TMNT on Xbox 360 from Ubi. Only game I ever 1000g'ed.
I want my 6 hours back.
I want my 6 hours back.
TMNT on Xbox 360 from Ubi. Only game I ever 1000g'ed.
I want my 6 hours back.
I did the same thing, rented it from Gamefly.TMNT on Xbox 360 from Ubi. Only game I ever 1000g'ed.
I want my 6 hours back.
There is no god.
Thinking back on it, Turtles in Time on SNES was probably the only one that is any good today (I assume Hyperstone Heist is more or less the same thing), but I have fond memories of the first NES game's shenanigans.
The original 1989 arcade game still holds up today. Hyperstone Heist is a mishmash of the 1989 arcade game and the SNES version of Turtles in Time, it is basically a remix of those two games. It steals 95% of its sprites and background art from both those games and adds very little originality of its own.
But, it does play really well, has really responsive controls and looks decent for a Genesis beat em up. The music is generally just Genesis renditions of the SNES game, but all of the tracks sound really good in FM synth. The voice effects are a little scratchy though. But the fighting is tight.
Hyperstone Heist does come off as a lesser effort than Turtles in Time, as it feels like the development team had less time to make this game and had to recycle everything from the two other 16bit titles. But for what it is worth, they did make the best of it and the game is still good.
Regarding the arcade games, I'm of the opinion that Konami's arcade brawlers are just cheap quarter-munchers. The console games are better balanced.
I loved Manhattan Project and always feel sad that it gets overlooked due to being such a late NES release and getting overshadowed by Turtles in Time.
Oddly this arrived for me in the post this morning;
Very underrated game. Got a lot of hate for years. People are slowly coming round to it now
Man I had those exact dolls too.
Oddly this arrived for me in the post this morning;
Very underrated game. Got a lot of hate for years. People are slowly coming round to it now
Oh yeah, the American version of Turtles Tournament Fighters was censored.
curious... what was so bad about Turtles in Time Re-Shelled? I missed it
I want to give props to a recent TMNT game, not because it's fantastic (none of them are, really) but because it's a damn sight better than all the other garbage TMNT games currently kicking around:
TMNT: Danger of the Ooze, developed by Wayforward and published by Activision. It's a metroidvania with simple juggle-based combat and like all licensed WF games, it's pitched as a homage to older games but is way too easy and short to ever hang with any of the games it's aping, but the map layout is fun to traverse (and more genuinely metroidvania-like than their other games like Alien, Shantae, etc) and some of the bosses are neat.
It routinely goes for around $15 on all platforms; the 3DS was the lead platform so the console ports look mega-simple even by licensed game standards, but if you have to get a TMNT game for your kids this xmas, this is the least terrible option.