So should they be able to fire people who don’t get the flu shot too? What about the tetanus shot in physical labor jobs like warehousing and manufacturing? I can say first hand that a major shipping company doesn’t give a shit about whether or not you have a tetanus vaccine even though you’re working nonstop around rusty metal shit.
It’s common sense that the vaccine is only potentially going to protect the one who gets it. It’s definitely not protecting others. Frankly, the vaccinated are more likely to spread it because they may not even know they have it. The vaccine doesn’t stop you from getting or spreading it and there’s no science that says otherwise. Now obviously if you have less symptoms like coughing etc. you’re less likely to spread it. But vaccinated people have been hospitalized plenty and even died certainly, so saying there’s no risk is fucking retarded.
My body my choice bitches. Im pro choice but at least mine isn’t about murdering babies. It’s so fucking stupid that women can use this excuse when they’re literally wxtinguishing another life. It’s murder right off the bat. Willingly. Not getting the flu shot isn’t. It’s not that hard to figure out.
I don’t go on Twitter and I don’t follow any fucking conspiracy theories, I’m just not going to be a god damn guinea pig anymore. I was a guinea pig for 3 years serving my country and I have no clue what they injected me with when I joined but got multiple shots. I served because I believe in freedom and I’m willing to die for that.
I may end up getting a COVID vaccine at some point but it won’t be because of mandates, but rather scientific proof that it is even worth it.
I’ll say that if I do get COVID and get hospitalized, I’ll come on here and eat some crow but that ain’t fucking happening because I’m generally healthy and not obese.
No private corporation has the right to know about my health issues. You think COVID is the first deadly thing people have brought into the office? The idea that a corporation can pry into our health records in order to fire people is disgusting and this is a very slippery slope. How long until they mandate STD tests just to make sure you don’t pose a health risk to others there.
Is that a cold sore or a herpe on your lip there buddy? You’re gonna have to go get tested and if you got the herps, you’re fired.