That's just not true, sorry. If you want to redefine well tested as "rushed as quickly as possible" then I could agree. Vaccines are nothing new but mRNA vaccines are. Vaccines haven't always been safe in history either, I'll refer back to polio. It's safe now, but it sure wasn't in the beginning. Why do some people keep pushing the idea that these are well tested? I really don't understand, because someone said so? A government someone with a fancy hat or something?
Just think about it for a little bit longer, how could there be an entire handful of BRAND NEW drugs developed in RECORD TIME and they're all just totally safe for your children and pregnant women. I mean we know that's not true, we're seeing negative outcomes but we just don't know the full scale yet.
BadBurger, don't you think it's backwards to put the theoretical greater societal good above a patient's own personal health concerns? Someone said before and I couldn't agree more with them, please nobody do any medical procedures on my behalf. I don't want anyone to do that for me.
I do want people to decide for themselves what's best and have all the information possible available to them. That's why ivermectin was brought into this discussion. That's why potential risks of the vaccine that aren't being widely discussed have been brought in here. I don't fault any person for making the decision to get the vaccine, but I think that respect should absolutely go both ways. We're all adults and we can decide what to put in our bodies. Enough with the shaming and name calling, people have legitimate concerns.