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Covid 19 Thread: [no bitching about masks of Fauci edition]


Lil’ Gobbie
"The CDC is like this whole governmental body with scientists and shit that just tell us what to do. You don't have to think about it dude."

pretty much though. why be just dumb when you can be dumb and ungrateful


No, it doesn't hold up because the guns you are referring to vastly have been proven to save their lives. If you have someone in your command telling all the other soldiers not to use the weapon because it jammed on some people then he is a problem that can jeopardize the safety of the rest of the squad. The proper procedure is to report it to high command and look into the issue, not tell your other squadmates to refuse the guns that have been proven to be more useful than not.
Obviously, it requires some kind of trust in procedures and high command to see the sense in reporting the issue. The hesitant are hesitant because they generally don't trust "high command" to do the right thing. The question is: how did you lose their trust, and how can you win it back?


Rodent Whores



Gibraltar is a shining example of how to do things right and what can happen when the overwhelming majority of your population get vaccinated.

The vaccination has less efficacy against infection and transmission against Delta, which is why you see infections rate rise as Delta spreads in Gibraltar.

The vaccination still has some protection against infection and transmission against Delta, which is why the infection rates aren't nearly as high as the pre-vaccine days.

The vaccination still has major protection against hospitalization and death from Delta, which is why unvaccinated people are majorly overrepresented in their hospitals, and only one person has died since March.

This is what can happen if you reach full vaccination. You're not at high risk anymore for severe complications, and COVID is relegated to common cold status. Life is mostly back to normal, at a cautious pace.

Look at their Facebook page. Does this look like a the FB of a community going through a crisis?

Three months after Gibraltar went into a second lockdown, more than 90 percent of residents had received a first dose of vaccine. Most are now receiving the second dose.

The result of the Gibraltar vaccine effort has been simply astonishing. The territory is reopening, and it is now one of the most vaccinated places in the world.

Gibraltar is also one of the safest places on earth, having gone through the various stages of the pandemic from surge to lockdown.

The territory known as The Rock has come out the other side vaccinated, with a huge drop in infections and deaths.

Gibraltar is a tiny place and densely populated. Had there been no vaccine effort, the death rate would have been astronomical.

When Gibraltar was in a bad place like the VI is today, vaccines, a receptive attitude to vaccine, and a ramped-up vaccination effort saved it from worse disaster.

Now, Gibraltar is back to normal. Its hospital is free of Covid patients.

Hopefully the VI will learn something from Gibraltar.

Look at their local newpaper. Does this look like the front page of a community in crisis?

In July, they noticed the case rate rising, and took the appropriate measures. It didn't have to be very drastic since most of the population is already vaccinated, and that gives a lot of passive protection, which means the active protection doesn't need to be as strict.

The rules which require close contacts of a positive case to self-isolate have been tightened in view of the increase in the number of active cases of COVID-19 in Gibraltar.

Given our successful vaccination programme, the practice until recently has been that a vaccinated close contact of a positive case no longer needed to self-isolate. That person could leave home as long as a mask was worn in all settings, and could even continue to go to work depending on the circumstances of the workplace.

The public is advised that those rules have now changed. The reason for this is because the Delta variant of the virus is more contagious and therefore spreads more quickly. This means that if someone in a household contracts the disease, the likelihood is that other members of that same household will follow.
Household contacts of a positive case are now required to self-isolate whether they have been vaccinated or not. The Contact Tracing Bureau will at first circulate a text message to all known contacts. This will be followed by a telephone call to each of them where the details surrounding the nature of the contact will be discussed, looked at more closely and new instructions issued accordingly.

Gibraltar has a world class testing programme and a world class vaccination programme which means that an essential part of the framework to tackle this disease is already in place. However, it is vital that everyone plays their part in the fights against the virus and that we all behave in a sensible and responsible manner as well.

Fortunately for them, they take the advice of everyone behaving in a sensible and responsible manner to heart.
If they’re shit, you must think all the organisations across the world who say different are lying to us?
Yeah man that's a crazy conspiracy theory like covid being leaked from a Wuhan lab that exclusively studies Corona Virus Oh wait...

Nah not saying that . Just that when traditional vaccines take 5 to 15 years to create and vette and big pharma claims to do it in mere months then color me skeptical. It's a vaccine so effective that those who take it a terrified of those who don't. Supes effective bro.
If they’re shit, you must think all the organisations across the world who say different are lying to us?

Sorry to interject but I wouldn't say they are "shit" as they keep deaths and hospitalizations low (which is good and should not be downplayed by anyone), however I would say the idea that some people have of the vaccine being able to eradicate Covid isn't feasible. This is probably the best control group study we'll get for the vaccine as the population is small and the vaccine uptake is high yet they are still having cases of covid pop up. So the people out there claiming a spike in cases will be solely the fault of the unvaccinated and covid would have disappeared with 100% uptake isn't true.

Again, it is highly effective and almost foolproof at keeping hospitalizations/deaths down which is the best we can hope for. That should be the focus and we shouldn't pay too much attention to case count moving forward. As things open back up and restrictions are lifted it only makes sense there will be an increase in cases.


Traffic has quieted down a bit in town. About half as busy at stores as it was last week. Less out of province license plates on the roads. Full on mask compliance at stores I went to. No noticeable increase in American traffic with the land border open. Makes sense. Why travel to a rising Delta active area with robust and changing restrictions where non-essential travel is discouraged. Daily business going on mostly as usual.

Strong concerns about Delta spreading to the rest of the province. Situation being monitored, no new targeted measures, current ones remain.

Current measures
  • Indoor and outdoor dining is allowed at restaurants for groups up to six people and liquor service must stop at 10 p.m.
  • Casinos may remain open with a COVID-19 safety plan in place
  • Nightclubs and bars are ordered to close (only those establishments with a full meal service may stay open)
  • Indoor low-intensity group exercise is permitted with reduced capacity
  • Indoor high-intensity group exercise is not permitted during this time
  • Gatherings in vacation rentals (including houseboats) are limited to five guests, plus the occupants
  • Outdoor personal gatherings (e.g., birthday parties, backyard BBQs, block parties) are limited to no more than 50 people, and indoor personal gatherings are limited to five guests or one other household
  • Indoor organized gatherings and outdoor organized gatherings (e.g., weddings, funerals, seated events) are limited to no more than 50 people with a COVID-19 safety plan in place

That's encouraging. :)


Sorry to interject but I wouldn't say they are "shit" as they keep deaths and hospitalizations low (which is good and should not be downplayed by anyone), however I would say the idea that some people have of the vaccine being able to eradicate Covid isn't feasible. This is probably the best control group study we'll get for the vaccine as the population is small and the vaccine uptake is high yet they are still having cases of covid pop up. So the people out there claiming a spike in cases will be solely the fault of the unvaccinated and covid would have disappeared with 100% uptake isn't true.

Who is saying this? Is anybody on this forum saying that the vaccines are there to eradicate Covid?


Rodent Whores
however I would say the idea that some people have of the vaccine being able to eradicate Covid isn't feasible.
If we had gotten more of the world vaccinated against the original strain which the vaccines have a high level of infection protection against, then the likelihood of COVID evolving into a more transmissible strain like the delta variant would have been a lot less.

Once a booster shot is developed that is highly effective at cutting down the transmissibility of the delta variant, one would hope the worldwide rollout is fast enough to prevent a new evasive variant from evolving. We only get so many chances at this before COVID evolves to be as fluid as influenza.
Sorry to interject but I wouldn't say they are "shit" as they keep deaths and hospitalizations low (which is good and should not be downplayed by anyone), however I would say the idea that some people have of the vaccine being able to eradicate Covid isn't feasible. This is probably the best control group study we'll get for the vaccine as the population is small and the vaccine uptake is high yet they are still having cases of covid pop up. So the people out there claiming a spike in cases will be solely the fault of the unvaccinated and covid would have disappeared with 100% uptake isn't true.

Again, it is highly effective and almost foolproof at keeping hospitalizations/deaths down which is the best we can hope for. That should be the focus and we shouldn't pay too much attention to case count moving forward. As things open back up and restrictions are lifted it only makes sense there will be an increase in cases.

you should have replied to the person who said cases spiking = vaccine shit then
Who is saying this? Is anybody on this forum saying that the vaccines are there to eradicate Covid?

I don't have time to go back and dig right now but yes, there have been multiple posters who have said these spikes could have been avoided if everyone was vaccinated.

you should have replied to the person who said cases spiking = vaccine shit then

Millers comment I felt would lead to better discussion. Thanks for your input though.


IOnce a booster shot is developed that is highly effective at cutting down the transmissibility of the delta variant, one would hope the worldwide rollout is fast enough to prevent a new evasive variant from evolving. We only get so many chances at this before COVID evolves to be as fluid as influenza.

I fear we’re past that stage now. I think Covid vaccines are going to become as ubiquitous and annual as flu vaccines.
I don't have time to go back and dig right now but yes, there have been multiple posters who have said these spikes could have been avoided if everyone was vaccinated.

Millers comment I felt would lead to better discussion. Thanks for your input though.

a conversation that immediately ended with you saying you can’t be bothered to back up your accusations, good going

next time you should “interject” when someone says something you disagree with
a conversation that immediately ended with you saying you can’t be bothered to back up your accusations, good going

next time you should “interject” when someone says something you disagree with

Oh don't worry, when I have time later tonight I'll pull them. Until then, kindly piss off


I don't have time to go back and dig right now but yes, there have been multiple posters who have said these spikes could have been avoided if everyone was vaccinated.

But that’s not claiming an eradication of the virus. Spikes could definitely have been avoided with higher vaccination rates, but that’s vastly different from eradication.

Complete eradication of disease is virtually impossible, and I’d take anyone to task who claims otherwise.
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Rodent Whores
I don't have time to go back and dig right now but yes, there have been multiple posters who have said these spikes could have been avoided if everyone was vaccinated.
If everyone were vaccinated, the spikes of non-delta COVID would have been vastly reduced than they were. If everyone were vaccinated, the spikes of delta COVID would have been somewhat reduced than they are now.

Just look at my recent post about Gibraltar for a real world example. At its worst peak in the Delta era, there were 92 cases per capita, and a portion of those are tourists. It's going down now.

Look at the worst hit places right now, and their peaks are still rising, and are most likely going to be higher and longer lasting.



Republicans in the Tennessee House are moving full steam ahead with pressuring Gov. Bill Lee to call a special session to take action against schools requiring masks.

The message to Lee came less than 24 hours after parents flocked to a Williamson County school board meeting Tuesday night, many to oppose a measure to require masks for students. Some yelled and harassed doctors and other medical professionals who had attended the meeting to speak in favor of masks.
The Williamson County board voted to mandate masks in elementary schools, joining districts in Shelby and Davidson counties, along with conservative rural counties like Hancock and Henry, in implementing some form of mask mandates for students.
In addition to specifically mentioning independent health departments, such as one in Shelby County that imposed a mask mandate not just on public schools but private schools and daycares, Sexton's letter leaves the door open to ask for topics other than schools to be addressed in a special session.

Policy versus science.

Getting an idea now of where Alberta is importing their covid response. It's definitely not from our nation. At first thought it was Texas, then Florida, then this. Little bit of all. Something in common. Just another thread in the pinboard. Will keep looking and chatting. And fightin' around the world. ... it's a long and winding road...

Policy versus science.

Getting an idea now of where Alberta is importing their covid response. It's definitely not from our nation. At first thought it was Texas, then Florida, then this. Little bit of all. Something in common. Just another thread in the pinboard. Will keep looking and chatting. And fightin' around the world. ... it's a long and winding road...

Masks for a full school day on young children is grotesque theater of the absurd. Nothing more. It certainly isn’t science.
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says the screaming mob and politicians and know nothings.
Says anyone who has interacted with a group of six year olds, actually. The idea that an airborne virus would be inhibited by cloth masks worn by 1st graders over the course of 8 hours is laughable. If you need an “expert” to explain to you why that is, you should probably just give up all decision making at this point.
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Says anyone who has interacted with a group of six year olds, actually. The idea that an airborne virus would be inhibited by cloth masks worn by 1st graders over the course of 8 hours is laughable. If you need an “expert” to explain to you why that is, you should probably just give up all decision making at this point.

Tennessee experts have said their opinion, De Nomolos. Time has told.

That's why the boards enacted their recommendations as part of the public health response.

I'd like to think most children in Tennessee aren't as poorly socialized and behaviorally challenged as those few kids screaming at the doctor for giving his professional informed opinion. That they could keep a mask on and learn the importance of it in short order isn't that difficult.

They're only temporary. Unsure how they're implemented there though. Might be something to help their public awareness and make them less scary.
Tennessee experts have said their opinion, De Nomolos. Time has told.

That's why the boards enacted their recommendations as part of the public health response.

I'd like to think most children in Tennessee aren't as poorly socialized and behaviorally challenged as those few kids screaming at the doctor for giving his professional informed opinion. That they could keep a mask on and learn the importance of it in short order isn't that difficult.

They're only temporary. Unsure how they're implemented there though. Might be something to help their public awareness and make them less scary.
Please. Again, cloth masks in general serve very little utility against the delta variant of the virus, which is airborne and requires N95 level filtration. Even Michael Osterholm, who is on Biden’s covid advisory team has admitted as much. That is especially true in young kids, like first and second graders, who cannot effectively wear masks for long periods of time, aren’t going to be able to strictly follow social distancing or medical caliber hand-hygiene, and will suffer both in terms of education and socialization as a result of not being able to see the faces of their teachers and peers.

The idea that we would force masks on children at schools when their benefits are minimal and entirely unproven while their consequences are certain is abhorrent. It certainly isn’t anything resembling science. It’s panic driven, political stupidity. It’s political posturing masquerading as science. (see what I did there?)
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Please. Again, cloth masks in general serve very little utility against the delta variant of the virus, which is airborne and requires N95 level filtration. Even Michael Osterholm, who is on Biden’s covid advisory team has admitted as much. That is especially true in young kids, like first and second graders, who cannot effectively wear masks for long periods of time, aren’t going to be able to strictly follow social distancing or medical caliber hand-hygiene, and will suffer both in terms of education and socialization as a result of not being able to see the faces of their teachers and peers.

The idea that we would force masks on children at schools when their benefits are minimal and entirely unproven while their consequences are certain is abhorrent. It certainly isn’t anything resembling science. It’s panic driven, political stupidity. It’s political posturing masquerading as science. (see what I did there?)
They should be trying their best to follow the other guidelines strictly is to keep the particle count as low as possible. Ventilation and other mitigation factors. It's the only way those non-medical cloth masks provide any help.

They're not used full time here. Varies a little between school, I think the loosest is only in common areas and if there's a classmate in isolation and only for a few days once the group is established.


Snake Oil Salesman
there is no single metric that epidemiologists use to say "it's over." you have no idea how complicated and how many variables are at play here

however the good news is that you can always use your own metrics and "observations" to formulate your own opinions. problem is it will be a shit opinion, but you are still entitled to it

most of us are wise enough to defer to the learned people that understand what they are looking at. you don't have to though, and please let us know how it works out for you :messenger_smiling_with_eyes:

Statistically speaking, it'll work out well for 99.9 percent of the population.
This is spot on, and yet seemingly completely unaware of how stupid it sounds.

You can't base your medical decisions on owning CNN, Susan.
It’s not about owning CNN. You really think it boils down to that? It’s about trust. It’s about how institutions have completely debased themselves to the point where vast swathes of people don’t trust them anymore. Its a problem that you can’t solely lay at the feet of “stupid antivaxers on Facebook”. These institutions should take some responsibility. That includes every single public health official that signed that bullshit statement about the riots last summer being more important than covid. Stuff like that ruins trust.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member

Ah, well, nevertheless...

I expect Weinstein to cover this on his next podcast immediately, which he'll do...right?

Any info out there on the protocols of this particular trial, specifically in regards to how early after infection/suspected infection Ivermectin was administered?

edit: just saw that the study was funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation... Some folks are certainly going to love that :messenger_grinning_sweat:
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Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
This is spot on, and yet seemingly completely unaware of how stupid it sounds.

You can't base your medical decisions on owning CNN, Susan.
After how CNN handled the Ebola infections, I won't be taking any vaccine they made.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member

Check your COVID-19 vaccination record on new immunization portal​

SPRINGFIELD – The Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) is launching a new immunization portal, Vax Verify, that will allow Illinois residents 18 years and older to check their COVID-19 vaccination record. Vax Verify can be accessed at https://idphportal.illinois.gov.

“As more businesses, events, organizations, and others require proof of vaccination, Illinois residents will be able to confirm using Vax Verify that they have been vaccinated for COVID-19,” said IDPH Director Dr. Ngozi Ezike. “With the current surge in cases, more people are making the decision to get a COVID-19 vaccine and this new tool will aid residents in confirming their vaccination where needed.”

Illinois State Fair concert goers with tickets for the grandstand track area (also known as Standing Room Only) are required to provide a print or digital copy of vaccination or a negative COVID-19 test within the previous 72 hours. Ticket holders can register in Vax Verify to check their immunization record for documentation of COVID-19 vaccination.

More and more companies, such as United, Google, Netflix, Morgan Stanley, Saks Fifth Avenue, Ascension Health, and Lyft, are instituting vaccine requirements for at least some of their employees.

The verification system follows best practices to protect confidential health information. In order to download proof of vaccination, residents will go through a brief, one-time identity verification process to gain access to their immunization history. The State of Illinois utilizes Experian® as its identity verification service provider. Individuals who have placed a freeze on their credit will need to unfreeze their credit with Experian® and wait 24 hours before completing the registration process. After completing registrations, individuals can re-freeze their credit by contacting Experian®.

After the verification process, individuals can see their own record in the Illinois Comprehensive Automated Immunization Registry Exchange (I-CARE).

Immunization records are kept confidential and only the individual can access their vaccination history. Parents should talk with their child’s provider to confirm their vaccination status. Some individuals with very common names will need to take additional steps to securely prove their identities.

Go to vaccines.gov or call 1-800-232-0233 to find COVID-19 vaccine locations near you.

Definitely not a precursor to China-style social credit scores! Crazy conspiracy theorists.


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
Any info out there on the protocols of this particular trial, specifically in regards to how early after infection/suspected infection Ivermectin was administered?

edit: just saw that the study was funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation... Some folks are certainly going to love that :messenger_grinning_sweat:
The trial originally tested the results from a single Ivermectin dose in January this year, but was later changed to involve one daily dose for three days of 400 micrograms of the drug for every kilogram (about 2.2 pounds) of the patients' weight, up to 90 kilograms.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
The trial originally tested the results from a single Ivermectin dose in January this year, but was later changed to involve one daily dose for three days of 400 micrograms of the drug for every kilogram (about 2.2 pounds) of the patients' weight, up to 90 kilograms.

Yes, but starting when in the process? The stuff we saw from Mexico and India, I believe, had people who first tested positive immediately begin taking it daily.


Yes, but starting when in the process? The stuff we saw from Mexico and India, I believe, had people who first tested positive immediately begin taking it daily.
I’m guessing no matter what the answer is and how peer review goes, someone wingnuts will try to find something about it as reason to dismiss the whole thing (like the Bill and Melinda Gates connection) and continue on their merry way believing this is a viable therapy without evidence

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
I’m guessing no matter what the answer is and how peer review goes, someone wingnuts will try to find something about it as reason to dismiss the whole thing (like the Bill and Melinda Gates connection) and continue on their merry way believing this is a viable therapy without evidence

I'd say the timing after infection is a pretty hugely important piece...


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
What if I told you there was a medical intervention proven to dramatically improve outcomes, which doesn’t need to be administered within some undefined optimal time window with some undefined optimal dose, and has negligible risk of side effects?
....and is made by CNN. Yeah, I'll pass.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
What if I told you there was a medical intervention proven to dramatically improve outcomes, which doesn’t need to be administered within some undefined optimal time window with some undefined optimal dose, and has negligible risk of side effects?

Yeah, I know, dude, but that's just changing the subject in this specific case. Regardless of vaccine availability, having affordable and easily distributable therapeutics or prophylaxis would be a complete game changer in this pandemic.

Dr. Fauci would also agree.




Definitely not a precursor to China-style social credit scores! Crazy conspiracy theorists.
The countries with stricter safety rules have way less deaths and transmission, even heavily dense populations like Vietnam and Taiwan.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
The countries with stricter safety rules have way less deaths and transmission, even heavily dense populations like Vietnam and Taiwan.

And they can have their safety at the cost of freedom. I reject that.

Anyway, Vietnam hasn't been doing so hot as of lately.


Yeah, I know, dude, but that's just changing the subject in this specific case. Regardless of vaccine availability, having affordable and easily distributable therapeutics or prophylaxis would be a complete game changer in this pandemic.

Dr. Fauci would also agree.

Cost isn’t a factor when the government is footing the bill. In the US, availability is easy. By all means, find every available option, but in this case we have a movement of people pushing back against the actual thing you’re waiting around for while promoting something that doesn’t have any data to show it works. If it did, great, by all means. But there’s no reason to think it does other than the fact some cranks have been pushing it over the vaccine

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Cost isn’t a factor when the government is footing the bill. In the US, availability is easy. By all means, find every available option, but in this case we have a movement of people pushing back against the actual thing you’re waiting around for while promoting something that doesn’t have any data to show it works. If it did, great, by all means. But there’s no reason to think it does other than the fact some cranks have been pushing it over the vaccine

Say what you want about Bret Weinstein and that abrasive dude Steve whatever dude he had on his show, but I don't think it's fair at all to call Dr. Pierre Kory a crank. Whatever, this discussion began specifically about a single trial for which the designer seemingly could not even wait for it to be published to begin saying Ivermectin was bunk and lashing out about the harassment he has supposedly received.

I don't know what the truth is in regards to Ivermectin, but I do know the claim from the pro-Ivermectin people is that it needs to be administered early in infection to be of much use, which is why I was curious about the trial protocol. If, for example, they only started administering it after people were admitted to hospital and required oxygen (I have no idea if this is the case, which is why I was asking), then it's not really debunking any claim from the pro-Ivermectin people.

Sure, you can say that. But let's not pretend like the regulations don't work with a straight face.

Australia is all we need to look at out when it comes to how effective strict measures can be. I would not want to be in Australia right now.
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