Then you need to really work on your communication skills. Because this:I also know what covid does to people because I've had it, my brother was intubated and my work requires me to keep myself updated on the situation of every hospital that tends to infected people in my state. My argument wasn't that "any action is justified regardless of the number of people dying". Let me be 100% clear about this because it seems to have caused some confusion: my argument is that DEATH NUMBERS is not a factor that should motivate the government to take any action in regards to Covid because as far as public measures goes it's not determinant. You fight the SPREAD RATE, not the death rate. Again, if you're taking action in response to people dying, you're taking action too late.
I'm not in charge though, but yeah I'd make it mandatory and if you complain about it I'd make it mandatory for you to take the shot up the ass.
This is a global pandemic, any effort by any government to mitigate the catastrophe is fair game.
Implies a whole lot more than what you apparently meant to say.
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