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Covid 19 Thread: [no bitching about masks of Fauci edition]


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
I lack the scientific background to read and understand this paper but I don't get this from the Bloomberg article - "Although no bat reservoir nor intermediate animal host for SARS-CoV-2 has been found so far, the virus’s transmission from one animal species to another is likely to go undetected, the authors said." I get that under normal conditions, but don't we think China has tested thousands of animal samples looking for possible hosts? Is it unlikely to find it despite all-out efforts by China and the scientific community to find it so it can disprove the lab leak theory? That seems hard to believe for a layman like me.
I lack the scientific background to read and understand this paper but I don't get this from the Bloomberg article - "Although no bat reservoir nor intermediate animal host for SARS-CoV-2 has been found so far, the virus’s transmission from one animal species to another is likely to go undetected, the authors said." I get that under normal conditions, but don't we think China has tested thousands of animal samples looking for possible hosts? Is it unlikely to find it despite all-out efforts by China and the scientific community to find it so it can disprove the lab leak theory? That seems hard to believe for a layman like me.
Its a joke. They had the intermediary animal hosts for SERS and MERS in under a year. You're telling me they could manage that for both those viruses but not for the most consequential virus of the last 100 years? What a load of bullshit.


Damn what Australia is currently doing is fucking insanity. They're basically enslaving people for no good reason (1 visit to the store per day and you can't read the labels lol) and what's worse no one is rebelling against it.


Interesting situation is developing in France, namely what will happen when 4th wave will impose further restriction due to people not being vaccinated in sufficient numbers.

Today French Minister of Health mentioned that if the 4th wave will come (it will for sure) the ‘day to day’ of people vaccinated will be different than that of people that are not, suggesting extra (all?) restrictions will apply to people that were not vaccinated.

i would like to highlight that from early June every adult has the right can be vaccinated, there are enough doses to serve everyone that wants to have a shot.

Tomorrow the president will speak to the nation at 8pm, detailing the way forward and additional measures taken (super king-like, but that’s how the French roll).


Gold Member
Interesting situation is developing in France, namely what will happen when 4th wave will impose further restriction due to people not being vaccinated in sufficient numbers.

Today French Minister of Health mentioned that if the 4th wave will come (it will for sure) the ‘day to day’ of people vaccinated will be different than that of people that are not, suggesting extra (all?) restrictions will apply to people that were not vaccinated.

i would like to highlight that from early June every adult has the right can be vaccinated, there are enough doses to serve everyone that wants to have a shot.

Tomorrow the president will speak to the nation at 8pm, detailing the way forward and additional measures taken (super king-like, but that’s how the French roll).

I wonder how many anti-vaxxers there would be if Facebook was suddenly deleted worldwide.
I wonder how many anti-vaxxers there would be if Facebook was suddenly deleted worldwide.
It would definitely improve things but selfish cowards will always exist.

Between covid and political disinformation, I think we should at least take a vote on permanently deleting Facebook and sending Zuck into exile.



Damn what Australia is currently doing is fucking insanity. They're basically enslaving people for no good reason (1 visit to the store per day and you can't read the labels lol) and what's worse no one is rebelling against it.

Utterly fucking obscene. Everyone I know in Sydney is getting more and more angry. They should have and could have rolled the vaccine out quicker, but instead they people are scared, lied to by the politicians, and stuck in a never ending lockdown until the shitbaggery of the government gets sorted.
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So is the VAERS data set not viable?

I understand that anyone can report there but the data is fucking terrible. I think it’s naive to just write off the data as a conspiracy. Also the data released is 4-6 weeks old so it might be so much worse.


Dude someone put in there that the vaccine made them into the Incredible Hulk. 4Chan is more reliable.
Isn’t that a bit premature though? I understand the data is not cleaned so there are going to be a lot of weird reports but sometimes there’s information that can be deduced from massive data. Some one should be able to analyze the dataset and tell us the percentage that seems completely far fetched and the ones that have a likely probability of being reported in good faith.

So if this dataset is completely trash which data can we look to to truthfully decide if the adverse effects are larger than the media is reporting?
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I bring good news, everybody: vaccines fucking work

Good! All those people in this thread frothing at the mouth telling anyone who will listen that vaccines don’t work will have to reconsider their position.

Oh wait, literally no one said that. Maybe you could find some kind of anti-vaxxer forum to troll, we’re just discussing the available information here, thanks.


I already had covid. Not getting a shot. Will let my natural antibodies do the science. Nobody wants to report on un vaxed people who already had it.
They do report on it - in France with a positive Covid test you only need a single dose, in fact it is listed as being more efficient than two doses without past infection.
It’s almost as if they’ve been an effective way to combat contagions for over a hundred years 🍺
But what about the side effects? Why can’t I just wait 5 years each time a new vaccine is developed?
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Why are we still having people talk about and report covid like it's a year ago, when we had no vaccines?

One of two things has to be true:

1. The vaccines work, and reduce serious illness and death.

2. The vaccines don't work, and we need to keep socially isolated indefinitely.

The two things are in direct contradiction of one another.

I understand people being reticent about the pace at which we are unlocking, but you simply can't sensibly discuss the situation the same way we did twelve months ago, or doom monger when there's no evidence to suggest it's warranted.
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They do report on it - in France with a positive Covid test you only need a single dose, in fact it is listed as being more efficient than two doses without past infection.

But what about the side effects? Why can’t I just wait 5 years each time a new vaccine is developed?

Well usually you have to wait a real long time for a new drug to be approved, well over 5 years, because usually they actually do that testing. You are blissfully unaware of how extensive the approval process for new drugs usually is because these drugs don’t come to market until they are extremely well tested starting with animals.

Is your position that it’s impossible to know long term effects of brand new novel chemicals injected into your body so we should just assume it’ll be fine?


Well usually you have to wait a real long time for a new drug to be approved, well over 5 years, because usually they actually do that testing. You are blissfully unaware of how extensive the approval process for new drugs usually is because these drugs don’t come to market until they are extremely well tested starting with animals
Oh boy - you are so not going to win this argument, because yours truly is actually in charge of registration process for new drugs in the EU for multiple pharma companies therefore yes - it’s my job to be perfectly aware of what goes into the process to register a new medicine.

Which btw all the approved vaccines went through, they produced all the clinical trials data starting with stage 1 until stage 3 (humans).

The time you mention (wrongly, but I will assume no malicious intent) is actually the total time of R&D + testing, which actually right now stands even higher, on average it takes 8 years to bring a product to the market. Also way less drugs make it even to stage 3 clinical trials precisely because they are eliminated at an earlier step (formulation doesn’t hold up, animals die, etc.).


Oh boy - you are so not going to win this argument, because yours truly is actually in charge of registration process for new drugs in the EU for multiple pharma companies therefore yes - it’s my job to be perfectly aware of what goes into the process to register a new medicine.

Which btw all the approved vaccines went through, they produced all the clinical trials data starting with stage 1 until stage 3 (humans).

The time you mention (wrongly, but I will assume no malicious intent) is actually the total time of R&D + testing, which actually right now stands even higher, on average it takes 8 years to bring a product to the market. Also way less drugs make it even to stage 3 clinical trials precisely because they are eliminated at an earlier step (formulation doesn’t hold up, animals die, etc.).

Anticipation Popcorn GIF
Oh boy - you are so not going to win this argument, because yours truly is actually in charge of registration process for new drugs in the EU for multiple pharma companies therefore yes - it’s my job to be perfectly aware of what goes into the process to register a new medicine.

Which btw all the approved vaccines went through, they produced all the clinical trials data starting with stage 1 until stage 3 (humans).

The time you mention (wrongly, but I will assume no malicious intent) is actually the total time of R&D + testing, which actually right now stands even higher, on average it takes 8 years to bring a product to the market. Also way less drugs make it even to stage 3 clinical trials precisely because they are eliminated at an earlier step (formulation doesn’t hold up, animals die, etc.).
Well I don’t really see it as an argument because you confirmed exactly what i said, in normal circumstances it would take 8 years, I’ve heard more like 12, and we did it in…less than one? You don’t think any corners were cut? I do apologize for assuming you knew nothing about it.


Well I don’t really see it as an argument because you confirmed exactly what i said, in normal circumstances it would take 8 years, I’ve heard more like 12, and we did it in…less than one? You don’t think any corners were cut? I do apologize for assuming you knew nothing about it.
No apologies needed, I always find more value in actually being challenged than simply agreeing (my father says I like to make things difficult for myself but w/e).

It is true that Covid-19 vaccines were made and tested in record time, but to my knowledge no corners were cut. You still need to deliver full medical, chemical, testing documentation. I don’t even think the blood cloth issues could be caught stretching the testing period given how rare it is, perhaps second version of the vaccine (looks like we are in for the long term) can have this drawback eliminated.

Once again - all medicines have known side effects (which are called ‘adverse effects’) and these are listened on the leaflet supplied with any medicine you buy (btw, the leaflet itself is also subject to validation from a government agency). This has been in place for decades, it didn’t start with Covid vaccines. I took drugs in my life that had adverse effects listed going on for PAGES at a time :)
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No apologies needed, I always find more value in actually being challenged than simply agreeing (my father says I like to make things difficult for myself but w/e).

It is true that Covid-19 vaccines were made and tested in record time, but to my knowledge no corners were cut. You still need to deliver full medical, chemical, testing documentation. I don’t even think the blood cloth issues could be caught stretching the testing period given how rare it is, perhaps second version of the vaccine (looks like we are in for the long term) can have this drawback eliminated.

Once again - all medicines have known side effects (which are called ‘adverse effects’) and these are listened on the leaflet supplied with any medicine you buy (btw, the leaflet itself is also subject to validation from a government agency). This has been in place for decades, it didn’t start with Covid vaccines. I took drugs in my life that had adverse effects listed going on for PAGES at a time :)

I like to be challenged as well. :)

That's very true all drugs have side effects, and when you decided to take those crazy drugs with pages of side effects you can at least say you were well informed and made a personal decision that was right for you. I feel there is a big problem with all the official messaging claiming the vaccines are safe and effective and downplaying any risks. Sure the risk of blood clots may be miniscule, as is the risk of dying from covid. People should have all the information available so they can make the correct decision for themselves personally and not be scared or shamed into compliance.
I'm actually just a regular poster who likes videogames, it's just when I see people valuing discussions about doubting vaccines or information on a pandemic is when I go "what the fuck is wrong with you people"

Specifically I was referring to your admission you were only here to laugh at people and not have a discussion.

“Doubting information” or doubting the conclusions drawn from that information? “Doubting vaccines” or doubting the claims of safety for this one particular set of vaccines?

The world must appear very simple to you, that’s nice. Bad anti-vaxxers are stupid and bad, and of course it follows that you are vaccinated and good. 👍🏻

You didn’t come in here with your ears open to actually listen to what people are saying and respond to it, you’re just making fun of arguments no one is making. It’s pretty embarrassing and it’s just shitting up this thread with nonsense.

Let me just say it again, I haven’t seen any anti-vaxxers in here. I’m pretty sure everyone in this thread has received several vaccines and enjoyed the benefits of not having polio.

Try to stay on topic folks, again, for the umpteenth time, no one is saying vaccines don’t work.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
But what about the side effects? Why can’t I just wait 5 years each time a new vaccine is developed?

Known side effects: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/expect/after.html

Squashing the virus is more important than the possibility of facing discomfort. Anything else is theoretical and therefore meaningless, and as we already know, vaccines are nothing new and these are well tested. Everyone of advisable age by the WHO and CDC should be vaccinated, period. It's science, it has historical precedent, and we can get past this if people just stopped being backwards.
Known side effects: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/expect/after.html

Squashing the virus is more important than the possibility of facing discomfort. Anything else is theoretical and therefore meaningless, and as we already know, vaccines are nothing new and these are well tested. Everyone of advisable age by the WHO and CDC should be vaccinated, period. It's science, it has historical precedent, and we can get past this if people just stopped being backwards.

That's just not true, sorry. If you want to redefine well tested as "rushed as quickly as possible" then I could agree. Vaccines are nothing new but mRNA vaccines are. Vaccines haven't always been safe in history either, I'll refer back to polio. It's safe now, but it sure wasn't in the beginning. Why do some people keep pushing the idea that these are well tested? I really don't understand, because someone said so? A government someone with a fancy hat or something?

Just think about it for a little bit longer, how could there be an entire handful of BRAND NEW drugs developed in RECORD TIME and they're all just totally safe for your children and pregnant women. I mean we know that's not true, we're seeing negative outcomes but we just don't know the full scale yet.

BadBurger, don't you think it's backwards to put the theoretical greater societal good above a patient's own personal health concerns? Someone said before and I couldn't agree more with them, please nobody do any medical procedures on my behalf. I don't want anyone to do that for me.

I do want people to decide for themselves what's best and have all the information possible available to them. That's why ivermectin was brought into this discussion. That's why potential risks of the vaccine that aren't being widely discussed have been brought in here. I don't fault any person for making the decision to get the vaccine, but I think that respect should absolutely go both ways. We're all adults and we can decide what to put in our bodies. Enough with the shaming and name calling, people have legitimate concerns.
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