What exactly do you think they are trying to do with that vaccine? With they I mean all gonverments of this world (weird how they all can agree that the virus is real and vaccines help with keeping people alive).
I think it's genetic engineering with the nanotechnologies involved as they are. And if that's too far out then just look at Elon Musk talking about implanting computerchips into people's brains sometime next year. They're very fond of crossing people over with computers. Of cutting people off from their natural self and natural blueprint.
It's all about control in the end. They are just seeing how far they can take it and the answer seems to be pretty damn far with the crazy rules that are now in place and that some people seem to be okay with.
Make people WANT this vaccine by manipulation. Take it so you can have your freedom back! Take it so you don't die! Take it so nobody else dies! Take it because we say so! Take it because you'll get free stuff in return.
And whoever dies or whatsoever side effects it may have, make them believe it's better than the virus. Skew the numbers in favor of whatever you want to achieve and then silence all other voices and opinions and warning.
It's a sad state of things but people make their own choices. Just be sure to make a choice that is completely yours and not manipulated or influenced. You can't just blindly trust anything or anyone. No matter how well they dress it up. They've got ages of experience with psychological manipulation and control of the masses. We just sleepin'
The top is united that's why they all agree. Underneath that is the theater and underneath that is us underground, hearing the music and believing the guy who comes down to tell us what's really going on above. But he's been bought and is feeding us whatever they tell him.