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Covid 19 Thread: [no bitching about masks of Fauci edition]

It would really help people make more informed decisions if we could know the number of unvaccinated vs vaccinated people who have died in the last 3 months. Is anything like that available?


Masks vs N95 debate from this morning is good example of where the changing line of irrationality and fear can be drawn.

As the locals in my area understands it, to be effective non N95 mask use requires masks made of decent materials, well maintianed, fitted, most everyone to use one...AND for known cases to be isolated with only asymptomatics with low viral counts being the primary spreaders being mitigated by masks. Any higher viral exposure requires full vaccine or N95. Not only are masks going away, soon symtomatic Covid people will be unrestricted, without sick leave and working through circumstance across the public service industry in full force.
Humor me and explain what you mean here. Are you saying that people are going to work while having COVID? Like when people would sometimes work through the flu (remember Michael Jordan’s infamous flu game?)


It would really help people make more informed decisions if we could know the number of unvaccinated vs vaccinated people who have died in the last 3 months. Is anything like that available?
You’re not going to get any honest numbers of the number of people who died of vaccine side effects.


I am not even close to being an anti-vaxxer, but I think you have to separate between stupid anti-vaxxers, and "normal" anti-vaxxers, who usually have all the mandatory vaccinations and have always been in favor of them, but who would like to see more nuances and differentiation regarding the coronavirus and vaccination.

So, you mean people who are not taking the covid vaccine because they do not trust what they are being told by scientists. What exactly makes them different from the 'stupid' anti vaxxers?


Gold Member
Never rub your tummy and pat your head at the same time, either.
😂 On the contrary you should do it so you can develop hand coordination and improve your piano playing.
Also you should be able to rub yourself anywhere pre or after vaccine, it’s your body dammit.

S sinnergy who are « they » who told you not to rub it during vaccine procedure? And was your pants on your ankles at the time?


You’re not going to get any honest numbers of the number of people who died of vaccine side effects.

From the CDC website:

  • Reports of death after COVID-19 vaccination are rare. More than 342 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines were administered in the United States from December 14, 2020, through July 26, 2021. During this time, VAERS received 6,340 reports of death (0.0019%) among people who received a COVID-19 vaccine. FDA requires healthcare providers to report any death after COVID-19 vaccination to VAERS, even if it’s unclear whether the vaccine was the cause. Reports of adverse events to VAERS following vaccination, including deaths, do not necessarily mean that a vaccine caused a health problem. A review of available clinical information, including death certificates, autopsy, and medical records, has not established a causal link to COVID-19 vaccines. However, recent reports indicate a plausible causal relationship between the J&J/Janssen COVID-19 Vaccine and TTS, a rare and serious adverse event—blood clots with low platelets—which has caused deaths.


Here's the UK government's run down:

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😂 On the contrary you should do it so you can develop hand coordination and improve your piano playing.
Also you should be able to rub yourself anywhere pre or after vaccine, it’s your body dammit.

S sinnergy who are « they » who told you not to rub it during vaccine procedure? And was your pants on your ankles at the time?
the person who administered me the shot. You think you know it better than her? Do you have a problem with it that it was a woman?
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From the CDC website:

  • Reports of death after COVID-19 vaccination are rare. More than 342 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines were administered in the United States from December 14, 2020, through July 26, 2021. During this time, VAERS received 6,340 reports of death (0.0019%) among people who received a COVID-19 vaccine. FDA requires healthcare providers to report any death after COVID-19 vaccination to VAERS, even if it’s unclear whether the vaccine was the cause. Reports of adverse events to VAERS following vaccination, including deaths, do not necessarily mean that a vaccine caused a health problem. A review of available clinical information, including death certificates, autopsy, and medical records, has not established a causal link to COVID-19 vaccines. However, recent reports indicate a plausible causal relationship between the J&J/Janssen COVID-19 Vaccine and TTS, a rare and serious adverse event—blood clots with low platelets—which has caused deaths.


Here's the UK government's run down:

I’m much more interested in deaths specifically from covid following vaccination vs unvaccinated over the last few months. So breakthrough infections. I’m not even skeptical, I just want to see the numbers. I’m not really worried about deaths from vaccine complications.


It would really help people make more informed decisions if we could know the number of unvaccinated vs vaccinated people who have died in the last 3 months. Is anything like that available?
Does it matter ? At this point everyone needs to be vaccinated.. numbers are just numbers … we all know how you can end if you are not vaccinated..

I’m sorry. 4 kids admitted to hospitals in 10 days for the state? That would be less than 150 kids a year being admitted to the hospital in a state of over 21 million people, probably around like 5 million of whom are under 18. Forgive me if I don’t see that as a crisis for children. Not to mention we just had Michael Osterholm saying on TV that cloth masks are ineffective.

Maybe I’m misreading this. Is this referring to the whole state or just this district.
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Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
I’m sorry. 4 kids admitted to hospitals in 10 days for the state? That would be less than 150 kids a year being admitted to the hospital in a state of over 21 million people, probably around like 5 million of whom are under 18. Forgive me if I don’t see that as a crisis for children. Not to mention we just had Michael Osterholm saying on TV that cloth masks are ineffective.

Maybe I’m misreading this. Is this referring to the whole state or just this district.

Please stop downplaying the loss of young lives to satisfy some bizarre political anti science stance you have.

I’m sorry. 4 kids admitted to hospitals in 10 days for the state? That would be less than 150 kids a year being admitted to the hospital in a state of over 21 million people, probably around like 5 million of whom are under 18. Forgive me if I don’t see that as a crisis for children. Not to mention we just had Michael Osterholm saying on TV that cloth masks are ineffective.

Maybe I’m misreading this. Is this referring to the whole state or just this district.

It's 32 per day for Florida.
Please stop downplaying the loss of young lives to satisfy some bizarre political anti science stance you have.

Stop hiding behind your moral indignation to justify posting fear mongering bullshit. What a pathetic, coward response. Just answer my question. Is that 4 kids hospitalized in the entire state of Florida in the last 10 days?

It's 32 per day for Florida.
See, that’s how you are supposed to respond. 0.76 hospitalizations for every 100,000 kids. A lot more than your quote, still less than 1 kid per 100,000. Not a health emergency for children. And that’s the highest rate in the entire country. So no, covid isn’t a public health problem for children.
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Gold Member
the person who administered me the shot. You think you know it better than her? Do you have a problem with it that it was a woman?
I have a problem with her spreading misinformation from her dominant position. I have a problem with her telling you crazy stuff while taking care of you. I don’t know this woman but if she said this to you, either she was taking the piss at you (which is plains stupid because of course you’ll take her seriously she’s the health practitioner), either I know better than her, and anyone who has even a tenuous understanding of vaccine does too.

i really don’t have problem with you and I think you’re victim of that misinformation (and I’m sorry I mocked you like a cunt).

Look, you could tell me anything about quantum physics I’ll believe you because I don’t know about the subject. And I’ll believe you even more if I was in a (more or less) life and death situation. What that effin nurse (I can’t believe a doctor told you that) did by telling you that stuff is so trash it makes me sad.


Humor me and explain what you mean here. Are you saying that people are going to work while having COVID? Like when people would sometimes work through the flu (remember Michael Jordan’s infamous flu game?)

Unsure what MJ Flu game(he was hungover apparently) has to do with this.

If you're attempting to make a facebook antivaxxer level comparison between Flu and Covid to illustrate your point please continue. It's interesting to observe, although I may not respond since it's a bit of a waste of time. Most people are aware that the only similarity between covid and the flu is they are respiratory illnesses, but they are caused by different viruses. Online antivaxx activists with their outspoken hero fantasy and martyr complex antivaxxer medicine isn't particularly convincing.

To bring your question to the point you missed:
My point -in context about vaccination, N95 vs masks and the changing direction of mandates increasing risk- was that vaccinated symptomatic people will be less likely to isolate due to restrictions being lifted and mandates, job protections and benefits to doing so being phased out. This will put the unvaccinated at higher risk of catching Covid and their use of cloth masks less effective.
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Gold Member
It would really help people make more informed decisions if we could know the number of unvaccinated vs vaccinated people who have died in the last 3 months. Is anything like that available?

What does deciding on the time and day to get the shot have to do with knowing how many people died?
What does deciding on the time and day to get the shot have to do with knowing how many people died?
It helps with risk calculation. I already got the shot. I want to know how well it’s working. This is basic shit. Why wouldn’t you want to know? I’m sure some people have died from breakthrough infections. Hopefully that number is low. But I’d like to know. I don’t see why this is something you’d have a problem with. It’s fine if you don’t know or don’t care. But I want to know.

Again, how many people in the last 3 months have died from covid after a breakthrough infection? It’s a pretty simple question. I’d like an answer to it if anyone has it. There’s no ulterior motive. I’d like to compare it to the number of unvaccinated people who have died in the same period of time.
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Gold Member
Antivaxxers have always been imbeciles.

The end result of breeding between Antivaxxers and Flat Earthers:


So, you mean people who are not taking the covid vaccine because they do not trust what they are being told by scientists. What exactly makes them different from the 'stupid' anti vaxxers?

What is this nonsense?

Who is talking about people who "don't trust scientists"?

Science also says "don't eat so much", "exercise more" or "don't take drugs". How about you get in touch with these people and start accusing them of some kind of bullshit.

It's people like you who label whole groups of people as stupid and further divide an already very divided society.
Why must every decision of people always be answered immediately with hatred and agitation. You don't have to share an opinion, but you should be able to respect other opinions without always assuming some garbage like "no trust in science".

I am strongly in favor of vaccination, but nevertheless the virus shows once again that not only the "stupid" anti-vaxxers are stupid, but also many of their antagonists.
See, that’s how you are supposed to respond. 0.76 hospitalizations for every 100,000 kids. A lot more than your quote, still less than 1 kid per 100,000. Not a health emergency for children. And that’s the highest rate in the entire country. So no, covid isn’t a public health problem for children.

Is there a level where you would consider it to be a public health problem ? Florida is at 46 per day now so we may get there yet.
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Count of Concision
It would really help people make more informed decisions if we could know the number of unvaccinated vs vaccinated people who have died in the last 3 months. Is anything like that available?

The lack of available data and - possibly worse - the seemingly intentional obfuscation of data during this pandemic has been galling. Data is being presented in tendentious and/or disingenuous ways, and expressed in needlessly complex tables and graphs - shouldn’t clear and accessible data be a priority for a global pandemic so that the greatest number of people can benefit from it?
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Is there a level where you would consider it to be a public health problem ? Florida is at 46 per day now so we may get there yet.
I mean there is a threshold of course. But less than 1 per 100,000 doesn’t even get close. Are you seriously trying to say that somewhere between 0.75 and 1 hospitalizations per 100,000 of any population group for a disease is a public health emergency for that population? Does that meet your standard? It certainly doesn’t meet mine.

Even 2 or 4 or 10 per 100,000 wouldn’t meet that criteria for me.
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Let me be more clear then and lay myself out completely.

I don't give a shit what color your skin is, your sexual preferences, your finances, or any other random category you wanna bring up to try and make a point. If everyone in America got vaccinated except white people (I am white btw) I would still hold the same views. I would hold those same views if it was gay people, Asians, Bisexuals, Indian, Transgender people, Native American, Black, or any other race or minority that you can think of. Because I am not discriminating in my views when it comes to this shit. You either get the vaccine or don't. Your skin color means exactly jack to me and has zero influence on my opinion. A black person stubbornly refusing to get vaccinated based on bad information and a white person doing the same are equally as ignorant and uninformed to me when it comes to this situation. I also don't care who they voted for or what part of the US they are from. I genuinely don't.

This is a common sense science based issue. Not a race related one. Not a poltics related one. If you wanna take that route and try to make it about race then go for it, but I am not gonna follow you down that ridiculous road. Try and call me a racist because I support vaccinations if you want, but I'll be back in the real world if you actually want to have a discussion at some point.
You’re god damn right. People making this about race like it’s some GOTCHA to state that a lot of minorities don’t want the vaccine have completely lost the plot.


Please stop downplaying the loss of young lives to satisfy some bizarre political anti science stance you have.

They’ll downplay the numbers they don’t like, and then attempt to exaggerate the numbers of people who died from taking the vaccine. Its Just pathetic.


“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
I mean there is a threshold of course. But less than 1 per 100,000 doesn’t even get close. Are you seriously trying to say that somewhere between 0.75 and 1 hospitalizations per 100,000 of any population group for a disease is a public health emergency for that population? Does that meet your standard? It certainly doesn’t meet mine.

Even 2 or 4 or 10 per 100,000 wouldn’t meet that criteria for me.
Thank God someone like you isn't in charge of any of this. We would be so fucked.


I mean there is a threshold of course. But less than 1 per 100,000 doesn’t even get close. Are you seriously trying to say that somewhere between 0.75 and 1 hospitalizations per 100,000 of any population group for a disease is a public health emergency for that population? Does that meet your standard. It certainly doesn’t meet mine.

Even 2 or 4 or 10 per 100,000 wouldn’t meet that criteria for me.
In a model with a couple dozen or so cities starting at population 200,000 to 2 million. 2 - 40 kids going into hospital during the start of a wave would raise some serious alarms in many imaginary sim nations. Definitely restrictions, isolation and tracing in most parts of my country. Prairie provinces maybe not.

Florida is at 46 per day now so we may get there yet.
Hospitilizations? Accurate? Insane.

Vaccine still isn't approved for 12 and under there either?

Used to be the elderly that were the most vulnerable. Now it's the kids.
Thank God someone like you isn't in charge of any of this. We would be so fucked.
Thankfully, public health experts aren’t complete fools like you. Hence school will be open and kids will not be sentenced to educational and social stagnation because of your cowardice.
In a model with a couple dozen or so cities starting at population 200,000 to 2 million. 2 - 40 kids going into hospital during the start of a wave would raise some serious alarms in many imaginary sim nations. Definitely restrictions, isolation and tracing in most parts of my country. Prairie provinces maybe not.

Hospitilizations? Accurate? Insane.

Vaccine still isn't approved for 12 and under there either?

Used to be the elderly that were the most vulnerable. Now it's the kids.
Most vulnerable? Kids? You’re joking right? Please tell me you’re joking. Vaccinated adults are being hospitalized at a much higher rate. If you want to be taken seriously, you can’t engage in this kind of nonsense.


“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
Thankfully, public health experts aren’t complete fools like you. Hence school will be open and kids will not be sentenced to educational and social stagnation because of your cowardice.
Where did I say they should? I never mentioned school closings at all?
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Thankfully, public health experts aren’t complete fools like you. Hence school will be open and kids will not be sentenced to educational and social stagnation because of your cowardice.

Most vulnerable? Kids? You’re joking right? Please tell me you’re joking. Vaccinated adults are being hospitalized at a much higher rate. If you want to be taken seriously, you can’t engage in this kind of nonsense.
Masks, contact tracing and temporary isolation while symptomatic aren't social stagnation.

If you want to be taken seriously show some nuance.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Please stop downplaying the loss of young lives to satisfy some bizarre political anti science stance you have.

You were talking about kids in the ICU, to which DeepBreath replied, to which you responded with a link about 18-34 year olds?!

Whatever lets you build the fear narrative, I guess. Keep them scary tweets coming.
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“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
You were talking about kids in the ICU, to which DeepBreath replied, to which you responded with a link about 18-34 year olds?!

Whatever lets you build the fear narrative, I guess. Keep them scary tweets coming.
The narrative being pushed by a certain side of this mess so far has been that it only affects older people severely and your reaction to a story like that showing that nearly 1/5 of those severely affected are between the ages of 18 and 34 is to say "AHA BUT ITS NOT KIDS LIKE YOU SAID!"

Eventually there's going to come a moment where you guys have to admit that it's just more serious than what you thought. It's okay to be wrong.
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“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
You didn’t. But I guess when certain people have no actual argument to rail against, they create one out of thin air.
To be fair he might not have read who he was talking to and just responded.

I've done that before and gotten discussions crossed up.


I’m not sure how using singular cases of someone dying of COVID helps ones argument. Is it to elicit an emotional response?

We had another death in Australia from the AZ vaccine, just 34 years of age. Does this change anything re vaccine efficacy? Of course not. Will anyone weep for this woman beyond her family? I seriously doubt it.


Might step away from this thread… as mentioned above, my shithole city of Melbourne has entered another lockdown. More income lost and little social contact again.

fuck Covid, fuck the politicians, fuck the ccp. fuck it all.
Masks, contact tracing and temporary isolation while symptomatic aren't social stagnation.

If you want to be taken seriously show some nuance.
You’re the guy who just said children were most at risk and you’re attempting to chide someone else about nuance? Really?
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Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
The narrative being pushed by a certain side of this mess so far has been that it only affects older people severely and your reaction to a story like that showing that nearly 1/5 of those severely affected are between the ages of 18 and 34 is to say "AHA BUT ITS NOT KIDS LIKE YOU SAID!"

Eventually there's going to come a moment where you guys have to admit that it's just more serious than what you thought. It's okay to be wrong.

What in the world are you talking about? Of course it can cause serious illness. It mostly kills old people, not that it doesn't affect anyone else.

Here's a snapshot of the new hospitalizations in Florida by age for August 2nd (latest the data goes):


These are all by 100,000 population. Here's population data for Florida: http://edr.state.fl.us/Content/population-demographics/data/Pop_Census_Day.pdf

Yep... looks to me like people over 50 still represent the vast majority of new hospitalizations. The 0-17 group accounts for very little of the total, although we should all be disturbed by its increase.

Still, people are acting like this is the worse the country has ever seen.

If you poke around in the data, you can see that Delaware had a spike in the 0-17 age group all the way up to 6.17 per 100,000! That's 6x what Florida is currently seeing. D.C. has hit 2.5 per 100,000 in that age group multiple times over the past year. Montana hit 3 per 100,000 last October.
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What in the world are you talking about? Of course it can cause serious illness. It mostly kills old people, not that it doesn't affect anyone else.

Here's a snapshot of the new hospitalizations in Florida by age for August 2nd (latest the data goes):


These are all by 100,000 population. Here's population data for Florida: http://edr.state.fl.us/Content/population-demographics/data/Pop_Census_Day.pdf

Yep... looks to me like people over 50 still represent the vast majority of new hospitalizations. The 0-17 group accounts for very little of the total, although we should all be disturbed by its increase.

Still, people are acting like this is the worse the country has ever seen.

If you poke around in the data, you can see that Delaware had a spike in the 0-17 age group all the way up to 6.17 per 100,000! That's 6x what Florida is currently seeing. D.C. has hit 2.5 per 100,000 in that age group multiple times over the past year. Montana hit 3 per 100,000 last October.
See this is what context and data look like everyone.


You’re the guy who just said children were most at risk and you’re attempting to chide someone else about nuance? Really?
Without vaccination and the concurrent reduction in mitigation efforts to contain spread they are becoming the most vulnerable at this point if the data of hospitalizations are 46 a day for a state of 21 million.

If my province(1/4 size) had 12 kids per day going ICU with government saying "this is fine." and no policy change in sight there would be a good chance of civil unrest.
Different jurisdictions, priorities...


“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
What in the world are you talking about? Of course it can cause serious illness. It mostly kills old people, not that it doesn't affect anyone else.

Here's a snapshot of the new hospitalizations in Florida by age for August 2nd (latest the data goes):


These are all by 100,000 population. Here's population data for Florida: http://edr.state.fl.us/Content/population-demographics/data/Pop_Census_Day.pdf

Yep... looks to me like people over 50 still represent the vast majority of new hospitalizations. The 0-17 group accounts for very little of the total, although we should all be disturbed by its increase.

Still, people are acting like this is the worse the country has ever seen.

If you poke around in the data, you can see that Delaware had a spike in the 0-17 age group all the way up to 6.17 per 100,000! That's 6x what Florida is currently seeing. D.C. has hit 2.5 per 100,000 in that age group multiple times over the past year. Montana hit 3 per 100,000 last October.
So you admit the numbers regarding kids are disturbing and you acknowledge the rise in hospitalizations among young adults, but you still have the same stance towards vaccinations against it.

Help me understand where you are coming from because I don't get it. You clearly see how bad it is, but at the same time you don't seem to care.
Without vaccination and the concurrent reduction in mitigation efforts to contain spread they are becoming the most vulnerable at this point if the data of hospitalizations are 46 a day for a state of 21 million.

If my province(1/4 size) had 12 kids per day going ICU with government saying "this is fine." and no policy change in sight there would be a good chance of civil unrest.
Different jurisdictions, priorities...
I’m sorry, but if you honestly think children are at most risk from covid, we have nothing else to discuss. That is completely unreasonable when looking at any data regarding covid. Period. It’s not up for discussion. It’s simply counter to reality. So if you’re going to persist with that, we can just stop talking and you can go on with your delusions.
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