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Covid 19 Thread: [no bitching about masks of Fauci edition]


getting a little OT here but the govt mandating seatbelts isn’t necessarily for the protection of the person wearing the seatbelt. Like a mask, you wear it to protect others as well as yourself. Your body flying at a high rate of speed is a weapon. Speeding in a vehicle is dangerous and affects others, not just the speeder. If a heroin addict wants to shoot up in an alley and kill themselves, they aren’t physically hurting anyone, at worst they psychologically hurt anyone who could potentially love them.
The only one that the person not wearing a seatbelt is hurting is the person not wearing the seatbelt. Risky behavior might be stupid, but it shouldn’t be illegal.


Why are people that don’t want to get one vaccine being called antivax? I always thought antivax were the people that didn’t get any vaccines for themselves or their children because they think it will make them autistic.

I hope all these pro covid vaccine people have their swine flu vax hep b vax etc etc


Count of Concision
Who issues them their business license?

Apples and oranges with respect to licensing and especially the liquor license comparison which someone made earlier. By imposing a vaccine mandate on private businesses, the government is basically halving the potential customer base of that business. Many businesses cannot afford that, and, should they not choose to mandate the vaccine themselves due to their own beliefs and/or business calculus, they should not be forced to do so by the government.
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Is that not supposed to be a compliment? The morbid obesity dig aside, it is American to value living your life largely free of government supervision and interference. You can decide whether you think that’s a good thing or a bad thing I guess, but it’s certainly American to value that kind of individual independence.

There's a not so thin line between "living your life largely free of government supervision" and "having no sense of civility or social responsibility" and yeah I guess you could say americans are very good at both of them. And obesity. And tearing down foreign democracies. And fabricating wars be it on the middle east or the local middle high. Which is funny because all of those, including obesity, trace back to the "fuck you, got mine mentality" that you're tacitly advocating for here.


This is happening because the pandemic stopped being medical and became political.
It pretty much medical .. as all countries are advised by science, but there are people in every country that think it’s political .. in the end it might be a mix , because you need to get people moving in a direction.


Pfizer, Moderna Raise Prices Of Covid-19 Coronavirus Vaccines For European Union.

And people wonder why the dislike for the pharmaceutical industry is increasing. These price increases at this point in time with the current sales, profits and forecasts for the next years for Pfizer/Modern is really unsympathetic.

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Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
Pfizer, Moderna Raise Prices Of Covid-19 Coronavirus Vaccines For European Union.

And people wonder why the dislike for the pharmaceutical industry is increasing. These price increases at this point in time with the current sales, profits and forecasts for the next years for Pfizer/Modern is really unsympathetic.

Yep…. Since AZ and Jansen are out of the picture…


Apples and oranges with respect to licensing and especially the liquor license comparison which someone made earlier. By imposing a vaccine mandate on private businesses, the government is basically halving the potential customer base of that business. Many businesses cannot afford that, and, should they not choose to mandate the vaccine themselves due to their own beliefs and/or business calculus, they should not be forced to do so by the government.
Every government in the world has a right to XYZ in the name of public safety and health. It’s why you have e.g. army being send to an area after a catastrophe to prevent looting, public disturbance, etc.

Whether you agree with it is beside the point - then elect officials that will repeal such mechanism, but I guarantee you no sane political party would agree to that, it’s Hunger Games scenario.

Kev Kev

Pfizer, Moderna Raise Prices Of Covid-19 Coronavirus Vaccines For European Union.

And people wonder why the dislike for the pharmaceutical industry is increasing. These price increases at this point in time with the current sales, profits and forecasts for the next years for Pfizer/Modern is really unsympathetic.



Pfizer, Moderna Raise Prices Of Covid-19 Coronavirus Vaccines For European Union.

And people wonder why the dislike for the pharmaceutical industry is increasing. These price increases at this point in time with the current sales, profits and forecasts for the next years for Pfizer/Modern is really unsympathetic.

Some Walter White strategy going on here corner the market and then raising prices.


Pfizer, Moderna Raise Prices Of Covid-19 Coronavirus Vaccines For European Union.

And people wonder why the dislike for the pharmaceutical industry is increasing. These price increases at this point in time with the current sales, profits and forecasts for the next years for Pfizer/Modern is really unsympathetic.

There's so much I want to say about this, but I better not...
There's a not so thin line between "living your life largely free of government supervision" and "having no sense of civility or social responsibility" and yeah I guess you could say americans are very good at both of them. And obesity. And tearing down foreign democracies. And fabricating wars be it on the middle east or the local middle high. Which is funny because all of those, including obesity, trace back to the "fuck you, got mine mentality" that you're tacitly advocating for here.
Spare me the sanctimonious nonsense. Americans don’t have a monopoly on being fat, first of all. And while I think being fat is gross and am in very good shape personally, I will readily admit that Americans should stop making excuses for eating and looking like pigs. Certainly would’ve helped a lot of people who died of covid stay alive.

As to your other somewhat irrelevant generalizations, I won’t derail the thread by addressing them. Needless to say, I think being able to live your life largely free of government interference is an important value. Obviously you do not. Then again, you had to correct yourself after saying ANY action by ANY government was justified with regard to covid. Someone who says that, even if they attempt to walk it back a bit afterwards, does not have a ton of civility either…
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Pfizer, Moderna Raise Prices Of Covid-19 Coronavirus Vaccines For European Union.

And people wonder why the dislike for the pharmaceutical industry is increasing. These price increases at this point in time with the current sales, profits and forecasts for the next years for Pfizer/Modern is really unsympathetic.

So, the covid vaccine being produced at cost, for no profit, is roundly lambasted by media, politicians and anti-vaxxers - while the ones that are being made for a profit aren't.

John Cena Reaction GIF by WWE
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So, the covid vaccine being produced at cost, for no profit, is roundly lambasted by media, politicians and anti-vaxxers - while the ones that are being made for a profit aren't.

John Cena Reaction GIF by WWE
It is shit like this that makes me wonder about some of the claims surrounding HCQ and ivermectin. I’m not big on either one, but shady bullshit like this at least makes me think. Just to be clear; I’m not advocating one way or another. But people who think the major drug companies would never put billions in profits above human lives haven’t been paying attention.
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It is shit like this that makes me wonder about some of the claims surrounding HCQ and ivermectin. I’m not big on either one, but shady bullshit like this at least makes me think. Just to be clear; I’m not advocating one way or another. But people who think the major drug companies would never put billions in profits above human lives haven’t been paying attention.

I'd make the obvious observation here that AstraZeneca aren't putting profits ahead of human lives, so they're not all as bad as one another - but I am perfectly willing to accept that a lot of shady bullshit has gone on from certain quarters to punish them for that.
If Big Pharma was so greedy they would never make a vaccine. They would make a 50 cent pill to be taken weekly the rest of your life.

And in the vaccine race, AZ tried to do the right thing by making it cheap and all over the world but it backfired as their supply chain and quality control became a mess. This is why the 'make it patent free' argument does not work, it will just flood the market with poorly made vaccines and tank the trust that is there.
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Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
I can't believe it, but this morning I saw a woman out walking in my neighborhood by herself wearing a surgical mask. It's a residential suburban subdivision with no sidewalks at all. The rare pedestrians are people out for exercise. The fear porn still sells.


I've been thinking this too over the past month or so. Convince the population of a threat and turn them against each other, then offer a "solution" through authoritarianism. It's baffling to see people supporting giving the government more control and openly calling for surveillance/power to enforce things. It leads down a dangerous road.



No. It’s not. To this point, throughout the entire pandemic, there have been fewer than 350 deaths under the age of 18. That’s in roughly a year and a half. If more people in that age group were being hospitalized and vented, more would almost certainly be dying. There will be some increase in the number of hospitalizations in the younger age groups as cases go up because they are the least vaccinated group in the country. But they do not appear significantly susceptible to the delta variant than they were to any of the other versions of covid.
Thanks, it is honestly scary for me. I have two young children starting school next week and I worry about how the variant could affect them. My wife and both got the vaccine but we don’t have any desire to vaccinate them at this time even if/when it’s available to their age group.


Count of Concision
I can't believe it, but this morning I saw a woman out walking in my neighborhood by herself wearing a surgical mask. It's a residential suburban subdivision with no sidewalks at all. The rare pedestrians are people out for exercise. The fear porn still sells.

This entire pandemic, aside from the first 6-9 months, has largely been driven by fear. This latest manfestation due to "OMG DELTA VARIANT!!!1" is just the statists/authoritarians/virtue-signallers leveling-up.
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I can't believe it, but this morning I saw a woman out walking in my neighborhood by herself wearing a surgical mask. It's a residential suburban subdivision with no sidewalks at all. The rare pedestrians are people out for exercise. The fear porn still sells.
I have more respect for people who err on the side of caution than I do the dipshits refusing a free vaccine and then running to the farm supply store to buy bug killers in a sad, stupid attempt to kill covid.


Lil’ Gobbie

horrible situation made worse knowing it was completely avoidable...

another misconception is american's idea of being "obese" as being 400lbs and looking like Jabba the hut....

our standards have been so skewed here in the states, but as soon as you reach the middle figure, you are considered overweight.



horrible situation made worse knowing it was completely avoidable...

another misconception is american's idea of being "obese" as being 400lbs and looking like Jabba the hut....

our standards have been so skewed here in the states, but as soon as you reach the middle figure, you are considered overweight.

Phil is the idiot radio host who mocked the vaccine, discouraged others from taking it, and said doctors and nurses are the enemy. He can get fucked.


Lil’ Gobbie
Why would a "White House official" give the scoop of the year to a right wing guy who is always attempting dunks on the Biden Admin? That smells like bullshit.
it's like the battle of the fear mongerers 2021. you'd think people would figure it out by now

people love fear mongering and then act surprised when the media gives them what they want
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Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
It's not happening. Even in March 2020 there was no federally mandated lockdown. There was CDC guidance that individual states acted on. That's how federalism works.

This Jack whatever guy is either a dumbass or is lying for attention.


It's not happening. Even in March 2020 there was no federally mandated lockdown. There was CDC guidance that individual states acted on. That's how federalism works.

This Jack whatever guy is either a dumbass or is lying for attention.
Yeah, you are right. They have a problem with enforcement...But they can certainly try it if they wanted to.
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Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
The US is pretty damn big. The early Delta hotspots will decline sooner (already started in Missouri). A federal lockdown in a country that spans a continent makes no sense.


This entire pandemic, aside from the first 6-9 months, has largely been driven by fear. This latest manfestation due to "OMG DELTA VARIANT!!!1" is just the statists/authoritarians/virtue-signallers leveling-up.
Won't comment about any party's intentions/conspiracy theories, but I will say, it's win-win-win-etc. for a lot of folks. The media have stories writing themselves with no effort; manufacturers selling the living hell out of masks, sanitizer, toilet paper, etc.; big pharma wiping their asses with $100 bills. And on and on...
The US is pretty damn big. The early Delta hotspots will decline sooner (already started in Missouri). A federal lockdown in a country that spans a continent makes no sense.
What’s crazy about Missouri is is that the death rate actually went down during this spike in cases.
Then again, you had to correct yourself after saying ANY action by ANY government was justified with regard to covid. Someone who says that, even if they attempt to walk it back a bit afterwards, does not have a ton of civility either…

Oh no, don't get me wrong here, I didn't try to walk back. I do mean that any action by any government that actually fights Covid is a valid measure and it's therefore justified. Of course, if it's a measure based on scientific evidence and follows a plan against infectious diseases, my mistake was assuming that part was implied. I don't want people taking bleach you know.
Oh no, don't get me wrong here, I didn't try to walk back. I do mean that any action by any government that actually fights Covid is a valid measure and it's therefore justified. Of course, if it's a measure based on scientific evidence and follows a plan against infectious diseases, my mistake was assuming that part was implied. I don't want people taking bleach you know.

You walked it back. Like I said. You said one thing, and then hedged after being called out. That’s what is referred to as walking it back.

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
This entire pandemic, aside from the first 6-9 months, has largely been driven by fear. This latest manfestation due to "OMG DELTA VARIANT!!!1" is just the statists/authoritarians/virtue-signallers leveling-up.

I don’t know man. I have a rather small circle of acquaintances and 3 of them, all healthy without comorbidities, one aged 50, the other 42 and the third 27 got fucked up by delta big time. The 42 yo women at some point she started to move away from the living spectrum.

At least in my country hospitalizations are driven by not fully vaccinated adults infected with delta.


Why are people peddling this revolutionary fear porn? It's worse than the people who claim those who believe in COVID are falling for "fear porn".
Call it what you like, that shit has already proven itself evident in this past year and a half or so. Why anyone's "peddling" it, who knows... Who's peddling it? That shit's pretty fucking obvious.
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Phil is the idiot radio host who mocked the vaccine, discouraged others from taking it, and said doctors and nurses are the enemy. He can get fucked.

While I refrain from indulging in schadenfreude towards ordinary folks who are tricked into being anti-vax, and go on to suffer and maybe even die…

…cunts like this who spread the lies that trick them can get fucked all way to whatever hell they chose to believe in 👍


It is shit like this that makes me wonder about some of the claims surrounding HCQ and ivermectin. I’m not big on either one, but shady bullshit like this at least makes me think. Just to be clear; I’m not advocating one way or another. But people who think the major drug companies would never put billions in profits above human lives haven’t been paying attention.
It would be trivially easy for the pharma companies to take steps to improve their standing and reputation. They could renounce the immunities that they negotiated, for one. Instead they double down on the greed, and wonder why people mistrust them. They create and deserve the antivaxxers that don't want their shit.
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I don’t know man. I have a rather small circle of acquaintances and 3 of them, all healthy without comorbidities, one aged 50, the other 42 and the third 27 got fucked up by delta big time. The 42 yo women at some point she started to move away from the living spectrum.

At least in my country hospitalizations are driven by not fully vaccinated adults infected with delta.
Thanks for sharing, but most in this thread will ignore .. this thread has gone full circle, like the last one ..
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