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Covid 19 Thread: [no bitching about masks of Fauci edition]


Maybe the example of speed limits is also salient. They could be legislated to be much lower (at great social/economic costs) and it's a given that if they were, 1000s of lives would be saved every year. Yet this never happens... is it some kind of gross negligence of the government that they fail to protect people?

It’s certainly gross negligence to not ban guns in a country with multiple shootings a year. 19000 dead in 2020.

I have to say this: I find it super ironic that so many Americans dont want to take a vaccine because they think it might be dangerous or too risky, but insist they should be allowed to own fucking assault rifles.

Sorry for the derail, but that shit makes my teeth itch.
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You can easily create an ‘inaction’ example from that as well, such as doing nothing as an individual against an invading country, but I was just trying to keep it incredibly simple. Seatbelts deaths aren’t contagious, but it’s another good comparison.

With the seatbelt comparison, again that personal choice of not wearing a seatbelt doesn’t just effect them. They aren’t just scraped into a bin at the side of the road. If they crash without a seatbelt, the public and emergency workers have to deal with that horrible scene, then hospital workers time taken up, hospital beds will be taken up, etc. Not wearing a seatbelt doesn’t remove you from all the things that we offer in our society just because you’re a selfish dumbass.
Yeah, but at that point, you can argue every single choice becomes a burden on someone else. All the sudden cigarettes are illegal due to second hand smoke. Drinking is illegal due to all the health and social consequences it causes. Personal vehicles are illegal to prevent car accidents. Being morbidly obese is illegal due to the strain it puts on the healthcare system and society to accommodate bigger people. There's really no end at that point. As QSD said above, the idea that because EMS people will have to respond to a worse accident without seatbelt laws could also be used to lower speed limits to 35mph everywhere, for instance.

We can argue the consequence of every single action as burden on somebody to the point of ridiculousness. Which is why I generally ire towards allowing people to do as they please, even if it means they are doing something stupid, up until the point where the impact is so significant that it threatens society generally.


It’s certainly gross negligence to not ban guns in a country with multiple shootings a year. 19000 dead in 2020.

I have to say this: I find it super ironic that so many Americans dont want to take a vaccine because they think it might be dangerous or too risky, but insist they should be allowed to own fucking assault rifles.

Sorry for the derail, but that shit makes my teeth itch.
What is this pivot, funk man? I don't know about rifles but I foresee pitchforks and torches in your future...


With the seatbelt comparison, again that personal choice of not wearing a seatbelt doesn’t just effect them. They aren’t just scraped into a bin at the side of the road. If they crash without a seatbelt, the public and emergency workers have to deal with that horrible scene, then hospital workers time taken up, hospital beds will be taken up, etc. Not wearing a seatbelt doesn’t remove you from all the things that we offer in our society just because you’re a selfish dumbass.

There is virtually nothing that you do in public life that does not in some way affect others. I wish a lot more people would understand this. We shouldn’t need laws to enforce some of this stuff, but we unfortunately do because people are people.
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‘Do not pick the flowers’
‘But there are so many of them, they won’t notice one missing flower’
‘If everyone picked just one, there would be none left to enjoy’

- a lesson in a personal action/inaction contributing towards a greater good that even a 3 year old can understand. Even a 3 year old wouldn’t blame the gardener for locking the gate.
“Do not pick the flowers”
“We said dont pick the flowers.”
“We heard you the first time. But as you can see nobody is picking the flowers.”
“There have been those in the past that have picked the flowers.”
“99.7% of the flowers remained unpicked. Maybe a few flowers this year will have been picked.”

Now, we’re closer to what it was like this past year. So, yeah, I’m thinking we should blame the gardener.


“Do not pick the flowers”
“We said dont pick the flowers.”
“We heard you the first time. But as you can see nobody is picking the flowers.”
“There have been those in the past that have picked the flowers.”
“99.7% of the flowers remained unpicked. Maybe a few flowers this year will have been picked.”

Now, we’re closer to what it was like this past year. So, yeah, I’m thinking we should blame the gardener.
You just triggered the gardener:
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Picking flowers reminds me of the confusion over them in The Path.

There was a thread on Steam when the game was releases where there were users freaking out that they picked all the flowers NOW WHAT?!!! .

They didn't get that grinding didn't exist in that game. It was explained in so many ways to no avail and much mirth.

There is virtually nothing that you do in public life that does not in some way affect others. I wish a lot more people would understand this. We shouldn’t need laws to enforce some of this stuff, but we unfortunately do because people are people.
That car analogy from earlier is good in this case too. An unseatbelted person in a car with others is a danger to seatbelted passengers in an accident. Law give the seatbelted passengers/driver law enforcement protection and authority from recklessness of the self-centered and help keep safe those unable to care for themselves.
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There is virtually nothing that you do in public life that does not in some way affect others. I wish a lot more people would understand this. We shouldn’t need laws to enforce some of this stuff, but we unfortunately do because people are people.

We could save far more lives banning persons from being more than 50 pounds overweight. We would also solve a lot of other social problems, and mental health issues.


Gold Member
We could save far more lives banning persons from being more than 50 pounds overweight. We would also solve a lot of other social problems, and mental health issues.

What about the people with genetic problems that cause them to be 50 pounds overweight. How do you suggest we solve that?


There is virtually nothing that you do in public life that does not in some way affect others. I wish a lot more people would understand this. We shouldn’t need laws to enforce some of this stuff, but we unfortunately do because people are people.
Yeah… I’m tired of my tax dollars going to healthcare for fatties. Either they lose weight or lose healthcare. Ya know… it’s just better for society. Their fatness effects me. Wish they would understand when they down another gallon of Mayo. (Being facetious..)
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Logo Celebration GIF by xponentialdesign

oh yes, Mexico, such a good goverment, probably the best to the south of NA.
Best health care system and police force, no to mention the quality of education.

He most probably totally is not making excuses, yep.
What about the people with genetic problems that cause them to be 50 pounds overweight. How do you suggest we solve that?

That's a myth that perpetuates fatness. You have a metabolism, your body is burning calories, if you eat less calories than your body burns, you will lose weight. Certain types of foods are found to be more filling, while other foods through high sugar content create insulin spikes that actually cause you to be more hungry. Being a healthy weight isn't rocket science, it's easier than ever. Find me this person who literally cannot lose weight so that we can debunk thermodynamics once and forever.
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That's a myth that perpetuates fatness. You have a metabolism, your body is burning calories, if you eat less calories than your body burns, you will lose weight. Certain types of foods are found to be more filling, while other foods through high sugar content create insulin spikes that actually cause you to be more hungry. Being a healthy weight isn't rocket science, it's easier than ever. Find me this person who literally cannot lose weight so that we can debunk thermodynamics once and forever.
Basic biological science 👍
That's a myth that perpetuates fatness. You have a metabolism, your body is burning calories, if you eat less calories than your body burns, you will lose weight. Certain types of foods are found to be more filling, while other foods through high sugar content create insulin spikes that actually cause you to be more hungry. Being a healthy weight isn't rocket science, it's easier than ever. Find me this person who literally cannot lose weight so that we can debunk thermodynamics once and forever.
These are facts. I will say that certain people will be genetically predisposed to having a more difficult time managing their weight and so will have to work harder to control it. However no one is incapable of losing weight and losing weight is never complicated.


That's a myth that perpetuates fatness. You have a metabolism, your body is burning calories, if you eat less calories than your body burns, you will lose weight. Certain types of foods are found to be more filling, while other foods through high sugar content create insulin spikes that actually cause you to be more hungry. Being a healthy weight isn't rocket science, it's easier than ever. Find me this person who literally cannot lose weight so that we can debunk thermodynamics once and forever.
I think I've mentioned this before, but maybe you should come hang at my workplace. People with psychiatric problems often take medication that is notorious for causing passivity and weight gain. These are people that have an extremely limited capacity for any kind of planned, goal-directed behaviour. We could get them to lose weight if we held a gun to their head and commanded them to run, but seeing as that is not a generally accepted recourse for such problems, the fatness remains.


oh yes, Mexico, such a good goverment, probably the best to the south of NA.
Best health care system and police force, no to mention the quality of education.

He most probably totally is not making excuses, yep.
You’re right. We should go further south to get to a stellar example that we should follow. Let’s say, Venezuela?


I think I've mentioned this before, but maybe you should come hang at my workplace. People with psychiatric problems often take medication that is notorious for causing passivity and weight gain. These are people that have an extremely limited capacity for any kind of planned, goal-directed behaviour. We could get them to lose weight if we held a gun to their head and commanded them to run, but seeing as that is not a generally accepted recourse for such problems, the fatness remains.

Worst Metallica song ever.
I think I've mentioned this before, but maybe you should come hang at my workplace. People with psychiatric problems often take medication that is notorious for causing passivity and weight gain. These are people that have an extremely limited capacity for any kind of planned, goal-directed behaviour. We could get them to lose weight if we held a gun to their head and commanded them to run, but seeing as that is not a generally accepted recourse for such problems, the fatness remains.

It doesn't sound like what you are doing for them is anything like a cure. If what you are doing is valuable, I'm sure you could do it in a fat camp. If you are over 50 pounds over weight you are not in charge of your life, and its hurting yourself and the people around you. All of these Covid deaths? Most of them are fat people. State mandated fat camps, I could save millions from heart disease, and more people from Covid than anything else we've done.

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
Bret and Heather are going over this statistical analysis right now. Lots of charts.


Why are the infection death rates higher?

The reason, hidden in plain sight, is that a large number people who were never going to die, are no longer getting infected.

By obsessively spreading the misinformation that people have additional benefits to protect against death if they become infected, in order to encourage everyone to get vaccinated, it becomes a unknown fact those most likely to die (6.6 in 100,000)7 are now most likely to get infected (2.5 in 100,000).

Contrast that with those who were least likely to die (0.04 in 100,000) are now those least likely to get infected (1.7 in 100,000).

And these results are now being reflected across the globe. In the UK, which is tracking variants, reports that among Delta variant cases, those vaccinated with two doses died at a rate of 0.0078 per infection and those unvaccinated died at a rate of 0.0014 per infection. The death per infection was 5.7 times higher among the vaccinated.

Without careful control and understanding, one might erroneously conclude the Delta variant is is more lethal if you’ve been vaccinated, the vaccine is losing its efficacy, the vaccination is making people weaker, or some combination. While any of those are possible outcomes in this environment, by not being aware of the infection death rate issue from the start, because one is busy spreading misinformation about extra levels of protection that the data do not support, one misses how to properly control for these effects and analyze new data as it comes in.o
The death rate if infected was always going to be higher in the vaccinated groups if most of the vaccinated weren’t those likely to die in the first place.

If you read the whole thing, he claims (as I understand, statistics are not my thing at all) that the death rate is statistical noise and what the Israel data shows is the vaccine is good at preventing infections, but only prevents death (If infection happens) amongst those 65 years and older. His main problem is that people are making choices to become vaccinated or not according to false claims, not whether the vaccine increases risk (which it doesn't):

There are a lot of things delved into in the article at large. The 5.7 number is the infection death rate of the whole population. "those vaccinated with two doses died at a rate of 0.0078 per infection and those unvaccinated died at a rate of 0.0014 per infection"
I do explain how and why the infection death rate, among the whole population, increases.
That specific phenomenon does disappear when you split the whole population into age brackets.
When you do so, which I go through in the article, most groups do not show a difference in infection death rates. It is only as you get to the older population that any reduction in infection death rate can be seen.
BUT. When you vaccinate everyone, you wind up reducing infections in the people who were never going to die. The young. That means the IFR in the whole population of vaccinated people is higher.
I do not claim this is evidence of vaccine harm - I am alerting people to this to prevent conclusions that may not be true when the IFR rises after vaccination.


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
No, not at all. It's just worth noting that the trial that provided the justification to allow for emergency use of the vaccine had too small of a sample size to show any benefit in mortality.
Not didn't show - specifically wasn't designed to show a difference in mortality. You give the vaccine to 20000 65+ multiple co-morbidity patients and 20000 the placebo - you would see a difference in mortality but no ethics board would ever let you do so. If by worth noting, you mean worth noting the great care with which big pharma approached the trial to avoid harm then, sure worth noting. We can see the difference in mortality in real world populations now though so the point is moot.
The people that won’t get vaccinated are not in charge of the lockdowns. So you’re blaming the wrong people.

The state is the only entity that has any control over lockdowns and their enforcement of them. Period.

No. You blame the government for over reacting when deaths are still super low.

Pretty sure I blame the idiotic people who are refusing to get vaccinated. This is a global pandemic, any effort by any government to mitigate the catastrophe is fair game. The idea that there's a threshold of deaths that call in a government to action is revolting.
Pretty sure I blame the idiotic people who are refusing to get vaccinated. This is a global pandemic, any effort by any government to mitigate the catastrophe is fair game. The idea that there's a threshold of deaths that call in a government to action is revolting.
Umm. That’s a stupid thing to say.
“Do not pick the flowers”
“We said dont pick the flowers.”
“We heard you the first time. But as you can see nobody is picking the flowers.”
“There have been those in the past that have picked the flowers.”
“99.7% of the flowers remained unpicked. Maybe a few flowers this year will have been picked.”

Now, we’re closer to what it was like this past year. So, yeah, I’m thinking we should blame the gardener.
600k dead in the US. Hundreds of hospitals at capacity in the winter wave. Even if you only care about yourself, that effects you if you need those systems.

So I wouldn’t call that ‘locking the garden for no reason’
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Unrelated thought but I wonder how the doomers and gloomers will respond in 1-3 months when this new global summer wave inevitably dies off. Not even trying to be a smart ass or snide like I genuinely wonder cause that will be not one, not two, but three repeats (oct-jan wave, mar-may wave) of this tiresome cycle of

*wave rises* "We're losing, its grim, all these selfish covidiots" *wave dies off* "Normal 2021, yay! man we can get out of this. I feel optimistic"
*wave rises* "Its not over yet, told everyone all along. We're still in a pandemic. Its far from over. Its here forever" *wave dies off* "Humanity always rises to the challenge, fuck you covid, never wearing a mask again"

Rinse wash repeat fooooor...? To 2023? 2024? Beyond? Has to stop eventually. And I'm mainly referring to online and the internet with this. The real world its a slightly different story although I will say this Indian variant or delta if that's too offensive in 2021 has scared some people in real life in a way I haven't seen since the pandemic started which is sad to me.
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Pretty sure I blame the idiotic people who are refusing to get vaccinated. This is a global pandemic, any effort by any government to mitigate the catastrophe is fair game. The idea that there's a threshold of deaths that call in a government to action is revolting.
tHiS a GLoBaL paNdeMiC and the only solution we can come up with is to commit acts of violence against those who disagree with our *authorized* solution.

Violence is the only way.


600k dead in the US. Hundreds of hospitals at capacity in the winter wave. Even if you only care about yourself, that effects you if you need those systems.

So I wouldn’t call that ‘locking the garden for no reas
Except locking that garden has cost thousands of jobs, disrupted the global food chain, put our country trillions more into debt (as we try to cover up the fact that we can’t have thousands out of work), and now there is no end in sight. I can’t imagine living in Australia with single digit deaths in the entire country yet still on lockdown.

Suicides skyrocketed last year, an entire year (now probably two years) of education pretty much lost, but hey at least the garden looks nice.

I can’t believe I’m still having the same argument with you people. We have the vaccine and it’s widely available to anyone who wants it. If the vast majority of deaths are among the u vaccinated then why does it matter any more? Let the virus do what it does until we reach herd immunity.

If you die of COVID at this point, it’s your fault for not getting the vaccines.


I'm sure it is my infectologist friend.

What the fuck are you talking about here lol. Who got violent?
Follow me here because you don’t seem to understand that I am speaking philosophically here:

1. State mandates whatever (masks, social distance, vaccines).
2. You refuse to comply and enter the building anyway.
3. They call the police (the enforcement arm of the state).
4. You refuse to comply with them either.
5. They use violence to subdue you and take away your freedom.

This is not hypothetical. This is happening all over the world. The ones that don’t want to comply are mostly the ones not acting violently towards. Only the state is doing that. Violence is the only thing they know how to do well.
Follow me here because you don’t seem to understand that I am speaking philosophically here:

1. State mandates whatever (masks, social distance, vaccines).
2. You refuse to comply and enter the building anyway.
3. They call the police (the enforcement arm of the state).
4. You refuse to comply with them either.
5. They use violence to subdue you and take away your freedom.

This is not hypothetical. This is happening all over the world. The ones that don’t want to comply are mostly the ones not acting violently towards. Only the state is doing that. Violence is the only thing they know how to do well.

Sounds like you're describing the law system friend. Philosophically, of course.

Now you’re being stupid on purpose. At least I hope it’s on purpose.

You haven't really formulated an argument unless Nietzsche above, so let me help you buddy: which part of what I said is stupid and why. I'll help you further, this is what I said initially that you categorized as stupid:

"The idea that there's a threshold of deaths that call in a government to action is revolting."

Why is that stupid? You can also draw if you have difficulties explaining with words.
Sounds like you're describing the law system friend. Philosophically, of course.

You haven't really formulated an argument unless Nietzsche above, so let me help you buddy: which part of what I said is stupid and why. I'll help you further, this is what I said initially that you categorized as stupid:

"The idea that there's a threshold of deaths that call in a government to action is revolting."

Why is that stupid? You can also draw if you have difficulties explaining with words.
Why doesn’t the government mandate the flu shot to every American?

Let me make it easier for you. The reason the flu shot isn’t mandated is because the government has decided that even though the flu kills 10s of thousands every year, that is acceptable and does not meet the threshold of death necessary to force people to get medicine they don’t willingly want to take. They could also limit the spread of the flu by closing every business during flu season. They don’t do that either. For the same reason.

It’s called cost/benefit calculations. And the government makes them all the time in relation to death.

The idea that the government can or should have a role in preventing every single death possible is idiotic on its face. That you would argue, essentially, that a single life lost is enough to justify government action is so stupid I am surprised I have to explain it to you.
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Why doesn’t the government mandate the flu shot to every American?

Let me make it easier for you. The reason the flu shot isn’t mandated is because the government has decided that even though the flu kills 10s of thousands every year, that is acceptable.

No friend, the reason the flu shot isn't mandated is not because the government decides they're okay with people dying, it's because the shots WOULDN'T AFFECT THE SPREAD OF A DISEASE WHICH WE STILL DON'T KNOW EVERYTHING ABOUT. What forces a government to go into lockdowns isn't the death number, the sanctions your ass is about to endure for refusing to take a vaccine isn't related to how many people die around you. Fucking hell it's been a year and half of this shit and a lot of you seem to have no grasp on the most basic shit about Covid.
No friend, the reason the flu shot isn't mandated is not because the government decides they're okay with people dying, it's because the shots WOULDN'T AFFECT THE SPREAD OF A DISEASE WHICH WE STILL DON'T KNOW EVERYTHING ABOUT. What forces a government to go into lockdowns isn't the death number, the sanctions your ass is about to endure for refusing to take a vaccine isn't related to how many people die around you. Fucking hell it's been a year and half of this shit and a lot of you seem to have no grasp on the most basic shit about Covid.
What are you babbling on about? I got the vaccine six months ago. I know plenty about covid. I have treated literally hundreds of people with covid over the last 14 months. People on oxygen, people on ventilators, people on ECMO, people who died. The discussion was about whether there is such a thing as an acceptable threshold of death before government action is acceptable. The flu was an example where that is clearly the case, but there are plenty of other examples.

Regardless, you sound like a paranoid lunatic talking about imaginary sanctions. Get some rest. You’re losing it.
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What are you babbling on about? I got the vaccine six months ago. I know plenty about covid. I have treated literally hundreds of people with covid over the last 14 months. People on oxygen, people on ventilators, people on ECMO, people who died. The discussion was about whether there is such a thing as an acceptable threshold of death before government action is acceptable. The flu was an example where that is clearly the case, but there are plenty of other examples.

Regardless, you sound like a paranoid lunatic talking about imaginary sanctions. Get some rest. You’re losing it.

You have treated covid and yet you still seem to think death is the only negative outcome it might cause? My point, which still eludes you, is that a government shouldn't in theory base their decisions on how many people die because 1- that's fucking grim and 2- that's fucking moronic, because it's the spread rate that's far more relevant. If you're doing shit based on how many people have died, you're doing shit too late.
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Except locking that garden has cost thousands of jobs, disrupted the global food chain, put our country trillions more into debt (as we try to cover up the fact that we can’t have thousands out of work), and now there is no end in sight. I can’t imagine living in Australia with single digit deaths in the entire country yet still on lockdown.

Suicides skyrocketed last year, an entire year (now probably two years) of education pretty much lost, but hey at least the garden looks nice.

I can’t believe I’m still having the same argument with you people. We have the vaccine and it’s widely available to anyone who wants it. If the vast majority of deaths are among the u vaccinated then why does it matter any more? Let the virus do what it does until we reach herd immunity.

If you die of COVID at this point, it’s your fault for not getting the vaccines.
You talk about it like it is just one selfish coward dying in their living room, in a vacuum. How hard is it to understand that when you die of covid or are hospitalized it affects more than just yourself? It’s thousands of cases clogging up your healthcare system and actual people having to deal with that day in and day out.

Yes Covid hit the economy hard. People being selfish cowards has hit it even worse now. You know it’s bad when even the right wing news narrative on vaccines has flipped, which combined with more companies mandating it seems to be helping increase shots again.
You have treated covid and yet you still seem to think death is the only negative outcome it might cause? My point, which still alludes you, is that a government shouldn't in theory base their decisions on how many people die because 1- that's fucking grim and 2- that's fucking moronic, because it's the spread rate that's far more relevant. If you're doing shit based on how many people have died, you're doing shit too late.
Did I say death was the only negative outcome? I did not actually. I know what covid does to people and it didn’t get it from fucking CNN. I see it in person. You have zero clue.

However, your argument that any action is justified, regardless of the number of people dying was and remains idiotic. And just so you don’t try to weasel out of what you said, I’ll quote you again:

Pretty sure I blame the idiotic people who are refusing to get vaccinated. This is a global pandemic, any effort by any government to mitigate the catastrophe is fair game. The idea that there's a threshold of deaths that call in a government to action is revolting.
Any effort by any government. I’m assuming you’d like to put some kind of qualification on that, otherwise, you have completely lost sight of how dangerous covid actually is.


No friend, the reason the flu shot isn't mandated is not because the government decides they're okay with people dying, it's because the shots WOULDN'T AFFECT THE SPREAD OF A DISEASE WHICH WE STILL DON'T KNOW EVERYTHING ABOUT. What forces a government to go into lockdowns isn't the death number, the sanctions your ass is about to endure for refusing to take a vaccine isn't related to how many people die around you. Fucking hell it's been a year and half of this shit and a lot of you seem to have no grasp on the most basic shit about Covid.

So knowing that there millions of Americans that won’t ever get the vaccine, how long do you plan on enduring lockdowns on our behalf? Two? Three years?

And how many people do you think should be fined or imprisoned for not complying? What is an acceptable percentage?


You talk about it like it is just one selfish coward dying in their living room, in a vacuum. How hard is it to understand that when you die of covid or are hospitalized it affects more than just yourself? It’s thousands of cases clogging up your healthcare system and actual people having to deal with that day in and day out.

Yes Covid hit the economy hard. People being selfish cowards has hit it even worse now. You know it’s bad when even the right wing news narrative on vaccines has flipped, which combined with more companies mandating it seems to be helping increase shots again.
So the government has to get involved with threats of fines, shutdowns, imprisonment every time my actions MIGHT affect someone else? Boy only if this logic were first applied to abortion I might actually take liberals seriously.

How about this: come up with solutions that don’t involve forcing people by threat of violence to do things against their will. How about that?
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Did I say death was the only negative outcome? I did not actually. I know what covid does to people and it didn’t get it from fucking CNN. I see it in person. You have zero clue.

However, your argument that any action is justified, regardless of the number of people dying was and remains idiotic. And just so you don’t try to weasel out of what you said, I’ll quote you again:

Any effort by any government. I’m assuming you’d like to put some kind of qualification on that, otherwise, you have completely lost sight of how dangerous covid actually is.

I also know what covid does to people because I've had it, my brother was intubated and my work requires me to keep myself updated on the situation of every hospital that tends to infected people in my state. My argument wasn't that "any action is justified regardless of the number of people dying". Let me be 100% clear about this because it seems to have caused some confusion: my argument is that DEATH NUMBERS is not a factor that should motivate the government to take any action in regards to Covid because as far as public measures goes it's not determinant. You fight the SPREAD RATE, not the death rate. Again, if you're taking action in response to people dying, you're taking action too late.

And how many people do you think should be fined or imprisoned for not complying? What is an acceptable percentage?

Angry Gary Oldman GIF

I'm not in charge though, but yeah I'd make it mandatory and if you complain about it I'd make it mandatory for you to take the shot up the ass.


I also know what covid does to people because I've had it, my brother was intubated and my work requires me to keep myself updated on the situation of every hospital that tends to infected people in my state. My argument wasn't that "any action is justified regardless of the number of people dying". Let me be 100% clear about this because it seems to have caused some confusion: my argument is that DEATH NUMBERS is not a factor that should motivate the government to take any action in regards to Covid because as far as public measures goes it's not determinant. You fight the SPREAD RATE, not the death rate. Again, if you're taking action in response to people dying, you're taking action too late.

Angry Gary Oldman GIF

I'm not in charge though, but yeah I'd make it mandatory and if you complain about it I'd make it mandatory for you to take the shot up the ass.
Funny guy, this one.

The thing is, I believe you. That’s the thing about statist bootlickers. As long as they feel morally superior, they don’t mind sending you off to the labor camp.
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