First of all, let's go over what was already covered. You said you don't disagree with my thoughts, so does that mean I changed your mind on those topics? Does that mean that you understand the differences between the vaccines we got as a kid and the new ones now? Do you agree that all vaccines and boosters actually do help to prevent disease? Do you agree that while a 1% death rate might not sound so bad, it actually is really bad in reality?
Just because the numbers still go up doesn't mean it doesn't work. A mask mandate is only as good as the ability for the populace to follow instructions. There is lots of data that shows masks do work to help prevent transmission of disease. This is why masks have been used in the medical field since forever. Just because something doesn't work 100% doesn't mean it doesn't work at all. Without masks, the numbers would probably be going even higher. Masks are just one part of a multi-pronged approach to disease mitigation.
In terms of mandates, that's a little different than the masks itself. Japan has no mandate at all, but mask use is near universal because they understand that it works and they have a social responsibility to keep each other safe. Other countries might have a mandate but still have less mask adoption than Japan since those other countries might have less compliant or less responsible citizenry.
I'm not sure what you mean by this. Please rephrase.
First of all, let's go over what was already covered. You said you don't disagree with my thoughts, so does that mean I changed your mind on those topics? Does that mean that you understand the differences between the vaccines we got as a kid and the new ones now? Do you agree that all vaccines and boosters actually do help to prevent disease? Do you agree that while a 1% death rate might not sound so bad, it actually is really bad in reality?
Just because the numbers still go up doesn't mean it doesn't work. A mask mandate is only as good as the ability for the populace to follow instructions. There is lots of data that shows masks do work to help prevent transmission of disease. This is why masks have been used in the medical field since forever. Just because something doesn't work 100% doesn't mean it doesn't work at all. Without masks, the numbers would probably be going even higher. Masks are just one part of a multi-pronged approach to disease mitigation.
In terms of mandates, that's a little different than the masks itself. Japan has no mandate at all, but mask use is near universal because they understand that it works and they have a social responsibility to keep each other safe. Other countries might have a mandate but still have less mask adoption than Japan since those other countries might have less compliant or less responsible citizenry.
I'm not sure what you mean by this. Please rephrase.
Hey, sorry, I wasn't being completely clear due to having to move my booty to reply and get back to work, so, I apologize for that.
1. I don't disagree with all of your points, is what I should have clarified. Your first 2 paragraphs, I can understand that point of view and it makes sense to me explained with that info as I didn't think of those other points that you made, so, that cleared my mind on that part. When it comes to the 1% part of it, sure, it can take on a whole new meaning when you start to shrink the total number. I am just going by the bigger number, which obviously doesn't make it seem as bad. Not saying it isn't awful in any way, it's horrible that people are dying from it, but, a part of me also believes that not all the deaths being recorded as covid deaths are actually covid deaths.
2. With the mask mandate, aren't the N95s supposed to be the proper ones? Kind of a side note of a question, just inquiring. Anyway, from my experience going out in public, I never see people not wearing a mask. It's a bylaw and there are fines of various amounts, depending on where you are. I am originally from the United States, but, live in Canada. I was in my hometown in the US over the weekend and saw people freely not wearing masks. Not a whole bunch, about a handful. Where I am in Canada, that just isn't something I see at all. The thought then actually came to me afterwards that, as a sports fan, I obviously watch games and people are shoulder to shoulder at games not wearing masks at all. That probably explains the surge. When sports had no crowds (US got crowds before Canada), the numbers were so much lower. I guess I may have responded to my own thoughts on this subject lol
3. Near the beginning of covid, the Canadian government was 'urging' people not to travel to other parts of the world. They repeated themselves day in and day out. They didn't shut down any airports or anything, so, people just didn't care and continued to travel. We are now here again with the government 'urging' people not to travel, which didn't work the first time around when they did it, so, not too sure why they think people will just say 'okay' and not travel. People want to travel, they're gonna do it, no matter what the government says. If they really felt as strongly about travel as they appear to in front of the cameras, I think they would do a little more than 'pretty please don't travel'. This is non-essential travel.
4. A few doctors got caught going on vacations while everyone was told that we couldn't do such things. I think I said this in another post, my memory is bad, so, sorry if I repeating myself, but, the government at the time of the incident I am about to share had restrictions in place where we were not allowed to have a gathering of more than 5 people and we must keep our 6 feet distance. A family was run over (purposely) by a man and a vigil was held where both our Prime Minister and our premier attended, standing by side with thousands of people. The same people who are on tv every single day at the time telling us what we can and can't do are doing those very things. Those are some examples.
This is a great conversation and just wanted to say cheers for the maturity. I have seen a lot of these conversations go south, it's good to see people being able to engage without being twats.
I am not sure why it quoted you twice, I only hit the reply button one time, not gonna try to remove it, though, cuz it would probably mess it all up lol.