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Covid 19 Thread: [no bitching about masks of Fauci edition]


Reality is indeed sad and bitter.

Especially when these people tell you others are selfish for not getting vaccinated, in your face, while you've worked 18 months in the province's worst COVID spot, while they were eating chips at home

Such courageous people
What's your opposition to taking the jab? Are you waiting for more research? Qualms against its effectiveness?

You're totally in your right not to take it, of course, and I'll defend your right not to be forced to take it - I'm just curious.


Rodent Whores
I tried to explain that I am still contagious even with the vaccine
Possibly, but on average you will be less contagious than an unvaccinated person, and you will clear the virus faster.
that I respect his choice as long as she respect mine.
False equivalence. Your choice puts other people at risk. Your relative's choice makes you feel inconvenienced. Not the same at all.
It is only there to avoid serious effects
That's not correct. It not only mitigates severe illness and death, but it also cuts down the transmission rate so that less people overall get infected.
because I am 31 years old, athletic, healthy and pay close attention to barrier gestures I don't feel the need to do so.
Your health is a positive factor, yes, but that doesn't give you immunity from the virus, and it doesn't mean you don't need a vaccination. You still do. Not just for you, but for the people you come into contact with.
It is my responsibility and my right, the day a real vaccine is created, something that can stop the spread (we can dream) I am the first to be vaccinated, by then, I'll live without it.
Good news, we created a real vaccine, so go be the first to get vaccinated.
This is the word we are creating.
This is the world you are creating in your head. Realize that you are making choices on bad information, and go get vaccinated and spend quality time with your family.
Good news, we created a real vaccine, so go be the first to get vaccinated.
The one that requires you get shot after shot? And has % for each and every new variant? And also requires additional check for travel?
This is the word we are creating.
The fascinating thing is that the world will split across multiple clusters where one rules are stricter (especially in Europe, but they in general like neue ordnung there) and there are less restrictions. Some places will require citizens to get shot after shot, wear mask and get the health checks (of course not for free) or they won't allow for example to access various activities unless remote or something because you are "dangerous" element to the society. Some places will be more relaxed with that. And all of them will function just fine in their own realms.

I mean in Russia for example there is less than 50% is vaccinated. Does anybody expect more than half a population of unvaciinated people suddenly to lose access to some facilities in the country or travel? And the society will have to function.

How many shots did they have?
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This model is already wrong.



Reality is indeed sad and bitter.

Especially when these people tell you others are selfish for not getting vaccinated, in your face, while you've worked 18 months in the province's worst COVID spot, while they were eating chips at home

Such courageous people

If you worked in a covid hotspot without getting vaccinated, thus increasing your chances of spreading it… congratulations! That makes you even more of a selfish asshole.
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“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
I just got canceled from my family Christmas dinner by my aunt because I'm not vaccinated.
Everyone will do a test that day and I agreed to do one as well of course, but no she is "not comfortable with the idea that I am not vaccinated".
My mother, my sister and my grandmother (who accept my choice) wanted to call her to try to make her listen to reason but I told them to give up, as it will only create problems and more debates.

I tried to explain that I am still contagious even with the vaccine, that I respect his choice as long as she respect mine. It is only there to avoid serious effects and because I am 31 years old, athletic, healthy and pay close attention to barrier gestures I don't feel the need to do so.
It is my responsibility and my right, the day a real vaccine is created, something that can stop the spread (we can dream) I am the first to be vaccinated, by then, I'll live without it.

This is the word we are creating.
Or you could have just gone to your local pharmacy or grocery store and gotten the free and safe vaccine months ago and you wouldn't have had any issues.

You are in a world that you created for yourself with that decision. It's not the worlds fault you refused to get vaccinated.
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Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
This is how real vaccines work, so yes.
Children should receive five doses of the DTaP vaccine according to the following schedule:

One dose at 2 months of age
One dose at 4 months of age
One dose at 6 months of age
One dose at 15 to 18 months of age
One dose at 4 to 6 years of age

Followed by a booster TDaP vaccine at 11, followed by a booster every 10 years, plus a shot for pregnant women and anyone who is going to be in close contact with newborns.


Tag, you're it.
You're creating this world by being a selfish fool, who won’t go and spend thirty seconds of their life getting a safe and effective vaccine. Grow up, man up, and do something that helps other people, and not just think of yourself.

Also, stop being lazy, and get off social media. Look for the facts, not the facts you want to believe.
Na I'm not selfish, as I said I agree to do a test and this should resolve the problem. I'm positive? Fine I don't come. I'm negative? That's perfect, let's celebrate Christmas !
I live in a small town, don't take public transport, I'm very careful with barrier gestures and I don't see 500 persons a day. If I don't want to take the vaccine it's MY choice.
This real vaccine can have serious side effects and YES I saw it directly with one of my best friends AND my mother who were vaccinated as soon as they could. Now they will not get the next shot anymore because of the side effect, my mother was even hospitalized for 5 days because of it like... WTF
The world we are creating is one in which people listen to Facebook posts from disinformation media and Youtube videos from fringe nutjobs instead of doing the right thing for themselves, their family, and society. The real vaccines already exist. You're not a victim. Go get vaccinated.
I don't look for my information on Facebook (which I haven't launched in a few months) or Youtube. Please don't make assumptions like this I think we can agree to be a little smarter than that.
Anyway, it shouldn't be a problem if I'm the only one not vaccinated because everyone else isn't at risk, right? I mean, if it's a real vaccine, they risk absolutely NOTHING, right?
Conversely, if they risk anything, why would I go and get vaccinated?
I'm not saying I'm a victim, I just want my choice to be respected, that's it.
Possibly, but on average you will be less contagious than an unvaccinated person, and you will clear the virus faster.

False equivalence. Your choice puts other people at risk. Your relative's choice makes you feel inconvenienced. Not the same at all.

That's not correct. It not only mitigates severe illness and death, but it also cuts down the transmission rate so that less people overall get infected.

Your health is a positive factor, yes, but that doesn't give you immunity from the virus, and it doesn't mean you don't need a vaccination. You still do. Not just for you, but for the people you come into contact with.

Good news, we created a real vaccine, so go be the first to get vaccinated.

This is the world you are creating in your head. Realize that you are making choices on bad information, and go get vaccinated and spend quality time with your family.
Same as above: if it's a real vaccine then the other people with me shouldn't risk anything but yet here we are...
Or you could have just gone to your local pharmacy or grocery store and gotten the free and safe vaccine months ago and you wouldn't have had any issues.

You are in a world that you created for yourself with that decision. It's not the worlds fault you refused to get vaccinated.
It's other people who create problems, not me. The vaccine is NOT compulsory. I do a test and that's it. We don't need to stray from each other's POV because we all live differently, with a different perspective on different countries.

Now let me be clear, if I was in contact with a lot of people, or in a big city with hundreds of people a day, I will do this vaccine.
People at risk must be vaccinated as well as those over 60 years old, this I 100% agree. But me, at 31 years old? Nah I'm fine thanks.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
I think we can agree to be a little smarter than that.
Anyway, it shouldn't be a problem if I'm the only one not vaccinated because everyone else isn't at risk, right? I mean, if it's a real vaccine, they risk absolutely NOTHING, right?
Conversely, if they risk anything, why would I go and get vaccinated?
I'm not saying I'm a victim, I just want my choice to be respected, that's it.
You can't force others to take you seriously, to view you as intelligent, or to respect you. Your words and actions inform the conclusions of the people around you.


Na I'm not selfish, as I said I agree to do a test and this should resolve the problem. I'm positive? Fine I don't come. I'm negative? That's perfect, let's celebrate Christmas !
I live in a small town, don't take public transport, I'm very careful with barrier gestures and I don't see 500 persons a day. If I don't want to take the vaccine it's MY choice.
This real vaccine can have serious side effects and YES I saw it directly with one of my best friends AND my mother who were vaccinated as soon as they could. Now they will not get the next shot anymore because of the side effect, my mother was even hospitalized for 5 days because of it like... WTF

I don't look for my information on Facebook (which I haven't launched in a few months) or Youtube. Please don't make assumptions like this I think we can agree to be a little smarter than that.
Anyway, it shouldn't be a problem if I'm the only one not vaccinated because everyone else isn't at risk, right? I mean, if it's a real vaccine, they risk absolutely NOTHING, right?
Conversely, if they risk anything, why would I go and get vaccinated?
I'm not saying I'm a victim, I just want my choice to be respected, that's it.

Same as above: if it's a real vaccine then the other people with me shouldn't risk anything but yet here we are...

It's other people who create problems, not me. The vaccine is NOT compulsory. I do a test and that's it. We don't need to stray from each other's POV because we all live differently, with a different perspective on different countries.

Now let me be clear, if I was in contact with a lot of people, or in a big city with hundreds of people a day, I will do this vaccine.
People at risk must be vaccinated as well as those over 60 years old, this I 100% agree. But me, at 31 years old? Nah I'm fine thanks.

I think that you might think these replies make you sound intelligent, and like you've got a good handle on this topic.

They sadly do the exact opposite.

You fundamentally lack understanding of how vaccines function to reduce the spread of disease.
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Tag, you're it.
You can't demand to be taken seriously, to be viewed as intelligent, or to be respected. Your words and actions inform the conclusions of the people around you.
Why? I explained my POV. You accept it or not, that's it. I'm not gonna call someone else stupid because this person don't share my point of view.
That would be stupid.
I think that you might think these replies make you sound intelligent, and like you've got a good handle on this topic.
Absolutely not mate, I'm just sharing my opinion.
Maybe I don't have all the card to fully understand everything (no, in fact this is a certitude because none of us can fully understand this situation) but at my level, in my little town, I'm just fine.


Rodent Whores
Same as above: if it's a real vaccine then the other people with me shouldn't risk anything but yet here we are...
That is incorrect.

A "real" vaccine works on the basis of herd immunity. Therefore, effectiveness is maximized when all eligible people are vaccinated.

Each unvaccinated person adds to the risk, so you are essentially putting everyone else at risk. They all got vaccinated, and so should you. Your anecdotal reasons for your hesitancy are not good reasons.


Absolutely not mate, I'm just sharing my opinion.
Maybe I don't have all the card to fully understand everything (no, in fact this is a certitude because none of us can fully understand this situation) but at my level, in my little town, I'm just fine.

Possibly, but a lot of us have a FAR better understanding of how vaccines function than you do.

You can't just say "well, you don't understand everything, so my opinion is as valid as yours" because that's an incredibly dumb thing to say. If you're being told you lack a basic understanding of a subject, shouldn't you want to better educate yourself? Or is it more important to you to take an opposing position to us, than it is to be correct or safe?
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Tag, you're it.
That is incorrect.

A "real" vaccine works on the basis of herd immunity. Therefore, effectiveness is maximized when all eligible people are vaccinated.

Each unvaccinated person adds to the risk, so you are essentially putting everyone else at risk. They all got vaccinated, and so should you. Your anecdotal reasons for your hesitancy are not good reasons.
Yep 100% agree, except this is not how the COVID vaccine is working:
There are two types of immunities: Natural immunity, and imposed immunity.
Natural immunity is almost perfect. It prevents disease, transmission, etc. The immunity imposed is inherently flawed.
It is even more so when it targets only part of the virus/variant.

Possibly, but a lot of us have a FAR better understanding of how vaccines function than you do.

You can't just say "well, you don't understand everything, so my opinion is as valid as yours" because that's an incredibly dumb thing to say.
Yeaaaah again, don't make assumption please.
But as you've stated yourself, you're from a little town.
Now you are looking super smart that's for sure.


Yeaaaah again, don't make assumption please.

I'm making assumptions on your understanding of how vaccines function from the literal things that you are saying in your posts.

And those things clearly demonstrate that you don't understand how they function.

Edit: okay, I've just seen your post above about natural immunity. You're a loon.

(...honestly lads, I don't know how I get myself caught up with this stuff... SMH)
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Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
Yep 100% agree, except this is not how the COVID vaccine is working:
There are two types of immunities: Natural immunity, and imposed immunity.
Natural immunity is almost perfect. It prevents disease, transmission, etc. The immunity imposed is inherently flawed.
It is even more so when it targets only part of the virus/variant.
This is so fundamentally wrong and couched in terms that make me believe that this is a religious belief.


Gold Member

"We found (omicron) to be markedly resistant to neutralization by serum not only from convalescent patients, but also from individuals vaccinated with one of the four widely used COVID-19 vaccines. Even serum from persons vaccinated and boosted with mRNA-based vaccines exhibited substantially diminished neutralizing activity against B.1.1.529," the study said.

Get ready for the 2022 lockdown and small business killshot.


Rodent Whores
Yep 100% agree
That's good.
except this is not how the COVID vaccine is working:
That's wrong.

There are two types of immunities: Natural immunity, and imposed immunity.
Your body only has one immune system. There are different ways to stimulate your immune system and generate an immune response. There are different tools that your body's immune system uses to fight disease, such as antibodies, T cells, B cells, etc. "Imposed immunity" is not a medical word.
Natural immunity is almost perfect. It prevents disease, transmission, etc. The immunity imposed is inherently flawed.
It is even more so when it targets only part of the virus/variant.
People who contract COVID can potentially contract it again after some time has passed. Both the vaccines and the actual SARSCOV2 virus stimulate an immune response in your body. One doesn't risk killing you, and the other does.

You are not adequately informed on how these vaccines work, and how our immune systems work.


Tag, you're it.

Ryan Reynolds Reaction GIF
So the vaccine has the same efficiency for the Omicron variant right? Spoiler: no it isn't.
Now what if we get another variant, and another one (which will happen) etc... and your vaccine is completely useless? Worst, what if this helped those variants to adapt to the "vaccine"?

Your body only has one immune system. There are different ways to stimulate your immune system and generate an immune response. There are different tools that your body's immune system uses to fight disease, such as antibodies, T cells, B cells, etc. "Imposed immunity" is not a medical word.

People who contract COVID can potentially contract it again after some time has passed. Both the vaccines and the actual SARSCOV2 virus stimulate an immune response in your body. One doesn't risk killing you, and the other does.

You are not adequately informed on how these vaccines work, and how our immune systems work.
Yeah I know my wording isn't good but you get the idea.

My point is: vaccinating people now, with a semi-effective vaccine IS a mistake. This can lead to the emergence of a stronger variant.


My point is: vaccinating people now, with a semi-effective vaccine IS a mistake. This can lead to the emergence of a stronger variant.

This is not how vaccines or diseases work. At all.

...go on... admit it... you're trolling now, aren't you? :ROFLMAO: No one can be this stupid!
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Rodent Whores
Yeah I know my wording isn't good but you get the idea.
No, I don't get your idea, and not only is your wording not good, but the information you are conveying is incorrect.

My point is: vaccinating people now, with a semi-effective vaccine IS a mistake. This can lead to the emergence of a stronger variant.
You are ignoring everything I just said, and not acknowledging any new information I just gave you. Please do so.

Vaccinating people now is not a mistake. It has already prevented millions of deaths. This is not a "semi-effective" vaccine. It is an effective vaccine because a much greater proportion of unvaccinated people get sick and die.

There is no basis to believe that vaccinations lead to a stronger variant.

You do not know what you are talking about.
Why? I explained my POV. You accept it or not, that's it. I'm not gonna call someone else stupid because this person don't share my point of view.
That would be stupid.
I don't know man, there are people out there who believe the earth is flat, scientology is legit, and smoking doesn't cause cancer. Like you, I might not call them stupid...but I'm sure as hell thinking it.


But it is how most of the anti-vax conspiracy theories work.

I can even pinpoint the anti-vaxxer he got this from: Luc Montagnier. A virologist in France who has been roundly disgraced by the medical community. He said vaccines cause variants. Disproved over and over again, but of course, the anti-vax brigade happily ignore all evidence that contradicts such a stupid and harmful position.


What's your opposition to taking the jab? Are you waiting for more research? Qualms against its effectiveness?

You're totally in your right not to take it, of course, and I'll defend your right not to be forced to take it - I'm just curious.
I've been forced to work into COVID units without a mask when the shit hit the fans early 2020. Never caught it, not once

I get tested 3 times a week for it at work, I'll know if I get it, contrary to the vaccinated personnel who aren't tested at all.

But hey, they're the ones protecting the patients by being vaccinated ;)


If you worked in a covid hotspot without getting vaccinated, thus increasing your chances of spreading it… congratulations! That makes you even more of a selfish asshole.
1. There wasn't vaccines back then. You were all busy hiding at home while we were in hell.

2. I'm tested three times a week, the vaccinated personnel isn't. Guess who's less of a danger.

Clue, all recent eclosions have been from vaccinated personnel recently. I wonder why 🤷
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“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
It's other people who create problems, not me.
So basically "It's everyone else's fault. Not mine." coming from the person who is refusing to get a safe and proven vaccine, but still wants to complain about how his own refusal to get said vaccine is causing problems in their life.



Tag, you're it.
...go on... admit it... you're trolling now, aren't you? :ROFLMAO: No one can be this stupid!
Maybe? Read my previous post where I agree that people at risk, and older than 60 years should get vaccinated and you'll get your answer.
Once again I am not against the vaccine, I am against people acting like the vaccine is somehow the solution to every problem we have right now.
This is not the case, or we would have seen an improvement since then especially in countries like France (where I live) where more than 90% of the population is vaccinated.
Yet we are registering records numbers, they still talk about lockdown, quarantine, vaccine pass, emerging variants etc...

2. I'm tested three times a week, the vaccinated personnel isn't. Guess who's less of a danger.

Clue, all récent eclosions have been from vaccinated personnel recently. I wonder why 🤷
This, 100% this.

So basically "It's everyone else's fault. Not mine." coming from the person who is refusing to get a safe and proven vaccine, but still wants to complain about how his own refusal to get said vaccine is causing problems in their life.

I'm sorry but I disagree, I live perfectly fine without the vaccine. I work outside and none of my coworker are annoyed by the fact I'm not vaccinated. And when you see stuff like that, or this, I think it's ok to be careful.
Since the beginning of COVID I was tested 6 time, and 6 time I was negative. And I will do another test before that Christmas dinner so what is the problem?

Luc Montagnier
I honestly never heard about this guy, for real
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“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
I'm sorry but I disagree, I live perfectly fine without the vaccine. I work outside and none of my coworker are annoyed by the fact I'm not vaccinated. And when you see stuff like that, or this, I think it's ok to be careful.
Since the beginning of COVID I was tested 6 time, and 6 time I was negative. And I will do another test before that Christmas dinner so what is the problem?

Your original post was you complaining that you got "cancelled" by your family for not being vaccinated and then ended your post with a melodramatic "This is the world we are creating." All because of you didn't get your vaccine. Now you are saying you live perfectly
fine without it.

So which is it? Are you perfectly fine without the vaccine? Or do you wanna complain about not getting to go to your family party because you chose not to get vaccinated. Because you can't have it both ways.

You can't claim to be fine without it while also complaining about how not having it has negatively affected you.
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Tag, you're it.
Your original post was you complaining that you got "cancelled" by your family for not being vaccinated and then ended your post with a melodramatic "This is the world we are creating." All because of you didn't get your vaccine. Now you are saying you live perfectly
fine without it.

So which is it? Are you perfectly fine without the vaccine? Or do you wanna complain about not getting to go to your family party because you chose not to get vaccinated. Because you can't have it both ways.

You can't claim to be fine without it while also complaining about how not having it has negatively affected you.
Of course I can. As I said I don't have any problem, that's my aunt who is scared of idk what (since I will be tested). My coworkers are perfectly fine with the fact that I'm not vaccinated, my boss too, my friends too
The other members of my family also understand my decision, it is just my aunt. And because it takes place at his home, she decide (which is normal after all) and as I said other members of my family wanted to call her but I said it wasn't worth it. It's just gonna be an endless debate.


“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
Of course I can. As I said I don't have any problem, that's my aunt who is scared of idk what (since I will be tested). My coworkers are perfectly fine with the fact that I'm not vaccinated, my boss too, my friends too
The other members of my family also understand my decision, it is just my aunt. And because it takes place at his home, she decide (which is normal after all) and as I said other members of my family wanted to call her but I said it wasn't worth it. It's just gonna be an endless debate.
If everything is so great then why include stuff like "This is the world we are creating."?

Your whole post read like a complaint because you were facing the consequences for your own actions. That little cherry at the end just pushed it over the edge into the ridiculous in my opinion. Which is why I originally responded.
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Tag, you're it.
If everything is so great then why include stuff like "This is the world we are creating."?

Your whole post read like a complaint because you were facing the consequences for your own actions. That little cherry at the end just pushed it over the edge into the ridiculous in my opinion. Which is why I originally responded.
Lockdown, quarantine, vaccine pass, small business closing, restaurants reserved for a certain segment of the population etc...
This is what I'm referring to.

And again, not accepting that I come despite doing a test is just stupid. It's not like I'm a drug dealer or a murderer, I just don't want to be vaccinated for now.
Lockdown, quarantine, vaccine pass, small business closing, restaurants reserved for a certain segment of the population etc...
This is what I'm referring to.

And again, not accepting that I come despite doing a test is just stupid. It's not like I'm a drug dealer or a murderer, I just don't want to be vaccinated for now.
Wait you don't want a vaccine that won't prevent you from getting infected and infect others, and reduces your chance of serve illness at around the same multiplier as being not overweight, not having diabetes or other underlining conditions?
Capital punishment for this guy.


1. There wasn't vaccines back then. You were all busy hiding at home while we were in hell.

2. I'm tested three times a week, the vaccinated personnel isn't. Guess who's less of a danger.

Clue, all recent eclosions have been from vaccinated personnel recently. I wonder why 🤷

You’re not vaccinated now, so spare me the righteous indignation. Folks like you are most definitely the problem.
Wait you don't want a vaccine that won't prevent you from getting infected and infect others, and reduces your chance of serve illness at around the same multiplier as being not overweight, not having diabetes or other underlining conditions?
Capital punishment for this guy.

that’s the level of martyrdom to aspire to, unfortunately we’re still stuck on the “not invited to my aunt’s Christmas party“ stage
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