I'm skeptical of this society's ability to force its will on me, and in resisting I will be participating in a virtuous struggle. I'd like to live off the grid in a community of like minded individuals, but it can take quite a bit of money to make that a sustainable proposition. My dream is to earn enough money by participating in the system to make being a subsistence farmer a sustainable choice that I can make. Outside of that, I don't think the current political paradigm is sustainable. I don't think there will ever be a mandate that can force people to take vaccines.
Imagine for a moment that there was forced vaccinations. How is it going to look on the news the first time a minority or member of the LGBTQ community dies while resisting vaccination? Let's make it a real good one. Proud father of three, member of the nation of Islam who thinks that vaccination is a conspiracy harm black people, cites the Tuskegee experiments and other unethical medical studies as reasons why he is resisting before having a heart attack while police wrestle him to the ground.
So lets assume it's not forced, it's just a bunch of restrictions including numerous ones on employment. Does that hold up in court? What are you going to do with the entire communities of people who cite religious, ethical, or other objections? Realistically it's not going to be me alone on an Island, it will be at minimum tens of millions of people. Do you think our system can bar them from certain categories of employment without effectively discriminating against them? Do you think we have the will to oppress tens of millions of people over the course of decades?
Here is a fun question, am I irrational for not wanting the vaccine? If the answer is yes, the follow up question must be why. If my brain is malfunctioning in such a way that it causes me to be incorrect about something important, might I have a disability? Personally I don't think so, but I think there is a good argument that if all of the people against this vaccine are irrational, then we should be compensated if our irrationality makes it impossible to participate in the system that society has created. Heck, if we can get disability, I bet you'll have a few extra million that decide to avoid vaccination as an easy path to getting on the dole. I don't know that this is the path that will go on, but you are going to have to work with the tens of millions that are not going to want the vaccine.
Our society does not have the will to coerce tens of millions of its own citizens to do something they don't want to. By attempting to do so they will create parallel societies with strong bonds, which will cause issues of its own. You will be creating a situation where everyone who is anti-vax is essentially forced into like minded communities. Any real attempt at what is being proposed will cause all kinds of problems that are not possible to foresee at the exact moment we are in. I look forward to reading various vaccination related employment lawsuits in our near future.