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Covid 19 Thread: [no bitching about masks of Fauci edition]


My question for the pro vaccine crowd...

At what point do you think we should move on?

The same point we moved on from other pandemics - when it’s under control.

What is so hard to understand about this?

Some people around here act like there’s never been a widespread outbreak of a disease before.


Snake Oil Salesman
Infectiousness of COVID is higher than the flu.

Lethality of COVID is higher than the flu.

Long term side effects of COVID are worse than the flu.

People cared about flu deaths in 2016 to 2019, but the flu wasn't putting people in the hospital to the extent where we have to shut down elective surgeries as much as COVID is. Especially bad flu seasons in the past caused a few hospitals to set up tents and cancel elective surgeries, but it's happening a lot more often due to COVID.

You can't just look at the current numbers and think to yourself, "oh it's not that bad". The progression of this disease, unchecked, is exponential, and if you do the math, you can anticipate how bad it could get without countermeasures.

I'm not sure if you addressed my point.

We already have counter measures. We have an effective vaccine. We have alternative treatments that seem to be gaining traction. We have natural immunity in a large percentage of the population. We're seeing Covid death rates plummet throughout the planet.

At what point do we move on and live our lives normally?

38k automobile deaths occur annually in the United States per year. Compare that to our current 7 day rolling average and consider that Covid overwhelmingly takes the lives of people over the age of 70 and auto accidents take the lives of young people.

Is there a metric, where you personally believe we can get back to relative normalcy or do you need Fauci / CNN to tell you?


Snake Oil Salesman
The same point we moved on from other pandemics - when it’s under control.

What is so hard to understand about this?

Some people around here act like there’s never been a widespread outbreak of a disease before.

"When it's under control."

You and I both know how vague this language is. Let's get specific.


I'm not sure if you addressed my point.

We already have counter measures. We have an effective vaccine. We have alternative treatments that seem to be gaining traction. We have natural immunity in a large percentage of the population. We're seeing Covid death rates plummet throughout the planet.

At what point do we move on and live our lives normally?

38k automobile deaths occur annually in the United States per year. Compare that to our current 7 day rolling average and consider that Covid overwhelmingly takes the lives of people over the age of 70 and auto accidents take the lives of young people.

Is there a metric, where you personally believe we can get back to relative normalcy or do you need Fauci / CNN to tell you?
We can start moving on when dipshits stop being dipshits and just get the vaccine. How is that so hard to comprehend?


Hard to Kill
I thought France was one of the countries with the highest rate of distrust for vaccines, hopefully won't come to forced inoculations.
Well yes and no, for example if you listen to the media right now a lot of health workers are against that vaccine, but in the last few months I spent a lot of time in hospitals (some of you know why) and being someone easy to talk with I talk with a lot of people there, and none was against the vaccine, most were already vaccinated or going to be in the next few days.When I say a lot I talked to 6 different services and independant nurses in different hospitals.
Yet listening to the news it feels like they are all against it when it is in fact a small but very vocal and active community.
But those against it are strongly against it to a point it becomes ridiculous.
I don't blame them all of our lives were affected and people need a culprit, but when the culprit is a virus you can't yell at him, so you invent conspiracy theories and protest against your government.
But the thing is it happenned and most government were in over their heads, not knowing who to listen to and which decision would be worse than others etc.


I can confirm this graph, which is pretty expectable tbh.

Well, as long as you’ve confirmed it, I guess peer review no longer matters.

Frustrated Fuck My Life GIF


Rodent Whores
I'm not sure if you addressed my point.

We already have counter measures. We have an effective vaccine. We have alternative treatments that seem to be gaining traction. We have natural immunity in a large percentage of the population. We're seeing Covid death rates plummet throughout the planet.

At what point do we move on and live our lives normally?

38k automobile deaths occur annually in the United States per year. Compare that to our current 7 day rolling average and consider that Covid overwhelmingly takes the lives of people over the age of 70 and auto accidents take the lives of young people.

Is there a metric, where you personally believe we can get back to relative normalcy or do you need Fauci / CNN to tell you?
I did. You asked what the difference is between our treatment and reaction to COVID vs our treatment and reaction to the flu. I gave you examples of why they're different both in theory and in real life.

At what point do we move on and live our lives normally? When the hospitals go back to normal operation.

Comparing car deaths to COVID deaths is not a useful comparison because of the different risk profiles, the different "essential" activities tied to them, and the different ways to mitigate death for either of them. One is also tied to a choice of opt in participation while another is much less so.


I guess you really have no idea what peer-review even is.

Well, if I didn't genius, I could look at the article you think you're being smart about, and read up on it:

"What is an unrefereed preprint?​

Before formal publication in a scholarly journal, scientific and medical articles are traditionally certified by “peer review.” In this process, the journal’s editors take advice from various experts—called “referees”—who have assessed the paper and may identify weaknesses in its assumptions, methods, and conclusions. Typically a journal will only publish an article once the editors are satisfied that the authors have addressed referees’ concerns and that the data presented support the conclusions drawn in the paper.
Because this process can be lengthy, authors use the medRxiv service to make their manuscripts available as “preprints” before certification by peer review, allowing
other scientists to see, discuss, and comment on the findings immediately. Readers should therefore be aware that articles on medRxiv have not been finalized by authors, might contain errors, and report information that has not yet been accepted or endorsed in any way by the scientific or medical community.
We also urge journalists and other individuals who report on medical research to the general public to consider this when discussing work that appears on medRxiv preprints and emphasize it has yet to be evaluated by the medical community and the information presented may be erroneous."
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Well, if I didn't genius, I could look at the article you think you're being smart about, and read up on it:

"What is an unrefereed preprint?​

Before formal publication in a scholarly journal, scientific and medical articles are traditionally certified by “peer review.” In this process, the journal’s editors take advice from various experts—called “referees”—who have assessed the paper and may identify weaknesses in its assumptions, methods, and conclusions. Typically a journal will only publish an article once the editors are satisfied that the authors have addressed referees’ concerns and that the data presented support the conclusions drawn in the paper.
Because this process can be lengthy, authors use the medRxiv service to make their manuscripts available as “preprints” before certification by peer review, allowing
other scientists to see, discuss, and comment on the findings immediately. Readers should therefore be aware that articles on medRxiv have not been finalized by authors, might contain errors, and report information that has not yet been accepted or endorsed in any way by the scientific or medical community.
We also urge journalists and other individuals who report on medical research to the general public to consider this when discussing work that appears on medRxiv preprints and emphasize it has yet to be evaluated by the medical community and the information presented may be erroneous."

Chicken Mocking GIF by swerk

Because if you ever reviewed papers as a researcher (which you didn't) or published regularly papers on q1 journals (which, again, you clearly didn't), you would know that survey research is bottom-tier and isn't particularly hard to get published on random journals. Reviewing is only as good as where it is being published. But because you read somewhere about the power of peer-reviewing stamp without even understanding its value, why pre-print became essential to authors or the nonsensical shit that gets published through peer-reviewing, you end up having to resort to shitty gifs to display your stupidity.


Because if you ever reviewed papers as a researcher (which you didn't) or published regularly papers on q1 journals (which, again, you clearly didn't), you would know that survey research is bottom-tier and isn't particularly hard to get published on random journals. Reviewing is only as good as where it is being published. But because you read somewhere about the power of peer-reviewing stamp without even understanding its value, why pre-print became essential to authors or the nonsensical shit that gets published through peer-reviewing, you end up having to resort to shitty gifs to display your stupidity.

Your argument for the validity of the article you feel so strongly confident about is that it's bottom tier and isn't particularly hard to get published on random journals?

Here's another shitty gif for you:

weird GIF
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Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
"When it's under control."

You and I both know how vague this language is. Let's get specific.
When the infection rate, hospitalization rate and death rate has been trending down for a month, maybe two months.
We were there, at least here in Virginia, everything was pretty much allowed full capacity without masks, but this Delta wave is poised to set us back - not to square one, I don't expect stay at home orders, but at least a couple of steps back.


Your argument for the validity of the article you feel so strongly confident about is that it's bottom tier and isn't particularly hard to get published on random journals?

Here's another shitty gif for you:

weird GIF

You are the one who correlated validity with a stamp you don't understand. I didn't even talked about the article. I wrote that, in my experience, I can confirm the results of the survey presented in the graph. Everything else after it was merely you displaying idiocy and ignorance about the subject.


You are the one who correlated validity with a stamp you don't understand. I didn't even talked about the article. I wrote that, in my experience, I can confirm the results of the survey presented in the graph. Everything else after it was merely you displaying idiocy and ignorance about the subject.

Yes, yes. I - the one advocating for peer review as a way to establish whether a piece of data is worth discussing or not - am the one displaying idiocy and ignorance about scientific research, whereas you - who are calling into question the validity of peer review - are most definitely the smart one, who understands how these things work.

Good for you champ!

Wwe Live Thumbs Up GIF


French paediatrics community just demolished recommendations for masks for kids age 2 and up, it’s shocking they could have asked a single parent to determine the idea is unworkable.
Interesting implication in the early education of children in different jurisdictions given the same tabula rasa.

In structured settings children can be kept fairly organized and develop quickly.

Maybe there are more parallels between french children of elementary school age(5-12) and 2 year olds.

When can they learn not to piss themselves?

Yes, facetious question. They can learn to keep a mask on properly with guidance.
OK branch covidians . Please explain how this Dr. is wrong. I am curious.

Also there is no test that determines variants, so all this noise about the so called Delta varient running wild seems odd , since ya know , they don't actually test for it.
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Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
OK branch covidians . Please explain how this Dr. is wrong. I am curious.

I am sure you can find plenty of takedowns online, but I stopped watching after his antibody-dependant enhancement bit where he mischarcterizes it as a property of vaccines, when natural infection is as likely or probably more likely to cause this (more weakly binding antibodies). Fortunately for us he doesn't provide any evidence for it actually happening because there isn't any out there.
It is just a constant stream of randomness that it would take someone with a lot more time than me to take apart one stupid piece at time.


My question for the pro vaccine crowd...

At what point do you think we should move on?

In the 3 years prior to Covid an average of 40k people died from the flu each year.

Our current 7 day rolling average is 607 deaths per week...which extrapolates to 32k deaths per year.
You are not accounting for the fact that the current state is after massive lockdown initiatives and prevention measures. Covid is way more contagious than flu, this is the problem.

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
Also there is no test that determines variants, so all this noise about the so called Delta varient running wild seems odd , since ya know , they don't actually test for it.
They periodically take tests from research hospitals and state labs and subject them to additional genetic sequence testing. They use this to model the statistics for various strains.

Your average COVID swab isn't a genetic test, but it's sent to a lab that takes a random sample of some of their tests and does genetic analysis of it, using that to create statistical models. If they see new outbreaks, huge increases in the rate of infection, or severe symptoms then those tests can be singled out for genetic testing as well.
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Lil’ Gobbie
OK branch covidians . Please explain how this Dr. is wrong. I am curious.

Also there is no test that determines variants, so all this noise about the so called Delta varient running wild seems odd , since ya know , they don't actually test for it.
nothing too controversial about what he is saying. the part where he says he's treated 15 patients with VIT d, ivermectin, and zinc is a little bit eyebrow raising though. he could be right, but right now we don't have the data to warrant his level of confidence in those treatments IMO. that being said, there are still some patients being given those that still die

but like he says he's a functional doctor so he's more focused on the individual and even then be will treat individuals with the same problem in different ways. he's the polar opposite of the CDC which is focused on public health and generating treatment plans for the masses so it makes sense they would not see eye to eye
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Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Increased from what number in June to what number in July?

It's bullshit. Their cases went from like 1 to 25 (2500%!!!!!!!111) and peaked at around 40 before going back down. Still was somewhat concerning for a population of only 34,000 with their vaccination rate, but they are already on their way out of their Delta wave it appears.
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Lil’ Gobbie
It's bullshit. Their cases went from like 1 to 25 (2500%!!!!!!!111) and peaked at around 40 before going back down. Still was somewhat concerning for a population of only 34,000 with their vaccination rate, but they are already on their way out of their Delta wave it appears.
if there are no deaths and much fewer hospitalizations, the vaccines are doing their job.


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
It's bullshit. Their cases went from like 1 to 25 (2500%!!!!!!!111) and peaked at around 40 before going back down. Still was somewhat concerning for a population of only 34,000 with their vaccination rate, but they are already on their way out of their Delta wave it appears.
Yeah but they had an infinite increase in deaths. 0÷0 = infinity.


So there's no metric you can observe to formulate your own opinion?

It's just "When I'm told".

Are you high?

How am I supposed to formulate my own opinion on a friggin’ pandemic?

And who exactly am I supposed to listen to, if not the people responsible for public health?

Who would you suggest listening to in terms of the status of a pandemic? What metric are you suggesting?
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Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
"The CDC is like this whole governmental body with scientists and shit that just tell us what to do. You don't have to think about it dude."

It's basically just going to be scientists looking at vaccination rates, infection rates, hospitalization rates, death rates, variant rates, new variants, the weather / seasons, and then making that determination. You have specialists in each area listed that submit data to politicians and public health admins who then make the call.

Or we can just wing it from home I guess?

I don't think there's a lot of evidence that anyone is out to prolong any kind of restrictions. Unemployment was not extended past September. Eviction moratoriums were not officially extended. Nationwide mask mandates were lifted already. I don't think any states have actual lockdowns anymore in the US.
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Lil’ Gobbie
So there's no metric you can observe to formulate your own opinion?

It's just "When I'm told".
there is no single metric that epidemiologists use to say "it's over." you have no idea how complicated and how many variables are at play here

however the good news is that you can always use your own metrics and "observations" to formulate your own opinions. problem is it will be a shit opinion, but you are still entitled to it

most of us are wise enough to defer to the learned people that understand what they are looking at. you don't have to though, and please let us know how it works out for you :messenger_smiling_with_eyes:
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I think it's genetic engineering with the nanotechnologies involved as they are. And if that's too far out then just look at Elon Musk talking about implanting computerchips into people's brains sometime next year. They're very fond of crossing people over with computers. Of cutting people off from their natural self and natural blueprint.

It's all about control in the end. They are just seeing how far they can take it and the answer seems to be pretty damn far with the crazy rules that are now in place and that some people seem to be okay with.

Make people WANT this vaccine by manipulation. Take it so you can have your freedom back! Take it so you don't die! Take it so nobody else dies! Take it because we say so! Take it because you'll get free stuff in return.

And whoever dies or whatsoever side effects it may have, make them believe it's better than the virus. Skew the numbers in favor of whatever you want to achieve and then silence all other voices and opinions and warning.

It's a sad state of things but people make their own choices. Just be sure to make a choice that is completely yours and not manipulated or influenced. You can't just blindly trust anything or anyone. No matter how well they dress it up. They've got ages of experience with psychological manipulation and control of the masses. We just sleepin'

The top is united that's why they all agree. Underneath that is the theater and underneath that is us underground, hearing the music and believing the guy who comes down to tell us what's really going on above. But he's been bought and is feeding us whatever they tell him.

Don't ask for numbers, just look at percentages and be afraid and welcome a lockdown.
Well it's a tiny country . Cases went from 1 or 2 on june 6 to 27ish in late July. They only have a 33,000 or so population . Point is 99% is vaxxed and they are spiking big time. Maybe just maybe these "vaccines" are shit.


most of us are wise enough to defer to the learned people that understand what they are looking at. you don't have to though, and please let us know how it works out for you :messenger_smiling_with_eyes:

Especially next time he feels a lump.

Preeeeeety sure all the scepticism on this forum about what medical professionals have to say say would go right out the window at that moment…
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Well it's a tiny country . Cases went from 1 or 2 on june 6 to 27ish in late July. They only have a 33,000 or so population . Point is 99% is vaxxed and they are spiking big time. Maybe just maybe these "vaccines" are shit.

If they’re shit, you must think all the organisations across the world who say different are lying to us?
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