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Covid 19 Thread: [no bitching about masks of Fauci edition]


Gold Member
Do we know that Omicron is more dangerous, or is it just speculation so far?

I mean the cases are higher here in Canada but we're not seeing the daily death count rise dramatically. It seems to me they're not even sure yet if this thing is more deadly. If it really is more contagious and more resistant to existing vaccines because of mutations, then technically that would make it deadlier. It's just not clear how much real world damage it will cause.

Early data suggests it's less deadly, just way more contagious. I would expect a few more weeks to pass before there's a definitive answer.


Yes , and the next version piles up on this one , and so on and on .. time to change how we life .

Jesus Christ. You’re always a ray of sunshine, aren’t you? Maybe go chug a pint of Prozac?

We’re in a global pandemic. And like every other global pandemic, it’ll eventually get better.
If it wasn't for the news and government bs you wouldn't even know we were in a pandemic.

ignorance is bliss yes, we would have gone through hundreds of epidemics/pandemics in our evolution and not known about them because we just didn't have the technology to figure out that's what they were...but we probably would have been affected by them on a local/familial level
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If it wasn't for the news and government bs you wouldn't even know we were in a pandemic.
That's because vaccines have allowed us to live with the virus until now. You can look at what is happening in Russia for an example of what happens when you don't take effective mitigations.
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Video: Deep data dive: Is Omicron the end of the pandemic? (12/15/21)
00:00 - 01:05 - Introduction
01:05 - 02:47 - Is the Omicron wave peaking in Guateng?
02:47 - 05:14 - What explanation is there for Omicron slowing down in South Africa?
05:14 - 07:41 - What about Omicron hospitalisations in Guateng?
07:41 - 10:18 - How can Pieter Streicher be confident in his predictions when other analysts say different?
10:18 - 15:09 - Are scientific advisers and politicians in the UK being too negative about Omicron?
15:09 - 20:49 - Pieter’s predictions and Delta vs Omicron
20:49 - 24:33 - Dying ‘with’ vs ‘from’ COVID
24:33 - 28:27 - Is Omicron ‘the end of the pandemic’?
28:27 - 29:12 - Concluding thoughts

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Well, if UK is at 70k today and it's doubling every 2-3 days, by New Years we'll be hitting 2.4 million infections per day (unless my Maths is totally screwed?). I'd imagine we won't hit that as society would begin to break down (medical professions going off sick, postal service failing etc) and / or the testing service won't be able to cope with those numbers.

Better hope they're wrong about this, or that a large % of individuals change behaviour to slow down the spread.

The mass booster vaccinations won't really take the edge off the numbers until New Year, 'cos they take 2 weeks to have an effect?

If 4 million people catch omicron between now and New Year (which is what approx the daily figures added together would come to) and 1% of those end up in hospital (a % plucked outta thin air), that's 40,000 people in hospital between now and Mid January.

Sobering numbers.....


Well, if UK is at 70k today and it's doubling every 2-3 days, by New Years we'll be hitting 2.4 million infections per day (unless my Maths is totally screwed?). I'd imagine we won't hit that as society would begin to break down (medical professions going off sick, postal service failing etc) and / or the testing service won't be able to cope with those numbers.

Better hope they're wrong about this, or that a large % of individuals change behaviour to slow down the spread.

The mass booster vaccinations won't really take the edge off the numbers until New Year, 'cos they take 2 weeks to have an effect?

If 4 million people catch omicron between now and New Year (which is what approx the daily figures added together would come to) and 1% of those end up in hospital (a % plucked outta thin air), that's 40,000 people in hospital between now and Mid January.

Sobering numbers.....
Yes , and that’s why they are panicking and introducing measures.. but let’s not forget , it’s just flu bro 😎 anyway mitigation, which UK now has , should start to give an effect in about 2 weeks.
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Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
If it wasn't for the news and government bs you wouldn't even know we were in a pandemic.

Except for all of the dead people. And overwhelmed healthcare systems, numerous times. And the workforce and supply chain issues thanks to the fluctuating nature of the pandemic. The world would be in an excessively terrible state if not for the vaccines and continued / renewed public health measures when needed.


CliffyB's Cock Holster
Yes , and that’s why they are panicking and introducing measures.. but let’s not forget , it’s just flu bro 😎 anyway mitigation, which UK now has , should start to give an effect in about 2 weeks.

Yeah, yeah, yeah... Look at the South African experience. You know the place where the strain first gained dominance and became endemic. Do you think that population were better prepared with multiple vaccine doses and heavy social-control protocols in place? And that being the case, the impact has proven to be almost negligable in terms of impact on the medical sector?


“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
If it wasn't for the news and government bs you wouldn't even know we were in a pandemic.
This might be the stupidest thing said in this thread in months. You think people wouldn't notice the hospitals being packed? The friends, neighbors, or co-workers getting sick? The hundreds of thousands of deaths?

Fucking hell.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
A study of the impact of national face mask laws on Covid-19 mortality in 44 countries with a combined population of nearly a billion people found that over time the increase in Covid-19 related deaths was significantly slower in countries that imposed mask laws compared to countries that did not:

According to doctors, the omicron variant is basically a common cold. Where I live, 90% of the population has been double vaccinated and mask mandate has been in effect for 2 straight years.....numbers going up rapidly by the day. The thing is, if they just reported how many of that number were in the hospital, it would be a different reaction. It was just over 1800 cases today, but, if 1700 were sitting at home recovering just fine....it puts a whole other perspective on the situation. People will freak out at 1800 cases.....people will not freak out if 100 were in the hospital. I am not a conspiracy theorist (though I do like reading them out of interest) and I am not anti-vax, but, the way they have gone about this whole thing is ridiculous. They go on tv and 'urge' people to not travel internationally....all the while leaving the airports open. What do they think people will do? The government here got word of the delta before it made it's way over....yet, do you think they stopped flights? Nah. They didn't hesitate to lose their minds over it, though. They also put in these rules like 6 feet apart and at the time, you were only allowed no more than a gathering of 5 people, while the same government threatening people with fines if they didn't listen all participated in a gathering with thousands of people to mourn a family that got (sadly) run over by some buffoon. So, wait, I can't have more than 5 people around me, but, they can stand shoulder to shoulder with thousands of strangers? Wow, cool.

I remember when we got vaccines as kids and then never spoke of those diseases ever again. This BS right now, yikes, what the hell is this already having boosters and vaccines that don't even prevent the disease..... Don't get me wrong, I am grateful it is supposed to lesson the symptoms if you do get it, but, ffs. A doctor today said in 2022, everyone is going to get omicron, they just might not know it because it's not even that bad. Lets panic about a variant that isn't anything more than our average cold?


A study of the impact of national face mask laws on Covid-19 mortality in 44 countries with a combined population of nearly a billion people found that over time the increase in Covid-19 related deaths was significantly slower in countries that imposed mask laws compared to countries that did not:

You don’t need math for this 🤣 but people need to have it explained.. yet there are still people shouting , masks don’t work ..


Yeah, yeah, yeah... Look at the South African experience. You know the place where the strain first gained dominance and became endemic. Do you think that population were better prepared with multiple vaccine doses and heavy social-control protocols in place? And that being the case, the impact has proven to be almost negligable in terms of impact on the medical sector?
Yeah yeah yeah . South Africa and Africa in general has a young population, please understand , also size of your country and population of areas plays a role .. so density’s of areas/population, please explain.

You cant take SA and directly compare it to your country / area.

the more cases you have with this virus , the more deads.
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Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
A new study from the University of Hong Kong offers preliminary information that could explain why this new coronavirus variant may be more transmissible.

The omicron variant multiplies about 70 times faster inside human respiratory tract tissue than the delta variant does, scientists at the University of Hong Kong report. The variant reaches also higher levels in the tissue, compared to delta, 48 hours after infection.

"That's amazing," says immunologist Wilfredo Garcia-Beltran, who's a fellow at the Ragon Institute of Massachusetts General Hospital and wasn't involved in the study. This finding indicates that mutations in omicron have sped up the process of entering or replicating (or both) inside the tissue.


"More infectious than delta is not good, particularly if you do not have immunity!" Veldhoen adds. "Without fast immunity, the virus can quickly disseminate from the bronchia to the lungs and other organs and do some serious damage!"


A new study from the University of Hong Kong offers preliminary information that could explain why this new coronavirus variant may be more transmissible.

Doesn’t sound to good .. and the scientist is amazed .. never underestimate your enemies.

anyway all signals are red in my head , as soon as I can I’ll get a booster .. sadly . We are not really pro medication , I don’t have many hospitalization in my life . Only thing I take once a year, is paracetamol.
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Yeah, yeah, yeah... Look at the South African experience. You know the place where the strain first gained dominance and became endemic. Do you think that population were better prepared with multiple vaccine doses and heavy social-control protocols in place? And that being the case, the impact has proven to be almost negligable in terms of impact on the medical sector?
The Delta experience in the UK is already very different to the Delta experience with SA. We can't just assume Omicron will behave the same everywhere.


If it wasn't for the news and government bs you wouldn't even know we were in a pandemic.

Let me guess… you think all the data about deaths from covid is a lie, don’t you?

You think covid is a hoax perpetrated by governments in order to control the populace, don’t you?

You think covid is no worse than a mild flu, and we’re in a vast conspiracy, don’t you?

Because believing those things is the only way you could say something as aggressively stupid as this, and mean it.
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CliffyB's Cock Holster
The Delta experience in the UK is already very different to the Delta experience with SA. We can't just assume Omicron will behave the same everywhere.

How much of that is the way the data is reported though. The UK has an older population, meaning that under any normal circumstance more people will die every week (especially in Winter) due to their age and the morbidities it brings. Given that the criteria for a "Covid death" are a positive test within 3 weeks of demise you can see how the numbers could end up inflated in that cohort.

The reality is that new variants could evolve anywhere in the world at any time, and especially given the way the developed world has received a disproportionate amount of vaccination support its far more likely than not to be in places like Africa. So looking to places like SA for evidence is pretty much as good data as its likely to get.


How much of that is the way the data is reported though. The UK has an older population, meaning that under any normal circumstance more people will die every week (especially in Winter) due to their age and the morbidities it brings. Given that the criteria for a "Covid death" are a positive test within 3 weeks of demise you can see how the numbers could end up inflated in that cohort.

The reality is that new variants could evolve anywhere in the world at any time, and especially given the way the developed world has received a disproportionate amount of vaccination support its far more likely than not to be in places like Africa. So looking to places like SA for evidence is pretty much as good data as its likely to get.
I am more referring to the fact that Delta cases have been consistently high in the UK for months and were increasing even before Omicron, where as Delta burnt out very quickly in SA. So it could be that there are more potential carriers in the UK. Also the healthcare system will have to cope with Delta + Omicron in the short term, and an older population means a potentially higher hospitalisation rate.


Gold Member
A new study from the University of Hong Kong offers preliminary information that could explain why this new coronavirus variant may be more transmissible.

You left out the important bit, which is that it replicates 10 less in lungs, hence less severe outcomes


Their study also showed that the Omicron infection in the lung is significantly lower than the original SARS-CoV-2, which may be an indicator of lower disease severity.

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R rate for Omicron in the UK is currently 3-5 - that's insane.

I was meant to fly to the US on the 27th to see my girlfriend. Is it a matter of time until the US shuts the border to the UK again? I'm not sure if I should delay my trip until, say, late January or something.

I just want this to be over, man.


R rate for Omicron in the UK is currently 3-5 - that's insane.

I was meant to fly to the US on the 27th to see my girlfriend. Is it a matter of time until the US shuts the border to the UK again? I'm not sure if I should delay my trip until, say, late January or something.

I just want this to be over, man.

The US will have it just as bad within days.


According to doctors, the omicron variant is basically a common cold. Where I live, 90% of the population has been double vaccinated and mask mandate has been in effect for 2 straight years.....numbers going up rapidly by the day. The thing is, if they just reported how many of that number were in the hospital, it would be a different reaction. It was just over 1800 cases today, but, if 1700 were sitting at home recovering just fine....it puts a whole other perspective on the situation. People will freak out at 1800 cases.....people will not freak out if 100 were in the hospital. I am not a conspiracy theorist (though I do like reading them out of interest) and I am not anti-vax, but, the way they have gone about this whole thing is ridiculous. They go on tv and 'urge' people to not travel internationally....all the while leaving the airports open. What do they think people will do? The government here got word of the delta before it made it's way over....yet, do you think they stopped flights? Nah. They didn't hesitate to lose their minds over it, though. They also put in these rules like 6 feet apart and at the time, you were only allowed no more than a gathering of 5 people, while the same government threatening people with fines if they didn't listen all participated in a gathering with thousands of people to mourn a family that got (sadly) run over by some buffoon. So, wait, I can't have more than 5 people around me, but, they can stand shoulder to shoulder with thousands of strangers? Wow, cool.

I remember when we got vaccines as kids and then never spoke of those diseases ever again. This BS right now, yikes, what the hell is this already having boosters and vaccines that don't even prevent the disease..... Don't get me wrong, I am grateful it is supposed to lesson the symptoms if you do get it, but, ffs. A doctor today said in 2022, everyone is going to get omicron, they just might not know it because it's not even that bad. Lets panic about a variant that isn't anything more than our average cold?
It's too early to say whether Omicron is going to be as severe as Delta, Alpha, Beta etc. You can't at this point hand wave it away and state it's "basically a common cold". Hospital admissions in the UK are already climbing, they have also been climbing in South Africa. I've never heard of anyone going to hospital due to a common cold, so I'm going to assume Omicron is worse than a common cold and would be happy to be proved otherwise as more data comes in on who is being admitted to hospital, their variant, vaccination status and their ages etc.

Your criticism of the vaccine is based on the fact that current vaccines are for the original Wuhan strain and not tweaked for the Omicron or other strains that have evolved since. For the original strain they did a good job of preventing disease.
It's too early to say whether Omicron is going to be as severe as Delta, Alpha, Beta etc. You can't at this point hand wave it away and state it's "basically a common cold". Hospital admissions in the UK are already climbing, they have also been climbing in South Africa. I've never heard of anyone going to hospital due to a common cold, so I'm going to assume Omicron is worse than a common cold and would be happy to be proved otherwise as more data comes in on who is being admitted to hospital, their variant, vaccination status and their ages etc.

Your criticism of the vaccine is based on the fact that current vaccines are for the original Wuhan strain and not tweaked for the Omicron or other strains that have evolved since. For the original strain they did a good job of preventing disease.

Just repeating what the doctors are saying here, they said Delta is worse and omicron would be nothing more than a common cold. This is from them already doing studies on samples they’ve gotten. The media does tend to exhibit fear in their reporting. I’d just really prefer to hear the hospital numbers, as opposed to how many cases there are, it puts a different perspective on everything.


Rodent Whores
I remember when we got vaccines as kids and then never spoke of those diseases ever again. This BS right now, yikes, what the hell is this already having boosters and vaccines that don't even prevent the disease..... Don't get me wrong, I am grateful it is supposed to lesson the symptoms if you do get it, but, ffs. A doctor today said in 2022, everyone is going to get omicron, they just might not know it because it's not even that bad. Lets panic about a variant that isn't anything more than our average cold?
There's a reason you never spoke of those diseases again - The vaccination campaign for those diseases has already been going on for decades. Those diseases are not a practical threat to most of us anymore because of our long history of vaccines, and the current mandates that make sure all new humans get vaccinated too. The key difference with SARSCOV2 is that this is a new disease, and we are only one year in to our vaccination campaign. Most of the world is 80%+ vaccinated against diseases like measles. Only 47% of the world is vaccinated against SARSCOV2. That makes a huge difference in the ability for SARSCOV2 to spread and multiply, which is why it's still so hard to contain.

It is not true that "the boosters and vaccines don't even prevent the disease". They reduce transmission and infection rates, so they do prevent the disease. They just don't prevent them 100%. However, this is how all vaccines work, even the ones you got as kids. As I mentioned earlier, the vaccination rate for those terrible old diseases is very high worldwide, which is why they are much more effective in total. If we could wave a magic wand and make 99% of the world vaccinated against SARSCOV2 right now, case numbers would go down by a lot.

This variant still has a lot of unknowns, and we don't have enough information to say that it isn't anything more than our average cold. What we do know is that COVID19 is responsible for 800,000 deaths in the USA alone to date, and that this is a health and national security issues that should be taken seriously until we know we have it under control.

Yes, for the majority of the people, it's not even that bad. Yes, a lot of people might not know they even have it. However, it is bad enough that over a large population, it becomes one of the leading causes of death last year and this year. Risk odds applied to an individual are assessed differently than that applied to a large population. 800,000 dead in the USA.

Think of it this way - there's a 1% chance you're going to die. Personally, you may not think it's that likely so you might not take it very seriously.

Now think of this - you and 99 of your friends and family. Apply that 1% chance to this group. Statistically one of you is certain to die. Are you okay with those odds now?


France bans people from UK.

Current seven day average cases: UK: 57,000. France: 50,000.

Current seven day average hospitalisations: UK: 895. France: 2362.

Current seven day average deaths: UK: 115. France: 135.

Fuck off Macron, you absolute cunt :ROFLMAO:


You left out the important bit, which is that it replicates 10 less in lungs, hence less severe outcomes


Their study also showed that the Omicron infection in the lung is significantly lower than the original SARS-CoV-2, which may be an indicator of lower disease severity.

But on the flip side infects more .. so can cause more deaths .. it’s how you look at less severe ..


France bans people from UK.

Current seven day average cases: UK: 57,000. France: 50,000.

Current seven day average hospitalisations: UK: 895. France: 2362.

Current seven day average deaths: UK: 115. France: 135.

Fuck off Macron, you absolute cunt :ROFLMAO:
Dude UK has 80k that they caught .. everyone knows that’s only a small percentage.. the price you pay for the great freedom day 🤡 was a brilliant decision. At least you guys had great fun ! Now buckle up and take it like a man!
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Gold Member
Just repeating what the doctors are saying here, they said Delta is worse and omicron would be nothing more than a common cold. This is from them already doing studies on samples they’ve gotten. The media does tend to exhibit fear in their reporting. I’d just really prefer to hear the hospital numbers, as opposed to how many cases there are, it puts a different perspective on everything.

How dare you argue with the scientists in this thread.
There's a reason you never spoke of those diseases again - The vaccination campaign for those diseases has already been going on for decades. Those diseases are not a practical threat to most of us anymore because of our long history of vaccines, and the current mandates that make sure all new humans get vaccinated too. The key difference with SARSCOV2 is that this is a new disease, and we are only one year in to our vaccination campaign. Most of the world is 80%+ vaccinated against diseases like measles. Only 47% of the world is vaccinated against SARSCOV2. That makes a huge difference in the ability for SARSCOV2 to spread and multiply, which is why it's still so hard to contain.

It is not true that "the boosters and vaccines don't even prevent the disease". They reduce transmission and infection rates, so they do prevent the disease. They just don't prevent them 100%. However, this is how all vaccines work, even the ones you got as kids. As I mentioned earlier, the vaccination rate for those terrible old diseases is very high worldwide, which is why they are much more effective in total. If we could wave a magic wand and make 99% of the world vaccinated against SARSCOV2 right now, case numbers would go down by a lot.

This variant still has a lot of unknowns, and we don't have enough information to say that it isn't anything more than our average cold. What we do know is that COVID19 is responsible for 800,000 deaths in the USA alone to date, and that this is a health and national security issues that should be taken seriously until we know we have it under control.

Yes, for the majority of the people, it's not even that bad. Yes, a lot of people might not know they even have it. However, it is bad enough that over a large population, it becomes one of the leading causes of death last year and this year. Risk odds applied to an individual are assessed differently than that applied to a large population. 800,000 dead in the USA.

Think of it this way - there's a 1% chance you're going to die. Personally, you may not think it's that likely so you might not take it very seriously.

Now think of this - you and 99 of your friends and family. Apply that 1% chance to this group. Statistically one of you is certain to die. Are you okay with those odds now?

i am not disagreeing with your thoughts, there are just some things that I don’t agree with in which the government and doctors are doing because they make no sense, but, I think that falls in to the political part of things and I see it’s not allowed to be discussed here (which I think is a good thing because that conversation always gets ugly)

Coronavirus is not new, I understand there are different strains, just seems like maybe they should know a little more about it than they are letting on.

Obviously this is all just speculation from an average person with no behind the scenes knowledge, just judging from the outside. My grandpa is 91 years old, he got covid when he was 90 and he did not have a hard time with it. I know some people who are young who struggled and a few friends of friends who passed away. It definitely is a guessing game based on people’s own bodies and how it reacts.

I just wish good health to all and can’t wait for us to get over this and get to live normal life again.


Rodent Whores
i am not disagreeing with your thoughts, there are just some things that I don’t agree with in which the government and doctors are doing because they make no sense
What, specifically, doesn't make sense? I can help to clarify.

Obviously this is all just speculation from an average person with no behind the scenes knowledge, just judging from the outside. My grandpa is 91 years old, he got covid when he was 90 and he did not have a hard time with it. I know some people who are young who struggled and a few friends of friends who passed away. It definitely is a guessing game based on people’s own bodies and how it reacts.
Anecdotal stories are not useful to get an accurate sense of how this disease affects a population.

I just wish good health to all and can’t wait for us to get over this and get to live normal life again.
So do I. Hang in there.
What, specifically, doesn't make sense? I can help to clarify.

Anecdotal stories are not useful to get an accurate sense of how this disease affects a population.

So do I. Hang in there.

I hope this doesn’t fall in to the forbidden talk, if so, apologies.

I am confused on the mask mandate as we have had it for two years and the numbers are going up.

I am confused on the idea that the airports don’t temporarily shut down to prevent it from travelling overseas and it’s just being encouraged to not go anywhere…which didn’t work the first time, not sure why they think people will listen this time.

Government and even the top doctors doing the very things they tell us not to do.

These are probably basic things, I’m in a bit of a rush to get back to work, so, I’m probably forgetting things lol I might have to revisit this thread later with more.
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