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Covid 19 Thread: [no bitching about masks of Fauci edition]


Say what you want about Bret Weinstein and that abrasive dude Steve whatever dude he had on his show, but I don't think it's fair at all to call Dr. Pierre Kory a crank. Whatever, this discussion began specifically about a single trial for which the designer seemingly could not even wait for it to be published to begin saying Ivermectin was bunk and lashing out about the harassment he has supposedly received.

I don't know what the truth is in regards to Ivermectin, but I do know the claim from the pro-Ivermectin people is that it needs to be administered early in infection to be of much use, which is why I was curious about the trial protocol. If, for example, they only started administering it after people were admitted to hospital and required oxygen (I have no idea if this is the case, which is why I was asking), then it's not really debunking any claim from the pro-Ivermectin people.

SF Kosmo

Al Jazeera Special Reporter
It’s not about owning CNN. You really think it boils down to that? It’s about trust. It’s about how institutions have completely debased themselves to the point where vast swathes of people don’t trust them anymore. Its a problem that you can’t solely lay at the feet of “stupid antivaxers on Facebook”. These institutions should take some responsibility. That includes every single public health official that signed that bullshit statement about the riots last summer being more important than covid. Stuff like that ruins trust.
I maybe phrased it in a pithy way for the sake of humor, but it's not far off. You're explaining why the media earned that distrust (something I never disputed) but you aren't addressing how utterly irrational it gets from there.

There's a difference between saying "I distrust the media so I am going to talk to my doctor, or look directly at academic resources to try to get an unfiltered opinion" and "CNN says the sky is blue so it's probably fuckin' yellow g'hyuk."

Anti-vaxxers are the latter. They aren't just skeptical. They are dug in. They say the whole thing is fake or vaccines are poison. None of which is based on anything other than resentment for those that claim the opposite.

And I don't care how much the media has done to erode public trust, living in opposite land out of resentment is really stupid.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Sure, why not look at the ones succeeding at it right? that would be crazy.

I don't call preventing just COVID deaths at the cost of quite literally everything else "succeeding."

They lost their fucking minds a long time ago.



“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
"The CDC is like this whole governmental body with scientists and shit that just tell us what to do. You don't have to think about it dude."

This is dumb even for you lol

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member

Definitely good news for California for the moment, but I fear there may be some seasonality at play. Cali did better than Texas and Florida last summer, too, but did worse in their winter wave. We might definitely see a repeat.


Gold Member
Definitely good news for California for the moment, but I fear there may be some seasonality at play. Cali did better than Texas and Florida last summer, too, but did worse in their winter wave. We might definitely see a repeat.
No with the amount of vaccinations here. By winter there will be 80-90% in CA.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
No with the amount of vaccinations here. By winter there will be 80-90% in CA.

Hopefully that makes the difference. If Delta has taught us anything thus far, it's that we can't full predict how things will go.


I don't call preventing just COVID deaths at the cost of quite literally everything else "succeeding."

They lost their fucking minds a long time ago.

That's intense. Intentionally alarming messaging. Completely opposite emotional tone to the messaging from here, some overlaps in response. Definitely not that strict.
Maybe vaccination rates and delta got them really worried.

Through the pandemic so far it's been said it's safe to hang outside with those you trust and know and follow precautions. Be kind, be calm, be safe. CMOH catchphrase at the start when everyone was freaking out. Something learned from dealing with viral outbreaks and group psychology to improve community response and morale. Nip that aggression response to threat to help co-operation and not feel isolated. I'm safe if I'm alone. No one can hurt me. - BB

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
It just tears my brain in half the guy is obviously intelligent, but every now and then comes out with crap like that.

It just does not make sense.

I was quoting the dude (kind of famous YouTuber) in the image as a reference to a fairly recent incident. Hey, not all jokes land.


I see we are still looking for things to misinterpret so that we can confirm our dumbass worldviews

fauci even explains it in the video. all you have to do is listen. ebola is not transmissible during it's incubation period (vast contrast to Sars coV 2)

but we'll keep trying
12goblins: lover of lockdowns


It just tears my brain in half the guy is obviously intelligent, but every now and then comes out with crap like that.

It just does not make sense.
I used to be a devout Mormon despite all the available evidence that the faith was complete bullshit. I get the mentality. When you think you’re right and you’ve got that special knowledge that the regular folk can scarcely begin to understand, it’s hard to let go of that high.

When you practice disconnecting your feelings from your analytical mind, though, and start to better recognize when you’re being scammed, it becomes easier to admit to yourself you’re being scammed and cut that shit off. The more you double down on it, though, the harder it gets. Or:


Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
I used to be a devout Mormon despite all the available evidence that the faith was complete bullshit. I get the mentality. When you think you’re right and you’ve got that special knowledge that the regular folk can scarcely begin to understand, it’s hard to let go of that high.

When you practice disconnecting your feelings from your analytical mind, though, and start to better recognize when you’re being scammed, it becomes easier to admit to yourself you’re being scammed and cut that shit off. The more you double down on it, though, the harder it gets. Or:


Wow, I didn't think you were such a jackass. Your unsolicited psychological analysis is not appreciated at all.

I do not think I am necessarily right and absolutely do not claim to have special knowledge, especially in regards to COVID. Ultimately, I do not know what is true or what will come to pass, but I also don't think I can claim to know things claimed by someone else just because they have credentials. I am just reacting to shit in real time and explaining my thoughts on the things and discussing what they might mean while reading everyone else's arguments and insights to see if there's anything that makes sense to me.

That kind of discussion and back and forth is a big part of how humans think and learn.


I don't call preventing just COVID deaths at the cost of quite literally everything else "succeeding."

They lost their fucking minds a long time ago.

Fuck this lady. Fuck her sidewise. Fuck her six ways from Sunday. Does anyone think this shit stain of a human being is actually going to follow her own advice?

Everyone is still treating this like it’s the Black Death. It’s like there’s no middle ground with these people.


Wow, I didn't think you were such a jackass. Your unsolicited psychological analysis is not appreciated at all.

I do not think I am necessarily right and absolutely do not claim to have special knowledge, especially in regards to COVID. Ultimately, I do not know what is true or what will come to pass, but I also don't think I can claim to know things claimed by someone else just because they have credentials. I am just reacting to shit in real time and explaining my thoughts on the things and discussing what they might mean while reading everyone else's arguments and insights to see if there's anything that makes sense to me.

That kind of discussion and back and forth is a big part of how humans think and learn.
The bamboozle here is you appear to be convinced this is still “just asking questions” when the questions have been answered.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
The bamboozle here is you appear to be convinced this is still “just asking questions” when the questions have been answered.

If after the last few weeks, you think the questions have been answered unequivocally, I would send that Carl Sagan meme right back at you.

Neither of us can truly know, of course, but time will certainly tell.


Succeeding at completely fucking over people’s lives?
common now! how is Taiwan fucking up people's lives by using the integrated health system to determine dynamically who and where to put their efforts as the pandemic spread, keeping them almost devoid of a real spread until early this year?


If after the last few weeks, you think the questions have been answered unequivocally, I would send that Carl Sagan meme right back at you.

Neither of us can truly know, of course, but time will certainly tell.
We know with as much certainty as we can with the tools we have that the vaccines work with negligible complications and the alternative therapies people are proposing have no data to support that they work at all. Perhaps we have data that even show they don’t work at all, and can have risks with zero benefits.

The dedication to this idea that “we don’t know” is unfounded by any objective understanding of the facts as best we can gather them. This is how we treat literally countless things in life, where we have *enough* objective evidence to treat things as undisputed fact, in spite of the remote possibility something could present itself which completely flips our understanding of things. We rely on probabilities in everything. Worrying about some 1 in a million chance things are all wrong while we have hospitals overflowing with people choking to death in isolation is absolute lunacy.

I apologize if my earlier analogy was offensive, but this mindset of “just asking questions” or “we can’t know!” is both irrational and killing people
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common now! how is Taiwan fucking up people's lives by using the integrated health system to determine dynamically who and where to put their efforts as the pandemic spread, keeping them almost devoid of a real spread until early this year?
Huh? We're talking about Australia. You're not making any sense. And besides, "until early this year" means they didn't beat it. We aren't going to beat the virus. It will run its course. We will learn one way or the other that it's either lockdowns for the next 2-3 years or learn to live with the virus.


Huh? We're talking about Australia. You're not making any sense. And besides, "until early this year" means they didn't beat it. We aren't going to beat the virus. It will run its course. We will learn one way or the other that it's either lockdowns for the next 2-3 years or learn to live with the virus.
You entered a conversation without even looking at the replies. I never brought Australia into the picture, don't insert yourself into a conversation without even reading the 2 prior replies in the same page at least.
Taiwan had stricter rules, more surveillance over the health and risk status of population AND more freedom of transit than NA during almost all the pandemic.
Looks like a win to me.


I swear to god, you might need to watch Tropic Thunder again maybe.
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Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
We know with as much certainty as we can with the tools we have that the vaccines work with negligible complications and the alternative therapies people are proposing have no data to support that they work at all. Perhaps we have data that even show they don’t work at all, and can have risks with zero benefits.

The dedication to this idea that “we don’t know” is unfounded by any objective understanding of the facts as best we can gather them. This is how we treat literally countless things in life, where we have *enough* objective evidence to treat things as undisputed fact, in spite of the remote possibility something could present itself which completely flips our understanding of things. We rely on probabilities in everything. Worrying about some 1 in a million chance things are all wrong while we have hospitals overflowing with people choking to death in isolation is absolute lunacy.

I apologize if my earlier analogy was offensive, but this mindset of “just asking questions” or “we can’t know!” is both irrational and killing people

I think you're misunderstanding what I'm even doing in this thread. I'm not trying to push alternative therapies, or say the vaccines do not work (as in not prevent COVID deaths) with minimal complications or side effects. I think everyone who is at all worried about their risk should go out right now and get the shot.

I'm not in here "just asking questions," or trying to cast doubt on anything in particular, either. I'm in here for discussion and to share information and read the information that others share. We need to be able to process information and think for ourselves--not just be told what to believe from our "betters." My words here are absolutely not killing anyone, but this increasingly prevalent attitude, which you seem to share, that deems some topics as settled and not permitted to be discussed has led to a lot of death and misery throughout history.

But, fine, you know what? I'll bail out for a while. It's pretty clear to me what the most active posters in here want to do recently, so I'll leave it to you all to smugly laugh at the red states and selectively grave dance while wallowing in your intellectual superiority. Here's hoping you never have to eat crow.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
“Some debates are so entwined with people’s moral identity that one might despair that they can ever be resolved by reason and evidence. Social psychologists have found that with divisive moral issues, especially those on which liberals and conservatives disagree, all combatants are intuitively certain they are correct and that their opponents have ugly ulterior motives. They argue out of respect for the social convention that one should always provide reasons for one’s opinions, but when an argument is refuted, they don’t change their minds but work harder to find a replacement argument. Moral debates, far from resolving hostilities, can escalate them, because when people on the other side don’t immediately capitulate, it only proves they are impervious to reason." -Steven Pinker


I think you're misunderstanding what I'm even doing in this thread. I'm not trying to push alternative therapies, or say the vaccines do not work (as in not prevent COVID deaths) with minimal complications or side effects. I think everyone who is at all worried about their risk should go out right now and get the shot.

I'm not in here "just asking questions," or trying to cast doubt on anything in particular, either. I'm in here for discussion and to share information and read the information that others share. We need to be able to process information and think for ourselves--not just be told what to believe from our "betters." My words here are absolutely not killing anyone, but this increasingly prevalent attitude, which you seem to share, that deems some topics as settled and not permitted to be discussed has led to a lot of death and misery throughout history.

But, fine, you know what? I'll bail out for a while. It's pretty clear to me what the most active posters in here want to do recently, so I'll leave it to you all to smugly laugh at the red states and selectively grave dance while wallowing in your intellectual superiority. Here's hoping you never have to eat crow.
I’ll just point out I live in a deeply red state with all of my immediate family except my brother close by, and most importantly my two children under 3, and my brother and his family live in Austin. There’s no laughing going on here, it’s genuine concern for my family, friends, and neighbors.
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And they can have their safety at the cost of freedom. I reject that.

Anyway, Vietnam hasn't been doing so hot as of lately.

We live in a world *obsessed* with the impossible, obsessed with "safety". Death is a certainty, and life is inherently full of risk, and all the better for it. Life should be an adventure.

But the nanny state is more than happy to give you that illusion of security, happy to take you under their wing. Just stay on the consumer treadmill, eat your fast food, and do as the talking heads on tv instruct, and everything will be alright. There is no need to think, or dream or explore being *alive* at all. Just numb yourself with endless streaming tv and copious Amazon boxes to distract yourself from the fact that you are the living dead. Everything will be alright.

What a sad, sad world.

We live in a world *obsessed* with the impossible, obsessed with "safety". Death is a certainty, and life is inherently full of risk, and all the better for it. Life should be an adventure.

But the nanny state is more than happy to give you that illusion of security, happy to take you under their wing. Just stay on the consumer treadmill, eat your fast food, and do as the talking heads on tv instruct, and everything will be alright. There is no need to think, or dream or explore being *alive* at all. Just numb yourself with endless streaming tv and copious Amazon boxes to distract yourself from the fact that you are the living dead. Everything will be alright.

What a sad, sad world.

There is also the absolute hubris that people think they have control. We are so comfortable in our little world that a generally less than 1% increase in the possibility of death is terrifying. So terrifying that people will throw away their entire way of life for it. And not just their way of life, but children’s education and emotional well being. It is pure, panic driven madness. And as each line is crossed we were told was ridiculous to even talk about, we are all supposed to play along. This all started with 15 days to slow the spread. 18 months later and we are talking about showing your papers to go out for dinner. If anyone thinks this is proportional, they’re insane. Covid is not worth what we are paying in vain attempts to control it.
There is also the absolute hubris that people think they have control. We are so comfortable in our little world that a generally less than 1% increase in the possibility of death is terrifying. So terrifying that people will throw away their entire way of life for it. And not just their way of life, but children’s education and emotional well being. It is pure, panic driven madness. And as each line is crossed we were told was ridiculous to even talk about, we are all supposed to play along. This all started with 15 days to slow the spread. 18 months later and we are talking about showing your papers to go out for dinner. If anyone thinks this is proportional, they’re insane. Covid is not worth what we are paying in vain attempts to control it.

Yes, the idea of control is always rooted in fear, and what are we witnessing currently, but an absolute orgy of fear. And fear can be *very* profitable.

"You know, you could DIE." Well, no fucking shit! There are innumerable ways to die, many that are far more likely than this particular threat.


Yes, the idea of control is always rooted in fear, and what are we witnessing currently, but an absolute orgy of fear. And fear can be *very* profitable.

"You know, you could DIE." Well, no fucking shit! There are innumerable ways to die, many that are far more likely than this particular threat.
I’m not sure how you can say one side is engaged in an orgy of fear when there’s objective evidence that a virus has killed hundreds of thousands and is in the middle of a resurgence worse than the first waves, while the other side is basically equating wearing a mask or vaccine requirements to slavery, and pontificating about all the government’s atrocities that will follow if they don’t make their final stand on this hill.
But, fine, you know what? I'll bail out for a while. It's pretty clear to me what the most active posters in here want to do recently, so I'll leave it to you all to smugly laugh at the red states and selectively grave dance while wallowing in your intellectual superiority. Here's hoping you never have to eat crow.
I live in a deeply Red State. I'm not dancing on any graves and claiming superiority. I'm genuinely very concerned when I see hospitalizations and deaths skyrocket in my state and seeing my friends in the health industry continually watch people die in droves because they were either too stubborn or brainwashed by misinformation. I just met my childhood friend today and he told me "my sources and have told me that many doctors have said the vaccine is actually spreading this virus even more".

It's incredibly infuriating to see someone say something like that when all the data out there points to the vaccine being safe for hundreds of millions of people and preventing others from being sent to the hospital on a ventilator. I want us to be over this and I don't want to see my fellow neighbors die.
I’m not sure how you can say one side is engaged in an orgy of fear when there’s objective evidence that a virus has killed hundreds of thousands and is in the middle of a resurgence worse than the first waves, while the other side is basically equating wearing a mask or vaccine requirements to slavery, and pontificating about all the government’s atrocities that will follow if they don’t make their final stand on this hill.
I'm not just talking about one side, despite my thoughts appearing in this particular thread about this issue. This issue only serves to highlight on ongoing and ever-escalating issue within society that, imho, is detrimental to the inherent joy of being alive. I'm reflecting on the general state of the world as much as I am this virus and its associated response. Fear is so pervasive that it goes nearly unnoticed. Anything that is ubiquitous is easy to miss because it is everywhere. The status quo just becomes, well, normal. We seem to collectively be searching for this mythical state of "safety". There never has been such a thing, nor will there ever be. I'm not suggesting we go out of the way to harm ourselves, but life has to be lived. I guess for those who look at things a particular way, all of the measures to ensure safety - the lockdowns, the idea of vaccination passports, masks, all of it - are warranted. But for me, while I appreciate the potential lethality of this threat, it's not worth shutting down the world/life and living in fear. And imho, there is a concerted effort to elicit an overly fearful response from the general populace, and from where I'm sitting it seems to be working quite well.
a conversation that immediately ended with you saying you can’t be bothered to back up your accusations, good going

next time you should “interject” when someone says something you disagree with

You know if you actually bothered to read what I posted you'd see that I said "right now" as in I was on my way to do something. Instead, you chose to try to pick an internet fight because I guess that's how you get enjoyment out of your life, so here's what I was talking about. I'm not trying to put anyone on blast here, but I've seen this of GAF and heard it from people other places (both internet and real world alike).

There you go bud, don't cry
But that’s not claiming an eradication of the virus. Spikes could definitely have been avoided with higher vaccination rates, but that’s vastly different from eradication.

Complete eradication of disease is virtually impossible, and I’d take anyone to task who claims otherwise.

Agreed, but there are people who think that complete vaccination would end this. Even still, we've seen repeatedly we can "return to normal" if vaccine uptake was high enough, yet in Gibraltar where they have almost 100% of the population vaccinated, they are bringing back restrictions to get cases down. It doesn't look like a return to normal can be done with the current mentality of rising cases followed by bringing back restrictions. Again, the vaccines are working at keeping hospitalizations/deaths down and they turn covid into a minor flu/cold so that should be our cue to get back to normal. Here in Canada 82% of eligible people have had their first shot and 71% are fully vaccinated, yet I get the feeling in the Fall/Winter we'll be bringing back restrictions and looking at lockdowns again because we are chasing some unattainable idea of zero cases.


Just like era style, one side is right... the other side is wrong and stupid. Tiring.

Get the shot if you want to. Don't get the shot if you don't want to. Your body, your choice. "But you'll have blood on your hand!" Give me a break. People being so smug. It stinks. And I know about shit that stinks.


Rodent Whores
Even still, we've seen repeatedly we can "return to normal" if vaccine uptake was high enough, yet in Gibraltar where they have almost 100% of the population vaccinated, they are bringing back restrictions to get cases down
Because of Delta.

If Delta never evolved, they'd be just fine. Look at the post I made about it and watch the video.

If India had gotten vaccinated sooner (a hard task I know but not impossible), the chance of Delta evolving would have been much smaller.


Just like era style, one side is right... the other side is wrong and stupid. Tiring.

Get the shot if you want to. Don't get the shot if you don't want to. Your body, your choice. "But you'll have blood on your hand!" Give me a break. People being so smug. It stinks. And I know about shit that stinks.
One side is literally experts and the other side have a fallback position of eating horse paste. It’s cute watching people attempt to defend thst idiocy though.
One side is literally experts and the other side have a fallback position of eating horse paste. It’s cute watching people attempt to defend thst idiocy though.

Exactly. Anti covid vaccine has been wrong the entire time. The worst part is that they aren’t anti vaccine, they drink the Donald Trump inspired political kool aid.



Makes some good points.

This right here. These people spewing alllllll this anti medical science BS are the FIRST ONES filling up our hospitals and keeping the people who actually need that service out. And eventually, its going to be their own family or even themselves that can't get treated because there just ain't space.

What a gd disaster.
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