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Covid 19 Thread: [no bitching about masks of Fauci edition]

Is it the business owners choice, or are you advocating a law that would need to be created to determine which medical discriminations would be allowed by the state?

Could a business owner choose not to serve people who have had abortions for example?

What about smokers? (not smoking, but smokers)

If I haven't been vaccinated, but am not sick, can a business owner still discriminate? (i.e. not a threat to employees, but the business owner only wants malaria vaccinated customers)

What about a business owner who only wants the unvaccinated?
Absolutely if they conclude that you are a threat to others' health by enabling the spread of a virus within the workplace. You desperately want to this be something it's not and you pull out smoking and abortions? Fucking LOL! Smokers go outside for their break and women having an abortion does not threaten the health of other workers or customers.

If a business owner fires someone for being vaccinated they would have no logical reason to do so since they are more protected against the virus than others. The only reason someone would do that is to make a political statement which people have already been fired for on Twitter.


Why would a person with HIV/AIDS be a threat to the health of other customers in a restaurant or on a plane?

Can you even come up with an example that makes any sense at all?

This is a question of the principle of the matter.

If we're going to create a law that states a business owner can discriminate against customers based on proof of a medical procedure, what are the criteria?

- is it the business owners determination? Business owner fears HIV contamination of employees, its his choice, checks for HIV status at the door.
- or its the state imposing the discrimination criteria on the business owner?

(i.e. the state mandates only customer's covid vaccine status can be discriminated against, but not AIDS positive, or malaria vaccine, etc)

Just trying to get a grasp on how you see medical procedure discriminations turning into a new legal framework. It's either the business owners choice about what is dangerous, or its the state giving a list of allowed discriminations.
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This is a question of the principle of the matter.

If we're going to create a law that states a business owner can discriminate against customers based on proof of a medical procedure, what are the criteria?

- is it the business owners determination? Business owner fears HIV contamination of employees, its his choice, checks for HIV status at the door.
- or its the state imposing the discrimination criteria on the business owner?

(i.e. the state mandates only customer's covid vaccine status can be discriminated against, but not AIDS positive, or malaria vaccine, etc)

Just trying to get a grasp on how you see medical procedure discriminations turning into a new legal framework. It's either the business owners choice about what is dangerous, or its the state giving a list of allowed discriminations.
They have no principles, so trying to pin them down is a waste of time. They like the idea that there is a group of people they can shit on and feel like good people while they do it. They don’t really care about covid or vaccines as much as they like feeling virtuous as they shit on others. If they did; they’d know their screeching and preaching is probably the least effective way to motivate people to get these vaccines. But it’s not about that anymore.


They have no principles, so trying to pin them down is a waste of time. They like the idea that there is a group of people they can shit on and feel like good people while they do it. They don’t really care about covid or vaccines as much as they like feeling virtuous as they shit on others. If they did; they’d know their screeching and preaching is probably the least effective way to motivate people to get these vaccines. But it’s not about that anymore.

Or rather I see something like this:

...and I feel incredibly sad for this man and his children because he was misled. And I know he's just one of hundreds of thousands that have gone and will go through this. And I want it to stop. And the best way for it to stop is through vaccination. And the best way to get people vaccinated is to incentivize it or disincentivize not getting the vaccine.

I don't know why you're assigning all these malicious ulterior motives, but that aint it. I'm not sure how anyone listens to these accounts, or to what the healthcare workers are going through and just thinks "OH HOW CONVENIENT, YOUR SOB STORY FITS YOUR NARRATIVE." No, these are real life tragedies playing out right in front of us, especially for those of us who either work in healthcare or have close friends and family that do. My wife's an out patient therapist who was conscripted to learn how to prone intubated patients in a full hooded ventilator while she was pregnant last year FFS. She didn't sign up for that shit.


They have no principles, so trying to pin them down is a waste of time. They like the idea that there is a group of people they can shit on and feel like good people while they do it. They don’t really care about covid or vaccines as much as they like feeling virtuous as they shit on others. If they did; they’d know their screeching and preaching is probably the least effective way to motivate people to get these vaccines. But it’s not about that anymore.

That might be true, but their "mindset" of wishing death / disbar from society on who they perceive as the opposition to ... health ... I guess ... is the current zeitgeist.

That means this mindset will be determining what society looks like in the coming decades.

The argument for new laws based on fear never ends well. Especially when we're targeting 30% of the population that is justified in being skeptical of all this. (like blacks and latinos, who make up the majority of unvaccinated)
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Or rather I see something like this:

...and I feel incredibly sad for this man and his children because he was misled. And I know he's just one of hundreds of thousands that have gone and will go through this. And I want it to stop. And the best way for it to stop is through vaccination. And the best way to get people vaccinated is to incentivize it or disincentivize not getting the vaccine.

I don't know why you're assigning all these malicious ulterior motives, but that aint it. I'm not sure how anyone listens to these accounts, or to what the healthcare workers are going through and just thinks "OH HOW CONVENIENT, YOUR SOB STORY FITS YOUR NARRATIVE." No, these are real life tragedies playing out right in front of us, especially for those of us who either work in healthcare or have close friends and family that do. My wife's an out patient therapist who was conscripted to learn how to prone intubated patients in a full hooded ventilator while she was pregnant last year FFS. She didn't sign up for that shit.

No. What you’re talking about is feeling sympathy for people making poor choices. That’s entirely understandable. What I’m talking about is actively shitting on those people. Calling them idiots. Calling for their lives to be harder. Hoping they die. There’s a lot of that going on here and elsewhere and it’s a fucking sickness.

If people make choices that end up getting them into trouble with regards to covid, that is sad. I hope they get vaccinated. I encouraged the people I cared about to get them because I have seen the impact they have had at the hospital I work at. But some of the people here don’t actually give a shit about covid or vaccines or anything. They enjoy the idea they can be horrible to other people and also feel moral superiority while they do it. If you don’t see that, you haven’t been paying attention. Maybe that’s not you, but it is happening.


This is a question of the principle of the matter.

If we're going to create a law that states a business owner can discriminate against customers based on proof of a medical procedure, what are the criteria?

- is it the business owners determination? Business owner fears HIV contamination of employees, its his choice, checks for HIV status at the door.
- or its the state imposing the discrimination criteria on the business owner?

(i.e. the state mandates only customer's covid vaccine status can be discriminated against, but not AIDS positive, or malaria vaccine, etc)

Just trying to get a grasp on how you see medical procedure discriminations turning into a new legal framework. It's either the business owners choice about what is dangerous, or its the state giving a list of allowed discriminations.

Again: a business has the right to refuse service to someone they reasonably believe could be a risk to other customers. What is this business about a new legal framework? This is existing law. Businesses have the right to refuse service to anyone, provided it is not discriminatory. It is not discriminatory to refuse service to unvaccinated people, because they may pose a risk. HIV sufferers would not, therefore it would be discriminatory.

Look, go look up employment and service laws. No point in us discussing this as layman, to be honest.
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Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
Do we have research papers that tell us any of the following:

Do the mRNA strands stay localised in the cells around the site of injection or do they get spread around the body and you have cells in the liver, heart, legs etc. producing the spike protein?

How long do our own cells produce the spike protein?

Can the spike protein produced by cells in one area of the body get into the blood stream or lymphatic system and be spread around the body?

Is the spike protein that the mRNA produces harmless or can it cause damage on its own?

Does the mRNA vaccine stimulate the same immune response that the virus does? By "same" I mean the same amounts of the various B and T cells, same cytokines etc. and are we left with similar levels of memory T cells etc. in the months after infection/vaccination?

Does natural immunity only target the spike protein of the virus or do your immune cells bind to other areas of the virus?

I'm not trying to argue that you are wrong, I am honestly interested in what the answers to those questions are. I have found it difficult to find those details and there is so much "noise" when I search for the info.
Some of the stuff you are asking is incredibly hard to determine and are questions we don't ask about infection related immunity. Characterizing T-cell populations for example with that level of detail is probably beyond us for example.
From what I have read -
Infection produces antibodies to both the spike protein and other portions of the virus, the vaccine however produces a greater range of antibodies to the spike protein.
The spike protein by itself could be harmful but so could the intact capsid and as the whole point is to generate an immune response to it, risk would be minimal.
The mRNA could spread to other parts of the body, but should be localised mainly in the muscle if injected properly.
mRNA has a half life of roughly 2 - 10 hours in the human body.

Ultimately you rely on epidemiology not complete understanding, we don't understand how a lot of stuff works.
If COVID only gave you a runny nose, no-one would give two shits about it's spike protein or what effect it's RNA could have 10 years from now. If HIV only caused you to get a slight fever we would barely know it existed.


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
No. What you’re talking about is feeling sympathy for people making poor choices. That’s entirely understandable. What I’m talking about is actively shitting on those people. Calling them idiots. Calling for their lives to be harder. Hoping they die. There’s a lot of that going on here and elsewhere and it’s a fucking sickness.
I see a lot more:
"Stupid sheeple lap up your fear porn and let the man inject you with whatever he says you have to take"
type superiority than:
"I got the vaccine and I hope the stupid people who don't have their lungs fill with fluid and they die a painful death"

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
I see a lot more:
"Stupid sheeple lap up your fear porn and let the man inject you with whatever he says you have to take"
type superiority than:
"I got the vaccine and I hope the stupid people who don't have their lungs fill with fluid and they die a painful death"

You must not go the the COVID subreddit much, then.

And you'd be better off for not doing so, to be honest.
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Neo Member
Some of the stuff you are asking is incredibly hard to determine and are questions we don't ask about infection related immunity. Characterizing T-cell populations for example with that level of detail is probably beyond us for example.
From what I have read -
Infection produces antibodies to both the spike protein and other portions of the virus, the vaccine however produces a greater range of antibodies to the spike protein.
The spike protein by itself could be harmful but so could the intact capsid and as the whole point is to generate an immune response to it, risk would be minimal.
The mRNA could spread to other parts of the body, but should be localised mainly in the muscle if injected properly.
mRNA has a half life of roughly 2 - 10 hours in the human body.

Ultimately you rely on epidemiology not complete understanding, we don't understand how a lot of stuff works.
If COVID only gave you a runny nose, no-one would give two shits about it's spike protein or what effect it's RNA could have 10 years from now. If HIV only caused you to get a slight fever we would barely know it existed.

Thanks for the reply, I appreciate it.

Unfortunately, I have inherited a condition that leaves me susceptible to blocked veins and clots so I've been worried that I might be more prone to the blood clot side effect. One parent needed major surgery about a decade ago and I've had minor surgery a few years ago. It seems like I only have bad options.


Anyone has prepper friends with a bunker? i wonder how many are already cozy on them, seems like the right time to use them.
You would already have the food and everything, time to put it to test and gain some time.
I see a lot more:
"Stupid sheeple lap up your fear porn and let the man inject you with whatever he says you have to take"
type superiority than:
"I got the vaccine and I hope the stupid people who don't have their lungs fill with fluid and they die a painful death"
I see some of that as well. But in terms who I see attacking actual people, most of that comes from the pro vaccine crowd. The same people that claim to be so caring and really value human life. A lot of the anti vaccine stuff is directed at governments or pharmaceutical companies. While that might be unproductive or foolish, it is not the same as calling people stupid or acting like they deserve to die for the choices they made.
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Gold Member
Nothing less. I just like to keep an eye on what everyone is saying to see what makes sense to me.


Oh, do one. You’re defending the attitude that lay people know better than those trained and qualified to speak on the subject. Get out of here with your high minded bullcrap 🤣

If people didn’t walk around thinking they always know best, and that they should listen to those that actually do because of their experience and expertise, the world would be less divisive, and a far better place.

”Don’t be horrible to the science deniers. They have as much right to think what they want to” is some cucked snowflake bollocks I can’t believe someone would actually be limp enough to voice. 🤣
You just don't get it. There are many people who do not get vaccinated, but still trust science. But people don't always follow science and it doesn't always make sense in every case. If someone is young and healthy and wants to take the small risk, then let him or her do exactly that. Personal responsibility also includes enduring the results. Many people are all about their principle of free will, even if they have to take a risk. Whether this is good or bad is not for opinion nazis like you to decide. Or are you going to tell every overweight person the same garbage that he will die decades earlier and will have many health problems? The science is quite clear about that, too.

I myself would recommend vaccination to most people, but it is not my place to judge and if you can't think of anything more than reflexively shouting "science denier" at everyone who hasn't been vaccinated yet, then you are far more stupid than these people.
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I am asking more out of curiosity, because I am not from Australia and can't properly judge the situation at hand there.

The delta spreading big time so far we have only seen in countries with high vaccination rate like the UK so I can't really compare that when many of those people there actually have the vaccines which prevents them from dying and also with bigger previous covid outbreaks which helped achieving herd immunity
I've been wondering about Australia too.

Island nation with strong border controls, low vaxx rates and heavy lockdown responses. Different strategy than a lot of Western nations. Suited to their situation. Theirs is like a vaccine hesitant response with the benefit of being isolated to prevent spread but subject to ongoing sporadic heavy lockdowns with outbreaks. Doesn't seem like they'll get herd immunity that way. Their idea seems predicated on a non-endemic Covid world and they just have to hold out till then while avoiding taking the vaccine or exposing their population to covid en masse. Pretty sure that isn't their plan, but it's what it looks like from the outside.

Still, if they want vaccine they could get it into themselves pretty quick if desire for it or plans change.

We get a lot of Australians working here in the winter. They may need vaccine to travel and work. BC has been giving provincial health coverage and vaccine to temp foreign workers during their isolation. International travel rules are changing.


You just don't get it. There are many people who do not get vaccinated, but still trust science. But people don't always follow science and it doesn't always make sense in every case. If someone is young and healthy and wants to take the small risk, then let him or her do exactly that. Personal responsibility also includes enduring the results. Many people are all about their principle of free will, even if they have to take a risk. Whether this is good or bad is not for opinion nazis like you to decide.

It’s funny how all of you who wish to defend the rights of anti vaxxers to be anti vaxxers, always call those of us who are pro vaccine ‘Nazis’ whenever you get uncomfortable with the arguments we make.

You talk endlessly about how people should have the right to choose, and that it’s only themselves they are responsible for - when the truth is of course not that at all.

I didn’t take the vaccine just for me. I did it for other people more vulnerable than me as well (Loved ones and strangers).I don’t continue to wear masks in public places for my sake, I do it for those still vulnerable to the virus.

Not getting a vaccine doesn’t just affect you. It affects others. By refusing, you are deliberately choosing to not help other people. To not make the world a safer place.

Now. Seriously. Which side of the argument actually sounds more Nazi- like to you? The people making an active choice to help themselves and others, or the people just thinking about themselves, and not giving a shit about other people?

So yeah… I will fucking judge people who are too damn cowardly, or too damn selfish to go get a little painless jab in their arm to help put a stop to this stupid pandemic. But if you’re fine with people like that… good for you, sport 👍
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Some more info from Israel about fading vaccine (specifically Pfizer) efficacy against infection in the elderly and why the country is pushing for a 3rd shot.

Unfortunately I don't speak Hebrew, so maybe take it with a grain of salt, but interesting data if true.

I wonder if the vaccine passports and jailing would keep these people out of the hospital.
It’s funny how all of you who wish to defend the rights of anti vaxxers to be anti vaxxers, always call those of us who are pro vaccine ‘Nazis’ whenever you get uncomfortable with the arguments we make.

You talk endlessly about how people should have the right to choose, and that it’s only themselves they are responsible for - when the truth is of course not that at all.

I didn’t take the vaccine just for me. I did it for other people more vulnerable than me as well (Loved ones and strangers).I don’t continue to wear masks in public places for my sake, I do it for those still vulnerable to the virus.

Not getting a vaccine doesn’t just affect you. It affects others. By refusing, you are deliberately choosing to not help other people. To not make the world a safer place.

Now. Seriously. Which side of the argument actually sounds more Nazi- like to you? The people making an active choice to help themselves and others, or the people just thinking about themselves, and not giving a shit about other people?

So yeah… I will fucking judge people who are too damn cowardly, or too damn selfish to go get a little painless jab in their arm to help put a stop to this stupid pandemic. But if you’re fine with people like that… good for you, sport 👍
Didn’t you just explicitly say it would be better if a bunch of people died? Just today you said that?

Your question is who sounds more like a Nazi? It’s you. You do.
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Didn’t you just explicitly say it would be better if a bunch of people died? Just today you said that?

Your question is who sounds more like a Nazi? It’s you. You do.

Literally that's why his comment made me laugh. He's trying to pretend he's some compassionate humanitarian when literally on the other page he said he wanted people who disagreed with him to drown in their own lung fluids. Not only that, but he had no intention of walking it back until someone from "his side" called him out for exactly what it was.

It's hard to take anything the guy says seriously when everyone to him is a coward, or chickenshit, or a selfish cunt or whatever else he wants to throw around that day while posting thinly veiled fantasies about wishing death upon the unvaccinated.
Literally that's why his comment made me laugh. He's trying to pretend he's some compassionate humanitarian when literally on the other page he said he wanted people who disagreed with him to drown in their own lung fluids. Not only that, but he had no intention of walking it back until someone from "his side" called him out for exactly what it was.

It's hard to take anything the guy says seriously when everyone to him is a coward, or chickenshit, or a selfish cunt or whatever else he wants to throw around that day while posting thinly veiled fantasies about wishing death upon the unvaccinated.
I mean it’s cringe inducing. To him everyone else is selfish or stupid or dumb or heartless. Meanwhile, this moron has such little self awareness that he thinks calling for people to die is no biggie. He’s exactly who I am talking about when I say it’s not about covid or vaccines or caring about people . For him it’s about being able to feel self righteous and being shitty to people at the same time. He can put whatever excuse he wants after wishing death on people, he’s still the only person in here hoping people die.
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This was a fairly interesting article on fasting as it relates to general immunity. I've been OMAD for a while (usually 1-2 hour window) and it's been a positive in terms of general wellness. Anyway, I found it interesting and thought I'd drop it here for any who might be prone to fast or interested in potential benefits. Vaccine or no, fasting certainly provides a host of potential positives in most cases.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member

“Our vaccines are working exceptionally well,” Walensky told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer in reference to fully vaccinated people who get breakthrough infections. “They continue to work well for Delta, with regard to severe illness and death – they prevent it. But what they can't do anymore is prevent transmission.

Again, why the renewed vigor for vaccine mandates?
I'm not going to debate the merits of vaccines as they have obviously been proven effective over time for many conditions. Whether or not the rapid development and disbursement of the Covid vaccines are justified in human trials is another subject, however.

What I am curious about is the top-down/societal response to the problem, and if the response is an equal weight to the threat. IMHO the idea of lockdowns, vaccine passports and other measures far exceed the threat that we are facing - at least from the numbers I've seen as they've unfolded over time. I'm not minimizing deaths that have occurred, as that's surely a sad thing for all who have lost loved ones. But this virus and the associated response - and I know you can call me all "tin-foil hatty" if you like for this view - has a very means-to-an-end flavor to me as things are unfolding. So many things in the development of civilization in relatively recent times has the net effect of loss of liberty, but it's a creeping erosion that is easy to let slide if you're not watching. Everything seems to be moving to an authoritarian/surveillance state ramped up to 11 on a global scale, and this recent issue along with the measures to deal with it only reinforce that sentiment within me. The sad thing is that the more freedoms that are lost to one generation will become accepted norms to the next, and the idea those of lost liberties will go unchallenged or unquestioned in a relatively rapid span of time as new generations are born into new circumstances.

I don't intend to debate this issue as these are my own feelings and observations, and I realize that there are opposing views that certainly have their own validity/support. I certainly don't claim to know it all - far from it. But I felt the need to express my own take on the flavor of the moment.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Because breakthrough infections are rare?

I honestly find that rather hard to believe and I imagine that's the next narrative that will crumble in due time.

This virus doesn't behave differently in the US, and data from other countries shows that breakthrough cases are anything but rare.

The CDC's reclassification in May and the fact that it took investigative journalists to piece together something remotely close to a real number of breakthrough cases (only from the data of 30 states) makes me extremely suspicious of the current US claims about 90% or more of infections being amongst the unvaccinated
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I honestly find that rather hard to believe and I imagine that's the next narrative that will crumble in due time.

This virus doesn't behave differently in the US, and data from other countries shows that breakthrough cases are anything but rare.

The CDC's reclassification in May and the fact that it took investigative journalists to piece together something remotely close to a real number of breakthrough cases (only from the data of 30 states) makes me extremely suspicious of the current US claims about 90% or more of infections being amongst the unvaccinated

Even their current estimation of 90% does not make it rare, that's one out of every 10 people.


I mean it’s cringe inducing. To him everyone else is selfish or stupid or dumb or heartless. Meanwhile, this moron has such little self awareness that he thinks calling for people to die is no biggie. He’s exactly who I am talking about when I say it’s not about covid or vaccines or caring about people . For him it’s about being able to feel self righteous and being shitty to people at the same time. He can put whatever excuse he wants after wishing death on people, he’s still the only person in here hoping people die.

Just came across this timely vid explaning how the masses can slip into this sort of psychosis.


Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Even their current estimation of 90% does not make it rare, that's one out of every 10 people.

The ratio for Vaccinated:Unvaccinated in Iceland with new domestic infections is currently 1:1 as I posted a bit earlier, which is kind of insane. And by 1:1, I mean that 70% of the new infections are seen in the vaccinated, who represent 70% of the overall population.

It's not nearly 90% in England as we have seen from the data up until now and will likely see again in their report that should come out tomorrow.

The reports from Israel show it to be false as well.

I just don't buy that the US is somehow special in this regard. Special in our counting methodology, perhaps.
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“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
The ratio for Vaccinated:Unvaccinated in Iceland with new domestic infections is currently 1:1 as I posted a bit earlier, which is kind of insane. And by 1:1, I mean that 70% of the new infections are seen in the vaccinated, who represent 70% of the overall population.

It's not nearly 90% in England as we have seen from the data up until now and will likely see again in their report that should come out tomorrow.

The reports from Israel show it to be false as well.

I just don't buy that the US is somehow special in this regard. Special in our counting methodology, perhaps.








It... is.... still.... my... body.... and .... my ... choice.

and.... my .... own ... risk ...assessment....

Thanks for caring about my health and personal choices. Less batons though please!

Especially you AU guys! The batons aren't helping your argument.

Is this whole thing just Big Gulp bans run amok? Goodness it is, its the Big Gulp, amplified.

I blame the internet.
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Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member



Don't get me wrong: I'm not trying to discourage any adult from getting vaccinated.

I just can't reconcile the insane push in recent days for mandates and restrictions with the revelations (excuse me, the new science) that have been coming in at the same time. It does not make sense to me. We didn't have this fervor even when we thought the vaccines were more effective. It's bizarre.
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“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
Don't get me wrong: I'm not trying to discourage any adult from getting vaccinated.

You know what? I'll take it. It's the closest I have come and I will take it.


It... is.... still.... my... body.... and .... my ... choice.
You know what it is your choice and I respect your right to make it. It's also the choice of any company or agency to fire you if you continue to purposely put the company and its employees at risk over ridiculous conspiracy theories or misinformation.

It's just like free speech. You have the right to say what you want, but you have to be willing to live with the consequences when you are done.
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You know what? I'll take it. It's the closest I have come and I will take it.


You know what it is your choice and I respect your right to make it. It's also the choice of any company or agency to fire you if you continue to purposely put the company and its employees at risk over ridiculous conspiracy theories or misinformation.

It's just like free speech. You have the right to say what you want, but you have to be willing to live with the consequences when you are done.

Completely agree.

Individuals and organizations should be able to basically do whatever they want to do, within reason.

If you're bad at your job, you get fired.

If you don't do XYZ the company asks, you're fired. The way it should be!

This is why courts exists, so individuals and organizations can challenge each other in front of an impartial legal system.
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