=tw-nytopinion. And the NY Times is very "COVID cautious."

And I've seen other voices speak up on it as well.


No. Omicron was an incidental finding after admission.

Some real world data from the first 78,000 Omicron cases. Tl;dr - it causes less hospitalisations and vaccines work.



They help a bit .. but wharves the point as we get a new variant every 4 - 7 months ..

Oh shit! DOUBLE COVID sounds scary as hell!
yup , this shit is real, what if someone already is vaccinated , has HIV, had delta , a cold and now Omnikron , jumps back to an animal , reinfects a human, they warned for these viruses more than 30 years ago , but research was stopped. … look at us now. Grasping for straws. Our leading Dutch scientist needed to start working in Germany .

easily COVID. super mega turbo is possible.
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Lil’ Gobbie
And cases in the US are increasing(by a lot) as mandates increase. So it has not worked that way. Mandates have not helped at all.

They aren't doing anything.

No one can provide any data that has shown cases have dropped with mandates. I gave data that shows the opposite.
I think you'd need a control group to prove that, which would be very difficult

I don't think many people in the US are actually being vaccinated because of mandates (as opposed to euro countries like France, where it is actually mandated.). the mandates in the us are mostly for people with good paying jobs ie, federal and health care workers that were already mostly getting vaccinated to begin with.

but yeah overall I agree with you. all these mandates are largely symbolic and prompted by popular demand from tons of people who have some serious tunnel vision going on right now. we have been blessed with a miraculous vaccine that should have us huddling around celebrating, holding hands and shit ; get the magical medicine if want you to stay alive or risk it and maybe die or whatever and move on with your life.... I think the ingrates have learned their lesson by now or they are sadly no longer around to spread their nonsense. unless something else comes up, there's no need for mandates at this point. people need to learn to stop projecting all their life's problems onto this disease /getting real tired of hearing about long COVID
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Lil’ Gobbie
what we've learned from all this is that the hospital systems in place are fragile and dysfunctional as fuck and I've seen them make no changes after all this, so if shit really does hit the fan, it is safe to say we will be on our own. start taking good care of yourselves now brothers and don't get blindsided
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We are gonna go from variant to variant and from booster to booster , if they can keep up and adapt them fast enough ..

a booster every 4 weeks ! We should have boosters in the fridge 🤣


Neighbours from Hell
I think you'd need a control group to prove that, which would be very difficult

I don't think many people in the US are actually being vaccinated because of mandates (as opposed to euro countries like France, where it is actually mandated.). the mandates in the us are mostly for people with good paying jobs ie, federal and health care workers that were already mostly getting vaccinated to begin with.

but yeah overall I agree with you. all these mandates are largely symbolic and prompted by popular demand by people who have some serious tunnel vision going on right now. we have been blessed with a miraculous vaccine that should have us huddling around celebrating, holding hands and shit ; get the magical medicine if want you to stay alive or risk it and maybe die or whatever move on with your life.... I think the ingrates have learned their lesson or they are no longer around to spread their nonsense. unless something else comes up, there's no need for mandates at this point. people need to learn to stop projecting all their life's problems onto this disease /getting real tired of hearing about long COVID
I agree. We are never going to reach 80% vaccinations. We just aren't. Especially when soon that 80% will have to include those who've gotten the booster. Which is coming. It's inevitable you won't be considered vaccinated anymore unless you got the booster. And eventually, it'll be unless you got your 4th shot. And a 5th. Eventually it has to stop. And putting in mandates to deter people from public life to try and force it is wrong. People with vaccines can still catch and spread COVID. If they work as well as people say, then there isn't a ton to worry about. There's still some chance things can go really badly for you, but it's rare. At this point, if people want to be unvaccinated, that's their problem. Hospitals are not going to be overrun again on a wide scale. You may have a tiny hospital here or there deal with some issues, but with most people vaccinated, masks, and now pills starting to come out that treat COVID once you get it, I don't believe overrun hospitals and a strained healthcare system is much of a concern anymore.

Mask mandates for for adults for indoor venues will work just fine as a preventative. Let private businesses decide what they want to do. Every place else including schools, it's time to get back to normal. Especially in schools, I think kids and schools are the area that has been impacted more than anyone. Stop trying to force masks on like 3 years olds, it's child abuse. Stop making kids eat outdoors in the cold. None of this is helping anything. It's paranoia city not backed by any data.
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I agree. We are never going to reach 80% vaccinations. We just aren't. And putting in mandates to deter people from public life to try and force it is wrong. People with vaccines can still catch and spread COVID. If they work as well as people say, then there isn't a ton to worry about. There's still some chance things can go really badly for you, but it's rare. At this point, if people want to be unvaccinated, that's their problem. Hospitals are not going to be overrun again on a wide scale. You may have a tiny hospital here or there deal with some issues, but with most people vaccinated, masks, and now pills starting to come out that treat COVID once you get it, I don't believe overrun hospitals and a strained healthcare system is much of a concern anymore.

Mask mandates for for adults for indoor venues will work just fine as a preventative. Let private businesses decide what they want to do. Every place else including schools, it's time to get back to normal. Especially in schools, I think kids and schools are the area that has been impacted more than anyone. Stop trying to force masks on like 3 years olds, it's child abuse. Stop making kids eat outdoors in the cold. None of this is helping anything. It's paranoia city not backed by any data.
I like your view on things , but normal is gone , also on schools , the sooner we realize this , the beter we can handle and adjust to it all . And start building a better and new world .


Lil’ Gobbie
I like your view on things , but normal is gone , also on schools , the sooner we realize this , the beter we can handle and adjust to it all . And start building a better and new world .
normal is gone in the sense that "normal" exists only your head and this is life as usual, many are just being introduced to the world of microbes ; their world that we live in...
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normal is gone in the sense that "normal" exists only your head and this is life as usual, many are just being introduced to the world of microbes ; their world that we live in...
I like war if the worlds“we earned our right to life on this planet” now we need to life with COVID.
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I agree. We are never going to reach 80% vaccinations. We just aren't. Especially when soon that 80% will have to include those who've gotten the booster. Which is coming. It's inevitable you won't be considered vaccinated anymore unless you got the booster. And eventually, it'll be unless you got your 4th shot. And a 5th. Eventually it has to stop. And putting in mandates to deter people from public life to try and force it is wrong. People with vaccines can still catch and spread COVID. If they work as well as people say, then there isn't a ton to worry about. There's still some chance things can go really badly for you, but it's rare. At this point, if people want to be unvaccinated, that's their problem. Hospitals are not going to be overrun again on a wide scale. You may have a tiny hospital here or there deal with some issues, but with most people vaccinated, masks, and now pills starting to come out that treat COVID once you get it, I don't believe overrun hospitals and a strained healthcare system is much of a concern anymore.

Mask mandates for for adults for indoor venues will work just fine as a preventative. Let private businesses decide what they want to do. Every place else including schools, it's time to get back to normal. Especially in schools, I think kids and schools are the area that has been impacted more than anyone. Stop trying to force masks on like 3 years olds, it's child abuse. Stop making kids eat outdoors in the cold. None of this is helping anything. It's paranoia city not backed by any data.
It’s time to get back to normal. Oh boy, this will be fun to watch. Taking bets how many people will die with ‘thoughts and prayers’? Hey maybe you can build a nice, shiny memorial while chanting how the US is the greatest country in the world ?
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That time has past .. 2 years ago if we did a full Wuhan lock down we could have had a better grip world wide .. now we need to life with how we made our reality.
China did that and it didn't prevent any of this.
Any other country doing that would've made no difference either.

You can't put a genie back in the bottle.


Gold Member
Eh, you don't know that. That's just wishful thinking. He/she could have contracted Omicron in the hospital as part of a nosocomial outbreak and died from it.

I had a patient that was admitted for social reasons, contract COVID and then die due to COVID. COVID was not "incidental" in their case either.

This is all we will ever get

The Prime Minister yesterday confirmed that a patient had died after testing positive for the variant.

But he gave no extra details, such as the person's age, condition, vaccination status or whether Covid was even the primary reason for their death. And health officials have refused to provide any further information.

Now, if you consider that the primary motivation of the government is to scare people to get booster jabs and accept further curbs, it seems obvious that they would have been very clear of Omicron being the killer, if that was the case.


China did that and it didn't prevent any of this.
Any other country doing that would've made no difference either.

You can't put a genie back in the bottle.
It helped them a great deal, the occasional short lock down they have .. their economy is booming .. look at us 🤣 we even buy the COVID rapid tests from China. Everything went to shit in the West, but it doesn’t matter as we can’t do this anymore because the COVID genie is out of the bottle 🤡

retarded boosters every 4 weeks for us good sir! Can I enter this establishment.. do you have booster 44?

44? I had booster 43 last week 🤣
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This was before Omnikron, which they figured wouldn’t happen for a couple of years , its sad but scientists are also grasping for straws , it’s starting to look like cat & mouse game for the coming decade (s) with some breathing room in the hot periods (depends on which part of the world you life) and lock downs and measures throughout the year, with harsher measures in cold periods .

all thanks to , to much circulation of the western world and not providing vacins for the 3rd world countries
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Dr.Guru of Peru

played the long game
This is all we will ever get

The Prime Minister yesterday confirmed that a patient had died after testing positive for the variant.

But he gave no extra details, such as the person's age, condition, vaccination status or whether Covid was even the primary reason for their death. And health officials have refused to provide any further information.

Now, if you consider that the primary motivation of the government is to scare people to get booster jabs and accept further curbs, it seems obvious that they would have been very clear of Omicron being the killer, if that was the case.
That’s a huge assumption on your part and more revealing of your personal biases than anything. Not sure if things normally work like this in the UK, but it’s generally the norm here for granular details not to be released to the public when it involves the health of an individual.

Anyways, it goes without saying the omicron variant will kill people. It’s fantastical thinking to believe that it won’t. It’ll likely be less deadly due to the high number of vaccinated, but I don’t think we have a good idea yet as to how it compares to the other variants in a naive population.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
Another treatment may be coming:




Video: What Have We Learned from the Pandemic?: A Conversation with Nicholas Christakis (12/14/21)
In this episode, Sam Harris speaks with Nicholas Christakis about the lessons of the COVID pandemic. They discuss our failures to coordinate an effective response, the politics surrounding vaccination, vaccine efficacy, vaccine safety, how to think about scientific controversies, the epidemiology of excess deaths, transmission among the vaccinated, natural immunity, selection pressures and new variants, the failure of institutions, the lab-leak hypothesis, the efficacy of lockdowns, vaccine mandates, boosters, what would happen in a worse pandemic, and other topics.
Nicholas A. Christakis, MD, PhD, MPH, is the Sterling Professor of Social and Natural Science at Yale University, where he directs the Human Nature Lab and is the Co-Director of the Yale Institute for Network Science. He was elected to the National Academy of Medicine in 2006, the American Association for the Advancement of Science in 2010, and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 2017. He is the author of several books—Connected: The Amazing Power of Social Networks and How They Shape Our Lives, Blueprint: The Evolutionary Origins of a Good Society, and most recently Apollo’s Arrow: The Profound and Enduring Impact of Coronavirus on the Way We Live.


I thought this twitter thread said a lot of things that I find kind of hard to articulate, but agree with

I once got verbally assaulted on how I’m inconsiderate and killing grandpa. I had to tell them them to F off, because the bills aren’t stopping over anyones feelings


Rodent Whores
We're number 1, we're number 1! American exceptionalism.

The US death toll from Covid-19 has passed 800,000, a once-unimaginable figure seen as doubly tragic given that more than 200,000 of those lives were lost after vaccines became available last spring.

The figure represents the highest reported toll of any country in the world, and is likely even higher.

The US accounts for approximately 4% of the world’s population but about 15% of the 5.3 million known deaths from the coronavirus since the outbreak began in China two years ago.

The number of Covid deaths in the US, compiled and released by Johns Hopkins University on Tuesday, is about equal to the population of Atlanta and St Louis combined, or Minneapolis and Cleveland put together. It is roughly equivalent to how many Americans die each year from heart disease or stroke.


“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion


Gold Member
Do we know that Omicron is more dangerous, or is it just speculation so far?

Initial lab findings in a study by researchers at Hong Kong University show that two of the most widely-available vaccines, Pfizer-BioNTech’s Comirnaty shot and Sinovac’s CoronaVac, “do not produce sufficient levels of serum antibodies against the new Omicron virus variant,” though data suggest that two doses of the Pfizer vaccine seem to provide 33-per-cent protection against Omicron infection, compared to people with no vaccination.

I mean the cases are higher here in Canada but we're not seeing the daily death count rise dramatically. It seems to me they're not even sure yet if this thing is more deadly. If it really is more contagious and more resistant to existing vaccines because of mutations, then technically that would make it deadlier. It's just not clear how much real world damage it will cause.


Do we know that Omicron is more dangerous, or is it just speculation so far?

I mean the cases are higher here in Canada but we're not seeing the daily death count rise dramatically. It seems to me they're not even sure yet if this thing is more deadly. If it really is more contagious and more resistant to existing vaccines because of mutations, then technically that would make it deadlier. It's just not clear how much real world damage it will cause.
Sadly dead’s always follow , and Omnikron spreads 3 times faster as delta .

I mean the cases are higher here in Canada but we're not seeing the daily death count rise dramatically. It seems to me they're not even sure yet if this thing is more deadly. If it really is more contagious and more resistant to existing vaccines because of mutations, then technically that would make it deadlier. It's just not clear how much real world damage it will cause.

seeing hospitalisations increase in the UK
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78000 cases in UK today. Highest of the whole pandemic. Omicron piled on top of existing flat delta numbers. Incredibly and easily transmissable. It's going to roar across the whole planet. Won't matter if it's milder, if the cases are way higher than other variants. Will hit the unvaccinated harder than any other variant.
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Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
Do we know that Omicron is more dangerous, or is it just speculation so far?

I mean the cases are higher here in Canada but we're not seeing the daily death count rise dramatically. It seems to me they're not even sure yet if this thing is more deadly. If it really is more contagious and more resistant to existing vaccines because of mutations, then technically that would make it deadlier. It's just not clear how much real world damage it will cause.
We don't really know yet. It may end up being finally 'just the flu, bro'. Signs point to this being the case but the problem is by the time we get a solid answer, if it is as deadly as the other variants we will be screwed, hence the seeming over-reaction by governments currently.


We don't really know yet. It may end up being finally 'just the flu, bro'. Signs point to this being the case but the problem is by the time we get a solid answer, if it is as deadly as the other variants we will be screwed, hence the seeming over-reaction by governments currently.
Everything points to Omnikron being just as deadly .. but 3 times faster spreading and evading vaccines .. so no , the world is not overreacting. Even in Soyth Africa dead’s are climbing , it’s just that Africa has a young population.
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seeing hospitalisations increase in the UK
Nothing to see here , you can go back your pubs ? At least you had a couple of weeks of fun 🤣 This was always the outcome in winter with these retarded governments? Freedom day and no measures! The Netherlands included .
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78000 cases in UK today. Highest of the whole pandemic. Omicron piled on top of existing flat delta numbers. Incredibly and easily transmissable. It's going to roar across the whole planet. Won't matter if it's milder, if the cases are way higher than other variants. Will hit the unvaccinated harder than any other variant.
Yes , and the next version piles up on this one , and so on and on .. time to change how we life .
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